Data Scopus

Title Author publication_name issn citedby_count
Family Perspectives on Key Elements of Good Home Palliative Care in South and Southeast Asia: A Scoping Review dr. RADITYA BAGAS WICAKSONO, S.Ked Home Health Care Management and Practice 10848223
“Tie your camel first, then rely on God”: reconceptualizing Javanese Islamic values to support palliative care at home dr. RADITYA BAGAS WICAKSONO, S.Ked BMC Palliative Care
Morphological and Genetic Diversity of Mangrove Species Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Rob. Around Java Island Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Environmental and Climate Change Education for the Youth to Foster Social Transformation: Case Study in MTs PAKIS Banyumas, Central Java Dr WIWIK NOVIANTI, S.Sos, M.I.Kom IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Machine Learning Model for Quality Parameters Prediction and Control System Design in the Kecombrang Flower (Etlingera elatior) Extraction Process Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P Processes 1
Analysis and Identification of Microbial Activity of Bioactive Component Fraction in Red and Green Betels Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Effects of blanching process and stabilizer addition on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of carrot velva Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The role of pre-treatment in enhancing yield and antioxidant activity of lemongrass (Cymbopogun citratus) essential oil Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Physicochemical and sensory properties of cookies produced from the flour of banana variety of "raja Lawe" and "raja Labu" Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Antioxidant activities, physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of kecombrang tea (Etlingera elatior) as functional drink Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Antioxidant potential ingredient of kecombrang plants (Etlingera elatior) Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Characteristic of banana flour produced from the variety of "raja Lawe" and "raja Labu" Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Antioxidant activity of kecombrang preserving powder using foam mat drying method Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Extraction time optimization of antibacterial activities of kecombrang flower extract with microwave assisted extraction (MAE) method Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
An Overview of Stress-Tolerant Promoting Endophytic Fungal Isolates from Hiyung Chilli Grown in South Kalimantan Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Life Science 20875517 1
Secondary metabolites of the granular form of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 and its applications to control tomato bacterial wilt Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X
Isolation of endophytic fungi from Hiyung chili peppers of local South Kalimantan (Indonesia) varieties and in vitro tolerance to acidic environment Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X
Preservation of weeds’ pathogenic fungi in tempeh and tapioca liquid waste and its effectiveness in goatweed (Ageratum conyzoides) Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525
Biological control of maize downy mildew with the antagonistic bacterial consortium Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X
Various pH Media Influence Production of Pseudomonas fluorescens P20 Raw Secondary Metabolites for Controlling Damping-off (Pythium sp.) in Cucumber Seedlings Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537
Effect of calcium and silicon fertilization after flowering on pineapple mineral status and flesh translucency Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Plant Physiology Reports 2662253X 8
Remediation of chlorpyrifos-contaminated soils by crude secondary metabolites of Trichoderma harzianum T213 and its effect on maize growth Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Evaluation of Effervescent Tablet Formulation of Trichoderma harzianum Raw Secondary Metabolites Toward Fusarium Wilt on Pepper Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537
Nematode Community as a Tool to Monitor Ecosystem Health of Kembangkuning Mangrove Forest, Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Nematode functional traits and community structure change from river to the terrestrial border in Segara Anakan Mangrove, Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Biodiversitas 1412033X
Abundance and Characteristics of Microplastics Found in The Gastrointestinal Tract of Commercial Marine Fish from Bitung, North Sulawesi, Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 20895690
Molecular characteristics and taxonomic status of morphologically similar barnacles (Amphibalanus) assessed using the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Composition and diversity of macroalgae community in the coast of Karang Bolong, Nusakambangan Island ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
An annotated checklist and integrative biodiversity discovery of barnacles (Crustacea, cirripedia) from the moluccas, east Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D ZooKeys 13132989 6
Preface ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Induction of Asexual Reproduction on Holothuria scabra and Bohadschia marmorata: The Conservation Effort inTanimbar Archipelago, Maluku ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Marine hitchhikers: a preliminary study on invertebrates unintentionally transported via the international pet trade ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D NeoBiota 16190033 12
Marine ornamental trade in Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Aquatic Living Resources 09907440 13
Alternating in-source fragmentation with single-stage high-resolution mass spectrometry with high annotation confidence in non-targeted metabolomics Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Talanta 00399140 5
Yeast-based reference materials for quantitative metabolomics Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 16182642 3
Mefenamic acid determination in tablet formulations using a selective and accurate spectrophotometric method based on prussian blue formation Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 13942506
Immobilized bacterial biosensor for rapid and effective monitoring of acute toxicity in water Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 01476513 19
Comparison of mean centering of ratio spectra based spectrophotometric approach and HPLC method for quantitative determination of pirenoxine in the presence of methylparaben and propylparaben Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 00195464 3
Nanoporous of waste avian eggshell to reduce heavy metal and acidity in water Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 22
Validated visible spectrophotometry for quantitative analysis of pirenoxine in the presence of paraben preservatives in eye drop preparations Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. Proceedings - 2015 4th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Tech
Zingiber officinale, Piper retrofractum and Combination Induced Apoptosis and p53 Expression in Myeloma and WiDr Cell Lines Dr.nat.techn Apt HENDRI WASITO, S.Farm, M.Sc. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 10
“They looked at me like I am a virus”: how survivors cope with COVID-19 stigma during the early stage of pandemic Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806 1
Correlation of Food Literacy and Nutritional Status Among Adolescent Girls in Central Java Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Situational Analysis of Extending National Health Insurance Coverage to the Informal Sector in Banyumas, Indonesia: A Case Study Among Palm Sugar Farmers Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Journal of Health Research 08574421
Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Global Health 41
Enablers and Barriers of Healthcare Services for Community-Dwelling Elderly in Rural Indonesia: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Portuguese Journal of Public Health
Sustaining maternal and child health programs when donor funding ends: A case study of stakeholder involvement in Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Journal of Health Planning and Management 07496753
Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Public Health 22
Factors influencing stress during the second imposed of COVID-19 social restrictions in Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Journal of Public Health Research 22799028
The state of health in Indonesia's provinces, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Global Health 8
Assessing performance of the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, overall and by select age groups, for 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Global Health 17
Comparative study between cow and goat milk yogurt based on composition and sensory evaluation Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Antioxidant activity and total phenol of extract of kecombrang flower, stem and leaves with different types of solutions Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P Molekul 19079761 2
Natural preservation opportunities and challenges in improving food safety Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 11
Edible coating application with addition of kecombrang flower concentrates to maintain quality fillets of gurami fish during storage Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Breakfast development based on jack bean and analysis of physical, chemical and sensory product Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Edible coating application of Kecombrang leaves to reduce gourami sausage damage Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 10
Antimicrobial edible coating application of Kecombrang flower concentrate to reduce microbial growth on gourami fish sausage Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 12
Antioxidant activity of microencapsulated lemongrass (Cymbopugon citratus) extract Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Ability test of several antagonists to control potato bacterial wilt in the field Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537 4
The effect of edible coating contained Kecombrang leaves concentrate on gourami fish fillet quality Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Influence of different extraction methods on physic-chemical characteristics and chemical composition of coconut oil (Cocos nucifera L) Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Application of Concentrates Flower Kecombrang on Edible Coating as Antioxidant to Suppress Damage on Gourami Sausage Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Physicochemical Analysis of Gouramy Fish Sausage with Kecombrang Edible Coating Addition Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Analysis of bioactive components and phytochemical of powders stem and leaves of kecombrang (etlingera elatior) Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Quality of simplician bioactive components and liquid extract of kecombrang flower powder from temperature and time optimization results Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Effect of fermentation temperature and culture concentration on microbial and physicochemical properties of cow and goat milk yogurt Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 11
Optimization of temperature and time of extraction of kecombrang stem and leaf (etlingera elatior) based on the quality of product bioactive components Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Antibacterial activity of kecombrang flower extract (Nicolaia speciosa) microencapsulation with food additive materials formulation Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 16
Antimicrobial coating on quality attributes of sausage during refrigerated storage Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P E3S Web of Conferences 7
Antibacterial activity of Nicolaia speciosa fruit extract Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P International Food Research Journal 19854668 17
Effect of Pre-And Postharvest Treatments with Salicylic Acid on Physicochemical Properties of Pineapple cv. MD2 Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 16851994 3
Effect of Pre-Harvest Foliar Calcium and Silicon Fertilization on Pineapple Quality and Fruit Collapse Incidence Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537
Fruit collapse incidence and quality of pineapple as affected by biopesticides based on Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 15819175
Potency of two Trichoderma harzianum isolates in liquid and solid organic formula for controlling bacterial wilt on tomato in the field Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 1
Application of Three Weed Pathogenic Fungi on Bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinnensis) Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biosaintifika 2085191X
The use of alternative liquid media for propagation of pathogenic fungi and their effect on weeds Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 5
Short communication: Histopathology of red chilli fruit (Capsicum Annuum) infected with Colletotrichum Acutatum of Java, Indonesia isolates Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X
Endophytic bacteria isolated from higher plant in Aceh, Indonesia, and their chemical compounds activity against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 11101768 5
Molecular identification of three entomopathogenic fungi infecting the brown plant hopper pest in Indonesia Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 11101768 4
Fruit collapse and heart rot disease in pineapple: Pathogen characterization, ultrastructure infections of plant and cell mechanism resistance Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 8
Biological control strategy for postharvest diseases of citrus, apples, grapes and strawberries fruits and application in Indonesia Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 11101768 12
The Effect of Aeroponic Potato Seeds from the Tropical Lowland and Highland Based on Size on the Growth and Yield to Become Advanced Seeds by Irrigation Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 03678245
Effect of pre-harvest fruit covers and calcium fertilization on pineapple thermotolerance and flesh translucency Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 2079052X 7
Short communication: Isolation and characterization of the endophytic bacteria, and their potential as maize diseases control Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 6
Impact of phosphate solubilizer fertilizer on phosphorus availability and potato yield in Andisols of Indonesia Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Soil Science Annual
Seed-borne pathogenic fungi on some soybean varieties Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 5
Secondary metabolites produced by endophytic bacteria against the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.) Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Organic control of bemisia tabaci genn. On capsicum annuum with entomopathogenic fungi raw secondary metabolites Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
The Potensial of Fusarium sp. and Chaetomium sp. as Biological Control Agents of Five Broad-Leaf Weeds Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456 5
Production of Pectinase Enzymes by Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds. Causing Anthracnose in Red Chilli (Capsicum annuum, L.) Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Field application of trichoderma suspension to control cacao pod rot (Phytophthora palmivora) Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537 11
Enhancing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield by using biological organic fertilizers and soil conservation practices on the slope andisol Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of electrical conductivity (EC) in the nutrition solution on aeroponic potato seed production with root zone cooling application in tropical Lowland, Indonesia Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 4
Granular formulation test of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 for controling bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of tomato in planta Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537 3
The effect of combination lighting of LED and neon light on the growth and yield of potato seeds on the production of aeroponic seeds in the tropical highland Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal
Compatibility test of four trichoderma spp. Isolates on several synthetic pesticides Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Agrivita 01260537 6
Compatibility test of four Trichoderma spp. Isolates and in vitro inhibition ability on several plant pathogens Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 6
Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on pathological and physiological quality and growth of rice IR 64 seedlings. Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525
Diagnosis of five main diseases caused by fungi on 100 banana seedling cultivars. Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 2
Antagonistic mechanisms study of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici of tomato in vivo Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 14
Induced resistance of Ambon Kuning cultivar banana seedling to fusarium wilt with antagonistic fungi Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 5
Biological Suppression of Moler Disease on Shallot by Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma koningii, and Pseudomonas fluorescens P60. Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 15
Potency of biological and botanical agents in controlling ginger rhizome rot Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 6
Effect of temperature on the formation of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Phytopathology 09311785 15
DNA barcoding of crustacean larvae with two new records of Caridina gracilipes and Ptychognathus altimanus in the western region of Segara Anakan lagoon in Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Barcoding of Sparidae collected during east monsoon season in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143
Barcoding of ornamental freshwater shrimp, Neocaridina denticulata (De Haan, 1844) from the aquatic ornamental market in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Reproductive Biology of Greenback Mullet, Planiliza subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836) from Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X
Genetically continuous populations of Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) in the Cingcingguling River fragmented by Sempor Reservoir, Central Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Morphological and molecular characterization of mole crab (Genus: Emerita) in the Cilacap coastlines of Indonesia, with particular focus on genetic diversity of Emerita sp. nov. Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Phylogeography of Aplocheilus panchax in Indonesia, with special focus on the Bangka Island population Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Exploitation of striped snakehead (Channa striata) in Sempor Reservoir, Central Java, Indonesia: A proposed conservation strategy Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Molecular Characterization of Anguilla sp. with Special Notes on Its Population Genetic in the Rivers of Cilacap Central Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X
Genetic differentiation of dengue vector Aedes aegypti in the small geographical scale of Banyumas district, Indonesia based on cytochrome oxidase I Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Species diversity and conservation status of marine ornamental fish traded at three market spots in the southern coast of West Java Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
First report of the parasitic crustacean rhizocephala on female albunea symmysta from indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143 1
Distribution pattern of gastropods and physical chemical factors in the kebumen mangrove forest, indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143 2
Spatial distribution and abundance of Channa striata Bloch1793 in Sempor Reservoir, Kebumen Central Java Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 2
Molecular barcoding of marine ornamental fish from the southern coast of West Java validates conventional identification Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 3
Coral reef social-ecological systems under pressure in Southern Sulawesi Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE) 1
Evaluation of conservation and trade status of marine ornamental fish harvested from Pangandaran Coastal Waters, West Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
The presence of blue panchax (Aplocheilus panchax) in the waters, contaminated by heavy metals, of the abandoned tin mining pits of different age Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143 1
Dna barcoding of crustacean larvae in segara anakan, cilacap, central java, indonesia using cytochrome c oxidase gene Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 8
Ornamental marine fish from the southern coast of Cilacap Central Java Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhacophorus margaritifer (Schlegel, 1837) in Baturraden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia Revealed by Based on RAPD Marker Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573 1
Molecular Barcoding Reveals Possible Existence of Sympatric Species of Emerita emeritus in South Coast of Cilacap Central Java Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Genetic diversity assessment of Hemibagrus nemurus from rivers in Java Island, Indonesia using COI gene Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 7
Historical divergences associated with intermittent land bridges overshadow isolation by larval dispersal in co-distributed species of Tridacna giant clams Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Biogeography 03050270 15
Molecular characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Concordance of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers in detecting genetic population structure in the boring giant clam Tridacna crocea across the Indo-Malay Archipelago Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Marine Ecology 01739565 19
Comparative genetic population structure of three endangered giant clams (Cardiidae: Tridacna species) throughout the Indo-West Pacific: Implications for divergence, connectivity and conservation Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Molluscan Studies 02601230 43
Ichtyofauna at Cijalu River, Cilacap regency central Java Province, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 4
Molecular identification and phylogenetic relationship among local, Sangkuriang, and African catfish based on rapd marker Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 1
Genetic variability of Polymesoda erosa population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 10
Highly restricted gene flow and deep evolutionary lineages in the giant clam Tridacna maxima Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Coral Reefs 07224028 75
Genetic population structures of the blue starfish Linckia laevigata and its gastropod ectoparasite Thyca crystallina Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Marine Ecology Progress Series 01718630 42
Strong genetic population structure in the boring giant clam, Tridacna crocea, across the Indo-Malay Archipelago: Implications related to evolutionary processes and connectivity Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Molecular Ecology 09621083 106
Molecular Phylogeny of Giant Clams Based on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome C Oxidase I Gene Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 20
Phylogenetic assessment of giant clams (Tridacnidae) using partial amino acids sequences of cytochrome C oxidase I gene Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biotropia 02156334
Intraseasonal oscillations of the zonal wind near the mesopause observed with medium-frequency and m Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 1480227 22
Long-period wind oscillations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at Yamagawa (32°N, 131°E), Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 13646826 10
Long-term variations of atmospheric wave activity in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region ov Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 13646826 8
Seasonal variation of aerosol over Bandung, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 277786
Longitudinal variations in planetary wave activity in the equatorial mesosphere Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Earth, Planets and Space 18805981, 13438832 40
Coordinated radar observations of atmospheric diurnal tides in equatorial regions Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Earth, Planets and Space 18805981, 13438832 23
Observations of atmospheric waves in the tropical pacific with radars and radiosondes Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Advances in Space Research 02731177 1
Lidar observations of the stratospheric aerosols at Bandung, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 277786
An implementation of SMT-based solution for solving resource constrained course scheduling Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Characteristics of DC current component injection in grid tied H-bridge CSI with transformer Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Study of novel parallel H-bridge and common-emitter current-source inverters for photovoltaic power conversion system Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694
A performance comparison of transformer-less grid tied PV system using diode clamped and neutral point shorted inverters Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694 3
Three-level modified sine wave inverter equipped with online temperature monitoring system Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 1
Preface Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Ripple reduction of DC current sources in three-level CE-CSI circuits using single core inductors Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Security analysis and legal compliance checking for the design of privacy-friendly information systems Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, SACMAT 12
Automated legal compliance checking by security policy analysis Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 03029743 16
The overlapping burden of the three leading causes of disability and death in sub-Saharan African children Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Nature Communications 3
Global mortality associated with 33 bacterial pathogens in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 156
Physical Functioning Among Community-Dwelling Elderly in Rural Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Community Health Equity Research and Policy 2752535X
Knowledge, attitudes, practices and information needs during the covid-19 pandemic in indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 45
Physical Functioning Among Community-Dwelling Elderly in Rural Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0272684X
A spatiotemporal analysis of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Banyumas, Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806 7
Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2018 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Nature Human Behaviour 20
Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 432
Female students’ experience in preventing scabies Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806
Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: A systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Public Health 31
Global, regional, and national progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 for neonatal and child health: all-cause and cause-specific mortality findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 179
Tracking development assistance for health and for COVID-19: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 204 countries and territories, 1990–2050 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 59
Anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2018 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Nature Medicine 10788956 43
Global, regional, and national mortality among young people aged 10–24 years, 1950–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 65
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Neurology 14744422 1286
Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 661
Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 3049
Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 5746
Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 275
Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 07351097 3286
Hospital with No-class Wards Policy: An Effort to Create the Right to Access to Quality Health Care for the Poor Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Journal of Health Management 09720634 2
Insights into urban informal workers in indonesia: Health insurance enrollment, adverse selection issue and access to health care Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 1
A study of ability to pay and willingness to pay of national health insurance voluntaryparticipant in rural area Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 3
Creating awareness about climate change impacts on human health: An online mass media analysis in Indonesia Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Factors affecting delayingpayment of national health insurance (BPJS Kesehatan)premium among participants of the informal sector in Banyumas Regency Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
A time series analysis: Weather factors, human migration and malaria cases in endemic area of Purworejo, Indonesia, 2005-2014 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Iranian Journal of Public Health 22516085 7
How do modern parents deal with cultural beliefs about breastfeeding? A qualitative study Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. British Journal of Midwifery 09694900 8
Social capital, health insurance, and community action: Toward universal health coverage for informal workers Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Advanced Science Letters 19366612 4
The Dynamics of Catastrophic and Impoverishing Health Spending in Indonesia: How Well Does the Indonesian Health Care Financing System Perform? Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 10105395 8
User experience with a health insurance coverage and benefit-package access: Implications for policy implementation towards expansion in Nigeria Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Health Policy and Planning 02681080 2
The economic impact of the insured patients with severe chronic and acute illnesses: A qualitative approach Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. Global Health Action 12
Health coping strategies of the people vulnerable to climate change in a resource-poor rural setting in Bangladesh Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. BMC Public Health 30
The impact of health insurance programs on out-of-pocket expenditures in Indonesia: An increase or a decrease? Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16617827 44
Distribution Route Optimization of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) with Multi-Depot and Pickup Delivery Variables using Genetic Algorithm TIGAR PUTRI ADHIANA, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Demand Model Development Considering Supply Chain Disruption TIGAR PUTRI ADHIANA, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Hippocampus’s volume calculation on coronal slice’s for strengthening the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930
Calculating the area of white spots on the lungs of patients with COVID-19 using the Sauvola thresholding method Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708
Comparison of conventional edge detection methods performance in lung segmentation of COVID19 patients Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Simple tool for three-dimensional reconstruction of coronal hippocampus slice using matlab Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Liveness detection with image quality assessment Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Face recognition with anti spoofing eye blink detection Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Coronal slice segmentation using a watershed method for early identification of people with Alzheimer's Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 6
Morphological characteristics of X-ray thorax images of COVID-19 patients using the Bradley thresholding segmentation Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 25024752 4
Hippocampal area calculation based on the clinical dementia rating scale on sagittal MRI image slice Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Technology Reports of Kansai University 04532198
Preliminary process in blast cell morphology identification based on image segmentation methods Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708 2
Simple Classification of the Alzheimer's Severity in Supporting Strengthening the Diagnosis of Patients based on ROC Diagram Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Unsupervised Method for Calculating Diameter and Number of Leukocyte Cells Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Characteristics identification of myeloblast cell using K-means clustering for uncontrolled images Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 4
Coronal slices segmentation of mri images using active contour method on initial identification of alzheimer severity level based on clinical dementia rating (CDR) Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 7
Influence of camera types in histogram distribution on morphological identification of myeloblast cell based image segmentation Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Technology supporting health services for rural areas based on image processing Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Measuring gestational age and uterine diameter based on image segmentation Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2
Computer aided diagnosis for screening the shape and size of leukocyte cell nucleus based on morphological image Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708 12
Contour Detection of Leukocyte Cell Nucleus Using Morphological Image Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 11
Histogram equalization for improving quality of low-resolution ultrasonography images Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 5
Blood Pressure Mobile Monitoring for Pregnant Woman Based Android System Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 5
Calculating Contrast Stretching Variables in Order to Improve Dental Radiology Image Quality Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Point processing method for improving dental radiology image quality Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708 10
Brightness and contrast modification in ultrasonography images using edge detection results Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 14
Simple screening for high-risk pregnancies in rural areas based on an expert system Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 11
Separability filter for localizing abnormal pupil: Identification of input image Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Telkomnika 16936930 8
Comparing edge detection methods to localize uterus area on ultrasound image Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technol., and Biomedica 12
Compact cataract screening system: Design and practical data acquisition Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology, and Biomedical E 16
Extracting appearance information inside the pupil for cataract screening Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Proceedings of the 11th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2009 13
A simple and robust method to screen cataracts using specular reflection appearance Dr RETNO SUPRIYANTI, S.T, M.T Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 16057422 14
Production of reduced graphene oxide from activated rice husk charcoal using a high-energy ball milling method Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Physica Scripta 00318949
Improved microwave absorption traits of coconut shells-derived activated carbon Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Diamond and Related Materials 09259635 8
Glucose biosensor based on activated carbon – NiFe2O4 nanoparticles composite modified carbon paste electrode Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Results in Chemistry 1
Simulation of Pt80Au14Ti6 Work Function Change-Based Sensor of H2 Gas Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physical Science 16753402
Simulation of NO2work function-based sensor signal on ZnO Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Theoretical Study of an almost Barrier-Free Water Dissociation on a Platinum (111) Surface Alloyed with Ruthenium and Molybdenum Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si ACS Omega 2
A First-Principles Study of the Adsorption of H2O on Ru- and Mo-Alloyed Pt(111) Surfaces Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Electronic Materials 03615235 6
Bio-silica incorporated barium ferrite composites: Evaluation of structure, morphology, magnetic and microwave absorption traits Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Current Applied Physics 15671739 11
Neodymium ions activated barium ferrite composites for microwave X-band absorber applications: Synthesis and characterizations Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Composites Communications 24522139 12
Characterization of Microwave Absorber Material Based on Strontium Samarium Ferrite Produced by Hybrid Sol-Gel Method Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 21954356
CO oxidation through the formation of carboxyl intermediate on Pt(111) surface: A first principles study Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
The effects of milling time on structure, magnetic properties and microwave absorption capability of strontium lanthanum ferrite compounds Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 6
Magnetic and microwave absorption properties of Mn4+ doped barium-natural ferrites prepared by the modified solid-state reaction method Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 5
Transformation of structure, magnetic properties and microwave absorption capability in nd-doped strontium hexaferrite Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Key Engineering Materials 10139826 2
The magnetic, absorption and structure properties of Zn-Ti substituted barium hexaferrite prepared by solid-state reaction Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The effects of sintering temperature on structure, magnetic properties and microwave absorption capability of manganese-natural ferrite Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Selective microwave absorption in Nd3+ substituted barium ferrite composites Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Rare Earths 10020721 17
Significant reduction of saturation magnetization and microwave-reflection loss in barium-natural ferrite via Nd3+ substitution Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 03048853 19
Structural and magnetic properties of La3+ substituted barium?natural nanoferrites as microwave absorber in X-band Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 03048853 24
Improved ionic conductivity of lithium-zinc-tellurite glass-ceramic electrolytes Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Results in Physics 2
Theoretical studies of the adsorption of hydroxymethylidyne (COH) on Pt-alloy surfaces using density functional theory Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Physica Scripta 00318949 5
Stability of atomic oxygen chemisorption on Pt-alloy surfaces Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Surface and Interface Analysis 01422421 3
Interaction of methanol and its dehydrogenation species with Pt-Alloy surfaces Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
BaCO3 mediated modifications in structural and magnetic properties of natural nanoferrites Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 00223697 11
Impact of ZnO substitution on magnetic response and microwave absorption capability of strontium-natural nanoferrites Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Results in Physics 12
A DFT sight of oxygen and carbon monoxide coadsorption on Pt-alloy surfaces Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si 2014 International Conference on Physics, ICP 2014
Effect of natural Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles on structural and optical properties of Er 3+ doped tellurite glass Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 03048853 43
Natural Fe3O4 nanoparticles embedded zinc-tellurite glasses: Polarizability and optical properties Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Materials Chemistry and Physics 02540584 43
Thermal, structural and magnetic properties of zinc-tellurite glasses containing natural ferrite oxide Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Materials Letters 0167577X 25
Cross sensitivity and stability of FET - Based hydrogen sensors Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 4
Stability of FET- based hydrogen sensors at high temperatures Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 9
A humidity repellent and acid-proof self-assembling passivation for gas sensors and transducers with open surfaces Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Digest of Technical Papers - International Conference on Solid State Sensors and Actuators and Micro 1
A GasFET for chlorine detection Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 3
DevOps supports regression testing ACEP TARYANA, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Waterfall exploration in banyumas regency based on Ecotourism Environmental Protection (EEP) approach for water conservation ACEP TARYANA, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Simple Correlation between Weather and COVID-19 Pandemic Using Data Mining Algorithms ACEP TARYANA, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 11
An attempt to adopt DevOps on embedded system development: Empirical evidence ACEP TARYANA, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
A proposed class model for integrate of block and conventional structure curriculum for supporting quality assurance system ACEP TARYANA, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Pioneering the automation of lnternal quality assurance system of higher education (IQAS-HE) using DevOps approach ACEP TARYANA, M.T Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology, S 6
Antecedents to Continuance of Use Intention of Adopting Learning Management System (LMS) in E-commerce Learning: Implementation of IS Success Model Dr. E. YANUAR E. RESTIANTO, M.Acc Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Enhancing organic continuance intentions of organic coconut sugar technology Dr. E. YANUAR E. RESTIANTO, M.Acc Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Half-Space Model Problem for Navier-Lamé Equations with Surface Tension Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Mathematics and Statistics 23322071
Solution Formula of the Compressible Fluid Motion in Three Dimension Euclidean Space using Fourier Transform Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Necessary conditions for a norm estimate of riesz potential on money spaces over hypergroups Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Forecasting the amount of rainfall in West Kalimantan using Generalized Space-time Autoregressive model Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Half-space model problem for a compressible fluid model of Korteweg type with slip boundary condition Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
The validity of the properties of real numbers set to hyperreal numbers Set Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Extension of Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev Inequalities for Riesz Potentials on Hypergroups Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 16605446
On the R-boundedness of solution operator families for two-phase Stokes resolvent equations Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Differential and Integral Equations 08934983 12
Global well-posedness for free boundary problem of the Oldroyd-B model fluid flow Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 01704214 3
On the free boundary problem for the Oldroyd-B Model in the maximal Lp-Lq regularity class Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 0362546X 2
Tuberculosis Research Trends in Indonesian Health Scientific Journals: From Research Design to Data Analysis Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Kemas 18581196
Determinants of public compliance in face mask wearing to prevent COVID-19 transmission in Indonesia Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806
Relationship of spirituality, health engagement, health belief and attitudes toward acceptance and willingness to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H PLoS ONE 1
Psychometric testing of the bahasa version of the brief illness perception questionnaire among indonesians with type 2 diabetes mellitus Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16617827 3
Gastrointestinal Presentation in COVID-19 in Indonesia: A Case Report Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Acta Medica Indonesiana 01259326 21
Democratic state of law in a post-colonialism state: An analysis of the identity of Indonesian and Malaysian constitution Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Journal of Critical Reviews
Characteristics, causality, and suicidal behavior: a qualitative study of family members with suicide history in Wonogiri, Indonesia Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Frontiers of Nursing 2
Effectiveness of baby spa and music therapy on growth and development of baby Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Medico-Legal Update 0971720X 1
A critical review of the discrepancy between the spatial planning map and the spatial planning regulation of agricultural lands in Indonesia: Kulon Progo Regency case study Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 17412242
Constitutionalism in a post-colonialism state: Socio-cultural and historical perspective of Indonesian constitution identity Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermeneutica e Teoria do Direito 1
Quality of Life People Living with HIV/AIDS and Its Characteristic from a VCT Centre in Indonesia Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Ethiopian journal of health sciences 7
Breast self-examination education for skill and behavior Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice 13576283 3
Lack of Signal for the Impact of Conotoxin Gene Diversity on Speciation Rates in Cone Snails ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Systematic Biology 10635157 13
The origin, diversification and adaptation of a major mangrove clade (Rhizophoreae) revealed by whole-genome sequencing ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D National Science Review 20955138 80
Bioethanol production from the hydrolysate of Palmaria palmata using sulfuric acid and fermentation with brewer's yeast ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 54
North west pacific deep-sea barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) collected by the TAIWAN expeditions, with descriptions of two new species ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Zootaxa 11755326 11
The introduction to Japan of the Titan barnacle, Megabalanus coccopoma (Darwin, 1854) (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) and the role of shipping in its translocation ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Biofouling 08927014 51
Occurrence and diversity of barnacles on international ships visiting Osaka Bay, Japan, and the risk of their introduction ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Biofouling 08927014 38
A new mangrove barnacle of the genus Fistulobalanus (Cirripedia: Amphibalaninae) from Sumbawa Island, Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 00253154 11
Improving Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) Plantlet Formation Using Various Types and Concentrations of Auxins SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456
Banana Cultivars Microshoot Induction and Plantlet Formation Using Cytokinin and Auxin SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456
Acute effects of crude oilfor three common mangrove seedling in segara anakan nature reserve (sanr) cilacap, Indonesia SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D E3S Web of Conferences 1
In Vitro Regeneration of Anthocephalus Cadamba from Nodal Explant SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Improvement of Mini Tuber Production of Granola Potato Cultivar in Aeroponics System SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D Biosaintifika 2085191X 1
Plantlet Formation and Acclimatization of Sugarcane cv. PS 881 with Different Types and Concentration of Auxin SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D Biosaintifika 2085191X 1
Detoxification of Cadmium on Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) with Natural Chelator of Fruiting Body Extract of Ganoderma lucidum Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Molekul 19079761
Ethanol extract of the mushroom Coprinus comatus exhibits antidiabetic and antioxidant activities in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Pharmaceutical Biology 13880209 6
Production of Amylase by Aspergillus subflavus and Aspergillus fumigatus from flamevine flower (Pyrostegia venusta (Ker-Gawl.) Miers): A Tropical Plant in Bedugul Botanical Garden, Bali, Indonesia Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 09737510
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant activity of Coprinus comatus ethanol extract in carrageenan-induced rats of Rattus norvegicus Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Molekul 19079761
Antioxidant Activities and Properties of Coprinus comatus Mushroom Both Mycelium and Fruiting Body Extracts In Streptozotocin-Induced Hyperglycemic Rats Model Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 3
Antidiabetic Effects and Enzymatic Antioxidant Activity of Chicken Drumstick Mushroom (Coprinus comatus) Extract in Diabetic Rats Model Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 09737510 2
Soybean Selection Against Cercospora Leaf Blight Disease Caused By Cercospora kikuchii Based on Anatomical Resistance Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 1
Genetic diversity of pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) p. kumm. strains in java based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markers Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Antidiabetic effects and antioxidant properties of the saggy ink cap medicinal mushroom, coprinus comatus (Agaricomycetes), in streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 15219437 7
Nephroprotective and antioxidant effects of ethanol extract of Coprinus comatus mushroom fruit-bodies on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat models Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Antagonistic activity of phylloplane yeasts from Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves against Aspergillus flavus UNJCC F-30 from chicken feed Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Indian Phytopathology 0367973X 5
Rhizospheric Soil Fungi from Several Food Crops in Purwokerto Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Compounds detection and inhibition activity of chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of schizophyllum commune on some cancer cell types Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Antifungal mechanism of rhodotorula mucilaginosa and aureobasidium sp. nov. isolated from cerbera manghas l. against the growth of destructive molds in post harvested apples Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition and Agriculture 22127984 2
Chicken drumstick mushroom (Coprinus comatus) ethanol extract exerts a hypoglycaemic effect in the Rattus norvegicus model of diabetes Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 18788181 12
Costs Analysis of Fungal Basic Production Cost on Purbalingga Farmers' and Private Sectors Group Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Polymorphic profiles of Ganoderma spp.Isolates from Banyumas,Central Java,Indonesia Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biotropia 02156334
Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Extract on Diabetic Rats Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 8
Antidiabetic Potentials of Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 12
Antioxidant Potential of Ethanol and Ethyl Acetat Extract of Ganoderma sp. Mycelium Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 2
Evaluation of Silicon Supplementation for Drought Stress under Water-Deficit Conditions: An Application of Sustainable Agriculture Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Agronomy 3
Application of Remote Sensing in Agriculture Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture: Concepts, Issues and Policies for Developing Countries
Genetic analysis of biochemical, fiber yield and quality traits of upland cotton under high-temperature Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Plant Production Science 1343943X 16
Effects of Salinity Stress on Some Growth, Physiological, and Biochemical Parameters in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Germplasm Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Journal of Natural Fibers 15440478 8
Unraveling Heat Tolerance in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Using Univariate and Multivariate Analysis Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Frontiers in Plant Science 23
Phenotypic Diversity in Yield Determining Traits of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genotypes under the growing Conditions of Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 10164383
Silicon Mitigates Drought Stress in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Through Improving Photosynthetic Pigments, Biochemical and Yield Characters Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Silicon 1876990X 42
Soil microbial DNA concentration is a powerful indicator for estimating soil microbial biomass C and N across arid and semi-arid regions in northern China Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Applied Soil Ecology 09291393 9
Comparative study of six maize (Zea mays l.) cultivars concerning cadmium uptake, partitioning and tolerance Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15891623 9
Local Rootstock of Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana L) Grafted with Advanced Scion Cultivars Improved Fruit Yield and Quality under Arid Conditions Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 10164383 2
Aridity-driven shift in biodiversity–soil multifunctionality relationships Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Nature Communications 117
Potential sports information system design RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Genetic variability for yield and fiber related traits in genetically modified cotton Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Journal of Cotton Research 20965044 12
Exploiting agronomic and biochemical traits to develop heat resilient cotton cultivars under climate change scenarios Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Agronomy 21
Exploration of medicinal phyto-diversity of the semi-arid area in Punjab province, Pakistan Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 10187081 5
Salicylic acid improved the heat tolerance by enhancing growth, gas exchange attributes and chlorophyll contents of tomato Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Acta Horticulturae 05677572 1
Methyl jasmonate brings about resistance against salinity stressed tomato plants by altering biochemical and physiological processes Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05529034 38
Salinity induced deleterious effects on biochemical and physiological processes of tomato Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences 17274915 5
Effect of different concentrations of IBA on rooting of Guava Psidium guajava L. in low tunnel under shady situation Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 2
Impact of foliar application of seaweed extract on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Soil and Environment 20749546 47
Efficacy of zinc with nitrogen as foliar feeding on growth, yield and quality of tomato grown under poly tunnel Drs ABDUL MANAN, M.P Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05529034 3
Effect of cold water and contrast immersion on physiological and psychological responses of elite athletes after high-intensity exercises ARFIN DERI LISTIANDI, S.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22478051 3
The effectiveness of pilates training model towards bmi and muscle mass for overweight women ARFIN DERI LISTIANDI, S.Pd, M.Pd Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 3
The dominant throwing technique (nagewaza) which produces ippon in female judo match at the 18th national sports week (PON XVIII) in Riau ARFIN DERI LISTIANDI, S.Pd, M.Pd Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
Water activities can increase cardiorespiratory endurance of PJKR students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University ARFIN DERI LISTIANDI, S.Pd, M.Pd Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Developing a Narae Chagi kicking exercise model for beginner taekwondoins in special region of Yogyakarta ARFIN DERI LISTIANDI, S.Pd, M.Pd Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
The vehicle type effect to the mixed traffic flow performance (case of study: Soleh Iskandar road, Bogor, Indonesia) Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Supply chain efficiency of red chili based on the performance measurement system in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum Open Agriculture 11
Server Electricity and Temperature Monitoring by Using Access Point, Lm 35 Censor and Java Programming Language to Check Electricity Parameter Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
The feasibility of environmentally friendly and conventional shallot farming in Bantul Regency Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
“Monster VIPs”: disaster preparedness training for children with intellectual disabilities Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Production Factor Efficiency of Shallot Farming in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Work Accident at Sugar Farmers in Banyumas Regency NUR ULFAH, S.KM, M.Sc. Kemas 18581196 1
Supply chain management of red chili based on the food supply chain network in Yogyakarta Indonesia Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Contruction of authority the constitutional court to dissolution of mass organization in Indonesia Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
A strategy for development of shallot Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA) in Brebes Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Review of enzyme-induced calcite precipitation as a ground-improvement technique Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum Infrastructures 27
The implementation of Copenhagen Accord in the greenhouse gas emission reduction in Indonesia: A case study of the province of South Sulawesi Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Risk of shallot supply chain: An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model in Brebes Java, Indonesia Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 8
IBR-DTN to Solve Communication Problem on Post-Disaster Rescue Mission Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum Proceedings - 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application, ISITIA 2019 3
Developing Automatic Water Table Control System for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Paddy Fields Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Design and implementation of undle and network layer in tactical text messaging radio using delay tolerant network (DTN) Dr MUHAMMAD FAUZAN, S.H., M.Hum Advanced Science Letters 19366612 1
Characterisation of Polishing Frequency for Three Varieties of Sorghum Grain in Java, Indonesia Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. International Journal of Food Science 23567015
The effects of adding lysine to sap on chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of granulated coconut sugar Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research
The effect of arginine addition on chemical and antioxidant properties of coconut sap during heating Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Effect of edible coating application by spraying method on the quality of red chili during storage Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Addition of selected ginger extract on total phenolic, antioxidant and sensory properties of the syrup coconut sap (Ginger – SCS) Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research
Color and antibacterial activity of annatto extracts at various pH of distilled water solvent and extraction temperature Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research 3
Regression analysis for determination of antioxidant activity of coconut sap under various heating temperature and concentration of lysine addition Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research 4
Effect of starch-based edible coating application on potato chips characteristic from tubers and flour of potato variety Granola Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research 7
The changes of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of coconut sap during heating process Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 09741496 3
The properties of edible film made of Tapioca, canna and arrowroot as affected by application of various concentration of plasticizer Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Effect of sorbitol in application of edible coating on the quality of potato chips Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of Blanching Method and Soaking Solution on the Properties of Potato Flour Produced from Variety Granola Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of pH and temperature on browning intensity of coconut sugar and its antioxidant activity Dr PEPITA HARYANTI, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research 35
Effect of training and job satisfaction on employees performance and company performance in support to achieve the internationalization model of SME’s competitive advantage Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 11099526 1
Internationalization model for increasing the competitiveness of local creative industries in asean economy community Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Leadership Culture Organizational Political (LCOP) model: A strategy organizational capability to increase organization performance in Indonesia Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B Espacios 07981015
The development of green energy policy planning model to improve economic growth in Indonesia Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 8
Diversity management and organizational culture: Literature review, theoretical perspectives, and future directions Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 11
The value relevance on retail trade industry: Evidence from southeast asian countries Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 5
Optimization of vitamin c extraction of roselle petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa) assisted with microwaves using response surface methodology ABDUL MUKHLIS RITONGA, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research
The effects of e-government, e-billing and e-filing on taxpayer compliance: A case of taxpayers in Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy TOBIRIN, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148 2
Building Smart People in Overcoming Poverty in the Kendeng Mountain Area, Banyumas Regency Doctor of Philosophy TOBIRIN, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Comparison of tuberculosis disease classification using support vector machine and Naive Bayes algorithm Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Evaluation of the Universitas Jenderal Soedirman e-learning website (Eldiru) using the WebQual 4.0 method Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Website design analysis for the management and promotion of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Covid-19 pandemic period Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
User Experience Evaluation Using Integration of Remote Usability Testing and Usability Evaluation Questionnaire Method Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence, Cybe 2
Data Warehouse Analysis and Design based on Research and Service Standards Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2158107X
Query expansion in information retrieval using frequent pattern (FP) growth algorithm for frequent itemset search and association rules mining Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2158107X 5
Ontology model for tourism information in Banyumas Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The ontology approach for information retrieval in learning documents Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 19928645 1
A study: Query expansion methods in information retrieval Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 10
Short communication: Polymorphism at third exon of the myostatin gene and its association with growth and carcass traits in Batur Sheep Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Prolactin gene polymorphisms and associations with reproductive traits in Indonesian local ducks Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Veterinary World 09728988 2
High yielding and blast resistant rice cultivars developed for tropical upland area Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics 10297073 4
Heterosis Value Estimation of Magelang and Tegal Crossed Ducks Morphometrics Characteristics Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Identification of Quantitative Characteristic and Association between ACTA-1 Gene and Body Weight in Local Chicken Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Morphometrics and genetic diversity of Tegal, Magelang and their crossbred ducks based on Cytochrome b gene Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 1
Morphometric traits and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene polymorphism of Indonesian muscovy ducks of different plumage color population Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 4
Sexual dimorphism and identification of single nucleotide polymorphism of growth hormone gene in muscovy duck Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 6
Single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes of the follicle stimulating hormone gene associated with egg production from Tegal and Magelang ducks with their resulting reciprocal crosses Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 1
Estimation of selection accuracy and responses of the production characteristics using different selection intensity in magelang duck Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 2
Single nucleotide polymorphisms identification and genotyping analysis of melanocortin 1 receptor gene in various plumage colours Magelang ducks Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 7
Polymorphism of D-loop mitochondrial DNA region and phylogenetic in five Indonesian native duck population Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 10
Morphology and genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region using PCR-RFLP analysis in Magelang duck and other native duck Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 6
Genetic variability of Bali and Alabio ducks on the basis of phenotypic and microsatellites Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Asian Journal of Poultry Science 18193609 4
An estimation of genetic variation in Indonesian local duck using microsatellite marker Dr. Ir DATTA DEWI PURWANTINI, M.P Asian Journal of Poultry Science 18193609 11
The sinking ship policy to the perpetrator of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in criminal law perspective Dr. RAHADI WASI BINTORO, S.H., M.H E3S Web of Conferences 14
Harmonization of regulation in water territorial management becoming a fair economic benefit distribution towards regional autonomy Dr. RAHADI WASI BINTORO, S.H., M.H E3S Web of Conferences 9
Prediction of the velocity of air flow by dimensional analysis for drying application Ir JOKO MARYANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The biochemical characteristics of phosphate bacteria capable of increasing soil phosphorus bioavailability in Andisols Ir JOKO MARYANTO, M.Si Soil Science Annual 1
Dutch and Indonesian teachers on teaching medical ethics: what are the learning goals? dr. AMALIA, S.Ked, M.Sc. Medical Education Online
“I would do something if I could!”: experiences and reflections from ethics teachers on how to respond when hearing alarming cases from medical students dr. AMALIA, S.Ked, M.Sc. BMC Medical Education
Experience of Indonesian medical students of ethical issues during their clinical clerkship in a rural setting dr. AMALIA, S.Ked, M.Sc. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
What Do Students Perceive as Ethical Problems? A Comparative Study of Dutch and Indonesian Medical Students in Clinical Training dr. AMALIA, S.Ked, M.Sc. Asian Bioethics Review 17938759 4
Whole language as a language learning approach NIA ULFA MARTHA, S.Pd, M.Pd Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 1
The Most Suitable Topic of Personal Finance Education University Students: Study Case in Indonesia ASCARYAN RAFINDA, S.E., Ak, M.Sc., PhD Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Board diversity, risk and sustainability of Bank Performance: Evidence from India ASCARYAN RAFINDA, S.E., Ak, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 20297017 13
Procedural justice of government agencies in Banyumas regency ASCARYAN RAFINDA, S.E., Ak, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 18436110
Hourly Rainfall Simulation Using Daily Data Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 23662557
Detection of flood inundation in serayu watershed using landsat-8 and sentinel-2 satellite imagery Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Landfilling as individual adaptation for coastal flooding (Rob) countermeasures in North Central Java Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Groundwater depth prediction using Shetran model in Citarum River basin Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Impact of land use changes on the water availability in Ciwulan watershed, West Java Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Estimating of soil moisture using shetran model at Cisanggarung catchment area Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Prediction of Streamflow at the Pemali catchment area using Shetran model Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Detection of Trend Behaviour of Extreme Rainfall over Java Using Mann-Kendall Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Drought detection in java island based on standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index (SPEI) Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Water and Climate Change 20402244 9
Impact of Land Use Land Cover Changes on River Discharge at Brantas Catchment Area using SHETRAN Model Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Detection of Flood Inundation in the Progo Watershed using the SHETRAN Model Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Detection of satellite data-based flood-prone areas using logistic regression in the central part of Java Island Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 7
Spatial analysis and monitoring of drought using Standardized Precipitation Index in East Java Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 5
Prediction of flood areas using the logistic regression method (case study of the provinces Banten, DKI Jakarta, and West Java) Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 18
Investigation of asymmetric spatial dependence of precipitation using empirical bivariate copulas Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Hydrology 00221694 6
Multisite daily precipitation simulation in Singapore Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. MATEC Web of Conferences 2
Asymmetric spatial dependence of precipitation amounts over Singapore using non-Gaussian copulas Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia P
Healthy organic coconut sugar powder business's development strategy: A case study at the Nira Perwira Cooperative, Purbalingga District, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Analysis of Organic Brown Sugar in Banyumas Regency Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Influences of Internal and External Environment on The Performance and Sustainability of Cardamom Farming Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Characteristics and entrepreneurship behavior of strawberry farmers in Serang Village, Karangreja District, Purbalingga Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Business identification of upland rice farming in Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Indicator of supply chain management performance in small households agro-industry Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Effect of Supply Chain Practices on Competitive Advantages and Supply Chain Performance in Small Household Agroindustry : Direct and Indirect Effect with Partial Least Square Method Dr. DINDY DARMAWATI PUTRI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Shoot regeneration in Nepenthes mirabilis as affected by flurprimidol and GA3 application Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Biodiversitas 1412033X
Short Communication: Assessment of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) P.Beauv.) genetic variation in Java, Indonesia using atpB-rbcL and trnL-F intergenic spacer Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Biodiversitas 1412033X
RAPD Profiles of Rhynchostylis gigantea (Lindl.) Ridl. Collected from Puspa Nirmala Orchids Banyumas, Central Java Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Molekul 19079761
Intergeneric hybridization between phalaenopsis 2166 and vanda 'saint valentine': Characterization of parents using ndhE cpDNA partial sequence Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573 2
Intergeneric hybrids of phalaenopsis 2166 x Vanda ‘saint valentine’ showing maternal inheritance: genetic analysis based on ndhE partial gene Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Morphological and Physiological Adaptation of Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. In Various Altitudes Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Molecular Profile of Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. From three different altitudes based on atpB - RbcL IGS Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Molecular characteristics of two phenotypically identical species of asteraceae based on the intergenic spacer trnt(Ugu)-trnl(uaa) Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Biodiversitas 1412033X
Growth Medium for Intergeneric Hybrids between Phalaenopsis 2166 and Vanda 'saint valentine' Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Baltic cod endohelminths reflect recent ecological changes AGUNG CAHYO SETYAWAN, S.Pi, M.Si Journal of Helminthology 0022149X 5
Contracaecum osculatum (sensu lato) infection of Gadus morhua in the Baltic Sea: inter- and intraspecific interactions AGUNG CAHYO SETYAWAN, S.Pi, M.Si International Journal for Parasitology 00207519 10
Differential immune gene response in gills, skin, and spleen of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss infected by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis AGUNG CAHYO SETYAWAN, S.Pi, M.Si PLoS ONE 23
Endoparasitic helminths in baltic salmon Salmo salar: Ecological implications AGUNG CAHYO SETYAWAN, S.Pi, M.Si Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 01775103 2
Tsunami Hazard in Cilacap City Due to the Megathrust of West-Central Java Segment Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 23662557
The threat of tsunami debris due to non-permanent buildings in Cilacap City Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Run-up, inundation, and sediment characteristics of the 22 December 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, Indonesia Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15618633 7
Potential tsunami hazard in Ujung Kulon National Park Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Post-event field survey of 28 September 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15618633 37
A new computation method of bottom shear stress under Tsunami waves Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Journal of Coastal Research 07490208 5
Numerical study on tsunami propagation into a river Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Journal of Coastal Research 07490208 5
An efficient hydrodynamic numerical model with wetting-drying capability Ir. WAHYU WIDIYANTO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690
Feasibility study of orange plantation initiatives on state-owned enterprise in Central Java, Indonesia ULFAH NURDIANI, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Export Performance and Comparative Advantage of Indonesian Tropical Fruits ULFAH NURDIANI, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Strategic ways to develop new variety of upland rice: Case study of "inpago Unsoed 1" in Central Java, Indonesia ULFAH NURDIANI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Performance testing analysis: A case study on the web profile of the organic coconut sugar NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
SME's market development through digital mapping to stimulate business growth NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Measuring the customer acceptance of website technology using TAM framework NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Design and Development of Web based E-Commerce Application for Logo Sales “Tokologo” Using Codeigniter NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom Webology
Body mass index to predict pre-diabetes NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 10216790
Application for determining the modality preference of student learning NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 6
Classify epilepsy and normal Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal using wavelet transform and K-nearest neighbor NUR CHASANAH, S.Kom, M.Kom Proceeding - 2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Theory and Appl 5
Enhancement of flexural performance of RC beams with steel wire rope by external strengthening technique Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Se 02533839 4
Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Containing Calcium Stearate, (Ca(C18H35O2)2), with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a Binder: Experimental and Modelling Studies Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 12
FEMA 310 Tier 1 seismic evaluation of existing building: A case study of a 7-story academic RC building of Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Nonlinear finite element analysis of traditional flexural strengthening using betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on concrete beams Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 13
Seismic performance of the inpatient building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
On the performance of steel wire rope as the external strengthening of RC beams with different end-anchor types Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 9
A structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysis Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. MATEC Web of Conferences 4
Identification of novel variation in introns three and four of the iduronate-2-sulfatase gene in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Near surface mounted bamboo reinforcement for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 14
Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre Ir ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM, M.T. MATEC Web of Conferences 7
Factors Influencing Preventive Intention Behavior Towards COVID-19 in Indonesia Dr POPPY DIAN INDIRA KUSUMA, S.E. Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675 12
Promoting local potential as a strategy to develop tourism village Dr POPPY DIAN INDIRA KUSUMA, S.E. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 20650817 4
Short communication: The lifecycle of neocaridina denticulata and N. Palmata in aquariums Dra ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH, Doctor of Philosophy Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Molecular characterization of dengue viruses isolated from patients in Central Java, Indonesia Dra ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH, Doctor of Philosophy Journal of Infection and Public Health 18760341 17
Anisakis (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) from Indonesia Dra ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH, Doctor of Philosophy Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 01775103 26
A native Wolbachia endosymbiont does not limit dengue virus infection in the mosquito Aedes notoscriptus (Diptera: Culicidae) Dra ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH, Doctor of Philosophy Journal of Medical Entomology 00222585 11
Confocal microscopy of Wolbachia spin Drosophila simulans (Infected and uninfected with the reverside strain of Wolbachia), also D. melanogaster infected with the Popcorn-strain of Wolbachia Dra ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH, Doctor of Philosophy Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 09723005
Role of Natural Food in Enhancing the Productivity of Saline Nile Tilapia in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Segara Anakan Lagoon, Brackish Water Culture Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Tannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesia Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Heavy metal contamination in water, sediments and Planiliza subviridis tissue in the Donan River, Indonesia Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426 12
Sex Diversity Approach of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus spp) to Marine Oil Spill Pollution in Southern Waters of Java Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
A lipid-walled microcapsule diet as co-feed for early feeding the osphronemus gourami (Lacepede) larvae Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences 18062636 6
Potential of sustainable and biological aspect of sting ray (Dasyatis sp.) as catch fisheries status overview in Java Sea Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A E3S Web of Conferences
Foreword Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A E3S Web of Conferences
Beach macro-litter monitoring and floating microplastic in a coastal area of Indonesia Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025326X 138
Identification and expression of two types of chicken GnRH-II genes in mature hard-lipped barb, osteochilus hasselti Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Induction of out-of-season spawning in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis: Effects of rates of cooling and cooling durations on female gametogenesis and spawning Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Aquaculture 00448486 67
Reproductive cycle and plasma levels of steroids in male Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Aquatic Living Resources 09907440 52
Reproductive cycle and plasma levels of sex steroids in female Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis Dr Ir ISDY SULISTYO, D.E.A Aquatic Living Resources 09907440 61
The effect of coconut sap and skim milk concentration on physicochemical and sensory characteristic of coconut sap drink yogurt Dr Ir TRI YANTO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The type and distribution of sap preservatives used by farmers in Kebasen District, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia Dr Ir TRI YANTO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Consumers' Intention and Behaviour towards Fish Consumption: A Conceptual Framework Dr Ir TRI YANTO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Determinants of local food consumption among shoppers in traditional markets Dr Ir TRI YANTO, M.T International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 1
Structural control of landslide disasters in Karangmoncol, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Rock geochemical changes at the pyroclastic breccia weathering zone in the Pawinihan Mountain Avalanche, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Reservoir Temperature Calculation of Immature Geothermal Water from Hot Spring Around the Slamet Volcano Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Gravity anomalies and regional geological studies between Slamet Volcano, Buaran and Bantarkawung Areas for geothermal energy exploration and development Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Slip surface identification based on engineering properties analysis of weathering breccia at landslide occured in mount pawinihan, central java, indonesia Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Farming Sustainability: A Sensitivity Analysis Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Sustainable indigenous cattle production in Brebes Regency, Indonesia: Opportunities and threats during pandemic Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The correlation between farmers motivation and perception with commitment to raising buffalo in Pemalang Regency Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Improving production system of beef cattle agribusiness Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
The influence of Artificial Insemination (AI) cost to profitability of beef cattle farming in Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province, Indonesia Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Improving beef cattle production system for sustainable rural development in Central Java Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Relationship between the Feeding Patterns with Health Disorders Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Strengthening the Farmers' Intellectual Capital of Kebumen Ongole Grade Cattle Related to Livestock Productions to Face the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Dr Ir YUSMI NUR WAKHIDATI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Soil bacteria and nematode functional diversity: A comparison across vegetation types Dra ARDHINI RIN MAHARNING, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Reconstructing the soil food web of a 100 million-year-old forest: The case of the mid-Cretaceous fossils in the amber of Charentes (SW France) Dra ARDHINI RIN MAHARNING, Ph.D Soil Biology and Biochemistry 00380717 19
Soil community changes during secondary succession to naturalized grasslands Dra ARDHINI RIN MAHARNING, Ph.D Applied Soil Ecology 09291393 105
Growth and reproduction in aquatic hyphomycetes Dra ARDHINI RIN MAHARNING, Ph.D Mycologia 00275514 65
Investigation on Structural Behaviour of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Concentrated Load NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T Sains Malaysiana 01266039 10
Negative moment region flexural strengthening system of RC T-beams with half-embedded NSM FRP rods: a parametric analytical approach NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Se 02533839 5
Load-carrying capacity and failure mode of composite steel-concrete truss element under monotonic loading NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Precast segmental bamboo reinforced concrete beams with bolted connections subjected to flexural loads: An experimental investigation NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 5
Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Seismic performance of a high-rise residential building model in Purwokerto, Indonesia NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 3
The live load capacity of rectangular precast reinforced concrete stick plates NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T International Review of Civil Engineering 20369913 2
Flexural Behavior of Precast Hollow Core Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with different Reinforcement NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T Procedia Engineering 21
The performance of a ten-story irregular apartment building model under seismic load in Purbalingga regency Indonesia NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11
Flexural strength of walls made of hollow core concrete brick using various notch models as the interlocking device NANANG GUNAWAN WARIYATNO, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences
Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and water consumption in sheep which supplemented from Moringa leaves meal and palm oil in elephant silage-based feed Dr WARDHANA SURYAPRATAMA, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The effects of native chicken strains and feed addives on immunity, kidney functions, and blood protein Dr WARDHANA SURYAPRATAMA, M.S Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273
Increasing the in vitro enzymatic activity of cellulase and amylase from beef cattle rumen fluid supplemented with moringa oleifera leaves and sulfur Dr WARDHANA SURYAPRATAMA, M.S Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194
Technique engineering of tapping and shelter of coconut sap and its effect on the quality of crystal coconut sugar MUSTAUFIK, S.P, M.P. Food Research
The effect of time and duration of tapping and the addition of laru as natural preservative in coconut sap quality MUSTAUFIK, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Lactobacillus as Growth Promoter: A Meta-Analysis of Performance, Histology and Microbiota on Broiler Tract Digestive Dr Ir Ir FRANSISCA MARIA SUHARTATI, SU Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331
Effect of Protection of Soybean Meal Using Mahogany Leaf Extract in Ruminant Diet on Rumen Fermentation Products Dr Ir Ir FRANSISCA MARIA SUHARTATI, SU Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 08537380 1
Use of fermentable carbohydrate in efforts to improve in vitro rument fermentation products Dr Ir Ir FRANSISCA MARIA SUHARTATI, SU IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The effect of Cellupract As100® fibrolytic enzyme treatment of rice bran and cottonseed meal on efficiency of diet use and growth performance of Holstein weaner bulls Dr Ir Ir FRANSISCA MARIA SUHARTATI, SU Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement 16138422
Glucose uptake in the intestine of the common carp Cyprinus carpio: Indications for the involvement of the sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter 1 and its modulation under pathogen infection Dr.rer.nat. HAMDAN SYAKURI, S.Pi, M.Si Aquaculture 00448486 5
Response of the intestinal mucosal barrier of carp (Cyprinus carpio) to a bacterial challenge by Aeromonas hydrophila intubation after feeding with ?-1,3/1,6-glucan Dr.rer.nat. HAMDAN SYAKURI, S.Pi, M.Si Journal of Fish Diseases 01407775 21
Beta-glucan feeding differentiated the regulation of mRNA expression of claudin genes and prevented an intestinal inflammatory response post Aeromonas hydrophila intubation in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L Dr.rer.nat. HAMDAN SYAKURI, S.Pi, M.Si Journal of Fish Diseases 01407775 21
Intestinal barrier of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) during a cyprinid herpesvirus 3-infection: Molecular identification and regulation of the mRNA expression of claudin encoding genes Dr.rer.nat. HAMDAN SYAKURI, S.Pi, M.Si Fish and Shellfish Immunology 10504648 46
Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 infection disrupts the skin barrier of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Dr.rer.nat. HAMDAN SYAKURI, S.Pi, M.Si Veterinary Microbiology 03781135 80
Landslide susceptible areas identification using IDW and Ordinary Kriging interpolation techniques from hard soil depth at middle western Central Java, Indonesia Dr Ir SUMIYANTO, S.T, M.T Natural Hazards 0921030X 10
Integration of Numerical Models and InSAR Techniques to Assess Land Subsidence Due to Excessive Groundwater Abstraction in the Coastal and Lowland Regions of Semarang City Dr Ir SUMIYANTO, S.T, M.T Water (Switzerland) 10
Soil classification based on cone penetration test (CPT) data in Western Central Java Dr Ir SUMIYANTO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Application of woven waste tires gabion wall as slope reinforcement for preventing landslide in laboratory Dr Ir SUMIYANTO, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences
Application of woven tires waste as soft clay subgrade reinforcement for preventing highway structural failure Dr Ir SUMIYANTO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Bacteriocinogenic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Mangrove Sediment in Indonesia: Growth Optimization, Bacteriocin Production, and its Application in Food Preservation TARUNA DWI SATWIKA, S.Si, M.Si HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019
Detection of pathogen foodborne disease bacteria Staphylococcus aureus from German Cockroach ( Blattella germanica) in the hospital area TARUNA DWI SATWIKA, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Analysis of peat bacterial diversity in oil palm plantations and a logged forest in Jambi, Indonesia, using PCR-DGGE technique TARUNA DWI SATWIKA, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Potential screening of bacteriocinogenic-lactic acid bacteria from mangrove sediment of logending beach for fisheries product preservation TARUNA DWI SATWIKA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573 2
Growth of paddy inoculated by Azotobacter spp. in tetracycline contaminated culture TARUNA DWI SATWIKA, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Diallel analysis of length and shape of rice using Hayman and Griffing method Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si Open Agriculture 1
Isolation and identification of antagonistic fungi on coffee leaf rust in the Dieng highlands of Banjarnegara, Indonesia Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 11101768
Performance, Genetic Variability and Heritability of M1 Generation Mandarin Citrus (Citrus reticulata) Mutants Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Path coefficient analysis on G39×ciherang and Mentik Wangi×G39 rice in F4 generation Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si Agrivita 01260537 1
Variability of grain protein content in improved upland rice genotypes and its response to locations Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2
Phytochemical diversity and antimicrobial properties of methanol extract of several cultivars of catharanthus roseus using GC-MS Dr JUNI SAFITRI MULJOWATI, S.Si, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
The effect of the dreamer spiritual therapies on saliva cortisol hormone and pain score patients in the intensive care unit: A true-experimental study Dr Ners IWAN PURNAWAN, S.Kep, M.Kep Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
A comparative study of the effects of nigella sativa oil gel and aloe Vera gel on wound healing in diabetic rats Dr Ners IWAN PURNAWAN, S.Kep, M.Kep Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 17
Gel aloe vera reduces MMP-9 in diabetic wounds Dr Ners IWAN PURNAWAN, S.Kep, M.Kep E3S Web of Conferences 2
Evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of aloe vera on inflammation and reepithelialization in diabetic ulcers in a rat model Dr Ners IWAN PURNAWAN, S.Kep, M.Kep Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 09742441 1
Volleyball fundamental movement learning model in primary school Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Physical Education Theory and Methodology 19937989 9
Design a microstrip antenna 2 elements for 900 MHz GSM system Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Validity and reliability level of an application measuring school principle's decision making Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
An Indonesian speech synthesis system considering low-power event before vowel-starting-syllable Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Commodity cluster using single system image based on Linux/Kerrighed for high-performance computing Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical 3
Development of a Restitution Model in Optimizing Legal Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking in Indonesia RANI HENDRIANA, S.H., M.H Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 25481584
Law Enforcement of Environmental Pollution and Damage RANI HENDRIANA, S.H., M.H IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Pelaksanaan Sanksi Denda E-Tilang Bagi Pelanggar Lalu Lintas RANI HENDRIANA, S.H., M.H Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi 2615174X
Protection of traditional knowledge in the advance of technological era of intellectual property rights in Indonesia ULIL AFWA, S.H., M.H AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
WOMEN OF PERIPHERAL JAVANESE TRADITION A Nearly-Forgotten Inspiration Dr SOFA MARWAH, S.IP, M.Si Kritika Kultura
Women of the south coast of Java in politics and rural development Dr SOFA MARWAH, S.IP, M.Si Journal of International Women's Studies 1
Political representation for javanese women in the affirmation policy in Indonesia Dr SOFA MARWAH, S.IP, M.Si Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 01198386
Characteristics of Array MOS Gas Sensors in Detection of Adulteration on Patchouli Oil with Candlenut Oil Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Handheld arduino-based near infrared spectrometer for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese oranges Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Measurement of patchouli oil vapor using array of MOS gas sensors in various adulteration substances and concentrations Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D Food Research 1
Identification of eugenol in clove oil based on array mos gas sensor using principle component analy Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Measuring the coefficient of unit surface conductance of steel balls for frying without cooking oil by using dimensional analysis Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Investigation of Hydrolysis Using Cellulase Enzyme Produced from Cow Rumen and Fermentation Method for Producing Ethanol from Nypa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) Midrib Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Analysis of Blue Swimmer Crab (Portunus Pelagicus) Processing Efficiency in the Sort Stage in Pt. Blue Star Anugrah Cold Storage Company, Pemalang Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Color-based analysis for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese orange (citrus nobilis) during storage in room and cold temperature Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Vapor Measurement System of Essential Oil Based on MOS Gas Sensors Driven with Advanced Temperature Modulation Technique Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
The Application of General MOS Gas Sensors for Discriminating Formalin Content Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 1
Investigation of acid-hydrolysis and fermentation method for producing ethanol from nypa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) midrib Ir AGUS MARGIWIYATNO, Ph.D International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 1
A new left-right symmetry model AKMAL FERDIYAN, S.Si, M.Sc Advances in High Energy Physics 16877357
Effect of Combining Dhikr and Prayer Therapy on Pain and Vital Signs in Appendectomy Patients: A Quasi-Experimental Study ARIF IMAM HIDAYAT, M.N.S. Journal of Holistic Nursing 08980101
Hypnotherapy and Yoga Combination Decrease the Anxiety of Patients in Elective Preoperative ARIF IMAM HIDAYAT, M.N.S. Jurnal Ners 18583598 2
Coenzyme q10 is potentially usedto improve lipid profile in diabetic hypercholesterolemia-induced periodontitis in the coastal area ARIF IMAM HIDAYAT, M.N.S. E3S Web of Conferences
Plasma malondialdehyde and Vitamin E levels after date palm seeds (Phoenix dactylifera) steeping administration ARIF IMAM HIDAYAT, M.N.S. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 19921470 9
SME’S Accounting Information in the Eyes of Bank Credit Analyst: Exploration with ZMET Method Dr ELIADA HERWIYANTI, S.E., M.Si Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22813993
The affinity of mangrove species using association and cluster index in north coast of jakarta and segara anakan of cilacap, indonesia MUSLIH, S.Pi, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Sizes and Aspects of Reproductive Caung Fish (Arius Sagor) in the Water of Cileureum River Water in Cilacap District MUSLIH, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Molecular and morphological characterization of Vanilla and Pasak Bumi plants YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Analysis of heavy metals concentration from several waters in the region of Central Java and the use of Chlorella vulgaris as the potential bioremediatory agent YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Bacterial diversity and physicochemical profiles in Pekalongan waters, Indonesia YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Identification and screening of enzymatic abilities of Ktedonobacteria from forest soil of Cisolok Geothermal Area, Indonesia YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Isolation, antibacterial activity, and molecular identification of endophytic fungi from Pogostemon cablin YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Isolation and identification of rare actinomycete-like bacteria from soil-based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
The Setting Time of Portland Composite Cement Mixed with Calcium Stearate Ir PROBO HARDINI, S.T, M.T, PhD Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 23662557
Land use planning and its impact on movement pattern in Purbalingga City Ir PROBO HARDINI, S.T, M.T, PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Subjective Factors Influencing Students to Use Bicycle on Campus: A Case Study in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Ir PROBO HARDINI, S.T, M.T, PhD International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology 21803242
Groundwater modelling in urban development to achieve sustainability of groundwater resources: A case study of semarang city, indonesia Ir PROBO HARDINI, S.T, M.T, PhD Water (Switzerland) 7
Effect of various packaging materials for storing ground yellow corn of hybrid C-1 variety on water and amylum content NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Modeling smallholder beef farming: A systems thinking's step by step approach NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Vertical Integration of Broiler Industries in Indonesia (Analysis of Case Decisions Number 02/KPPU-I/2016) NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Effect of the Levels of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Traditional-Market Waste on the Production and Nutrient Contents of Setaria Grass NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Unintended Effect of Government Program on Beef Development in Indonesia; A System Approach NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Environmental Constraints in Building Process a Sustainable Geothermal Power Plant on The Slopes of Slamet Mount, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si Evergreen 21890420 10
How Did Globalization Boost the Nuts Production in Indonesia? Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si Journal of Nuts 2383319X 1
Production and King Grass Nutritional Quality Number of Sources of Nitrogen Fertilizer Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si HighTech and Innovation Journal 4
Liquid of Organic Fertilizer from Waste of Market Convensional System Applied on Agronomic Observation of Setaria Splendida Stapf at Various Ages Defoliation Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The Application of Liquid Fertilizer Made of Traditional Market Organic Wastes On Growth of Setaria Grass (Setaria splendida Stapf) Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences
The Process of People Gold Mining in Paningkaban Village Banyumas Indonesia Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 3
The impact of traditional gold mining in Gumelar Banyumas, Indonesia Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si Ecology, Environment and Conservation 0971765X 5
Influence of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on the Production and Carrying Capacity of Livestock from Setaria Grass (Setaria splendida) Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences
Relationship between Environmental Damage and Corruption Cases in Indonesia Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 8
Small scale gold mining in Banyumas central Java Indonesia Dr. Ir EKO HENDARTO, M.Si, M.Si Advanced Science Letters 19366612 1
Determinants of Early Mobilization in Postcardiac Surgery Patients Dr SIDIK AWALUDIN, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB Current Problems in Cardiology 01462806
The Effect of Combination Prayer Therapy and Education on Pre-operative Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Anxiety Dr SIDIK AWALUDIN, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB Journal of Holistic Nursing 08980101
The effect of a smartphone-based perioperative nursing intervention: Prayer, education, exercise therapy, hypnosis, and music toward pain, anxiety, and early mobilization on cardiac surgery Dr SIDIK AWALUDIN, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB Journal of Public Health Research 22799028 8
Improving self-efficacy of healthy living behavior in nursing students at universitas jenderal soedirman through neurolinguistic programming Dr SIDIK AWALUDIN, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 1
The Effect of Combination Therapy of A Warm Ginger Stew Compress and Ki. 3 Point Acupressure on the Pain Level of Gout Arthritis Patients in Indonesia Dr SIDIK AWALUDIN, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB Jurnal Ners 18583598
The Isolation, Immobilization, and Characterization of Urease from The Seeds of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Ointment Formulation of Arumanis Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Leaf Extract with Chitosan Tripoliphosphate Matrix as Antibacterial DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Ointmen the Formulation of Bachang Mango (Mangifera foetida L.) Leaves Methanol Extract and Activity Test Against Malassezia furfur DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Formulation of Handsanitizer Made of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Bachang (Mangifera foetida L.) and Bacterial Activity Test on Escherichia coli DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Immobilization and Characterization of Urease From Phaseolus vulgaris L Using Bentonite Chitosan Matrix DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Ointment formulation and characterization of arum manis mango (Mangifera indica l.) leaves’ methanol extract as an antibacterial agent against propionibacterium acnes DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Current Bioactive Compounds 15734072 3
Determination of cu and pb concentrations based on urease activity inhibition of durio zibethinus l. Seeds DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761 2
Extraction and Characterization of Urease from Durio zibethinus L DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Jurnal Kimia Valensi 24606065
The surface modification of Ag3PO4 using anionic platinum complexes for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Materials Letters 0167577X 4
Data of XPS in incorporating the platinum complexes dopant on the surface of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Data in Brief 4
Improved reuse and affinity of enzyme using immobilized amylase on alginate matrix DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 9
Development of urea biosensor based on immobilized urease in chitosan cryogel DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761 5
Formulation and evaluation of natural anti Candida albicans ointment containing mango leaf (Mangifera indica L.) extract DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Sains Malaysiana 01266039 1
Urease Application of Black-eyed Pea (Vigna unguiculata ssp unguiculata L.) for Urea Biosensor DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si Jurnal Kimia Valensi 24606065 1
Red palm oil production by microwave irradiation DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 8
Determination of Urease Biochemical Properties of Asparagus Bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp sesquipedalis L.) DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 10
Synthesis of Anti-Acne Ointment of Ethanol Extract of White Plumeria Leaves (Plumeria Alba L.) DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Bacillus thuringiensis HCB6 Amylase Immobilization by Chitosan Beads DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 5
GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial activity determination of Citrus medica L. var proper leaf essential oil from South Sulawesi against skin pathogen microorganism DIAN RIANA NINGSIH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 5
Effect of Alkaline Fluids to Blood pH and Lactic Acid Changes on Sub Maximal Physical Exercise PANUWUN JOKO NURCAHYO, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 9
Design of laboratory scale dual axis solar tracking system with digital converter of light intensity UMI PRATIWI, S.Si, M.Pd, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
A task model for supporting virtual laboratory based on inquiry skills, social and scientific communication UMI PRATIWI, S.Si, M.Pd, M.Sc. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 22528822 1
Celluloide film based infrared bandpass filter for Thermography UMI PRATIWI, S.Si, M.Pd, M.Sc. Advanced Materials Research 10226680
Production of Fear: The Visual Analysis of Local Lockdown Warning Signs WIMAN RIZKIDARAJAT, S.H., M.H Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2092738X
Palatal rugae shapes in sex determination in forensic odontology drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si Journal of Stomatology 00114553 3
Sex identification based on tooth crown trait analysis among the Mongoloid race drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada 15190501
+17 C/G Polymorphism In Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 Gene And Its Association With Periodontitis drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si Journal of Stomatology 00114553 3
Pink teeth as post mortem indicator: A literature review drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
The use of human intercanine and intermolar for determining sex on natural disaster drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Oral microbiome in forensic odontology to identify bioterrorism attack drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 1309100X 1
Review of biomolecular methods for age estimation in application of forensic odontology drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Review of epigenetics and its relationship to dental anthropology and forensic odontology drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
DNA adducts, genotoxicity mechanism of alkyl compounds in association with forensic dentistry drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Effect of P21(C98A) polymorphism on the risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in an Indonesian population drg BAMBANG TRI HARTOMO, S.KG, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Body Politics of Gendered Subjects in Indonesian Post-Reform Films Dr LYNDA SUSANA WIDYA AYU FATMAWA, S.S., M.Hum Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Synthesis of Chitosan for Removal of Methyl Orange and Malachite Green Dyes DWI KARTIKA, S.Si, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Quantitative relationship analysis of anionic surfactan structures of sulfate group based on large ab initio calculations DWI KARTIKA, S.Si, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Effect of Cellulose Acetate Concentration from Coconut Nira on Ultrafiltration Membrane Characters DWI KARTIKA, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 4
Understanding early complementary food practice in rural Indonesia: A qualitative study APRILIA KARTIKASARI, M.Kep British Journal of Midwifery 09694900 1
The Community Health Volunteers description in Exclusive Breastfeeding Promotion and Improved Knowledge Through Training Based on the Concept of «insufficient Milk Supply» APRILIA KARTIKASARI, M.Kep IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Serviceability of cut slope and embankment under seasonal climate variations ARWAN APRIYONO, S.T, M.Eng Acta Geophysica 18956572
Laboratory study of water infiltration and evaporation in biochar-amended landfill covers under extreme climate ARWAN APRIYONO, S.T, M.Eng Waste Management 0956053X 1
Inverse distance weighting interpolated soil properties and their related landslide occurrences ARWAN APRIYONO, S.T, M.Eng MATEC Web of Conferences 6
The mediating role of employee quality to enhance employee performance Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Sustainable development of Batik Banyumas as creative industry: A-B-G community-based Triple Helix Model Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. International Business Management 19935250 3
Inter-organizational collaboration to develop Batik Banyumas SMES competitiveness Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
Inter-organizational collaboration to develop batik Banyumas smescompetitiveness Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
Core competence of batik Banyumas industry: Problems and challenge to createsustainable competitive advantage Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 2
The role of market orientation and learning orientation in improving innovativeness and performance of small and medium enterprises Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. Asian Social Science 19112017 64
Warehouse layout design with class-based storage approach to minimize material transfer distance Ir KATON MUHAMMAD, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Development of quality improvement matrix: An integrated tools for quality improvement Ir KATON MUHAMMAD, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 2
Reproductive characters of hampala fish (hampala macrolepidota kuhl & Van Hasselt, 1823), correlation with body length ASWI ANDRIASARI ROFIQOH, S.Si., M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Growth and gonadal development of female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sex reversing thermal treatment AULIDYA NURUL HABIBAH, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Aquaculture 00448486 1
Germline Development of Genetically Female Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Reared under Different Temperature Regimes AULIDYA NURUL HABIBAH, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Sexual Development 16615425 6
Growth Characteristics and Production of Bioactive Compounds in Aromatic Ginger (Kaempferia galanga) Callus under Photoperiod and Auxin Treatments Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Genetic characterization of iler (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) based on RAPD molecular marker Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Anti-inflammatory effects of functional milk drink enriched with soya bean sprout protein in breastfeeding mothers Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 1394035X 3
Screening Anti-MRSA Activities of Indigenous Microbes and Prediction of the Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Molecular profiles of five salinity-resistant soybean {glycine max (L.) merr.} cultivars Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Antioxidant Exploration in Cardamom Rhizome Potential as a Functional Food Ingredient Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Ex vitro rooting using a mini growth chamber increases root induction and accelerates acclimatization of Kopyor coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) embryo culture-derived seedlings Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant 10545476 12
Hypocholesterolemic and attenuated oxidized-LDL of epinephrine-induced atherosclerosis rats using cardamom rhizome ethanolic extract: Study of functional-food components Ir ALICE YUNIATY, Ph.D International Food Research Journal 19854668 5
Algebraic structures of interval sets TRIYANI, M.Si Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
The caracteristics of alpha cut on fuzzy graphs and its application in scheduling system TRIYANI, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Solving large scale systems of linear equations with a stabilized Lanczos-type algorithms running on a cloud computing platform TRIYANI, M.Si Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2
Super edge magic total labeling and its dual labeling on firecracker graphs TRIYANI, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
The impact of clay mineral in the zone of weathering which trigger landslide in Pawinihan Mountain, Sijeruk, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia Ir JANUAR AZIZ ZAENURROHMAN, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Scenario Seismic Hazard Analysis (SSHA) in Cilegon City for post-major earthquake 2019 and 2022 infrastructure construction development Ir JANUAR AZIZ ZAENURROHMAN, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Geochemical of Volcanic Rock in Southern Part of Slamet Volcano, Indonesia Ir JANUAR AZIZ ZAENURROHMAN, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Limestone Facies Change of Jonggrangan to Sentolo Formation in the Western Part of Yogyakarta-Central Java Basin Ir JANUAR AZIZ ZAENURROHMAN, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Geology, mineralization and calcite-rich potassic alteration at the Humpa Leu East (HLE) porphyry Cu-Au prospect, Hu'u district, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Resource Geology 13441698
Komatiitic Lamprophyre in West Sulawesi: First Evidence for >1350°C and 3.5 - 3.8 GPa Mantle Melts FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314
Geochemistry Study of Cross-castic Magma Alkalinity Evolution FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314
Tholeiitic Basalt in Banyumas Basin (Kebasen, Central Java): The Evidence of Sedimentary Recycling Input and the Contribution of Oceanic Slab on Fore-arc Active Continental Margin (ACM) Magmatism FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314 2
Petrology and trace element study of igneous rock at Ayah, Karangbolong Dome, Kebumen, Central Java FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Resistivity and induced polarize (IP) approach for polymetallic vein distributions of Bukit Pondok mineralization (Ex-VOC mining in 1902), Tana Tidung, East Kalimantan FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Geochemical signatures of potassic to sodic Adang Volcanics, Western Sulawesi: Implications for their tectonic setting and origin FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314 7
The Effect of Non Genetic Factors on Milk Production in BBPTU HPT Baturraden Central Java SETYA AGUS SANTOSA, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Model test on the relationship feed energy and protein ratio to the production and quality of milk protein SETYA AGUS SANTOSA, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The differences of physical, chemical and fatty acid profile of meat quality of male muscovy (Cairina moschata) and local duck (Anas plathyrinchos) SETYA AGUS SANTOSA, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 3
Wave Transmission and Energy Dissipation in a Box Culvert-Type Slotted Breakwater Dr NASTAIN, S.T, M.T Advances in Technology Innovation 24150436
A technique of assessing the status of sustainability of resources NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
The bond response of concrete brick with recycled tire chip as partial replacement of aggregate applied in the non-structural masonry wall Dr NASTAIN, S.T, M.T International Review of Civil Engineering 20369913 10
Cattle feed concentrate automatization system based on internet of things Ir DADANG ISKANDAR, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Measuring usability scale and factors that influence the implementation of internship information system in engineering faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University Ir DADANG ISKANDAR, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The development of REST API-based android application for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Purbalingga Regency Ir DADANG ISKANDAR, S.T, M.Eng Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Adaptive pattern of mangrove species and the mangrove landscaping in the heavy metal polluted area of Eastern Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Palm species diversity on Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Population status of Saurauia spp. in Slamet Mountain, Central Java NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Habitat preference and spatial distribution model of threatened species saurauia microphylla in Mt. Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in scavenging chickens (Gallus domesticus) and their association to body weight Drs EDY RIWIDIHARSO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Insect diversity in various distances to forest edge in small nature reserve: A case study of bantarbolang nature reserve, Central Java, Indonesia Drs EDY RIWIDIHARSO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) diversity as bioindicator of agroecosystem health in northern slope of mount slamet, central java, Indonesia Drs EDY RIWIDIHARSO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 7
Nursing Students’ Clinical Practice Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study MADE SUMARWATI, S.Kep, M.N Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 5
Peer learning: An effective teaching-learning method for improving ability in arterial blood gases interpretation MADE SUMARWATI, S.Kep, M.N Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 20877811 3
Positive correlation betwen self efficacy and health promoting lifestyle behavior of students of nursing department of jenderal soedirman university MADE SUMARWATI, S.Kep, M.N Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 1
Antimicrobial activity of Kaempferia galanga against plant pathogen on rice Dr ETIK WUKIR TINI, S.P, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X
Endogenous hormone causes flower and fruit drop of wax apple (Syzygium samarangense cv. Citra) Dr ETIK WUKIR TINI, S.P, M.P. Advances in Horticultural Science 03946169
Efforts to improve the growth of longan plant grafting (Dimocarpus longan lour.) in Indonesia with the application of fertilizer Dr ETIK WUKIR TINI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Examining the relationship between energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental degradation in indonesia: Do capital and trade openness matter? NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 22524940 9
Water pollution, income loss and health impact as externalities from illegal gold mining: A case study from two districts in Jambi Province, Indonesia NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315
Do electricity consumption and international trade openness boost economic growth in sudan? Empirical analysis from bounds test to cointegration approach NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2
Energy consumption and economic growth: Empirical evidence for sudan NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 17
Do fishers need to diversify their source of income? A special reference in vulnerable fishers of cilacap waters, Indonesia NURUL ANWAR, S.E., Ph.D AACL Bioflux 18448143 9
Working time coordination of over current relay (OCR) and ground fault relay (GFR) in 20 kV feeder distribution PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Improving output current of inductor-cell based five-level csi using hysteresis current controller PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694
Increased reliability over current relay (ocr) as a transformer protection with non-cascade coordination patterns PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Design of 1 kW Buck-Boost Chopper with PI Control for Photovoltaic Power Conversion PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Design of a single-phase radial flux permanent magnet generator with variation of the stator diameter PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng Jurnal Teknologi 01279696
Analysis of 1.2 kW wind power generation using 24 V DC bus with energy storage system for hybrid solar thermal-wind power generation PRISWANTO, S.T, M.Eng Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X
The Effect of UCP2 45bp Insersi/Delesi Genetic Variation on the Body Composition of Woman with Obesity in Continuous Training and High-Intensity Interval Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study Dr dr. SUSIANA CANDRAWATI, S.Ked, Sp.K.Or Annals of Applied Sport Science 24764981 2
High-intensity interval training improves inflammatory mediators in obese women: Based on the study of the ucp2 ala55val gene Dr dr. SUSIANA CANDRAWATI, S.Ked, Sp.K.Or Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 1
The relationship between ACTN3 gene polymorphism with VO2 max and flexibility Dr dr. SUSIANA CANDRAWATI, S.Ked, Sp.K.Or Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
12-weeks programmed aerobics dance reduced body mass index and waist circumference of young women Dr dr. SUSIANA CANDRAWATI, S.Ked, Sp.K.Or Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 22234721 1
Smartphone-based application vs paper-based record: Female adolescents acceptance on fluid record tool IZZATI NUR KHOIRIANI, S.Gz, Dietisien, M.P.H Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 1394035X
A Comparative Study of Photobiological and Photophysical Characteristic of Meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin and Meso-Tetraphenylchlorin as Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si Science and Technology Indonesia 25804405
Chiral Separation of Econazole by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method using Cyclodextrin as Chiral Column Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay of Zingiber zerumbet and Z cassumunar Rhizomes Extracts Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Antibacterial activity of benzyl benzoate and crotepoxide from Kaempferia rotunda L. Rhizome Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 12
Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Triadimenol Analysis in Water Sample Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Bioactivity of Acetone Extract from Spirulina Platensis Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Development of high performance liquid chromatography method for miconazole analysis in powder sample Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Screening of Marine Actinomycetes from Segara Anakan for Natural Pigment and Hydrolytic Activities Dr SUWANDRI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 6
Determining the Maximum Speed Limit in Residential Area YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 23662557
Road Infrastructure Deficiency and Road Safety Audit at Black Spot Area in Rural Road YANTO, S.T, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Towards Estimating Rainfall Using Cellular Phone Signal YANTO, S.T, Ph.D International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECC
Decadal shift of NAO-linked interannual sea level variability along the U.S. northeast coast YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Journal of Climate 08948755 20
Hydrological model application under data scarcity for multiple watersheds, Java Island, Indonesia YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 20
Development of a gridded meteorological dataset over Java island, Indonesia 1985-2014 YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Scientific Data 17
Decadal variability of the Indian and Pacific walker cells since the 1960s: Do they covary on decadal time scales? YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Journal of Climate 08948755 30
Space–time variability of Indonesian rainfall at inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales YANTO, S.T, Ph.D Climate Dynamics 09307575 27
An IoT-based home appliances ecosystem to improve energy use efficiency AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
A review of LoRa technology and its potential use for rural development in Indonesia AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 16
Prototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructure AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA, S.T, M.Eng Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 9
Solar-wind hybrid power plant monitoring based on free libre open source software (FLOSS) internet of things AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA, S.T, M.Eng Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X
Improving Efficiency for Retail Warehouse Using Data Envelopment Analysis Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 23690739
The Scientific Argumentation Profile of Earthquake Mitigation of Non-Science Undergraduate Student in Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 4
Innovative design of the combined rocking horse toy and folding chair for children Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 2
The Scientific Literacy Profile of Tsunami Disaster Mitigation of Non-Science Undergraduate Student in Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Warehousing performance improvement using Frazelle Model and per group benchmarking: A case study in retail warehouse in Yogyakarta and Central Java Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 3
Exploring Inequalities in the Use, Quality, and Outcome of the Diabetes Management Program of Indonesian National Health Insurance RR DIYAH WORO DWI LESTARI, S.Psi, M.A, M.A Health Equity
The effects of catfish oil supplementation as unsaturated fatty acid source on Bali cow gas production kinetics, dry matter digestibility, and organic matter digestibility in vitro DANANG NUR CAHYO, S.Pt, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Catfish oil supplementation in Bali cattle diet: Effects on rumen fermentation parameters, carboxymethylcellulase and protease activity in vitro DANANG NUR CAHYO, S.Pt, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
The use of probiotic and antioxidants to improve welfare and production of layer duck at commercial farms for global warming mitigation Ir IMAM SUSWOYO, M.Agr E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Welfare and egg production of local ducks fed diets containing two probiotics in commercial farms Ir IMAM SUSWOYO, M.Agr International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 2
Benefit of swimming access to behaviour, body and plumage condition and heat stress effect of local ducks Ir IMAM SUSWOYO, M.Agr International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 6
Socio Characteristics of Citronella Farmers in Kedungrandu Village, Banyumas District RIFKI ANDI NOVIA, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Consortium in Shallot Cultivation with Lead-Polluted Media Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 09726268
The existence of coprophilous macrofungi in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Preservation Technique of Filamentous Fungi Based on Inactive Metabolism at Indonesian Culture Collection (InaCC) Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The preliminary study of cell membrane stability of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex Fr.) P. Kumm strains related to the production of fruiting body Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S International Journal of Agricultural Technology
Phylogenetic Relationships among Ornamental Achanturid Fish from Ujunggenteng and Taman Manalusu, West Java ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Biosaintifika 2085191X 2
A novel proposed method for strengthening RC beams using FRP string and geopolymer Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Residual strength of normal concrete reinforced with aluminum fiber at elevated temperatures Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Flexural load and deflection behavior of structural Bamboo filled with cement mortar Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T Jurnal Teknologi 01279696
The connection model of segmental precast concrete beam reinforced with recycled tyre Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Usage of recycled tyre as reinforcement bars in precast beam-column joint Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T Malaysian Construction Research Journal 19853807
Rice husk as an alternative energy for cement production and its effect on the chemical properties of cement Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 2
Preliminary Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Oral and Dental Hospital of Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia Ir GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO, S.T, M.T Procedia Engineering 13
Assessing saturated hydraulic conductivity from the dielectrically-predicted dry bulk density PURWOKO HARI KUNCORO, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal
Dynamics of soil physical and chemical properties within horizontal ridges-organic fertilizer applied potato land PURWOKO HARI KUNCORO, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Anisotropy of transport properties of a remolded, compacted andisol PURWOKO HARI KUNCORO, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D Soil Science Society of America Journal 03615995 3
A study on the effect of compaction on transport properties of soil gas and water. II: Soil pore structure indices PURWOKO HARI KUNCORO, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D Soil and Tillage Research 01671987 49
A study on the effect of compaction on transport properties of soil gas and water I: Relative gas diffusivity, air permeability, and saturated hydraulic conductivity PURWOKO HARI KUNCORO, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D Soil and Tillage Research 01671987 87
Chemical index alteration of weathering on pyroclastic breccia in the Pawinihan Mountain Avalanche, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. INDRA PERMANAJATI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Impact of Physical and Chemical Properties to Form a Slip Surface in Pyroclastic Breccia in Pawinihan Landslide, Banjarnegara Dr. INDRA PERMANAJATI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
A pro-conservation adaptation power model for cococraft craftsmen using coconut waste in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia Dr Ir ACHMAD IQBAL International Journal of Conservation Science 2067533X 7
The Utilization of Mushroom Waste Substrate in Producing Vermicompost: The Decomposer Capacity of Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae Dr Ir ACHMAD IQBAL Acta Technologica Agriculturae 13352555 2
Development of production creativity among craftsmen by identifying techniques for characterizing coconut waste Dr Ir ACHMAD IQBAL International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 7
Diversity of insect carried-fungi in chili (Capsicum annuum) crop at Banyumas District, Central Java Province, Indonesia Dr ENDANG MUGIASTUTI, S.P, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X
Raw Secondary Metabolites of Chitosan-enriched Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 to Control Corn Sheath Blight Dr ENDANG MUGIASTUTI, S.P, M.P Biosaintifika 2085191X 4
Application of Bio P60 and Bio T10 in Combination Against Phytophthora Wilt of Papaya Dr ENDANG MUGIASTUTI, S.P, M.P Biosaintifika 2085191X 4
Diversity of cellulolytic bacteria isolated from coastal mangrove sediment in Logending beach, Kebumen, Indonesia Dra DINI RYANDINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Bifidobacterium from infant stool: The diversity and potential screening Dra DINI RYANDINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Characterization of bifidobacteria from infant feces with different mode of birth at Purwokerto, Indonesia Dra DINI RYANDINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 6
The protein content and protease activity of local green fly, Chloroprocta sp., maggot crude extracts Dr Dr DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Scanning SNPs of Diabetes Mellitus related genes; HNF4A, PTPN, KCNJ11, PPAR gamma; Among Thalassemia Patients: A Preliminary Study Dr Dr DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI, M.Kes IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Profile of Biofilm-Producing Staphylococcus epidermidis from intravenous catheter colonisation at Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto Dr Dr DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI, M.Kes Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 23389427
Effects of Chloroprocta sp. maggot filtrates on extracellular matrix reduction and embedded Staphylococcus epidermidis viability Dr Dr DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI, M.Kes Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 22317538 2
Callus induction and its metabolite profiles of Sonchus arvensis L. Under temperature treatment SRI LESTARI, S.Si., M.Si Annals of Biology 09700153 2
Composition of pests and predators in the early generative phase of rice cultivation in two different conditions RISQA NAILA KHUSNA SYARIFAH, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Upland Rice Performance through N, P, K Fertilizers and Weed (Mimosa invisa L.) Extract Applications. RISQA NAILA KHUSNA SYARIFAH, S.P, M.P. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334
The effect of feeding antioxidant rich coffee on glucose blood response, MDA and SOD on diabetic rats induced with streptozotocin dr DIAH KRISNANSARI, S.Ked, S.Ked, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Effect of feeding coconut sugar-mix coffee rich in antioxidants on blood pressure, serum SOD and MDA of sprague dawley rats dr DIAH KRISNANSARI, S.Ked, S.Ked, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Purwoceng Roots Ethanol Extract Make no Improvement in Leydig Cells Activity to Male White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation (Psd) Stress Models dr DIAH KRISNANSARI, S.Ked, S.Ked, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Investigation of condition factor of wild spiny lobster juvenile Panulirus spp. inhabit in Cilacap waters, Indonesia DEWI WISUDYANTI BUDI HASTUTI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Interaction of oceanography patterns towards the abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in teluk penyu waters of Cilacap DEWI WISUDYANTI BUDI HASTUTI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
Effects of Iron Accumulation on Dental Caries, Gingivitis, and Candida albicans Infection in Children with Beta Thalassemia Major: A Narrative Review drg ALI TAQWIM, Sp.K.G.A, S.KG Acta Medica Philippina 00016071
Bohn's Nodule: A Rare Case in a 7-month-old Male Infant drg ALI TAQWIM, Sp.K.G.A, S.KG Acta Medica Philippina 00016071
The legal institutional model of community-based waste management to reinforce multi-stakeholder collaboration in Indonesia Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
Extensive listening for teaching english to young EFL learners: The views of Asian EYL teachers Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H Journal of Asia TEFL 17383102
The Role of Social Capital in Promoting Sustainable Rural Development Area in Banyumas Regency Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Technology for Extensive Listening Practice: EFL Teachers' Preferences and Views Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 3
The Urgency of Inter-Village Cooperation in Developing Village Potentials to Support Tourism in Baturraden District, Banyumas Resident, Indonesia Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
EFL teachers’ experiences in developing L2 proficiency through extensive listening Dr KADAR PAMUJI, S.H., M.H Teflin Journal 0215773X 4
Investigation of total organic matter [TOM] content during high and low water in inter-tidal zone sediment at Teluk Penyu Coast, Cilacap, Indonesia Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Genetics identification of sea holly (Acanthus dicifolius) through DNA barcoding from coastal Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si Biotropia 02156334
The slope dynamic of cilacap backshore during transition season Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
Genetic mutation in mangrove Acanthus ilifolicius base on DNA Barcode (rbcL and matK gen) in the different environment change in coastal Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 3
Comparation of spiny lobster (Panulirus sp.) populations from bantul and cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 6
Nutritional value of spiny lobsters (Panulirus sp.) from Southern Coast of Java Dr FLORENCIUS EKO DWI HARYONO, S.Pi, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Inventory model optimisation for a closed-loop retailer-manufacturer-supplier system with imperfect production, reworks and quality dependent return rate ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. International Journal of Services and Operations Management 17442370 10
A Closed-loop Supply Chain Inventory Model Considering Limited Number of Remanufacturing Generation and Environmental Investigation ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Minimizing gap of utility between consumer and producer in a duopoly market considering outsourcing decision, price, and product tolerance ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. Production and Manufacturing Research 1
Investigating carbon emissions in a production-inventory model under imperfect production, inspection errors and service-level constraint ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 17427967 23
Managing a closed-loop supply chain inventory system with learning effects ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
A vendor–buyer inventory model with imperfect production considering investment to reduce lead time variability ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. Cogent Engineering 3
Lot sizing decisions in a closed-loop supply chain system with remanufacturing ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. International Journal of Procurement Management 17538432 14
A Regular Production-Remanufacturing Inventory Model for a Two-Echelon System with Price-dependent Return Rate and Environmental Effects Investigation ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 5
Development and application of humanistic logistics models for optimizing location-allocation problem solutions to volcanic eruption disaster (Case study: Volcanic eruption of Mount Merapi, Indonesia) ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. Cogent Engineering 5
Inventory decisions in a two-echelon system with remanufacturing, carbon emission, and energy effects ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. Cogent Engineering 20
Inventory model optimization for supplier-manufacturer-retailer system with rework and waste disposal ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
An integrated customer-manufacturer optimization model to determine the optimal product price and quality level using theory of utility ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 21573611
Inventory decision in a closed-loop supply chain with inspection, sorting, and waste disposal ANINDYA RACHMA DWICAHYANI, S.T, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 4
Potential of Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) for Detecting Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma dr. VITASARI INDRIANI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.M, M.Si Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 4
The hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) roots ethanol extract administration in subchronic dose dr. VITASARI INDRIANI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.M, M.Si Molekul 19079761 1
Haematological response of catfish mystus singaringan exposed to captive condition dr. VITASARI INDRIANI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.M, M.Si Indian Veterinary Journal 00196479
Mentzer Index Diagnostic Value in Predicting Thalassemia Diagnosis dr. VITASARI INDRIANI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.M, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and anemia parameters in elderly with anemia of inflammation and non-inflammation dr. VITASARI INDRIANI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.M, M.Si Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 22234721 1
Utilization of Coffee Pulp Waste Composted with Cellulolytic Actinomycetes to Enhance Chili Plant Growth Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573
Rice phyllosphere bacteria producing antifungal compounds as biological control agents of blast disease Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Antifungal activities of bacteria producing bioactive compounds isolated from rice phyllosphere against Pyricularia oryzae Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si Journal of Plant Protection Research 14274345 13
TRFLP analysis for revealing the diversity of rice phyllosphere bacteria Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Indonesian ocean policy: Paradigm shift in strengthening ocean governance? WISMANINGSIH, S.H., M.H Journal of East Asia and International Law 19769229
MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION OF INTERNODE CHARACTERISTICS OF YELLOW AMPEL BAMBOO (BAMBUSA VULGARIS VAR. STRIATA) RINA REORITA, S.Si, M.Si Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural 20652135
Allometric model to estimate biomass of leave-twigs cajuput (Melaleuca cajuput) at KPH Yogyakarta, Indonesia RINA REORITA, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
A simulation study on forest inventory of gliricidia plantation using a virtual tree map RINA REORITA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
On the bichromatic wave propagation over varying bottom RINA REORITA, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
LC-MS/MS analysis and cytotoxic activity of extract and fractions of Calophyllum soulattri stembark Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 23389427 1
Medication reconciliation as a tool to reduce medication discrepancy Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 1
Inhibitory effect of ethanolic extract of Psidium guajava leaves in rat active cutaneus anaphylaxis reaction Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2
Genistein abrogates G2 arrest induced by curcumin in p53 deficient T47D cells Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 15608115 7
Helminthiasis of rabbits on the upland and lowland areas and the risk factors DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Hematological parameters and antibody titers to new castle diseases and avian influenza on extensive and semi-intensive system DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Differences of antibody titer to avian influenza and hematology profile on local ducks in Central Java DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Phytogenic compounds do not interfere physiological parameters and growth performances on two Indonesian local breeds of ducks DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech Veterinary World 09728988 5
Treatment of Rabbit Coccidiosis with Combination of Herbal Extract II toward Oocysts Excretion and Hematology Parameters DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The administration of garlic extract on Eimeria stiedai oocysts and the hematological profile of the coccidia infected rabbits DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech Media Peternakan 01260472 12
Blood biochemical profile, growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of mallard and muscovy ducks fed diet supplemented with bay leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) DIANA INDRASANTI, M.Biotech International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 8
A C-band Circular Polarized Antenna with Elliptical Shape for SAR Sensor DEWI ANGGRAENI, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Proceeding - 2020 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommuni 1
Exploring medical students’ professional identity formation througwritten reflections during the COVID-19 pandemic DEWI ANGGRAENI, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Public Health Research 22799028 35
Development and analysis characteristic solar powered system on lapan surveillance UAV 03 (LSU 03) DEWI ANGGRAENI, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Analysis of battery charging in the development of BMS for solar UAV application DEWI ANGGRAENI, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Open loop fiber optic gyroscope analysis based on angular random walk DEWI ANGGRAENI, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd QiR 2017 - 2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR): International Symposium
Institutional and management analysis of the auction fish place (AFP) for improving fishermen's welfare in tegalsari AFP, Tegal City, Central Java TEUKU JUNAIDI, M.Pi E3S Web of Conferences 2
Biodiversity of algae potentially HABS (Harmfull Algae Blooms) in reservoir Mrica, Banjarnegara TEUKU JUNAIDI, M.Pi E3S Web of Conferences 3
Contribution of Different Feeding Method and Protein Source on Blood Urea as well as Urinal Nitrogen Excretion of Ettawah Crossbreed Goats Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Branched Chain Volatile Fatty Acids Profile of Rumen Fluids Suplemented by Different Meal Protein Sources and Protein-Energy Synchronization Index Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Tourist Destination Brand Equity (TDBE) Model and its Implication to Word of Mouth (WoM) in New Tourist Destinations Context Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The Effect of Market Orientation on MSMEs Marketing Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of MSMEs’ Innovativeness Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The Antecedent of Online Entrepreneurial Intention in Generation Z: Planned Behavior Theory Implementation Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Impulsive purchase behaviour of Z generation of Muslim women on TikTok shop: the application of S-O-R framework Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Journal of Islamic Marketing 17590833
A moderating role of halal brand awareness to purchase decision making Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Journal of Islamic Marketing 17590833 15
Direct and indirect effect of entrepreneurial orientation, family involvement and gender on family business performance Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Journal of Family Business Management 20436238 14
Loyalty program and communication effectiveness as drivers of store loyalty Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Measuring Business Excellence 13683047 10
Increasing the Additional Value of Coffee Cultivation Results in Brebes Regency with a Value Chain Analysis Approach Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The effect of pricing bundling capability on marketing performance: the mediating role of price value offerings Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Accounting 23697393
Antecedents And Consequences of User Satisfaction in Startup Application as Digital Entrepreneurship in Indonesia Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Customer satisfaction as a mediation between micro banking image, customer relationship and customer loyalty Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Management Science Letters 19239335 24
Exploring passengers attitudes and loyalty in jabodetabek paratransit during Covid-19 pandemic Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
How to Improve the Competitiveness of Palm Sugar? the Role of Technical Innovation Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The influence of brand’s origin on relationship marketing effectiveness Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The influence of market orientation on marketing performances in micro small and medium-sized (MSMEs) coconut sugar enterprises: The role of innovation Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559 6
Driving factors of open innovation adoption on MSMEs in Indonesia Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Opcion 10121587 2
The logistic regression analysis with nonparametric approach based on Local scoring algorithm (case study: Diabetes Mellitus Type II cases in Surabaya of Indonesia) Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications 20748523 6
Supply chain involvement in engagement: Verification of marketing and operational collaboration Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Journal of Economic Perspectives
The effect of participatory training on satisfaction: The mediating role of effectiveness Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Journal of Economic Perspectives
Training quality: Partisipatory training versus non-partisipatory training on Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMES) Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Business Management 19935250 1
Training program evaluation on batik micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs): An analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Business Management 19935250 4
Financing model of coconut sugar micro small and medium entreprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. International Business Management 19935250 5
Why is Applying a Complete Product Sorting Technique Essential for Empowering Cococraft Craftsmen? Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334
The Urgency of Social Aspects in Environmental Assessment: A Case Study of a Sustainable Geothermal Power Plant Development in Banyumas, Indonesia Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 13921649
Modification of print techniques based on creative imagination to improve the skills of creators to produce quality cococraft Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si Academy of Strategic Management Journal 15441458
Sensitivity-based adaptive management in impowering quality cococraft craftsmen Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si International Journal of Entrepreneurship 10999264 1
The Development of Superior Side Dishes Survival Management in the Household Movement during Pandemic Crisis Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si Review of International Geographical Education Online
Empowerment of subsistence craftsmen through the adoption of environmentally friendly cocodust production technology Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 7
The effects of the operating voltage and source image distance of X-ray device on the absorption dosage and the improvement of the image for abdomen object dr. WIWIEK FATCHUROHMAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Design of the aluminum compensating filter to improve the image quality in the lateral projection of lumbosacral vertebrae dr. WIWIEK FATCHUROHMAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Effect of banana peel extract on serotonin immunoreactivity and stool consistency in colon of healthy male Wistar rat dr. WIWIEK FATCHUROHMAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Stigma and gender dimension based on rural and urban communities in preventing HIV and AIDS in childbearing age couples in Banyumas Regency COLTI SISTIARANI, M.Kes HIV and AIDS Review 17301270
Factors related to the utilization of voluntary clinical testing (VCT) servies among pregnant women in Banyumas, Indonesia COLTI SISTIARANI, M.Kes Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Lipase Activity, Hematological and Blood Biochemistry of Osphronemus gouramy Fed with Suplementation of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris Dr. Dr Dra SORTA BASAR IDA SIMANJUNTAK, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Impact of fed containing different levels of diets supplementation spirulina platensis on growth, haematological, body composition and biochemical parameters, of gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) Dr. Dr Dra SORTA BASAR IDA SIMANJUNTAK, M.Si Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13032712 12
Diversity and longitudinal distribution of freshwater fish in Klawing River, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. Dr Dra SORTA BASAR IDA SIMANJUNTAK, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 8
The structure communities of gastropods in the permanently inundated mangrove forest on the north coast of Jakarta, Indonesia Dr ROSE DEWI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 3
Tropic Status Assesment in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia : Experience in Applying the Trophic Index Trix Dr ROSE DEWI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
A Spatio-Temporal Analysis on the Composition and Abundance of Phytoplankton in Segara Anakan Lagoon Area Dr ROSE DEWI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Spatio-temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a using multitemporal landsat image and ground check in segara anakan lagoon Dr ROSE DEWI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 6
Potential harmful algal blooms (HABs) in segara anakan lagoon, Central Java, Indonesia Dr ROSE DEWI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 3
Levels of Cortisol and Inflammatory Cytokines after The Induction of Various Sleep Deprivation Stress Models in Male Wistar Rats dr CATHARINA WIDIARTINI, S.Ked, M.Med Molekul 19079761
The Effect of Kelor Leaves (Moringa oleifera) Ethanol Extract on Serum Uric Acid and Tumor Necrosis Factor-? of Hyperuricemic White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) dr CATHARINA WIDIARTINI, S.Ked, M.Med IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Nexus between Green Finance, Creativity, Energy Accounting and Financial Performance: Banks Sustainability Analysis from Developing Country Dr Drs ADE BANANI, M.S International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Linking psychological empowerment, knowledge sharing, and employees' innovative behavior in Indonesian SMEs Dr Drs ADE BANANI, M.S Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675 22
The potency of actinomycetes extracts isolated from pramuka island, jakarta, indonesia as antimicrobial agents Dr dr. SETIAWATI, S.Ked, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Antibiofilm activity of (1)-N-2-methoxybenzyl-1,10-phenanthrolinium bromide against Candida albicans Dr dr. SETIAWATI, S.Ked, M.Sc. Journal de Mycologie Medicale 11565233 13
In vitro antifungal activity of (1)-N-2-methoxybenzyl-1,10-phenanthrolinium bromide against Candida albicans and its effects on membrane integrity Dr dr. SETIAWATI, S.Ked, M.Sc. Mycobiology 12298093 21
Community pharmacist home visit-based intervention improved diabetes patients' outcomes: A randomized controlled trial Dr dr. PUGUD SAMODRO, Sp.P.D Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 1
Mmas-8 score assessment of therapy adherence to glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, tanjung purwokerto, Java, Indonesia (October 2018) Dr dr. PUGUD SAMODRO, Sp.P.D Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 01251562
Fermentation of amylolytic yeast and lactic acid bacteria to improve the quality of modified cassava MEYLIDA ICHSYANI, S.Si, M.Biomed IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Antiviral effects of Curcuma longa L. against dengue virus in vitro and in vivo MEYLIDA ICHSYANI, S.Si, M.Biomed IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 40
Financing innovation for sustainable supply chain management in social business: a case of Qurban rituals in Indonesia Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 17590817
Feasibility analysis of laying hen business of pullet period Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Commentary on Place Spirituality: An Islamic perspective Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Archive for the Psychology of Religion 00846724 7
Non genetic factors affecting pre-weaning weight and growth rate of ettawah grade goats Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Media Peternakan 01260472 9
Productivity and breeding strategies of sheep in Indonesia: A review Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 16129830 8
Doe productivity of Kacang and Peranakan Etawah goats and factors affecting them in Indonesia Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement 16138422 5
The role and breeds, management systems, productivity and development strategies of goats in Indonesia: A review Dr Ir AKHMAD SODIQ Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 16129830 4
Do stigma and disclosure of HIV status are associated with adherence to antiretroviral therapy among men who have sex with men? LU'LU NAFISAH, S.KM, M.K.M. HIV and AIDS Review 17301270 2
The Effects of the Early Oral Feeding on Preterm Infant's Length of Hospital Stay HARYATININGSIH PURWANDARI, Ns.SpKepAn, M.Kep AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Predicting preterm infants’ length of hospital stay (LOS) using gestational age, birth weight, and early breastmilk feeding HARYATININGSIH PURWANDARI, Ns.SpKepAn, M.Kep Enfermeria Clinica 11308621
Preterm infant cues during breastfeeding and its measurement: A scoping review HARYATININGSIH PURWANDARI, Ns.SpKepAn, M.Kep Belitung Nursing Journal 24774073
Potential of Extracellular Chitinase from Bacillus subtilis B 298 as Antifungal against Rhizoctonia solani SUYATA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Exploration of pedagogical content knowledge preservice teacher for analyzing mathematics understanding in elementary school SUYATA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Universitas Negeri Semarang’s readiness in carrying out vocational education Drs BAMBANG HARIYADI, M.Kes Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 13059076
Diet and feeding strategy of the common silver-biddy, Gerres oyena (Forsskål 1775) in the seagrass beds of Karang Congkak Island, Kepulauan Seribu National Park ADINDA KURNIA PUTRI, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
History of stunting on Anguilla spp.: A literature review ADINDA KURNIA PUTRI, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Species composition and abundance of small fishes in seagrass beds of the Karang Congkak Island, Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Indonesia ADINDA KURNIA PUTRI, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Postoperative myasthenia crisis (PMC) after thymoma debulking surgery Dr SHILA SURYANI, S.Ked, Sp.An, M.Sc. Critical Care and Shock 14107767
The effect of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on air transport Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The effect of spatial scales and imbalanced data treatment on the landslide susceptibility mapping using Random Forest Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Aircraft routes of domestic cargo transport based on the Indonesian National Logistics System Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Service quality of transit and demand-supply forecasting for ride-hailing in the Jakarta Greater Area, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait) 23071877 2
Demand Modeling for Taxi and Ride-hailing Transport Services (RTS) Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) 26766957
Determining the maximum speed limit based on stopping sight distance (SSD) and risk of fatality Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Aircraft Routes and Flight Frequency of Domestic Cargo Transport in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 23490918
Determining of black spot location in Purbalingga Regency using road geometric approach Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The impact of lowering speed limit on mobility and the environment Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 11
Road safety audit at black spot area: Case study in Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, Purbalingga Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 5
The effect of congestion pricing scheme on the generalized cost and speed of a motorcycle Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 16863933 18
Determining the maximum speed limit in urban road to increase traffic safety Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 19
Evaluation of hub-spoke airport networks in Sumatra island, Indonesia to increase efficiency of air transportation Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng MATEC Web of Conferences 8
Airport classification based on freight ratio and Federal Aviation Administration (Case study in Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5
The cost of traffic accident and equivalent accident number in developing countries (Case study in Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 21
Identification of black spot and equivalent accident number using Upper Control Limit method Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 19
Marshall test characteristics of asphalt concrete mixture with scrapped tire rubber as a fine aggregate Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 14
Road traffic accident cost using human capital method (Case study in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 20
Characterization of asphalt concrete produced from scrapped tire rubber Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Engineering Journal 01258281 17
Hub and spoke airport networks in Indonesia based on Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 13
The Impact of congestion pricing scheme on the generalized cost and speed of motorcycle to the City of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 15
Analysis of hub-and-spoke airport networks in Java Island, based on cargo volume and freight ratio Prof. Dr. Ir. GITO SUGIYANTO, S.T, M.T., IPM.,ASEAN Eng Procedia Engineering 18
Significance of Chronic Diseases and Smoking Behavior in the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Indonesia EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 10105395 7
Statistical Approach of Knowledge Management for Improvement of Hospitalized Management EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Remuneration as a strategy to improve service quality, cost-effectiveness, and organizational performance of private hospitals EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. Enfermeria Clinica 11308621 1
Situation awareness of cough etiquettes of hospital security personnel and janitors EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 22234721
Growth performance of catfish (Clarias gariepenus) cultured of high density with biofloc system EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 2
Sublethal Toxicity Tests of Mercury (Hg) to Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) Gills Tissue Damage EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI, S.Si, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 2
Pressure injury prevention: Knowledge and attitude and their predictors in Indonesian nurses working in hospital settings NURIYA, Ns.SpKepMB, M.Kep Journal of Tissue Viability 0965206X
Translation and validation of the indonesian version of the hypertension self-care profile NURIYA, Ns.SpKepMB, M.Kep Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Barriers in diabetes self-management: A qualitative study from the perspective of nurses in primary health centers, indonesia NURIYA, Ns.SpKepMB, M.Kep Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 1
The Effect of Soil Submersion and Conditioner Materials on Residual Organophosphate Pesticides in Soil and Shallot Bulbs Dr. Ir BUDI PRAKOSO Agrivita 01260537
Growth and yield of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) on different types of media and nutrient solution on hydroponic wick system Dr. Ir BUDI PRAKOSO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Growth of papaya cv. Callina seedlings on four types of planting media supplemented with different doses of AB-MIX nutrient solution Dr. Ir BUDI PRAKOSO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Genetically modified soybeans: False-positive detection in fermented natural soybean (tempe) Dr. Ir BUDI PRAKOSO Biotechnology Letters 01415492 3
The role of e-billing and e-SPT implementation on user satisfaction of e-filing taxpayers Dr ABDUL ROHMAN, M.Ag International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148
Physical Stimulation for Hiperbilirubin Ners DIAN SUSMARINI, M.N IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Nutritional information access and dietary behavior among people with diabetes during Covid-19 pandemic YOVITA PURI SUBARDJO, S.Gz, Dietisien, M.P.H IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Formulation of Flakes made from mocaf-black rice-tapioca high in protein and dietary fiber by soy and jack bean flour addition YOVITA PURI SUBARDJO, S.Gz, Dietisien, M.P.H IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Glycemic index of flakes made from mocaf-black rice and bean flour as alternative snacks for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus YOVITA PURI SUBARDJO, S.Gz, Dietisien, M.P.H Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 3
Toxicity and Antimicrobial Activity of Zerumbon from Zingiber zerumbet Rhizome Dra EVA VAULINA YULISTIA DELSY, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Basis Set Validation of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate based on Infrared Spectrum using Ab Initio Method Dra EVA VAULINA YULISTIA DELSY, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Molecular modelling as a downstream effort in the discovery of novel anionic sulphate surfactants Dra EVA VAULINA YULISTIA DELSY, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Quantitative structure-property relationship analysis against critical micelle concentration of sulfonate-based surfactant based on semiempirical zindo/1 calculation Dra EVA VAULINA YULISTIA DELSY, M.Si Molekul 19079761 3
Utilization of composite membrane polyethyleneglycol-polystyrene-cellulose acetate from pineapple leaf fibers in lowering levels of methyl orange batik waste Dra EVA VAULINA YULISTIA DELSY, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
The Primary culture of caudal fin, gill lamella, hepatopancreas and spleen of Osteochilus vittatus ATANG, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Potential of Nereis sp. (Polychaete) as Prawn Feed at the Coastal Farming of Jeruklegi, Cilacap ATANG, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Microplastics contamination in commercial fish landed at Lengkong Fish Auction Point, Central Java, Indonesia Dr DYAHRURI SANJAYASARI, M.Si Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426
Retention and survival optimization of juvenile green mussel (Perna viridis) by using substrate from different seaweed extracts Dr DYAHRURI SANJAYASARI, M.Si Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan 20855842
Optimising environmental conditions for nursery culture of juvenile Greenshell™ mussels (Perna canaliculus) Dr DYAHRURI SANJAYASARI, M.Si Aquaculture 00448486 13
Rumen Fermentation Profiles of Protein-Energy Synchronization Index-Based Ration: an In Vitro Study MERRYAFINOLA IFANI, S.Pt, M.Pt Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 08537380
Corn Substitution Through Na-Glutamate and Neurospora Species Supplementation in Cassava and Tofu Dregs Dr TITIN WIDIYASTUTI, S.Pt, M.Si Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331
Characteristics, Digestibility and Rumen Fermentation Products of Rice Bran from Various Varieties of Rice Dr TITIN WIDIYASTUTI, S.Pt, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Evaluation of Protein Concentrate from Jatropha Seed Cake as a Soybean Meal Substitution in the Rabbit Feed Dr TITIN WIDIYASTUTI, S.Pt, M.Si Energy Procedia 18766102 4
Biorefinery of jatropha seed cake by lactid acid bacteria and the effects on hematological profile of rex rabbit Dr TITIN WIDIYASTUTI, S.Pt, M.Si Energy Procedia 18766102 3
Lamtoro Leaf (Leucaena leucocephala) Xanthophylls Content as the Result of Physical and Chemical Detoxifi cation of Mimosine Dr TITIN WIDIYASTUTI, S.Pt, M.Si Media Peternakan 01260472 6
The fulfillment of pregnancy-related needs of women in refugee camps in Indonesia: A phenomenology study Ners NINA SETIAWATI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat, M.Kep Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran 23385324
The effect of audiovisual media on adolescents' knowledge and attitude about teenage pregnancy Ners NINA SETIAWATI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat, M.Kep Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
The effect of an android application on adolescent's knowledge and attitudes toward premarital sex Ners NINA SETIAWATI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat, M.Kep Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Are there any effects of tapping therapy in reducing anxiety and labor pain in the latent phase? Ners NINA SETIAWATI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat, M.Kep Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
SETIA Health Education Set Enhances Knowledge, Attitude, and Parenting Self-Efficacy Score in Postpartum Adolescent Mothers Ners NINA SETIAWATI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat, M.Kep Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 24694193 5
The Influence of Soil Nutrients Availability on Banana Bunchy Top Disease Incidence in Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia RULY EKO KUSUMA KURNIAWAN, S.P, M.P. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456
Recent distribution and diversity analysis on banana bunchy top virus of banana and alternative host in Indonesia RULY EKO KUSUMA KURNIAWAN, S.P, M.P. Tropical Plant Pathology 19825676 4
Marketing Communications for Tourism Development in Ecoethno Leadcamp Site Dr AGUS GANJAR RUNTIKO, S.Sos, M.Si Studies in Media and Communication 23258071 1
The effect of dynamic relationship between domestic market and world market on stock returns volatility RETNO KURNIASIH, S.E., M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Effect of eyestalk-ablation and differences salinity in rearing pond on molting speed of Scylla serrata R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Molecular Identification and Genetic Diversity of Thalassia hemprichii Through DNA Barcoding Using Internal Transcribed Spacer gene (ITS) from Awur Bay Jepara, Indonesia R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Coating Rate of Round Nucleus in Mantle Transplantation of Freshwater Pearl Mussel margaritifera Sp. to Anodonta woodiana R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Spirulina platensis diet for milkfish, chanos chanos, larvae R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 1
DNA Barcoding for mangrove identification R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The accumulation of heavy metals kadmium (cd) in water, sediments and aquaculture biota which contaminated by batik waste in mulyorejo village pekalongan R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
The effect of endosulfan (insecticide) on expression of vitelogenin gene in female silver sharkminnow (Osteochilus hasseltii C. V.) R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Nursery I: The effect of stocking density on the performance of glass eels, Anguilla bicolor in the biofloc system R. TAUFAN HARISAM, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 3
Importance-Performance Analysis and Student Satisfaction Index on Laboratory Services in the Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Drs WURYATMO AKHMAD SIDIK, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Modelling the Influence of Unhealthy Human Behaviour on the Spread of Zoonosis Disease that May Cause a Possible Future Pandemic Drs WURYATMO AKHMAD SIDIK, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Formulation and characterization of bread using coconut-pulp flour and wheat flour composite with addition of xanthan-gum Drs WURYATMO AKHMAD SIDIK, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Mathematical study of turbulent blood flow through an arterial bifurcation Drs WURYATMO AKHMAD SIDIK, M.Sc., Ph.D Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 01589938 2
Determination of The Adsorption Kinetics for Adsorption Methylene Blue Dye with C-4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxyphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Synthesis, Characterization, and Activity of The Photocatalyst Polyaniline (PANI)/TiO2 in Degrading Rhodamine B Dye IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si Science and Technology Indonesia 25804405 2
The Effect of Direct Current Sources for Electrolysis of Laundry Liquid Waste Surfactants Using Pbd/Pb Electrodes with Parallel Circuit IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Study of the Adsorption Kinetics of Rhodamine B onto C-2-Hydroxyphenylcalix[4]Resorcinarene IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Synthesis of phenylcalix[4]resorcinarena sulfonate and it's aplication as an antioxidant IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Removal of rhodamine b using 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene IRMANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Antiplasmodial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Artemisia annua, L RANI AFIFAH NUR HESTIYANI, S.Si, M.Biotek. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 4
Stage specificity of eurycomanone isolated from Eurycoma longifolia on Plasmodium falciparum cycles RANI AFIFAH NUR HESTIYANI, S.Si, M.Biotek. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 15574962 3
Designing Aquifer Model for the Banks of the Serayu River, Sokawera, Somagede, Banyumas, Indonesia by Means of 1D-Electrical Resistivity Data Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 23375760
Calculation of anisotropy permeability from 3D tomographic images using renormalization group approaches and lattice Boltzmann method Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 21900558 5
The effect of X-ray micro computed tomography image resolution on flow properties of porous rocks Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Microscopy 00222720 22
Flow properties of the experimental and computer models of laminated rock Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Permeability anisotropy of layering rock model Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Two dimension porous media reconstruction using granular model under influence of gravity Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Modeling and characterization of laminated granular rocks Dr ZAROH IRAYANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Short communication: Benthic macroinvertebrate diversity as biomonitoring of organic pollutions of river ecosystems in central Java, Indonesia Drs SLAMET SANTOSO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 6
Tofu wastewater industry with urea fertilizer as a cultivation medium for the microalga Spirulina plantensis Ir SRI MARNANI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
On socio-economic predictors of religious intolerance: evidence from a large-scale longitudinal survey in the largest muslim democracy HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. Religions 9
Distribution of protein fractions in tofu whey wastewater and its potential influence on anaerobic digestion HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Carbon stock change dynamics of oil palm plantation in Sembilang Dangku Landscape, South Sumatra HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Fresh fruit bunch production of oil palm plantation in the lowland area of Sembilang Dangku Landscape HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The disappearance of bromuconazole fungicide in domestic waste anaerobic fermentation HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Residual pesticides monitoring of the horticulture soil in Lembang HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Removal of nickel ion from electroplating wastewater using double chamber electrodeposition cell (DCEC) reactor partitioned with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) leaves HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
The presence of bromuconazole fungicide pollutant in organic waste anaerobic fermentation HARIYADI, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Improving Indonesian seniors' digital resilience and quality of life through the Digital Academy for Seniors program Dr.Sos. NURYANTI, S.IP, M.Sc. Journal of Media Literacy Education
The Indonesian Government Capacity in Responding to the COVID-19 Impacts on the Creative Economy Sector Dr.Sos. NURYANTI, S.IP, M.Sc. SAGE Open 2
Technology assessment as a form of inclusive communication approach to access information from village web in central java, Indonesia Dr.Sos. NURYANTI, S.IP, M.Sc. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315 1
Social change resulting from the implementation of inclusive communication approaches for the marginalised villagers in central Java, Indonesia Dr.Sos. NURYANTI, S.IP, M.Sc. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315
Village Official Website and Inclusive Communication Approach in Empowerment of Villagers in Susukan Banyumas Central Java, Indonesia Dr.Sos. NURYANTI, S.IP, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Health-related quality of life among patients undergoing chronic disease management: A cross-sectional study NIA KURNIA SHOLIHAT, M.Sc. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2
Machine-learning algorithm for demand forecasting problem ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognize Handwritten ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Composite Image with a Geographic Information System Approach ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Pollution level of Banjaran River, Banyumas District, Indonesia: A study based on the Saprobic Index of periphytic microalgae MUHAMAD BAEDOWI, S.Pd.I, M.Pd, M.Pd Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Amino acid profile of biologically processed fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) using local enzyme to combat stunting PAMBUDI YUWONO, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 10
Physiological Conditions of Decomposition Process and Quality of Compost Based on Beef Cattle Feces Enriched with Azolla sp. PAMBUDI YUWONO, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Comparison of radiograph image information on lumbar vertebrae examination using the application of the anode heel effect theory EFITA PRATIWI ADI, S.Pd, M.Sc Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Empowerment: Finding voices and strategies to combat globalization TRI LISIANI PRIHATINAH, S.H., Ph. D. Community Development Journal 00103802 1
Integration Uses and Gratifications Theory and Entrepreneurship Theory To Boost The MSMEs Marketing Performance Using Social Media Doctor of Philosophy WENI NOVANDARI, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Protective effect of ethanol extract of celery (Apium graveolens L) on kidney damage in ischemia/ reperfusion injury rats model dr. KHUSNUL MUFLIKHAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. Molekul 19079761 5
Vitamin D attenuates kidney fibrosis via reducing fibroblast expansion, inflammation, and epithelial cell apoptosis dr. KHUSNUL MUFLIKHAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 00232513 24
Centella asiatica Prevents Increase of Hippocampal Tumor Necrosis Factor- ? Independently of Its Effect on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Rat Model of Chronic Stress dr. IKA MURTI HARINI, S.Ked, M.Sc., M.Sc. BioMed Research International 23146133 13
Hepatitis B as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk factor in the south region of Java, Indonesia dr. IKA MURTI HARINI, S.Ked, M.Sc., M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Sub-chronic hepatotoxicity test of plantago mayor L. Extract dr. IKA MURTI HARINI, S.Ked, M.Sc., M.Sc. Molekul 19079761
The Abundance and Potential Activity of Nitrifying, Denitrifying, and Nitrate-ammonifying Bacteria in the Vanamae Shrimp Culture in Karawang RIZAL KHOIRUN ALFISAH, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Characteristics and Activity of Anti Quorum Sensing Bacillus spp. Isolated from Penaeus vannamei Shrimp Ponds RIZAL KHOIRUN ALFISAH, S.Si, M.Si HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019
Metagenomic analysis of microbial community in over-fermented tempeh RIZAL KHOIRUN ALFISAH, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 12
The moderating effects of gender on managerial performance assessment and dysfunctional behaviour: Evidence from Indonesia Dr. PUJI LESTARI, S.E., M.Si Cogent Business and Management
Good corporate governance, corporate ethical value and creative accounting: The case of the state-owned enterprise in Indonesia Dr. PUJI LESTARI, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Economic Research 09729380
Antibacterial activity of kecombrang fruit simplicia ekstract (nicolaia speciosa) against gram positive bacteria staphylococcus aureus fncc 0047 in vitro dr. AFIFAH, S.Ked, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Mung bean sprouts yoghurt rich in antioxidants as a functional drink during pandemic INDAH NURAENI, MScFood Food Research 1
Sensory and antioxidant evaluation of functional drinks based on cardamom rhizomes (Amomum cardamomum willd.) INDAH NURAENI, MScFood Food Research 5
Content of dietary fiber and vitamin A in slice jam of Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum Cav.) and watermelon albedo as complementary foods for school-age children INDAH NURAENI, MScFood IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Development of arrowroot flour and taro flour snack bar with banana bud flour supplementation as snack for diabetes patient INDAH NURAENI, MScFood IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Characteristics of tamarillo jelly drink using various sugar concentration and the proportion of papayas as a healthy drink for school children INDAH NURAENI, MScFood Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 1
Effect of cardamom leaves extract as antidiabetic, weight lost and hypocholesterolemic to alloxan-induced Sprague Dawley diabetic rats INDAH NURAENI, MScFood International Food Research Journal 19854668 30
Determinants of length for age Z scores among children aged 6–23 months in Central Java, Indonesia: a path analysis Dr ERNA KUSUMA WATI, S.KM, M.Si Frontiers in Nutrition
Stunting Incidence in Infant Related to Mother’s History During Pregnancy Dr ERNA KUSUMA WATI, S.KM, M.Si Kemas 18581196 1
The Influence of Social Demographics Toward Homosexuality from Seven Countries in Southeast Asia INDRAWAN FIRDAUZI, S.Pd, M.Sc. Journal of Homosexuality 00918369
Characteristics of Cymbopogon Nardus L. Extract with Variations in Leaf Withering Time ALI MAKSUM, S.TP, M.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in Thai patients TUNGGUL ADI PURWONUGROHO, M.Sc. The Scientific World Journal 42
Effervescent formulation based on variation of nanocapsules matrix type and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) nanocapsules percentage ALI MAKSUM, S.TP, M.P Food Research 1
Acidity level control formulation of roselle tea functional drinks based on variations in the addition of flower petals and sugar type ALI MAKSUM, S.TP, M.P Food Research 3
The antioxidant activity of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linii) phenolic compounds in different variations microwave-Assisted extraction time and power ALI MAKSUM, S.TP, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Pain management in the first stage of labour using sensory stimulation LUTFATUL LATIFAH, M.Kep British Journal of Midwifery 09694900
Date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) consumption as anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant: A systematic review Ir ENDO DARDJITO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 9
Knowledge of Nutrition and Macronutrients Consumption as Factors Causing Wasting in School Children and Effective Nutrition Education to Improve It Ir ENDO DARDJITO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Preface: 1st Annual Conference on Environmental Science, Society and its Application (ACESSA) BAGUS REZA HARIYADI, S.I.Kom, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Variation of prolactin and ?-Lactoglobulin genes in the Indonesian FH Cattle Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
In vitro spermatogenesis of shark minnow fish (Osteochilus hasselti Valenciennes 1842) as a potential fish reproductive biotechnology Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Effect of Cryopreservation Method to the Quality of Bovine Cumulus Cells Primary Culture Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
A Study on Fish Reproduction for The Prevention of Species Loss Due to Batik Waste Pollution Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Corrigendum to: "Wolffian duct differentiation by physiological concentrations of androgen delivered systemically" [Dev. Biol. 334 (2009) 429-436, PMID:19664614] Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy Developmental Biology 00121606
Effect of photoperiods on melatonin levels, the expression of cGnRH-II and sGnRH genes and estradiols level in hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.) Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy Global Veterinaria 19926197 13
Early expression of the androgen receptor in the sertoli cells of a Marsupial Coincides with downregulation of anti-müllerian hormone at the time of urogenital virilization Dra GRATIANA EKANINGSIH WIJAYANTI, Doctor of Philosophy Sexual Development 16615425 3
HLA-Cw6 Allele Expression is Associated with Good Narrowband Ultraviolet B Response in Javanese-Indonesian Psoriasis Subjects Dr dr. ISMIRALDA OKE PUTRANTI, S.Ked, Sp.KK Indonesian Biomedical Journal 20853297
Association between HLA-CW6 allele expression and characteristics of javanese ethnic psoriasis patients in Indonesia Dr dr. ISMIRALDA OKE PUTRANTI, S.Ked, Sp.KK Medical Journal of Indonesia 08531773 2
Reproductive aspects of javaen barb fish, Systomus orphoides in the initial domestication program Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Diversity of Introduced Species of Fishes in Penjalin Reservoir Central Java Indonesia Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Reproductive Characters of the Ricefield Eel (Monopterus albus Zuieuw) in Babakan Village, Karang Lewas District, Banyumas, Central Java Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Antifeeding activity of soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata L.) and its effect on nutrition indices and the peritrophic membrane structure of the fifth-instar larvae of Spodoptera litura F. Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 2
Occupational health and safety risk analysis on crane operation at PT. X using the structured What-If technique method Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Onboard the Vessel Training Activities Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Analysis of social demographic factors and its effect on work-related musculoskeletal disorders in front shovel operators of a mining company Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Noise investigation in a small muffler industry in Purbalingga, Indonesia Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
The 14-3-3? isoform binds to and regulates the localization of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein TMCC3 for the reticular network of the ER dr SINDHU WISESA, PhD Journal of Biological Chemistry 00219258 1
TMCC3 localizes at the three-way junctions for the proper tubular network of the endoplasmic reticulum dr SINDHU WISESA, PhD Biochemical Journal 02646021 5
Salivary ki-67 and micronucleus assay as potential biomarker of OSCC in betel nut chewers Dr dr. GITA NAWANGTANTRINI, S.Ked, M.Si Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 09721363
Association between axillary lymph node involvement and clinicopathological features of breast cancer among Indonesian women Dr dr. GITA NAWANGTANTRINI, S.Ked, M.Si Medical Journal of Indonesia 08531773
Systemic approach to solve problem of managing zakat in contemporary muslim society in Indonesia Dr. NUR CHOIRUL AFIF, S.E., M.Si, M.M. International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 1
Simplified five-level voltage source inverter with level-phase-shifted carriers based modulation technique DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 25024752 12
Power loss analysis of current-modules based multilevel current-source power inverters DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930
Stepper motor control with DRV 8825 driver based on square wave signal from AVR microcontroller timer DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Parallel operation of current-source inverter for low-voltage high-current grid-connected photovoltaic system DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708 8
A nine-level hybrid current source inverter using commonemitter topology and inductor-cell DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694 5
A different voltage-source power inverter with carrier based SPWM for open-end connection loads DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Energies 2
Overcurrent relays coordination : comparison characteristics standar inverse, very inverse and extremly inverse DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
New dead-time compensation method of power inverter using carrier based sinusoidal pulse-width modulation DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708 7
Three-level common-emitter current-source power inverter with simplified DC current-source generation DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 7
A three-level common-emitter current source inverter with reduced device count DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Proceedings - 2017 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical 7
H-bridge based five-level current-source inverter for grid connected photovoltaic power conditioner DARU TRI NUGROHO, S.T, M.T Telkomnika 16936930 8
Utilization of White Curcuma (Curcuma zedoaria) in the Feed as an Effort to the Nutrition Digestibility Optimization of Super Kampong Chicken Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb. as Feed Additive on the Carcass and Fat Weight Percentage, Meat Nutrient, and Nutrient Digestibility of Super Kampong Chicken Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 10164383 5
The effect of Curcuma zedoaria on feed efficiency of Kampung Super chicken Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Evaluation of supply chain management model of organic lettuce produced in rural areas Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Developing organic feed stuff as the main component of broiler chickens' feed with canvas model in East Java: A Case Study of Analysis on Organic Rice and Corn in Malang and Tulungagung Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
The effectiveness of curcuma (Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.) addition in the feed toward super Kampong chicken performances Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part B 25184261 8
Economic analysis of sorghum plant cultivation as biomass source for 2 nd generation biofuel feedstock Dr Ir AGUS SUTANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Biochemical and histopathological effects of green tea nanoparticles in ironized mouse model Dr HIDAYAT SULISTYO, S.Ked, Sp.P.A, M.Si.Med Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 17355362 7
Efficiency of Milk and Methane Production of Dairy Goat: A Study of the Correlation Between Nutrient Use and Lactation Performance Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Revista Electronica de Veterinaria
Productivity and quality of sweet potato leaves (ipomoea batatas) as animal feed in integrated system in the abadoned limestone mining site Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Indian Journal of Ecology 03045250
The effects of mangosteen peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) and Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) flour dietary supplementation on the growth performance, lipid profile, and abdominal fat content in Cihateup ducks Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Veterinary World 09728988 11
Kinetics of rumen fermentation of dwarf Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) with indigenous forage from karst mountain in Gombong, Central Java, Indonesia Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
The effect of seaweed (Gracilaria sp.) supplementation in sheep feed on methanogenesis inhibition in vitro Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Nutrient Utilization and Milk Yield of Dairy Cows Fed a Diet Containing Monensin, Garlic Peel and Organic Minerals During the Lactation Period Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331
Effects of different feeding methods on feeding behavior, feed intake and digestibility of lactating dairy cows Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. International Journal of Dairy Science 18119743 3
Effect of garlic extract and organic mineral supplementation on feed intake, digestibility and milk yield of lactating dairy cows Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 18191878 4
Supplementation of sapindus rarak and garlic extract in feed containing adequate Cr, Se, and Zn on rumen fermentation Dr Ir CARIBU HADI PRAYITNO, M.P. Media Peternakan 01260472 5
Dietary biochar as a feed additive for increasing livestock performance: A meta-analysis of in vitro and in vivo experiment Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Czech Journal of Animal Science 12121819 1
Effects of oligosaccharides on performance, egg quality, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant status, and immunity of laying hens: a meta-analysis Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Italian Journal of Animal Science 15944077 4
Effect of Using Peptide as a Replacement of Antibiotic Growth Promoters on Pigs: a Systematic Review and Meta-regression Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 20906269
Flavonoids as Dietary Additives in Laying Hens: A Meta-analysis of Production Performance, Egg Quality, Liver, and Antioxidant Enzyme Profile Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Poultry Science Journal 23456604 1
Effects of dietary flavonoids on performance, blood constituents, carcass composition and small intestinal morphology of broilers: A meta-analysis Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Animal Bioscience 27650189 16
The Effects of Mixed Vitamins, Minerals, Fatty Acids and Amino Acids Supplementation into Drinking Water on Broiler Chickens’ Performance and Carcass Traits Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Journal of World's Poultry Research
Effect of dietary tannins on the performance, lymphoid organ weight, and amino acid ileal digestibility of broiler chickens: A meta-analysis Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Veterinary World 09728988 11
Antimicrobial peptides as an additive in broiler chicken nutrition: A meta-analysis of bird performance, nutrient digestibility and serum metabolites Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 12301388 8
Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Content of Silage Juice from Tropical Herbal Leaves Dr TRI RACHMANTO PRIHAMBODO, S.Pt, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Transforming Indonesian rural microfinance institutions Dr. E. YANUAR E. RESTIANTO, M.Acc Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Indonesia 1
Exploring general practitioners’ perceptions about the primary care gatekeeper role in Indonesia dr YUDHI WIBOWO, S.Ked, MPH BMC Family Practice 2
No acute toxicity tests of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) ethanolic extract on male albino rat by determined hepatorenal function test and histopathology dr YUDHI WIBOWO, S.Ked, MPH Molekul 19079761 3
Knowledge and practice in household waste management AGNES FITRIA WIDIYANTO, S.KM, M.Sc. Kesmas 19077505 4
Physical parameter measurement and theoretical target strength estimation of juvenile cod (Gadus macrocephalus) IQBAL ALI HUSNI, S.Pi, M.Sc Ocean and Polar Research 1598141X
The implementation effect of accrual based accounting system to organizational performance with two moderating variables (An Empirical Study in Indonesia) Dr. DONA PRIMASARI, M.Si Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 17518202 1
Farmers' adaptation to climate change in the Tengger Mountains (case study in Ngadas Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia) Dr. DONA PRIMASARI, M.Si Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 09723005
The implementation of accrual based accounting system by the theoretical approach of technology acceptance model: An empirical study in Indonesia Dr. DONA PRIMASARI, M.Si International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 1
Analysis of using accrual based accounting system by the theoretical approach of technology acceptance model 3 Dr. DONA PRIMASARI, M.Si Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 18436110 1
Impact of Economic Growth per Capita and Foreign Direct Investment on Income Inequality in Indonesia Dr IRMA SURYAHANI, S.E., M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 2
A consumer behaviour investigation in search engine utilization through behavioural segmentation approach EVA RAHAYU, M.Kep Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2016 1
Sequential acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of carrageenan solid waste for bioethanol production: a biorefinery approach Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 27
Comparison of bioethanol production from cultivated versus wild Gracilaria verrucosa and Gracilaria gigas Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 18
Foraminifera spatial analysis as bioindicator in Java Sea to Flores Sea Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Seaweed species composition, abundance and diversity in drini and kondang merak beach, Java Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 7
Neurotrophic activity of the carrageenophyte kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated at different depths and for different growth periods in various areas of Indonesia Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741427X 2
Enzymatic saccharification of agar waste from Gracilaria verrucosa and Gelidium latifolium for bioethanol production Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 24
Catalytic efficiency of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids for the hydrolysis of Gelidium latifolium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) in bioethanol production Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1226086X 35
Seaweed bioethanol production: Its potentials and challenges Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Marine Bioenergy: Trends and Developments 1
Comparison of agarophytes (Gelidium, Gracilaria, and Gracilariopsis) as potential resources for bioethanol production Dr. Dra BINTANG MARHAENI, M.Si Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 80
A development policy of networking-based creative marine small and medium enterprises as a solution for poverty alleviation in Indonesia AYUSIA SABHITA KUSUMA, M.Sc., M.Soc.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 3
Risk Hazard of Banking in Emerging Countries Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si WSEAS Transactions on Systems 11092777
Developing organizational citizenship behavior on public organizational performance Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Competition and financial effects between islamic and conventional banking Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 11099526 5
The manufacture and service companies differ leverage impact to financial performance Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si International Journal of Financial Research 19234023 4
Does financial performance matter? Evidence on the impact of liquidity and firm size on stock return in Indonesia Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si International Journal of Financial Research 19234023
The improve level of firm value with liquidity, debt policy and investment in indonesian emerging market Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si Espacios 07981015 1
The effect of risk leverage on investors' preferences in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18104967 3
Dynamic bilateral integration of stock markets and its driving factors Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 18436110 3
Comparative study: Side effects of Folfox4 and folfiri for colorectal cancer chemotherapy regiment i dr. WAHYU DJATMIKO, S.Ked, Sp.P.D Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology
Potato cultivation on the west slope of Mount Slamet: Millennial farmers perceptions and intentions for conservation-based farming Dr. AKHMAD RIZQUL KARIM, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Preface: The 16th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2021 (16th JCC) ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Degradation of Methylene Blue in Ti02-Fe(VI) System With UV Radiation ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Synthesis of Vanadium Oxide Material and its Photocatalytic Activity in the Degradation of Methylene Blue ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Degradation of phenol in batik industry wastewater using thin layer TiO2photocatalyst ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Prospects and Challenges of MXenes as Emerging Sensing Materials for Flexible and Wearable Breath-Based Biomarker Diagnosis ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Advanced Healthcare Materials 21922640 36
The surface modification of Ag3PO4 using tetrachloroaurate(III) and metallic au for enhanced photocatalytic activity ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 19782993 1
One-step hydrothermal synthesis and thermochromic properties of chlorine-doped VO2(M) for smart window application ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Functional Materials Letters 17936047 12
The pH dependence of Ag3PO4 synthesis on visible light photocatalytic activities ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Use of Mn doping to suppress defect sites in Ag 3 PO 4 : Applications in photocatalysis ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Applied Surface Science 01694332 28
Facile synthesis of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst with varied ammonia concentration and its photocatalytic activities for dye removal ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 19782993 4
Improved thermochromic and photocatalytic activities of F–VO2/Nb–TiO2 multifunctional coating films ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Tungsten 26618028 10
Supercritical temperature synthesis of fluorine-doped VO2(M) nanoparticle with improved thermochromic property ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Nanotechnology 09574484 11
Nanomaterials for infrared shielding smart coatings ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Functional Materials Letters 17936047 10
Design of Ag3PO4 for highly enhanced photocatalyst using hydroxyapatite as a source of phosphate ion ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Solid State Sciences 12932558 22
Synthesis and visible light photocatalytic properties of iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composites ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 6
The highly active photocatalyst of silver orthophosphate under visible light irradiation for phenol oxidation ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Advanced Materials Research 10226680 7
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of BiPO4/Ag3PO4 Heterostructure for Phenol Decomposition ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Advanced Materials Research 10226680 7
Reduction of a chelating bis(NHC) palladium(II) complex to [{?bis( NHC)}2Pd2H]+: A terminal hydride in a binuclear palladium(I) species formed under catalytically relevant conditions ANUNG RIAPANITRA, S.Si, M.Sc., PhD Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 14337851 43
Pilot Study of a Brief Hypnotic Induction: Effects on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Subjective Distress in Patients Diagnosed with Hypertension Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 00207144 1
Awareness of Being at Risk of Stroke and Its Determinant Factors among Hypertensive Patients in Banyumas, Indonesia Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Stroke Research and Treatment 20908105 1
Nursing students’ knowledge and attitude toward diabetic ulcer care and their contributing factors in Indonesia Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep International Journal of Nursing Sciences 23520132 1
The Modifiable Risk Factors of Uncontrolled Hypertension in Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Stroke Research and Treatment 20908105 7
The differences in health-related quality of life between younger and older adults and its associated factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 16
A comparison of the effectiveness banana stem sap and virgin coconut oil on diabetic wound healing Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Determinant factors stroke prevention behavior among hypertension patient in indonesia Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 3
Foot self-care behavior and its predictors in diabetic patients in Indonesia Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep BMC Research Notes 26
A low-frequency of electrical stimulation improves wound healing Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Different of Finger Handheld and Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques Effect on Reducing Heart Rate and Stress Levels in Primary Hypertension Patients Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran 23385324 1
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Indonesian version for quality of life among breast cancer patients Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Frontiers in Public Health 3
Comparative study of health (metabolic biomarkers) between owner farmers and farm workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806
SARS-CoV-2 transmission among healthcare workers and related potential stigma during COVID-19 pandemic Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806
Assessing the user satisfaction on COVID-19 vaccination service in Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Journal of Public Health Research 22799028 1
Geographic Characteristics of Various Cancers in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia: A Spatial Analysis at the Community Level Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 2
Clusters of malaria cases at sub-district level in endemic area in Java Island, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Geospatial Health 18271987
Risk factors for acute otitis media in primary school children: A case-control study in Central Java, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Journal of Public Health Research 22799028 5
A participatory approach to address within?country cross?border malaria: the case of Menoreh Hills in Java, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Malaria Journal 2
Determinants of Breast Cancer Screening Practice among Women in Indonesia: A Nationwide Study Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 7
Risk factors analysis of malaria transmission at cross-bounda-ries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Iranian Journal of Public Health 22516085 2
Spatiotemporal patterns of malaria at cross-boundaries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Malaria Journal 15
The effect of climate and intervention methods on malaria incidence: A time series analysis Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
A concise review of the potential utilization based on bioactivity and pharmacological properties of the genus Gelidium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 1
The production of levulinic acid and formic acid from red macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii using methanesulfonic acid Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Bioresource Technology Reports 2
Carbon Sink Estimation of Mangrove Vegetation Using Remote Sensing in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan 20855842
The potential of high tidal flooding disaster in North Jakarta using mapping and mangrove relationship approach Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Sound Diversity as Representation to the Behavior of Spiny Lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus, 1758) Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan 20855842
Mangrove cluster as adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Underwater noise of traditional fishing boats in Cilacap waters, Indonesia Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Heliyon 24058440 2
Levulinic acid production from macroalgae: Production and promising potential in industry Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Sustainability (Switzerland) 4
The Mangrove Landscape and Zonation following Soil Properties and Water Inundation Distribution in Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 20870469 6
The Sedimentation Impact for the Lagoon and Mangrove Stabilization Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 3
MARDI rice genebank: Important roles in data management and data sharing Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Sound characteristics of Terapon Fish (Terapon jorbua) as a response to temperature changes Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 17351472 2
Classification of shallow water seabed profile based on Landsat 8 imagery and in-situ data. Case study in Gili Matra Island Lombok, Indonesia Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 2
Transmission loss estimation of underwater sound based on the noise intensity emmited by MV. Pengayoman IV in Tanjung Intan Cruise Line, Cilacap Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences
Effects of el nino on distribution of chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature in northen to southern sunda strait Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 2
The pattern of coastline change based on the characteristics of sediment and coastal slope in Pangenan coast of Cirebon, West Java Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 13
Sound characteristics of Terapon jorbua as a response to temperature changes Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Daily sound production of terapon jorbua: Impact of temperature and light condition Dr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science 10128840 1
Cowpea Sprouted Milk Rich in Phenolic Antioxidants, Vitamin C,Protein, and Dietary Fiber as an Antidiabetic Drink Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Improving oxidative stress and inflammation status of obese women with metabolic syndrome using phenolic-rich red kidney bean sprout milk yogurt Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S International Food Research Journal 19854668
Improvement of immune and antioxidant status of COVID-19 vulnerable groups using mung bean sprout yoghurt Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research
Formulation of sprouted cowpea yoghurt rich in antioxidant, as functional drink for diabetics Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research
Polyphenol rich mung bean (Vigna radiata) yogurt for obesity prevention Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research 3
The effect of basic ingredients form, cold storage and precipitate separation on bioactive components and antioxidant activity of curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research
Germination improves sensory, phenolic, protein content and anti-inflammatory properties of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sprouts milk Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research 9
Germinated-soy milk as a healthy diet to induce high antioxidant enzymes in breast milk Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Functional-drink rich in antioxidant cardamom-rhizome (Amomum cardamomum willd) suppresses inflammation and improves lipid profile Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Composition of functional drinks based on cardamom rhizomes (Amomum cardamomum willd.) and the benefits as an anti-inflammatory with an improved lipid profile Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 2
Germinated-soy milk in supressing inflammation and oxidative stress in blood plasma and breast milk of lactating mothers Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S International Food Research Journal 19854668 10
Effects of Soy-Germ Protein on Catalase Activity of Plasma and Erythocyte of Metabolic Syndrome Women Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 2
Soy Germ Protein With or Without-Zn Improve Plasma Lipid Profile in Metabolic Syndrome Women Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 5
Soy Germed Protein Plus Zn as an Inducer Insulin Secretion on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 5
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Enriched with Zn as Immunostimulator for Vaginal Candidiasis Patient Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 17
Effect of Zn Supplemented to Immune Status Premenopausal Women Intervented with Isoflavoned Drinking Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 6
Social Network Analysis of Basic Necessity Scarcity on Twitter: Evidence from Indonesia MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO Journal of Intercultural Communication
Social Network Analysis: Local and Global Centrality as the Communication Network Structure in the Beef Cattle Farmer Groups MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research 20084889 3
The study on the performance of beef cattle farmer groups as an economic institution in indonesia: Based on the communication networks MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO Estudios de Economia Aplicada 11333197 1
Optimization of Farmers Working Hours through Increasing the Farm Size of Beef Cattle Production in Rural Area MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Factors Determining the Farmer's Decision to Develop Their Beef Cattle Farming in the Southern Coastal Areas of Central Java MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Characterization of thermostable chitinase from Bacillus licheniformis B2 MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Discrepancy and spatial grouping of individual potential among Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle farmers in Kebumen Regency MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273
Organizational Commitment of Members of the Dairy Farmer Group in Banyumas Regency MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Comparative analysis of movement intensities in student using polar global positioning system (Gps): A pilot study in physical education learning DIDIK RILASTIYO BUDI, S.Pd, M.Pd International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 23814381 3
Cycling during covid-19 pandemic: Sports or lifestyle? DIDIK RILASTIYO BUDI, S.Pd, M.Pd International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 23814381 5
A first principles study on the catalytic performance of methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation on a monoatomic catalyst WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Surface and Interface Analysis 01422421 1
Experimental and computational studies of sulfided NiMo supported on pillared clay: catalyst activation and guaiacol adsorption sites WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14639076
Quantum simulations of preferable H2O dissociation pathway on the ru-alloyed Pt(111) surface based on density functional theory WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Key Engineering Materials 10139826 3
Water molecular adsorption on the low-index Pt surface: a density functional study WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 3
Adsorption mechanism of carbon monoxide on PtRU and PtRuMo surfaces in the density functional theory perspective WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Advanced Materials Research 10226680 4
Adsorption of formaldehyde and formyl intermediates on Pt, PtRu-, and PtRuMo-alloy surfaces: A density functional study WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Applied Surface Science 01694332 11
Preferential sites for adsorption of methanol and methoxy on Pt and Pt-alloy surfaces WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Physica Scripta 00318949 6
First-principles study on oxygen ion conduction of La2GeO 5 based on the density functional theory WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 8
Pt(111)-alloy surfaces for non-activated OOH dissociation WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 11
Favorable pathway of O2 dissociative adsorption on a single platinum adatom coated on gamma-alumina (111) surface: A density functional theory study WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 00214922 2
The effect of organic fertilizer based on Azollamicrophylla biomass and plant spacing to n and p uptake, soil compaction and the yield of Pandanwangi rice Ir PURWANDARU WIDYASUNU, MSc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Detection of Corruption in Village Fund Management using Fraud Analysis Dr. AGUS JOKO PRAMONO, A.Md.Akun, S.Tr.Akun, M.A Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Comparison study of environmental product declarations to develop passenger train in Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Prevention of indigenous malaria cases by strengthening migration surveillance at village level in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D WHO South-East Asia journal of public health
Insecticide resistance of Aedes aegypti to Deltamethrin and its genetic variability in Jambi Province SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards covid-19 among university students in indonesia: A cross-sectional study SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806 2
Adverse reactions following mass drug administration with diethylcarbamazine and albendazole for lymphatic filariasis elimination in West Sumatera, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 01251562
Lack of knowledge and false perception on space spraying against dengue in endemic area SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D International Journal of Public Health Science 22528806 2
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Tubotympanic Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Patients in Purwokerto, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Indonesian Biomedical Journal 20853297 1
Efficacy of ns1 antigen detection for early dengue infection diagnosis in Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 01251562
Leptospirosis outbreak during rice harvesting season in Kebumen, Central Java Indonesia (The first case report in kebumen) SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 1
Mosquito Indices in Outdoor Spatial Spraying Treated Area, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
False sense security effect of outdoor spatial spraying against dengue: A household survey in endemic area, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Uncovering Potential of Neem and Pyrethrum Extract as Biolarvacide of Aedes aegypti for Dengue Control SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Community perception to risk of dengue infection and treatment seeking behaviour SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
Dengue virus transmission during outbreak within endemic area in Indonesia : A spatial and temporal analysis SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
Effectiveness of household insecticides to reduce aedes aegypti mosquitoes infestation: A community survey in yogyakarta, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 1
Dengue in Java, Indonesia: Relevance of Mosquito Indices as Risk Predictors SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 19352727 38
The Importance of Socio-Economic Versus Environmental Risk Factors for Reported Dengue Cases in Java, Indonesia SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI, M.Kes, Ph.D PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 19352727 49
Sociopragmatic study of Javanese oral discourse in big city communities as an effort to maintain indigenous language Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Research Journal in Advanced Humanities 27085945
Technology-based pragmagogy competency assessment to measure teachers' ability in classroom management Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Cakrawala Pendidikan 02161370
A Creative Library Management in Digital Era in Indonesia from Psychopragmatic Perspective Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Webology 2
Representation of Javanese Masculinity in The Dangdut Songs Lyric Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd HSE Social and Education History 1
Tools and Strategy for Distance Learning to Respond COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information 16331311 28
How foreign speakers implement their strategies to listen indonesian language? Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 1
Adiwiyata insight: Information technology based environmental education at senior high school in Boyolali, Central Java Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Multimedia-Based online Test on Indonesian Language Receptive Skills Development Dr Dr. MEMET SUDARYANTO, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 4
The role of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and performance of halal agroindustry SMEs Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. Uncertain Supply Chain Management 22916822 13
Cybersecurity effectiveness: The role of internal auditor certification, risk assessment and senior management Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148
Exploring the role of digital leadership and digital transformation on the performance of the public sector organizations Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support (POS) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB) of Government staff Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. Res Militaris
The Role of perceived organizational support (POS), organizational virtuousness (OV) on performance and employee well-being (EWB) of non-profit organizations in the post-pandemic period Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 09769234 4
The role of stakeholders in the Accountability of Village Enterprise Management: A Public Governance Approach Dr Drs. PAULUS ISRAWAN SETYOKO, M.S. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Improvement of Linear Tetrahedral Element Performance by Using Substructuring Method Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. International Journal of Computational Methods 02198762
An electroelastic constitutive model for dielectric elastomers based on the Langevin statistic and its instability characteristics Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15376494 1
An electro-viscoelastic micromechanical model with non-constant relaxation time Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Acta Mechanica 00015970
Composite dielectric elastomers modeling based on statistical mechanics Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Mechanics Research Communications 00936413 4
Electroelasticity of dielectric elastomers based on molecular chain statistics Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 10812865 12
The virtual mesh refinement (VMR) in the finite element method for stress concentration analysis Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Proceedings - 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2019
Minimizing Artificial Stiffness in Linear Tetrahedral Element Using Virtual Mesh Refinement Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Mechanics 17277191 1
Stress dependent relaxation time in large deformation Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 12254568 2
Electroelasticity of dielectric elastomers based on molecular chain statistics Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Constitutive Models for Rubber X - Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Constitutive Model
Influence of prestressed force in the waste tire reinforced concrete Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Procedia Engineering 10
Accuracy improvement for linear tetrahedral finite element by means of virtual mesh refinement Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 18235514 2
Determinants of consumers' motivation towards ethnic food: evidence from Indonesia Dr RUMPOKO WICAKSONO, S.P, M.P. British Food Journal 0007070X 1
Expert system application: The smart tools for citrus pest and disease management Dr RUMPOKO WICAKSONO, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Effect of edible coating on quality of chips from potato variety Granola Dr RUMPOKO WICAKSONO, S.P, M.P. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 9
The role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from Rhizosphere of upland rice in the growth and yield of upland rice on ultisol soil FATICHIN, S.P, M.P., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Varietal difference in nitrogen redistribution from leaves and its contribution to seed yield in soybean FATICHIN, S.P, M.P., Ph.D Plant Production Science 1343943X 7
Varietal difference in early vegetative growth during seedling stage in soybean FATICHIN, S.P, M.P., Ph.D Plant Production Science 1343943X 2
Genotypic adaptation of soybean to late sowing in southwestern Japan FATICHIN, S.P, M.P., Ph.D Plant Production Science 1343943X 17
Dose analysis of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) on head cancer using PHITS code with neutron source from accelerator Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Optimization of 9Be Target on Double Layer Beam Shaping Assembly (DLBSA) System to Increase the Intensity of Epithermal Neutron Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences 22216413
Designing of Muffler Part for Car Exhaust System with Low Emission and Noise using Conjugate Gradient Method Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Numerical analysis of energy converter for wave energy power generation-pendulum system Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 22524940 1
Analysis of particle distribution in a double layer beam shaping assembly resulted from 30 mev-proton reactions with beryllium target using the phits program Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 1
Optimization and analysis of neutron distribution on 30 MeV cyclotron-based double layer beam shaping assembly (DLBSA) Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy 1818331X 3
Characteristics of thermal neutron flux distribution in a phantom irradiated by epithermal neutron beam from double layer beam shaping assembly (DBSA) Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences 22216413 3
Characteristics in Water Phantom of Epithermal Neutron Beam Produced by Double Layer Beam Shaping Assembly Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development 02175460 1
Optimization of double layered beam shaping assembly using genetic algorithm Dr BILALODIN, S.Si, M.Si Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering 14254689 1
Decreasing concentration of textile dye congo red using Fenton reagent/TiO2/UV TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Comparative study of Fe2+/H2O2/CuO/Vis and Fe2+/H2O2/CuO for phenol removal in batik wastewater under visible light irradiation TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Synthesis, characterization, antioxidant activity, and toxicity properties of tripolyphosphate crosslinked chitosan TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Photodegradation of phenol in batik wastewater with copper (II) oxide under visible light illumination TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Effect of ultraviolet and visible lights on degradation of congo red dye using Fe2+/H2O2 TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Degradation of Congo Red in batik wastewater using fenton reagent under visible rays TIEN SETYANINGTYAS, S.Si, M.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 5
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of Ceriops zippeliana in Segara Anakan Cilacap (Indonesia) under heavy metal accumulation Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Heritability and correlation of linear traits in holstein cows in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S International Journal of Dairy Science 18119743 4
Environment (Year and Season of Birth) Effects on First-Lactation Milk Yield of Dairy Cows Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
(Co)variance components and genetics parameter estimation for linear traits in Holstein cattle in Indonesia: Traits related to foot/leg and udder Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S Archives Animal Breeding 00039438 4
In vitro assessment of digestibility and rumen fermentation of ammoniated rice straw based beef diet, supplemented with extract of garlic and Sapindus rarak Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S Livestock Research for Rural Development 01213784 2
Genetic diversity of kedu chicken based on phenotypic characteristics and microsatellite loci Prof. Dr. Drs AGUS HERY SUSANTO, M.S International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 6
Characteristics of overlap-Time effect in a carrier based SPWM three-phase common-emitter CSI Dr SUROSO, S.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Overlap-time compensation technique for current-source power inverter Dr SUROSO, S.T IET Power Electronics 17554535 12
DC-DC power converter of 24/320 volts with microcontroller based proportional integral voltage controller Dr SUROSO, S.T Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X
Voltage balancing circuits for five-level power inverter with a single DC voltage source Dr SUROSO, S.T Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical 6
Five-level PWM inverter with a single DC power source for DC-AC power conversion Dr SUROSO, S.T International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694 16
Single-phase multilevel current-source converter using H-bridge and DC current modules Dr SUROSO, S.T International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694 10
A different single-phase hybrid five-level voltage- source inverter using DC-voltage modules Dr SUROSO, S.T Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 7
A battery-less grid connected photovoltaic power generation using five-level common-emitter current-source inverter Dr SUROSO, S.T International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694 3
Multilevel current waveform generation using inductor cells and H-bridge current-source inverter Dr SUROSO, S.T IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 08858993 58
Five-level common-emitter inverter using reverse-blocking IGBTs Dr SUROSO, S.T Telkomnika 16936930 12
Common-emitter topology of multilevel current-source pulse width modulation inverter with chopper-based DC current sources Dr SUROSO, S.T IET Power Electronics 17554535 38
A multilevel voltage-source inverter using H-bridge and two-level power modules with a single power source Dr SUROSO, S.T Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems 6
A new three-level current-source PWM inverter and its application for grid connected power conditioner Dr SUROSO, S.T Energy Conversion and Management 01968904 34
New multilevel current-source PWM inverter with full-bridge inductor cells Dr SUROSO, S.T IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 09136339 8
New H-bridge multilevel current-source PWM inverter with reduced switching device count Dr SUROSO, S.T 2010 International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE Asia -, IPEC 2010 20
Review of novel multilevel current-source inverters with H-bridge and common-emitter based Topologies Dr SUROSO, S.T 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2010 - Proceedings 28
Novel H-bridge multilevel current-source PWM inverter with inductor-cells Dr SUROSO, S.T 2010 9th International Power and Energy Conference, IPEC 2010 9
Three-level current-source PWM inverter with no isolated switching devices for photovoltaic conditioner Dr SUROSO, S.T IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 09136339 10
New topologies of multi-level power converters for use of next-generation ultra high-speed switching devices Dr SUROSO, S.T 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2009 13
New generalized multilevel current-source PWM inverter with no-isolated switching devices Dr SUROSO, S.T Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems 11
Three-level current-source PWM inverter with no isolated switching devices for photovoltaic conditioner Dr SUROSO, S.T IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2
Novel single phase grid connected current-source PWM inverter with harmonic suppression Dr SUROSO, S.T PECon 2008 - 2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference 2
The influence of land tenure status on the income of Inpago Unsoed-1 rice farmers in Central Java Province Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Characteristics and land potential for sugarcane development in Blitar Regency, East Java Province Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Differences in Andisols properties as affected by horticulture land use and pine forest in Lembang Sub District, West Java Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Analysis of landscape changes using high-resolution satellite images at former rice fields after earthquake and liquefaction in Central Sulawesi Province Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Biophysical characteristics of dry-climate upland and agriculture development challenges in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara Provinces Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Assessing the vulnerability of food farming system to support climate change adaptation: A case study in Java, Indonesia Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Perspectives on the development of local food policy using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
An estimation method for oil palm replanting potential in kampar regency, province of riau Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Production risk analysis of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-District Cilacap Regency Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Production efficiency of inpago unsoed-1 and situbagendit rice farming in central java, indonesia Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Consumers' Motivation to Participate in the "one Day No Rice" Policy Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Land characteristics and suitability for development of garlic in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
We need to talk about kinship: how kinship weakens turnover intentions among academicians at private higher education institutions in Indonesia Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 20507003 3
Impact of online buying behavioral tendencies of Generation Z on their parents’ consumption behavior: Insight from Indonesia Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Innovative Marketing 18142427 2
Casting The Power of Paternalistic Leadership and Affective Trust for Innovative Behavior in Higher Education Institution Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Organizational Justice, Job stress, and Cyberloafing: The Moderating Role of Islamic Workplace Spirituality Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675 3
The role of tacit knowledge sharing and critical adaptability in the dynamic effect of training quality on organisational performance: The model of Indonesian banking industry Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 14684330 2
Linking adaptive capability, product innovation and marketing performance: Results from Indonesian SMEs Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Management Science Letters 19239335 9
Moderation effect of gender on workplace spirituality and commitment relationship: case of Indonesian ethics Dr. E. SITI ZULAIKHA WULANDARI, S.E., M.Si Asian Journal of Business Ethics 22106723 12
Bioremediation of batik wastewater by Rhizobacteria isolated from iron sand soils tolerant of Pb and Zn Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Biodiversitas 1412033X
The characteristics of fermented purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and black rice (oryza sativa) using uv-irradiated monascus purpureus Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Biodiversitas 1412033X
Bacillus tequilensis Isolated from Fermented Intestine of Holothuria Scabra Produces Fibrinolytic Protease with Thrombolysis Activity Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 8
Distribution and accumulation of heavy metals from waters and sediments to Scylla serrata in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Proteolytic and clot lysis activity screening of crude proteases extracted from tissues and bacterial isolates of Holothuria scabra Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Bioprospection of alginate lyase from bacteria associated with brown algae Hydroclathrus sp. as antibiofilm agent: a review Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc AACL Bioflux 18448143 1
Bioactive compounds derived from Streptomyces sp. SA32: Antibacterial activity, chemical profile, and their related genes Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The pattern of heavy metals distribution in time chronosequence of ex-tin mining ponds in Bangka Regency, Indonesia Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 8
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Alcaligenes javaensis JG3 potential as an effective biodegrader Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Biotropia 02156334 10
The antibacterial activity of dayak onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) merr) towards pathogenic bacteria Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Tropical Life Sciences Research 19853718 12
Characterization of moaC and a nontarget gene fragments of food-borne pathogen Alcaligenes sp. JG3 using degenerate colony and arbitrary PCRs Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Journal of Food Safety 01496085 15
Isolation of bacteria antagonistic to a range of plant pathogenic fungi Dr Drs OEDJIJONO, M.Sc Soil Biology and Biochemistry 00380717 24
Population Structure of Parasesarma brevicristatum and Parasesarma semperi as an Indicator of Mangrove Replanted Forest Condition in Bintuni Bay, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Mangrove diversity and its relationships with environmental conditions in Kuala Bubon Village, West Aceh, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA Biodiversitas 1412033X
Mangrove ecosystems under threat in Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE) 6
The Plankton Composition from the Lagoon to the Marine Entrance at the West Part of Segara Anakan Mangrove Ecosystem in Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Species richness and longitudinal distribution of crustaceans in the Logawa river, Banyumas, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Anti-inflammatory activity of date palm seed by downregulating interleukin-1?, TGF-?, cyclooxygenase-1 and -2: A study among middle age women ATYANTI ISWORO Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 13190164 17
The relationship between psychoeducation and the decrease in family burden of diabetes mellitus patients, Magelang, Indonesia ATYANTI ISWORO Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 1
Anti-inflammatory effect of date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L) on carrageenan-induced edema in rats ATYANTI ISWORO Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 15965996 12
Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Haemophilus influenzae Isolated from School Children with Acute Otitis Media Dr Drs DANIEL JOKO WAHYONO, M.Biomed International Journal of Microbiology 1687918X 1
Expressions of Progesterone Receptor of Orbital Meningiomas in Indonesia Dr Drs DANIEL JOKO WAHYONO, M.Biomed Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368
Molecular identification of coprophilous microfungi from Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia Dr Drs DANIEL JOKO WAHYONO, M.Biomed Biodiversitas 1412033X
The Effect of Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy on Economic Growth in Indonesia Dr. LILIS SITI BADRIAH, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 5
Informative Industrial Analytic for Effective Retail Business Performance: A Case of Emerging Economy Dr. LILIS SITI BADRIAH, S.E., M.Si WSEAS Transactions on Systems 11092777
Asymmetric Effects of World Energy Prices on Inflation in Indonesia Dr. LILIS SITI BADRIAH, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Labour productivity growth in the industrial sector of Indonesia: Structural bonus or structural burden? Dr. LILIS SITI BADRIAH, S.E., M.Si Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 15114554 1
An analysis of input substitution elasticity in natural resource-based industry in indonesia. The application of ces function Dr. LILIS SITI BADRIAH, S.E., M.Si Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
A 10-Years Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among HIV-Positive Individuals Using BMI-Based Framingham Risk Score in Indonesia Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si SAGE Open Nursing
Macroeconomic coordination: As an approach for poverty reduction Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si Polish Journal of Management Studies 20817452 1
Increasing of Aceh's patchouli production with technology of bio-fertilizer local specific mycorrhizal strains in Entisols Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Determining soil fertility using principal componen regression analysis of oil palm plantation in West Sulawesi, Indonesia Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Fermentation Kinetic of Maize Straw-Gliricidia Feed Mixture Supplemented by Fermentable Carbohydrate Measured by in Vitro Gas Production Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Health Promotion and Preventive Contents Performed during Reproduction System Learning; Observation in Senior High School Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Exogenous L-proline Increases Stress Tolerance of Yeast Pichia kudriavzevii Against Inhibitors in Lignocellulose Hydrolysates and Enhances its Ethanol Production Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
The influence of transformational leadership on the success of accounting information systems implementation (Survey on national Zakat management institution of West Java) Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 3
Application of generalized space-time autoregressive model on GDP data in West European countries Dr NUNUNG NURHAYATI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687952X 15
Survival and growth rates of mangroves planted in vertical and horizontal aquaponic systems in North Jakarta, Indonesia Dr TRI NUR CAHYO, S.T, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
An assessment Indonesia's Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) as an electrical energy resource Dr TRI NUR CAHYO, S.T, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Carbon sequestration of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia Dr TRI NUR CAHYO, S.T, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 10
Mathematical Model for 100-and 200-meter Olympic Games Running Championship Time Records Dr Drs NGADIMAN, M.Kes, M.Kes Mathematics and Statistics 23322071
Carrying Javanese Local Wisdom in Mathematical Model Dr Drs NGADIMAN, M.Kes, M.Kes Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Prediction models for decreasing visual acuity in wig makers Dr Drs NGADIMAN, M.Kes, M.Kes Kesmas 19077505
Designing a supporting device for badminton footwork practices based on a microcontroller technology Dr Drs NGADIMAN, M.Kes, M.Kes Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Optimizing SMEs’ business performance through human capital management Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO European Research Studies Journal 11082976 8
The Evaluation of Kids Athletic Massing Program Dr Drs NGADIMAN, M.Kes, M.Kes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Effect of Viscoelastic Material in Hot Mix Asphalt Rutting Performance Correlation Using Different Wheel-Tracking Test HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 19966814 1
Performance Evaluation of Geogrid in Flexible Pavement Using Mechanical-Empirical Design Approach HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 19966814
Investigating Mechanical Performance of Ravelling in Hot Mix Asphalt Containing Plastic Waste HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Comparison between Viscoelastic Mechanical and Chemical Kinetic Aging Model of Asphalt Concrete HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Mechanical properties of thin surface treatment for pavement maintenance HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 1822427X 4
The development of the scaled accelerated loading simulator facility and transfer functions to the full-scale pavement using theory of similitude by finite element analysis HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 19966814 2
Effect of moisture in aggregate on adhesive properties of warm-mix asphalt HERY AWAN SUSANTO, S.T, M.T Construction and Building Materials 09500618 20
The Effect of Dietary Safflower Oil (Carthamus tinctorius. L) and Inositol Supplementation on Biochemical Profile of Blood of Female Sentul Chickens Dr Ir EFKA ARIS RIMBAWANTO, M.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Impact of ammoniation rice straw treatment with direct-fed microbials and Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf meal supplemented in concentrate on local sheep performances Dr Ir EFKA ARIS RIMBAWANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Supplementing safflower oil ( Carthamus Tinctori L) and inocytol in feed and its effect Dr Ir EFKA ARIS RIMBAWANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Increasing of rumen fermentation products and digestibility of diets through urea-zeolite supplementation in-vitro Dr Ir EFKA ARIS RIMBAWANTO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Immune-enhancing effect of bengkoang (pachyrhizus erosus (l.) urban) fiber fractions on mouse peritoneal macrophages, lymphocytes, and cytokines Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 09769668 12
Water-soluble fiber from bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) urban) tuber modulates immune system activity in male mice Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Scientia Pharmaceutica 00368709 3
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of brotowali (Tinospora crispa l. mier) stem Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Molekul 19079761 9
Pharmacognostic profile of ageratum conyzoides L Plant and Simplicia Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Pharmacognosy Journal 1
Isolation of compounds agents anti bacteria from Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L ) plants using bioassay guided fractionation method Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Antiradical scavenging activity and total flavonoid content of Slatri leaves extract (Calophyllum soulattriburm.f) Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Annona muricata leaves extract reduce proliferative indexes and improve histological changes in Rat's breast cancer Dr. apt. HANIF NASIATUL BAROROH, S.Farm, MSc. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14
Design a simple Covid-19 detection using corodet: A deep learning-based classification Ir MUHAMMAD SYAIFUL ALIIM, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The effect of e-Servqual and public service on community satisfaction: An empirical study in government organization Dr DENOK KURNIASIH, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148
Adsorption of Rhodamine B on Spherical Activated Carbon synthesized from Waste Bagasse Liquid using Hydrothermal Process ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Ni/cr-[?-siw12o40] layered double hydroxide as effective adsorbent of iron(Ii) from aqueous solution ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 15623920 1
Ni/al layered double hydroxide intercalated with keggin ion [?-siw12o40]4- for iron(II) removal in aqueous solution ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761 9
Short communication: Design of defect and metallic silver in silver phosphate photocatalyst using the hydroxyapatite and glucose ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 5
The character istics (compositions, morphological, and structure) of nanocomposites polyaniline (PANI)/ZnO ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Synthesis of silver orthophosphate under dimethyl sulfoxide solvent and their photocatalytic properties ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Adsorption of cadmium(Ii) using ca/al layered double hydroxides intercalated with keggin ion ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 14
Tuning the morphology of Ag3PO4 photocatalysts with an elevated concentration of KH2PO4 ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis 19782993 8
Native defects in silver orthophosphate and their effects on photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Applied Surface Science 01694332 25
Intercalation of Zn/Al layered double hydroxides with Keggin ion as adsorbent of cadmium(II) ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 6
Layered double hydroxides Mg/Fe intercalated H3[?-PW12O40]· n H2O as adsorbent of cadmium(II) ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Characteristics of adsorption interactions of cadmium(II) onto humin from peat soil in freshwater and seawater media ROY ANDREAS, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 00074861 25
Green Victimology Perspective the Law Number 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management Dr ANGKASA, S.H., M.Hum Jurnal Media Hukum 08548919 2
Victimological approaches to crime of rape in Indonesian criminal justice system Dr ANGKASA, S.H., M.Hum Hasanuddin Law Review 24429880 3
The Consumption of Yellow Watermelon-plantain Juice before Anaerobic Exercise Improves Blood Glucose and Suppresses Oxidative Stress Formation in Rats AFINA RACHMA SULISTYANING, S.Gz, M.Sc. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 1
Nutrition education based on multi-media can improve nutrition knowledge and unhealthy snacking habits in adolescents AFINA RACHMA SULISTYANING, S.Gz, M.Sc. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Elections in Indonesia personality cult and majoritarian conservatism DIAS PABYANTARA SWANDITA MAHAYASA, S.Hub.Int., M.Hub.Int Economic and Political Weekly 00129976 1
Tsunami Hazard Zone and Multiple Scenarios of Tsunami Evacuation Route at Jetis Beach, Cilacap Regency, Indonesia Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T Sustainability (Switzerland) 4
Karangkemiri Village Landslide Potential Risk Mapping Based on Integrating Litho-structure and Morphology Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334
Optimal design of the Sermo Fault deformation monitoring network using sensitivity criteria based on geological information Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T Arabian Journal of Geosciences 18667511
The Control of Geological Structure at Songgo River Dyke Intrusion in Nanggulan Formation, Western Part of Yogyakarta-Central Java Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Relation of lineaments and volcano-stratigraphy of tertiary volcanic rocks in Kulon Progo Mountains Area, Yogyakarta-Indonesia Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T E3S Web of Conferences
Fault lineaments control on disaster potentials in Kulon Progo Mountain Area-Central Java-Indonesia Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 4
Morphotectono-volcanic of Tertiary volcanic rock in Kulon Progo mountains area, Yogyakarta-Indonesia Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Tectonostratigraphy-volcanic of Gajah-Ijo-Menoreh Tertiary volcanic formations in Kulon Progo mountain area, Yogyakarta-Indonesia Dr ASMORO WIDAGDO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Application of support vector regression in krylov solvers MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing 25160281
A customized differential evolutionary algorithm for bounded constrained optimization problems MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Complexity 10762787
A modified bat algorithm for solving large-scale bound constrained global optimization problems MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024123X 1
High Performances of Stabilized Lanczos-Types for Solving High Dimension Problems: A Survey MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 18140424
Modelling lock-down strictness for COVID-19 pandemic in ASEAN countries by using hybrid ARIMA-SVR and hybrid SEIR-ANN MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Large-scale bound constrained optimization based on hybrid teaching learning optimization algorithm MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Alexandria Engineering Journal 11100168 9
RMEIEMLA: The recent advance in improving the robustness of Lanczos-type algorithms MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 2
Lanczos-type algorithms with embedded interpolation and extrapolation models for solving large-scale systems of linear equations MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 17525055 2
Introduction of interpolation and extrapolation model in lanczos-type algorithms A13/B6 and A13/B13 to enhance their stability MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 23375760 2
Restarting from specific points to cure breakdown in lanczos-type algorithms MAHARANI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 23375760 6
The cloning and expression of the two types of kisspeptin gene in hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus vittatus) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Efficiency of suspended solid removal from tofu production using Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Identification and expression of gonadotrophin hormones in Gouramy (Osphronemous gouramy, lacepède, 1801) under photoperiod manipulations Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
The effect of endosulfan in gnrh and gth genes expression of male hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus vittatus c.v.) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Water Quality Monitoring Using Wqi Method in Cemara Sewu Shrimp Farm Jetis Cilacap Regency Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Effects of photoperiods on the cloned gth genes in hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Biotropia 02156334
The effect in the wastewater treatment at soybean curd of contact time modification of artificial wetland using ssf by using schoenoplectus corymbosus to improve water quality Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
Preface Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences
Identification and Expression of vitellogenin gene in the Gouramy (Osphronemous Gourammy) under photoperiods manipulation Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 2
Molecular cloning of vitellogenin gene in the hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii C.V) and the effect of photoperiods on gene expression Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Biotropia 02156334 5
Determination of Estrus Phase in Cattle Using Electronic Nose Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Proceedings - 2018 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Eng
The disruptive effect of mercury chloride (HgCl) on gene expression of gonadotrophin hormones and testosterone level in male silver sharkminnow (Osteochilus hasseltii C.V.) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si European Zoological Journal 8
The disruptive effect mercurychloride (HgCl) on gene expression of cGnRH-II, sGnRH, and estradiol level in silver sharkminnow (osteochillus hasseltii C.V.) Dr NORMAN ARIE PRAYOGO, S.Pi, M.Si Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13032712 13
Eating and Cultural Performance: Contemporary Community Lifestyle Doctor of Philosophy YUSIDA LUSIANA, S.S., M.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Appearance Of Mutations From Three Varieties Of Longan Used Gamma Rays Dr Ir NOOR FARID, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Drought Stress: Responses and Mechanism in Plants Dr Ir NOOR FARID, M.Si Reviews in Agricultural Science 6
The significance of long-range correction to the hydroperoxyl radical-scavenging reaction of trans-resveratrol and gnetin C LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Royal Society Open Science 4
Computational Investigation on the ?OOH Scavenging Sites of Gnetin C LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Food Biophysics 15571858 1
O—H and C—H bond dissociations in non-phenyl and phenyl groups: A DFT study with dispersion and long-range corrections LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 1432881X 1
Theoretical investigation on electron transfer-based antioxidant activity of melinjo resveratrol LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Theoretical exploration on free radical scavenging mechanism of curcumin analogues in water solvent LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Justification on cyclopropene to propyne isomerization pathway based on vibrational calculations LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Theoretical study on frontier orbitals of dehydrogenated tetrahydrocurcumin in gas phase LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Predicting notable radical scavenging sites of gnetin c using density functional theory LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Materials Science Forum 02555476 1
Solvent effect on bond dissociation enthalpy (Bde) of tetrahydrocurcumin: A theoretical study LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Materials Science Forum 02555476
Frontier Orbitals of Dehydrogenated Tetrahydrocurcumin in Water Solvent: A Theoretical Study LUSIA SILFIA PULO BOLI, S.Si, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Independence of audit ethical decision making process: A case of Indonesia Dr NEGINA KENCONO PUTRI, S.E., M.Si DLSU Business and Economics Review 01167111 6
Risk information impact on investment decisions: Experimental test of PMM Theory, a case of Indonesia Dr NEGINA KENCONO PUTRI, S.E., M.Si DLSU Business and Economics Review 01167111 3
The impact of risk report formats on investment analyst decisions: An experimental case from Indonesia Dr NEGINA KENCONO PUTRI, S.E., M.Si Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance 18234992
Predictors of COVID-19 Related Health Literacy among Older People Living in Rural Areas of Indonesia Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria 01205307
The cultural beliefs and practices of diabetes self-management in Javanese diabetic patients: An ethnographic study Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Heliyon 24058440 6
Complementary feeding implementation in Pintu Padang Health Centre, South Tapanuli District, Indonesia: a qualitative study Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 13915452
Balance strategy exercise versus lower limb-rom exercise for reducing the risk of falls among older people Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 20877811 1
Effect of Nutritional Literacy on Mother's Self Efficacy in Child Feeding Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 1309100X
The effects of positive interactive education on adolescent perception and attitudes towards smoking behaviour Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 13915452 3
Improving gross motor skill development through the Montessori method in children aged 3-5 years Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 13915452 2
Improving clean and healthy living behaviour through snakes and ladders board game among school children Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 13915452
Parental Knowledge Influenced the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Sociodramatic Play on Diarrheal Preventive Behavior in School-Age Children Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 24694193 2
Photovoice interactive media improves the personal hygiene of teenage students at pesantren school in Tangerang Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Enfermeria Clinica 11308621 6
Improving diarrhoeal and clean and healthy living behaviour (PHBS) through collaboration socio-dramatic play (Ko-Berdrama) in school age children Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 13915452 1
Prenatal and neonatal factors related with autism spectrum disorder: A case-control study in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 2
Improving diarrheal preventive behavior through therapeutic sociodramatic play in school-aged children Ners LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep Enfermeria Global 2
Physical modeling of magma chamber of slamet volcano by means of satellite gravimetric data SUKMAJI ANOM RAHARJO, M.Si Communications in Science and Technology 25029258
Utilization of Gravimetric Satellite Data for Delineating of Subsurface Model of The Purwokerto-Purbalingga Groundwater Basin SUKMAJI ANOM RAHARJO, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Geography 00249521
Interpretation of Magnetic Anomaly Data in the Andesitic Rock Prospect Area of Kutasari Subregency, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, Indonesia SUKMAJI ANOM RAHARJO, M.Si Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314
Estimation of Potential of Iron Sand in the Eastern Coastal Area of Cilacap Regency Based on the Local Magnetic Anomalies Data SUKMAJI ANOM RAHARJO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Magnetic survey for qualitative interpretation of subsurface andesites rocks distribution in kutasari, purbalingga regency, indonesia SUKMAJI ANOM RAHARJO, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Sirenomelia or “mermaid syndrome”: an extremely rare case in Indonesia dr. dr ALFI MUNTAFIAH, M.Sc. Paediatrica Indonesiana(Paediatrica Indonesiana) 00309311
Does Maternal Hemoglobin Consistently Associate with Iron Status at Birth? Evidence from a Cross-sectional Study in Indonesia dr. dr ALFI MUNTAFIAH, M.Sc. Iranian Journal of Neonatology 22517510 1
Chronic Toxicity of Purwoceng Root Extract: The Biochemical and Histopathological Effects on Rat Liver and Kidneys dr. dr ALFI MUNTAFIAH, M.Sc. Iranian Journal of Toxicology 20082967
Goat-Soy milk kefir increase nitric oxide bioavailability by increasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene expression in diabetic rats dr. dr ALFI MUNTAFIAH, M.Sc. Progress in Nutrition 11298723 2
Potential of marine chitinolytic Bacillus isolates as biocontrol agents of phytopathogenic fungi EKO KURNIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Non-invasive Neonatal Jaundice Determination using Smartphone Camera ENI RAHMAWATI, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Prediction of Bilirubin Concentration using Neonatal Forehead Images ENI RAHMAWATI, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Effect of antioxidant status and oxidative stress products in pre-menopausal women after treatment with date seed powder (Phoenix dactylifera L.): A study on women in Indonesia ENI RAHMAWATI, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 16
The Legal Policy of Criminal Justice Bureaucracy Cybercrime NURANI AJENG TRI UTAMI, S.H., M.H Bestuur 23023783 1
Immunohistochemical differential expression of p16 proteins in follicular type and plexiform type ameloblastoma Dr drg A HARIS BUDI WIDODO, A.P.Kes, S.KG, S.E., S.H. Dental Journal 19783728
The effect of CHA-doped Sr addition to the mechanical strength of metakaolin dental implant geopolymer composite Dr drg A HARIS BUDI WIDODO, A.P.Kes, S.KG, S.E., S.H. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Effect of nucleotides and turmeric extract on blood protein and body weight of broiler kept in open cages Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of Various Feed Additives on Carcass and Meat Quality of Two Different Strains of Chickens Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effectiveness of various feed supplement on villi characteristics, feed digestibility, and liver-kidney function of broiler chickens Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 13100351
The effect of organic powdered cottonii concentration and types of plasticizers on the characteristics of edible film Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of Liquid Probiotic Suplementation in Drink Water on Blood Cholesterol and Immune Response in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Effect of breadfruit leaf powder (Artocarpus altilis) on performance, fat and meat cholesterol level and body immune of male native Tegal duck Dr EMMY SUSANTI, M.P International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 1
Effect of calcium stearate in the mechanical and physical properties of concrete with pcc and fly ash as binders Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si Materials 16
Run-up Height and Flow Depth Simulation of the 2006 South Java Tsunami Using COMCOT on Widarapayung Beach Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 7
Infiltration of chloride ion in the self compacting concrete with calcium stearate Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
The Compressive Strength and Resistivity toward Corrosion Attacks by Chloride Ion of Concrete Containing Type i Cement and Calcium Stearate Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Corrosion 16879325 5
Corrosion resistance of self-compacting concrete containing calcium stearate Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 7
On the water absorption and corrosion rate of concrete using calcium stearate Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 3
Protection of corrosion attack in reinforced concrete due to chloride ion using calcium stearate Dr RACHMAD SETIJADI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 4
Sexual Dimorphism Characterization of Splendid threadfin (Philimanus perplexa Feltes, 1991) Dra SRI SUKMANINGRUM, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Freshwater fish diversity in three tributary streams in Serayu Basin, Central Java, Indonesia Dra SRI SUKMANINGRUM, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
The Morphometrical Character of Silver Barb Fish Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1849) Dra SRI SUKMANINGRUM, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Isolation and molecular identification of proteolytic bacteria from vaname shrimp (Lithopenaeus Vannamei) ponds as probiotic agents MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 16073894 3
Short Communication: Distribution and diversity of Gastropods in the rice-fish farming system MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Diversity of phytoplankton in the whiteleg (Litopenaeus vannamei) shrimp ponds in the south coastal area of Pangandaran, Indonesia MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 6
Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed with Diets Containing Animal Protein Source from Expired Sausage MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P Sains Malaysiana 01266039
Analysis of production factors of gill net catches MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
The effect of drying expired sausage waste on its nutrition content MUSTIKA PALUPI, S.Pi, M.P Ecology, Environment and Conservation 0971765X 2
The Impact of Repository Service Quality Toward Final Year Students’ Interests to Access Research Record Service Dr WIWIK NOVIANTI, S.Sos, M.I.Kom Library Philosophy and Practice
The advantages of NCP Electronic in nutrition care documentation at Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang, Indonesia HIYA ALFI RAHMAH, S.Gz, Dietisien, MPH Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
The bioremediation potential of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria isolated from a mangrove contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons on the cilacap coast, Indonesia Drs ASRUL SAHRI SIREGAR, M.Si Bioremediation Journal 10889868 23
Sexual Maturity and Macronutrient Contents in Diopatra sp. (Onuphidae, Polychaeta) Maintained at Different Salinity Levels Dr Drs UNTUNG SUSILO, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Digestive Enzyme Activities in Barred Loach (Nemacheilus fasciatus, Val., 1846.): Effect of pH and Temperature Dr Drs UNTUNG SUSILO, M.Si Molekul 19079761 1
Length ratio, histological structure, feed composition, and enzyme activity in the gut of yellow rasbora (Rasbora lateristriata Blkr.) Dr Drs UNTUNG SUSILO, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Biochemical composition of tropical eel Anguilla bicolor McClelland,1844 in Freshwater and Estuary Dr Drs UNTUNG SUSILO, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Ant System Algorithm in Renewing Pheromone for Completing Quadratic Assignment Problem SITI RAHMAH NURSHIAMI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Regular rings and their properties Dr IDHA SIHWANINGRUM, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
An Adams type inequality of fractional integral operator on hypergroups Dr IDHA SIHWANINGRUM, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Maximal and fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces over metric measure spaces Dr IDHA SIHWANINGRUM, M.Sc. Mathematische Nachrichten 0025584X 13
Fractional integral operators and olsen inequalities on non-homogeneous spaces Dr IDHA SIHWANINGRUM, M.Sc. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15
Fractional integral operators in nonhomogeneous spaces Dr IDHA SIHWANINGRUM, M.Sc. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 00049727 20
The Cholesky Decomposition of Matrices over the Symmetrized Max-Plus Algebra Dr SUROTO, S.Si, S.Si, M.Sc. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 19929978
Feeding ecology of Neoarius leptaspis in the Rawa Biru Lake, Merauke, Indonesia Dr Drs DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Nutrient Determinant Factor of Causing Algal Bloom in Tropical Lake (Case Study in Telaga Menjer Wonosobo Indonesia) Dr Drs DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO, M.S Journal of Ecological Engineering 6
The use of phytoplankton communities for assessment of water quality in the Wadaslintang Reservoir in Indonesia Dr Drs DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO, M.S Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426 4
Combination of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor array and solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for odour classification of brewed coffee Dr KIKIN WINDHANI, S.E., M.Ec.Dev Flavour and Fragrance Journal 08825734
Production and Bioactive Compounds Identification of Phytomedicine Essential Oil using Low-Cost Instrument Dr KIKIN WINDHANI, S.E., M.Ec.Dev AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Identification and detection of bioactive compounds in turmeric (Curcuma longaL.) using a gas sensor array based on molecularly imprinted polymer quartz crystal microbalance Dr KIKIN WINDHANI, S.E., M.Ec.Dev New Journal of Chemistry 11440546 6
Identification of bioactive compounds in ginger based on molecularly imprinted polymer quartz crystal microbalance gas sensor Dr KIKIN WINDHANI, S.E., M.Ec.Dev IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 7
Analysis of volatile compounds of spices grown in Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia using solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography mass spectrometry Dr KIKIN WINDHANI, S.E., M.Ec.Dev Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 13942506 2
Integer programming method for employee shift scheduling problem Ir. AMANDA SOFIANA, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Product quality improvement model considering quality investment in rework policies and supply chain profit sharing Ir. AMANDA SOFIANA, S.T, M.T Journal of Industrial Engineering International 17355702 10
Integrated vendor-buyer inventory model considering imperfect quality and inspection errors with controllable lead time Ir. AMANDA SOFIANA, S.T, M.T IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 21573611 2
An integrated inventory model for supplier-manufacturer-retailer system with imperfect quality and inspection errors Ir. AMANDA SOFIANA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 17427967 23
A success model of E-health implementation in the service area of department of health of Banyumas Regency Indonesia MUHAMMAD SYAFEI, S.Pd, M.Kes Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 1
The Role of Beetroot Extract in Overcoming Chemoresistance of Neoadjuvant Adriamycin Cyclophosphamide Regimen by Targeting Immune Response in Tumor Microenvironment: A Preclinical Study in Mammary Adenocarcinoma Rats SRI SUTJI SUSILOWATI Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368
Antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and aflatoxin contamination in tempeh made from assorted soybeans (Glycine max l merill) SRI SUTJI SUSILOWATI Food Research 4
The effect of salt concentration and fermentation time on pH value, total acidity and microbial characteristic of pickled ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) SRI SUTJI SUSILOWATI International Food Research Journal 19854668 5
Decision tree using ant colony for classification of health data AINI HANIFA, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Detection of unstable approaches in flight track with recurrent neural network AINI HANIFA, S.T, M.T 2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, ICOIACT 2018 3
Early detection of type II Diabetes Mellitus with random forest and classification and regression tree (CART) AINI HANIFA, S.T, M.T Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concept, Theory and Application 22
The Effect of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Skin Extract on Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Periodontitis drg CHRISTIANA CAHYANI PRIHASTUTI, S.K.G, M.Phil IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Isolation and Characterization of Buprofezin Tolerant Bacteria from Rhizosfer of Paddy at Marginal Land of Banyumas Regency IDA WIDIYAWATI, S.P, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Response of black rice (Oryza sativa L Indica.) to organic fertilizer and seedling number on grain yield, amylum, antioxidant, and thiamin hydrochloride contents IDA WIDIYAWATI, S.P, M.Si MATEC Web of Conferences
Universal defense strategy as the effort of fighting against the misuse and the illicit trafficking of narcotics in Indonesia HANIFA PASCARINA, S.S., M.Hum International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
Understanding Academic Fraud: The Role of Dark Triad Personality and Situational Factor KIKY SRIREJEKI, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Criminal Justice Education 10511253 1
Academic misconduct: Evidence from online class KIKY SRIREJEKI, M.Sc., PhD International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 22528822 1
Local government officials’ susceptibility to corrupt behavior: some Indonesian evidence KIKY SRIREJEKI, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Financial Crime 13590790
Improving composition and microbiological characteristics of milk kefir using colostrum KUSUMA WIDAYAKA, M.S Food Science and Technology (Brazil) 01012061 10
Effect of cold and frozen temperatures on artisanal goat cheese containing probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolates (Lactobacillus plantarum TW14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus TW2) KUSUMA WIDAYAKA, M.S Veterinary World 09728988 7
Texture Profile and Sensory Characteristics of Kefir with Colostrum Addition KUSUMA WIDAYAKA, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Texture, hedonic test and fatty acid profile of goat cheese with L plantarum TW14 and L. Rhamnosus TW2 isolates stored at different temperature conditions KUSUMA WIDAYAKA, M.S Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 2
The effect of storage and cooking on lipid oxidation of raw and cooked beef and goat meat KUSUMA WIDAYAKA, M.S Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 09647058 7
Mitochondrial COI Haplotype Diversity of Rhynchobatus australiae Collected from Ketapang Fish Port, Bangka Belitung Islands Dr Ir MUNASIK, M.P. Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 1
The Concentrate to Forage Ratio of Complete Feed Silage on Nutrient Consumption Dr Ir MUNASIK, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Biodiversity of Cryptofauna (Decapods) and Their Correlation with Dead Coral Pocillopora sp. Volume at Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi Dr Ir MUNASIK, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Creative self-efficacy: A new approach to social support and creativity of SMEs' owners Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 22414754 2
Psychological capital as mediator between friend support and creative behavior of the owners of SMEs batik craft sector Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Trust dimensions model in creating loyalty stage for service consumers of Sharia rural banking Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. European Research Studies Journal 11082976 2
Psychological capital as mediation between family support and creative behavior in handicraft sector SMEs Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. International Journal of Entrepreneurship 10999264 4
Role of brand love and brand commitment in establishing word of mouth communication Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245
The effect of market orientation on business performance moderated by personality, attitude, and leadership on SMEs in purwokerto, Indonesia Dr Dra SRI MURNI SETYAWATI, M.M. International Journal of Economic Research 09729380
The Effect of Resource Complementarity on a Company's Performance Post-Merger and Acquisition in the Southeast Asia Region: The Moderating Role of the Merger and Acquisition Experience JONI PRAYOGI, S.Si, M.Sc. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 14111128
The Evaluation of Nutrition Information System Using Combined Method of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) and Task Technology Fit (TTF) WAHYU EKOWATI, Ns.Sp.Kep.J. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
The possibility of using Lake Rawa Pening as a source of drinking water Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dra DIANA RETNA UTARINI SUCI RAHAYU, M.P Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426 2
Paleocurrents and paleogeography of the Kalibiuk, Kaliglagah, Mengger, and Gintung Formation, Bumiayu-Tonjong, Central Java Dr EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA, S.T., M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Oil to Source Rock Correlation of Besuki Area and its Role in Petroleum System of Banyumas Basin Dr EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA, S.T., M.Si Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas 20893361
New paradigm to understanding turbidite sediment in Banyumas basin Dr EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA, S.T., M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Effect of carbon performance, company characteristics and environmental performance on carbon emission disclosure: Evidence from Indonesia Drs DARSONO, M.Si International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 6
The relationship between audit committee effectiveness and audit fees: Insights from indonesia Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 22884637 11
Distribution of earthquake in subduction zone and calculation of subduction angle in the Central Sumatera based on earthquake data period 1967-2016 Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
A microtremor analysis for microzonation of seismic vulnerability index by using horiziontal to vertical spectral ratio in the southern area of Klaten regency Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Identification of the distribution of andesite rocks in Kalirejo Village, Kokap District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta based on geoelectrical tomography data Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Sustainable development goals as the basis of university management towards global competitiveness Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 22
An empirical study on the role of auditor independence in reducing dysfunctional audit behavior of public accountants in Indonesia Drs DARSONO, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 4
Diversity of Wild Bees along Elevational Gradient in an Agricultural Area in Central Java, Indonesia Drs DARSONO, M.Si Psyche (London) 00332615 11
Supporting Indonesian government maritime policy, through diponegoro university main scientific interest Drs DARSONO, M.Si Advanced Science Letters 19366612 5
Calibrating accelerometer sensor on android phone with Accelerograph TDL 303 QS for earthquake online recorder Drs DARSONO, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Determinants of cross regional disparity in financial deepening: Evidence from indonesian provinces Drs DARSONO, M.Si Economics Bulletin 17
Mathematical modelling of the influenced of diffusion rate on macro nutrient availability in paddy field RENNY, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Development of teaching materials in the linear program of class XI Dr Ir RAHAYU WIDIYANTI, M.P. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Heat Loss Prevention Education Aids Nurses’ Knowledge in Prevention of Hypothermia in Newborns Ners MEIVITA DEWI PURNAMASARI, S.Kep, M.Kep Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 24694193 5
Novel genetic variants of transferrin receptor 2 exon 4 and cytokines profile of anemic and nonanemic pregnant women in Central Java, Indonesia dr. YOGA MULIA PRATAMA, S.Ked Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 23050500 1
Preprocessing Using Correlation Based Features Selection on Naive Bayes Classification Drs EDDY MARYANTO, M.Cs IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 6
Financial Literacy, Risk Aversion, Financial Performance, and Innovative Behavior in Indonesian SMEs Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675
Influence of Work-Life Balance on Job Contentment and Organizational Loyalty in Manufacturing Companies Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 11099526
Financial Reforms and Technical Efficiency: A Case Study of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia* Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 22884637 1
The Moderation Role of Religiosity on the Relationship Between Risk Tolerance and Financial Behavior of Small Businesses’ Owners Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Model of disorientation and disqualification of peripheral services in public services on local government device work units in Central Java, Indonesia Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 11099526 2
The determinants of corporate hedging policy: A case study from Indonesia Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 22414754 9
Assessing the contagion effect on herding behaviour under segmented and integrated stock markets circumstances in the USA, China, and ASEAN-5 Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. Economic Annals-XXI 17286220 8
Liquidity characteristics of government bond markets: A comparative study with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308
Corporate social responsibility on SKI KEHATI index corporate performance: A case study Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 22414754 3
The new decomposition asset growth effect. An empirical evidence of Indonesia Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 18436110 7
Does economic value added influence the shareholder value in Indonesia? Dr. E. RIO DHANI LAKSANA, S.E., M.Sc. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 5
Leaf Morphological Variation of Acanthus in Some Estuarine Areas of Cilacap DIAN PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Genetic diversity in jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lam.) based on molecular characters in Indonesia DIAN PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics 10297073 1
Variability of catharanthus roseus based on morphological and anatomical characters, and chlorophyll contents DIAN PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 5
Effect of Centella asiatica L. Extract on Apoptosis and Bcl-2 Immunoexpression of Pyramidal Cells in Traumatic Brain Injury Rat Model Dr Dr M. MUKHLIS RUDI PRIHATNO, S.Ked, Sp.An, M.Si.Med International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases 22310738
Rural-based health promotion model for pregnant women in Banyumas district ELVIERA GAMELIA, S.KM, M.Kes, M.Kes Kesmas 19077505 1
Integration of Human Resources and the Environment on Productive Migrant Village Programs in Banyumas Indonesia SRI WIJAYANTI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The evolution of income-related inequalities in healthcare utilisation in Indonesia, 1993–2014 dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD PLoS ONE 8
The effect of regulatory focus and performance measurement on corporate social responsibility investment decisions Dr HIJROH ROKHAYATI, S.E., M.Si Social Responsibility Journal 17471117 4
Effect of financial information and corporate social responsibility disclosure on investment decision: Evidence from an experimental study Dr HIJROH ROKHAYATI, S.E., M.Si Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 19854064 4
Gamification in assembly training: A systematic review NIKO SIAMEVA ULETIKA, S.T, M.Eng IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 21573611 2
Two Dark Stories from Rural Indonesia: Comparing the Poverty in Turah (2016) and Siti (2014) MUHAMMAD TAUFIQURROHMAN, S.S., M.Hum Southeast Asian Studies 21867275
The Genealogy of Banyumas Film: From street to screen MUHAMMAD TAUFIQURROHMAN, S.S., M.Hum Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 1
Diversity of mangrove vegetation and carbon sink estimation of segara anakan mangrove forest, Cilacap, central Java, Indonesia Dra ERIE KOLYA NASUTION, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 8
Adverse selection and moral hazard: The evidence on business lending of micro and small enterprises in banyumas and purbalingga working areas Drs RAKHMAT PRIYONO, M.E International Journal of Business and Management Science 18376614 1
Celery Ethanol Extract Prevents Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Increasing Nitrite Oxide and Superoxide Dismutase dr. FAJAR WAHYU PRIBADI, S.Ked, M.Sc. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 09746242
Cost analysis inpatient days a year of combination diuretic therapy with ace-inhibitors to diuretic therapy without ace-inhibitors in heart failure patients askes participants dr. FAJAR WAHYU PRIBADI, S.Ked, M.Sc. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 22234721 1
Motives And Green Innovation Performance in Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises (Sme’s) Batik-A Qualitative Case Study Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The Impact of Ethical Leadership and Motivation to Innovative Work Behavior with Friendly Relationship Knowledge Sharing Mediating Variables in Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Self-awareness and social self-supervision in online transportation industry Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO International Journal of Data and Network Science 25618148
Examining the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing performance: the mediating role of entrepreneurial networking and innovation capability Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 4
The usage of information system as the determinant of successful implementation of business model in Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Exploring Javanese interpersonal communication using the Catur-Atahiktri approach: The four basic values of Javanese interpersonal relationships Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315
Linking green marketing strategy, religiosity, and firm performance: Evidence form Indonesian SMEs Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Management Science Letters 19239335 6
Accelerating small firms’ production process improvement through international market knowledge and valuable, rare, inimitable, and organized resources and capabilities Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Business: Theory and Practice 16480627 1
Fit engagement: Nurturing compatibility for organizational performance Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Exploring the impact of workplace spirituality on nurse work engagement: an empirical study on Indonesian government hospitals Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO International Journal of Ethics and Systems 25149369 17
Examining the determinant factors on consumer switching intention toward islamic bank in central Jav Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews
Making local product attractive: The role of indigenous value in improving market performance Dr Drs AGUS SUROSO Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 20650817 2
Fiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concrete HESTI SUSILAWATI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The prototype of automatic garbage carrier from a small scale drain using Arduino Uno HESTI SUSILAWATI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Information of parking place availability through the use of proximity inductive sensor based on IoT HESTI SUSILAWATI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Designing web-based and android application to monitoring and estimating price of the use of water discharge HESTI SUSILAWATI, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Protecting and Monitoring System for Three Phase Induction Motor HESTI SUSILAWATI, S.T, M.T Proceeding of 2019 5th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2019 1
Does cloud-based accounting information system harmonize the small business needs? Dr MARGANI PINASTI, S.E., M.Si Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 18463312 3
Co-opetition to promote growth of batik small and medium enterprises Dr MARGANI PINASTI, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Business and Society 15116670 10
Characteristics of deceased and quality of death certificates for cases subjected to Indonesia’s management of the dead protocol for bodies with COVID-19 Dr MUHAMAD ZAENURI SYAMSU HIDAYAT, S.Ked, Sp.K.F., M.Si.Med Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology 1547769X 1
Ecological index and economic potential of mollusks (Gastropods and Bivalves) in Ayah Mangrove Forest, Kebumen District, Indonesia MUH. SULAIMAN DADIONO, S.Pi, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X
Effect of the Exposure of Aloe Vera Polyphenol Fraction on Changes in Blood Glucose of Koi Fish (Cyprinus carpio) as a Stress Response MUH. SULAIMAN DADIONO, S.Pi, M.P International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics 17557437
Potency of aloe extract as immunostimulant for carp (Cyprinus carpio) against Aeromonas salmonicida MUH. SULAIMAN DADIONO, S.Pi, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
A Study of E-commerce Platform Issues Shared by Developers on Stack Overflow Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 23673370
Dataset of network simulator related-question posts in stack overflow Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T Data in Brief
Interests Scale Based Online Application to Determining Major in University Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Naive bayes modification for intrusion detection system classification with zero probability Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 20893191 8
Interactive educational animal identification game for primary schoolchildren with intellectual disability Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 3
Dienes AEM as an alternative mathematics teaching aid to enhance Indonesian students' understanding of algebra concept Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 6
Merging Pearson Correlation and TAN-ELR algorithm in recommender system Ir. YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 6
Dynamic Changes of Circulating Mir-155 Expression and the Potential Application as a Non-Invasive Biomarker in Breast Cancer DWI NUR INDAH SARI, S.Si, M.Sc., M.Sc. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 11
Upregulation of circulating MiR-21 expression as a potential biomarker for therapeutic monitoring and clinical outcome in breast cancer DWI NUR INDAH SARI, S.Si, M.Sc., M.Sc. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 22
The role of social media browsing intention for behavioral outcomes of young consumers WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Market-Trziste 11
The enhanced photo-stability of defective Ag3PO4 tetrahedron prepared using tripolyphosphate Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Arabian Journal of Chemistry 18785352 2
Chitosan–Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Cryogel for Glucose Biosensor Development Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Science and Technology Indonesia 25804405
Surface modification of Ag3PO4 using the alginate for highly active photocatalyst under visible light irradiation Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Surfaces and Interfaces 24680230 3
The Enrichment of Silver Ions in Ag3PO4 through the Morphology Changes and Their Photocatalytic Activities Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Conversion of Cardamom By-product into Liquid Smoke and Biochar by Pyrolysis Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Malaysian Journal of Chemistry 15112292
Preliminary Phytochemical Studies, GC-MS Analysis, and Anti-Nephrototic Activity of Ethanol Extract of Phoenix dactylifera L Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
The effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment on yield of hydrodistillation cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) seeds essential oil Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Qualitative analysis of Amomum cardamomum essential oil by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) through its fragmentation and retention indices calculation Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The synthesis of Ag3PO4under graphene oxide and hydroxyapatite aqueous dispersion for enhanced photocatalytic activity Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Alginate NiFe2O4 nanoparticles cryogel for electrochemical glucose biosensor development Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Gels 4
Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of citronella essential oil Cymbopogon nardus (L.) rendle fractions Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Toxicity of benzyl benzoate from Kaempferia rotunda L. rhizome Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Antifungal activity of curcuma xanthorrhiza and curcuma soloensis extracts and fractions Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 6
The storage time on the characteristic of liquid dishwashing soap from nyamplung seed oil (Calophyllum inophyllum L) and its antibacterial activity Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Formulation of Antibacterial Liquid Soap from Nyamplung Seed Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum L) with Addition of Curcuma heyneana and its Activity Test on Staphylococcus aureus Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
The Application of Red Pigments from Streptomyces K-4B and Dayak Onions (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr.) in Colouring Glycerine Soap Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Antibacterial activity of germacrane type sesquiterpenes from Curcuma heyneana rhizomes Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 15
Antibacterial curcuma xanthorrhiza extract and fractions Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 23375760 18
Flexural behavior of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by carpet waste fiber YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Validating an analytical method to predict flexural behavior of RC T-beams retrofitted with bonded steel wire ropes in the negative moment region YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Study on retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete buildings with the exoskeleton design-U-frame method YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Composite Structures 02638223
Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Rod Embedment Depth Influence on Concrete Strengthening YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2193567X 2
Modeling of non-ductile RC structure under near-fault ground motions: A nonlinear finite element analysis YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Advances in Structural Engineering 13694332 3
Structural behavior of negative moment region NSM-CFRP strengthened RC T-beams with various embedment depth under monotonic and cyclic loading YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Composite Structures 02638223 2
Seismic behavior and failure modes of non-ductile three-story reinforced concrete structure: A numerical investigation YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Computers and Concrete 15988198 9
Seismic behavior and failure modes of non-ductile three-story reinforced concrete structure: A numerical investigation YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Advances in Concrete Construction 22875301
Nonlinear 3d model of double shear lap tests for the bond of near-surface mounted frp rods in concrete considering different embedment depth YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 05536626 5
Numerical parametric study on the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with non-metallic materials YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 3
Numerical investigation on RC T-beams strengthened in the negative moment region using NSM FRP rods at various depth of embedment YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Computers and Concrete 15988198 7
The flexural behavior of RC beams with sand-coated polypropylene waste coarse aggregate at different w/c ratios YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Advances in Materials Research (South Korea) 22340912 1
Capacity-based seismic design of a middle-rise residential building in an area of moderately-high seismicity YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Seismic performance of non-ductile detailing RC frames: An experimental investigation YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Earthquake and Structures 20927614 12
Finite element analysis of T-section RC beams strengthened by wire rope in the negative moment region with an addition of steel rebar at the compression block YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 10
The effect of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) with surface treatment on concrete mechanical properties YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. MATEC Web of Conferences 5
Wire rope flexural bonded strengthening system on RC-beams: A finite element simulation YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. International Journal of Technology 20869614 17
Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates YANUAR HARYANTO, S.T, M.Eng, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 7
Application of Starch-based Edible Coating on Tomato and Its Effect during Storage CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Impact of exogenous pre and posthar-vest salicylic acid applications on MD2 pineapple quality CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Advances in Horticultural Science 03946169
Effect of Processing on Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant Activity, Physicochemical, and Sensory Properties of Orange Sweet Potato, Red Rice, and Their Application for Flake Products CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Plants 7
Physicochemical characteristic and internal browning of pineapple as affected by calcium and gibberellic acid dipping application CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Advances in Horticultural Science 03946169
Effect of organic fertilizer and application of charcoal on quality of potato tuber variety atlantic CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Identification of active compounds and testing the antioxidant properties of neem leaf extract CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 6
Digestibility in Vitro of Starch and Protein on Analog Rice by Formulation of Nagara Bean Flour Modified L. Plantarum and Sago Starch with Concentration of Glycerol Monostearate CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
A Preliminary Study on the Rehydration Characteristics and Cooking Time of Analog Rice from the Formulation of Modified Nagara Bean Flour Through L. Plantarum Fermentation and Sago Starch CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Impact of interval irrigation on amino acids composition and minerals content of potato tubers Granola and eigenheimer cultivars CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 4
Quality improvement of sweet potato-noodle with soy products supplementation and emulsifier variation CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement 16138422
Strengthening food security program by utilization of medium altitudes land on potato cultivation CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement 16138422 5
Evolution of morphological, crystal structure, and electrical properties of Ba-Pb-Bi-O superconducting materials Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
Preparation of monodisperse polystyrene spheres by physical method Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Preface Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Near-infrared magneto-optical study of excitonic states in single-walled carbon nanotubes under ultra-high magnetic fields Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
A near-infrared spectroscopy in magnetic fields above 100 T Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng Journal of Low Temperature Physics 00222291 3
Optical study on electronic transport properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes at high temperature Dr.Eng MUKHTAR EFFENDI, S.Si, M.Eng Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15334880 4
BSG - A Serious Game Tool to Improve Student’s Self-efficacy, Motivation, and Engagement in Entrepreneurship BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 03029743 1
New product development in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise-based agriculture products: a valuation technology approach BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Assessing the emerging agribusiness entrepreneurs by using brainwave technology BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Poor science meets political neglect: Land use changes of high conservation value forests in Indonesia BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Forest and Society 25494724 2
Failure of science-based win-win solution in fishery management: Learnings from Segara Anakan waters, Central Java, Indonesia BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Ocean and Coastal Management 09645691 10
Endangered Mangroves in Segara Anakan, Indonesia: Effective and Failed Problem-Solving Policy Advice BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Environmental Management 0364152X 13
A leukocyte detection system using scale invariant feature transform method BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 18761100
The failure of the mangrove conservation plan in Indonesia: Weak research and an ignorance of grassroots politics BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Ocean and Coastal Management 09645691 33
Evaluation of overwash vulnerability and shoreline dynamics in cyclone-prone Sagar Island, Sundarbans (India) FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Science of the Total Environment 00489697
Assessment of Building Vulnerability to Tsunami Using the PTVA-4 Method: Case Study of the 2006 Cilacap Tsunami Tragedy FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Tsunamis: Detection Technologies, Response Efforts and Harmful Effects 1
Shoreline change dynamics along the Augusta coast, eastern Sicily, South Italy FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 01979337 1
Assessment of the 1693 tsunami wave generation and propagation simulation based on multiple focal mechanism scenarios for recent disaster mitigation in eastern sicily, Italy FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Heliyon 24058440
Shoreline Prediction Modelling as a Base Tool for Coastal Management: The Catania Plain Case Study (Italy) FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6
The Sedimentological Record of Upper Holocene Tsunami Event in Fengbin, Taiwan FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. Geopersia 22287817 4
The Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, Limbasari FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO, S.T, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Analysis of competitive and comparative advantages of potato production in Indonesia SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si PLoS ONE 4
Competitiveness and impact of government policy on chili in Indonesia SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si Open Agriculture 6
Marketing Efficiency and Marketing Channel Choice assessment of Manggo Fruit SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The Impact of Trade War toward against Indonesian Agriculture Export Products Product SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
The competitiveness analysis of shallot in Indonesia: A Policy Analysis Matrix SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si PLoS ONE 12
Analysis of Garlic Commodity Competitiveness and Impact of Government Policy in Indonesia SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Agri-food commodity mapping and trade between Indonesia and Australia SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Physical Characteristics of Emulsion-Type Sausage from Lamb Meat with Varying Fat Levels Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Development of Cheese as an Antioxidant Functional Food with the Addition of Orthodox Black Tea Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Tropical Animal Science Journal 2615787X
Enhancing the Sausage Quality of Indonesian Local Lamb Meat with Microbial Transglutaminase Enzyme: Physicochemical, Textural, and Microstructure Properties Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334
Physicochemical and functional properties of yoghurt made of cow milk, colostrum, and milk-colostrum combination Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Food Research 1
Microbiological profile of concentrated yoghurt manufactured from low and full fat milk during storage Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The physical characteristics of cheese made of milk, colostrum and both during the ripening Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 3
Preliminary Investigation on the Processability of Low-Fat Herbal Cheese Manufactured with the Addition of Moringa, Bidara, and Bay Leaves Extracts Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Study on kefir grain concentration and the different length of storage on the physicochemical of goat milk kefir Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 4
Yield and Processing Properties of Concentrated Yogurt Manufactured from Cow's Milk: Effects of Enzyme and Thickening Agents Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Chemical characteristics of goat cheese with different percentages of mixed indigenous probiotic culture during ripening Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Media Peternakan 01260472 5
The potential of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from goat's milk in inhibiting Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 infections in rats Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. International Food Research Journal 19854668 3
Chemical and microbiological characteristics of goat milk kefir during storage under different temperatures Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 12
Antimicrobial activity and adhesion ability of indigenous lactic acid bacteria isolated from goat milk Dr TRIANA SETYAWARDANI, M.P. International Food Research Journal 19854668 11
Molecular Docking Approach for Prediction of Enantioseparation of Miconazole Using Cyclodextrin Derivatives as Chiral Selector UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Cr-doped SrTiCh with Ti Deficiency for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Formulation, Characterization and Sunscreen Potential Evaluation of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Oil Nanoemulsion UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The way forward for the modification of dye-sensitized solar cell towards better power conversion efficiency UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13640321 26
Synthesis of Ag3PO4 using hydrophylic polymer and their photocatalytic activities under visible light irradiation UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 19782993 4
The highly active saddle-like Ag3PO4 photocatalyst under visible light irradiation UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Catalysis Communications 15667367 21
Synthesis of Ag 3 PO 4 -polyvinyl alcohol hybrid microcrystal with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Applied Surface Science 01694332 22
Visible light photocatalytic activity induced by the carboxyl group chemically bonded on the surface of SrTiO3 UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 09263373 40
Solvothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of chromium-doped SrTiO3 nanoparticles UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 09263373 83
Effect of Sr/Ti ratio on the photocatalytic properties of SrTiO3 UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 11
Solvothermal synthesis of designed nonstoichiometric strontium titanate for efficient visible-light photocatalysis UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Applied Physics Letters 00036951 44
Solvothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of nitrogen-doped SrTiO<inf>3</inf> nanoparticles UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD Journal of Nanomaterials 16874110 40
Visible light photocatalytic properties of Ta and N codoped SrTiO 3 nanoparticles UYI SULAEMAN, S.Si, M.Si, PhD International Journal of Optics 16879384 12
Fractional Derivative and Financial Instruments: Waiting Time Distributions for the Exchange Rate Movement of US Dollar to Japanese Yen AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications 23569336
Determination of the Amount of Premium and Indemnity in Shallot Farming Insurance AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 23322268
The variant of magic square in Javanese tradition AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Estimated spline in nonparametric regression with a generalized cross validation and unbiased risk approach AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Life insurance premiums Dwiguna joint life and last survivor with Makeham law AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Properties of fractional Brownian motions for modeling stock prices AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Determination the smoothing constant that minimizes mean absolute error and mean square deviation AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 1
Application of economic mathematical model in production of gold sub-sector in Indonesia AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
A new method to estimate parameters in the simple regression linear equation AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Mathematics and Statistics 23322071 4
Analysis of napier bone usage in multiplication learning in primary school AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Mathematical model for commemoration of death in Javanese tradition AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238 1
Ridge regression model application in case human development index in Banten province AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238 1
Logistic growth model and harvesting factors AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238 1
Consistentcy of base-ten number pronunciations in batak karo language AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
Analysis of flood insurance premium amount using fuzzy inference of sugeno method AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Opcion 10121587 2
Optimal reinsurance and investment strategy under CEV model with fractional power utility function AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Engineering Letters 1816093X
Double linear regression method to analyze factors affecting the enemployment level in west java province AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 1
Model of volume of transport waste and its derivative problems AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Constant-linear and constant-quadratic piecewise survival models AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Number sequences likes fibonacci AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Three-phase growth model in fibonacci rabbits AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Determination of agricultural insurance premium prices based on rainfall index with formula cash-or-nothing put option AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 1
The zero sign on inscriptions and manuscript based on the historical supply chain management: A case study of Indonesia Archipelago before Majapahit era AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 2
Determining sustainable rice farming through supply chain risk management: A case study in central Java, Indonesia AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 3
Analysis of incremental and component of value-at-risk in the stocks investment portfolio AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 1
On the Javanese Ethnoastronomy: Time Dimension on the Calendrical Inscriptions on Majapahit Era until Now AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Development of rural group entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Benefits, problems, and challenges WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 14761297 5
Solution to Non-Linear Exponential Diophantine Equation 13x + 31y = z 2 AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
The Solution for the Non linear Diophantine Equation (7k -1)x +(7k)y = z 2 with k as the positive even whole number AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Solutions to non-linear diophantine equation px+(p+5)y = z2 with p is mersenne prime AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Model of rice farm insurance to reduce losses due to harvest failure AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 4
Solutions to non-linear diophantine equation (5k-1)x + (5k)y = z2 with k is positive even integer AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Pricing of premium for automobile insurance using bayesian method AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2
Nonlinear Diophantine equation 11x +13y = z 2 AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Mathematical model for determining of Wuku Name in Javanese culture in Indonesia AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 3
The bivariate central t distribution and its applications AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Suryasengkala lamba: The Indonesia-Javanese chronogram AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 09731768
Applications of number bases in Javanese community life (Applicatons of tally system and number bases on trading, building constructions, and monetary/currency) AGUNG PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Si Applied Mathematical Sciences 1312885X 1
Identification of Key Actors in Mangroves Plantation using the MACTOR Tool: Study in DKI Jakarta Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Jurnal Sylva Lestari 23390913 2
The Ecological Risk Assessment of Mercury Contamination in a Mangrove Ecosystem of the Segara Anakan Cilacap, Indonesia Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Baghdad Science Journal 20788665
Identification and Expression of cGnRH-II Gene in Three Strains Osphronemus gouramy (Soang, Jepun and Bluesafir) Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Molekul 19079761
The Mangrove Density, Diversity, and Environmental Factors as Important Variables to Support the Conservation Program of Essential Ecosystem Area in Muara Kali Ijo, Pantai Ayah, Kebumen Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Jurnal Sylva Lestari 23390913 2
The correlation between mangrove ecosystem with shoreline change in Indramayu coast Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
The mangrove landscaping based on Water Quality: (Case Study in Segara Anakan Lagoon and Meranti Island) Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Mangrove landscaping using the modulus of elasticity and rupture properties to reduce coastal disaster risk Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Ocean and Coastal Management 09645691 19
The carbon conservation of mangrove ecosystem applied REDD program Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Regional Studies in Marine Science 21
Sedimentation in lagoon waters (Case study on Segara Anakan Lagoon) Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 7
Source apportionment of sedimentary hydrocarbons in the Segara Anakan Nature Reserve, Indonesia Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025326X 31
Fluorene removal by biosurfactants producing Bacillus megaterium Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Waste and Biomass Valorization 18772641 19
Contribution of Agroforestry Plants to Farmers' Income in Nglanggeran Agricultural Technology Park WAHYU ADHI SAPUTRO, S.P, M.Sc E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Utilization of Kersen Leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) for Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Systematic Review Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The barriers and facilitators of foot care practices in diabetic patients in Indonesia: A qualitative study Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Nursing Open 7
Black solo garlic protects hepatic and renal cell function in streptozotocin-induced rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Frontiers in Nutrition 1
Immunomodulatory effects of black solo garlic (Allium sativum L.) on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in Wistar rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Heliyon 24058440 7
Anti inflammatory test of centella asiatica extract on cadmium induced rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Molekul 19079761 4
Anti-toxicity test of peperomia pellucida steeping on liver function in diabetic-induced rat Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Molekul 19079761 2
Cardiovascular self-management support program for preventing cardiovascular complication behaviors and clinical outcomes in the elderly with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia: A pilot study Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Japan Journal of Nursing Science 17427932 7
The effect of short duration of electrical stimulation on wound healing in acute wound in a rat model Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Wound Medicine 22139095 7
The potency of black garlic as anti-atherosclerotic: Mechanisms of action and the prospectively Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Date Seeds Drinking as Antidiabetic: A Systematic Review Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Dietary supplementation of Phoenix dactylifera L. Seeds decreases pro-inflammatory mediators in CCl4-induced rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology 11
Physical activity, screen time, and nutritional status in adolescents in Banyumas Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Hepatoprotective effect of date seeds works through the antioxidant mechanism: A systematic review Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783 4
Decreasing Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity using Date-seed (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Steeping in Rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 20059752 12
Anti-atherogenic properties of Deglet Noor Date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera) Methanol extract on Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 14
Evolution of precision agricultural technologies: a patent network analysis Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Precision Agriculture 13852256
Perceived attributes driving the adoption of system of rice intensification: The Indonesian farmers' view Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Open Agriculture 5
Functional Design of Pocket Fertigation under Specific Microclimate and Irrigation Rates: A Preliminary Study Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Agronomy 2
Functional design of smart evaporative irrigation for minapadi system in Indonesia Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Price volatility of staple food using ARCH-GARCH model Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Crop stage classification using supervised algorithm based on UAV and Landsat 8 image Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Biomass growth of red spinach in plant-factory system under three kinds of LED light sources Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Performance of SRI rice growth on soil accustomed to conventional cultivation methods Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 1
A spatial time series forecasting for mapping the risk of COVID-19 pandemic over Bandung Metropolitan Area, West Java, Indonesia Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 0277786X 1
Transportation model and techno economic as useful tools in agroindustry clustering: A case study in district Semangga, Merauke Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The reasons for farmers not to adopt System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as a sustainable agricultural practice: An explorative study Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Mapping flood risk zone (a case study: Gajah Wong Sub Watershed, Special Region of Yogyakarta) Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Spatial distribution of soil water content in potato horizontal-ridge profile under various ridge dimensions Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Restructuring steak from flakes of yellowfin tuna meat using low salt microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Biomass Development in SRI Field under Unmaintained Alternate Wetting-Drying Irrigation Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Perceived importance and performance of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Between adopters and Dis-adopters: Insights from Indonesia Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Journal of Social Sciences Research 24136670 2
Nitrogen uptake of SRI paddy field compare to conventional field Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 4
Nitrogen budget and gaseous nitrogen loss in a tropical agricultural watershed Dr ARDIANSYAH, S.TP, M.Si Biogeochemistry 01682563 9
Wound healing induces VEGF expression stimulated by forest honey in palatoplasty Sprague Dawley TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Dental Journal 19783728 1
Potential plasma biomarkers: miRNA-29c, miRNA-21, and miRNA-155 in clinical progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma patients TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech PLoS ONE 15
Circulation microRNA expression profiles in patients with complete responses to chemoradiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Non-coding RNA Research 24680540
MicroRNA-155-5p diminishes in vitro ovarian cancer cell viability by targeting HIF1? expression TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin 22285881 9
Transcriptome related to avoiding immune destruction in nasopharyngeal cancer in indonesian patients using next-generation sequencing TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 2
Transcriptome profile of next generation sequence data related to inflammation on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cases in Indonesia TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 5
The effects of combination of mimic miR-155-5p and antagonist miR-324-5p encapsulated chitosan in ovarian cancer SKOV3 TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 10
Transcriptome profile of next-generation sequencing data relate to proliferation aberration of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in Indonesia TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 1
Circulation EBV mir-bart-7 relating to clinical manifestation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 4
The expression of mir-21 and mir-29c in blood plasma of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient post-chemoradiotherapy TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 3
Expression of micro RNA-21 and 29c in blood plasma of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Journal of Medical Sciences (Faisalabad) 16824474 2
Sustainable traditional gold-mining management in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. Drs MUSLIHUDIN, M.Si International Journal of Conservation Science 2067533X 4
The Analysis of Ecological Footprint at Farming Production Centre Cluster of MIFEE Program in Merauke Papua Dr. Drs MUSLIHUDIN, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Application of response surface method on purification of glucomannan from amorphophallus oncophyllus by using 2-propanol Dr. Drs MUSLIHUDIN, M.Si Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry 1582540X 12
The Effect of Health Communication on Reader Attitudes with Digital Media Literacy Antecedents Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si Studies in Media and Communication 23258071
Contrariwise obesity through organic food consumption in Malaysia: a signaling theory perspective Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si BMC Public Health 7
The Civilizing Brand: Dissemination Lifestyle Of Traditional Cultural Artists In Indonesia Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si Res Militaris
The use of digital social media in the creative economy under quarantine conditions during the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315 1
The antecedents and consequences of e-health literacy in the pharmaceutical industry: An agenda for future research Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 09757058 2
Representation of media literacy in the dimensions of social life in Indonesia Dr S BEKTI ISTIYANTO, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Patients values regarding primary health care: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative evidence dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD BMC Health Services Research 1
Features constituting actionable COVID-19 dashboards: Descriptive assessment and expert appraisal of 158 public web-based COVID-19 dashboards dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Medical Internet Research 44
Individual, institutional, and scientific environment factors associated with questionable research practices in the reporting of messages and conclusions in scientific health services research publications dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD BMC Health Services Research 4
Undertesting of COVID-19 in Indonesia: What has gone wrong? dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Global Health 20472978 13
The Contribution of Service Density and Proximity to Geographical Inequalities in Health Care Utilisation in Indonesia: A Nation-Wide Multilevel Analysis dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Journal of Global Health 20472978 2
Occurrence and nature of questionable research practices in the reporting of messages and conclusions in international scientific Health Services Research publications: A structured assessment of publications authored by researchers in the Netherlands dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD BMJ Open 18
Socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare utilisation in Indonesia: A comprehensive survey-based overview dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD BMJ Open 23
Socioeconomic inequalities in the utilisation of hypertension and type 2 diabetes management services in Indonesia dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Tropical Medicine and International Health 13602276 5
The accuracy of self-report versus objective assessment for estimating socioeconomic inequalities in disease prevalence in Indonesia dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD International Journal of Public Health 16618556 3
Geographical inequalities in healthcare utilisation and the contribution of compositional factors: A multilevel analysis of 497 districts in Indonesia dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Health and Place 13538292 15
Association between the second-to-fourth digit (2D: 4D) ratio and myopia in medical students of the Medical Faculty of the Jeneral Soedirman University dr. JOKO MULYANTO, S.Ked, M.Sc., PhD Asian Journal of Ophthalmology 15602133
Isolation and Characterization of Rhizospheric Bacteria Associated with Canna Plant for Production of Maltooligosaccharide Amylase Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573
The Cytotoxic and Apoptosis Effects of Chloroform Extracts of Auricularia auricula on Cervical Cancer Cells Dr Dra NURAENI EKOWATI, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X 6
Workplace Ostracism, Emotional Exhaustion, and Deviant Behavior: The Moderating Role of Workplace Spirituality WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675
How e-wallets encourage excessive spending behavior among young adult consumers? WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Asia Business Studies 15587894 5
Workplace deviant behavior among employees of Islamic-based universities in Lampung: the moderating role of Islamic workplace spirituality WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 20507003 7
Green Hotel Visit Intention and the Role of Ecological Concern Among Young Tourists in Indonesia: A Planned Behavior Paradigm WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Tourism 13327461 2
Passionate Way to Creativity through the Power of Job Crafting and Sense of Calling WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 17900832
Examining the effect of halal perceived value and perceived risk on purchase intention: A mediating role of halal trust WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Innovative Marketing 18142427 1
Economic growth and environmental degradation paradox in ASEAN: A simultaneous equation model with dynamic panel data approach WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Environmental Economics 19986041 8
Nurturing consumers' green purchase intention on natural dyes batik during craft shopping tour in the batik city of Pekalongan Indonesia WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 20650817 3
Antecedents of consumers’ decision for halalmart shopping: The moderating role of family religious WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews 1
Management practices by agricultural based small scale industry to avail business challenge in disruptive innovation era WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 3
Export product fit development in msmes context WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Integrating workplace spirituality, total quality management, and job satisfaction WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal of Business and Society 15116670 11
The minang - Nomads businesses' performance: The role of proactive personality, creativity and innovative work behavior WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Jurnal Pengurusan 01272713
The Multi-Stakeholder’s Role in an Integrated Mentoring Model for SMEs in the Creative Economy Sector WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D SAGE Open 6
Fostering Frontline Employees' Innovative Service Behavior: The Role of Workplace Friendship and Knowledge Sharing Process WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Organizacija 13185454 14
The impact of religiosity, environmental marketing orientation and practices on performance: A case of Muslim entrepreneurs in Indonesia WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Islamic Marketing 17590833 33
Scaling the notion of Islamic spirituality in the workplace WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Management Development 02621711 46
Linking empowering leadership to employee service innovative behavior: A study from the hotel industry WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Tourism 13327461 22
Green supply chain management and its impact on construction sector Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) performance: A case of Indonesia WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Business Management 19935250 11
Impression management tactics, work related behavior and perceived individual performance of sales clerks: A case of Indonesia WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 10
Assessment of TRMM rainfall data for flood modelling in three contrasting catchments in Java, Indonesia PURWANTO BEKTI SANTOSO, S.T, M.T, S.T Journal of Hydroinformatics 14647141
Utilizing forest genetic resources in developing a new variety of Acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis) to support the sustainable use of plants in Indonesia PURWANTO BEKTI SANTOSO, S.T, M.T, S.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Development of morphological marker on natural interspecific hybrid seedling of Acacia (Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis) verified by molecular marker PURWANTO BEKTI SANTOSO, S.T, M.T, S.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Stakeholder Communication and Its Impact on Participatory Development Planning in Rural Areas Dr.Sos. ADHI IMAN SULAIMAN, S.IP, M.Si International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 17437601 1
Empowerment communication in an islamic boarding school as a medium of harmonization Dr.Sos. ADHI IMAN SULAIMAN, S.IP, M.Si Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 2289151X 2
Sweet Corn Performance Through Organic Farming Approach Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Mapping heavy metals accumulation in conventional rice farming system at Banyumas Regency of Central Java, Indonesia Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2339076X
Removal of chromium from chromium-contaminated soil and physiological response of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) on treatments of biochar and mycorrhizae Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2339076X
Maize Growth and Yield characteristics with application of mushroom waste substrate vermicompost in Ultisol Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Agronomy Research 1406894X
Utilization of biochar and Trichoderma harzianum to promote growth of shallot and remediate lead-contaminated soil Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2339076X 2
Phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated soil using terrestrial kale (Ipomoea reptans Poir) and corncob biochar Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2339076X 3
Drought tolerance, phosphorus efficiency and yield characters of upland rice lines Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 2079052X 15
Harvest time and yield of traditional rice cultivars based on N and P fertilizer management Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Effects of tillage and intercropping with grass on soil properties and yield of rainfed maize Dr AHADIYAT YUGI RAHAYU, M.Si International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530 10
Calpain Activity of Jawarandu Does under Four Different Energy Level in the Ration IMBANG HARYOKO, M.P, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The different influence of speed, agility and aerobic capacity toward soccer skills of youth player MOH. NANANG HIMAWAN KUSUMA, S.Pd, MSc.SportMed Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
Mathematical simulation approach to diagnose performance limiting factor of shot put technique MOH. NANANG HIMAWAN KUSUMA, S.Pd, MSc.SportMed Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 5
The Effect of Glucose on Local Recombinant ?-Xylosidase and Cellulase Cocktails Production SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Expression of Recombinant Lipase from Serratia marcescens LII61 in Escherichia coli SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 19956673 1
Nanofiber Scaffold Based on Polylactic Acid-Polycaprolactone for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. Polymers 2
Characterization of crystal structure and mechanical properties of polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite-collagen nanofiber for scaffold anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) applications SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Cloning and Expression of Gene Encoding Lipase from Local Isolate Bacillus cereus Isolated from Compost Jambangan Indonesia SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 19956673 1
Isolation of lipolytic bacteria from domestic waste compost and its application to biodiesel production SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 09741496 5
Characterization and Lipase Production of Micrococcus sp. L69 Isolated from Palm Oil-contaminated Soil SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 09729860 1
Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for Lipase Production of Micrococcus sp. Isolated from Palm Oil Mill Effluent-Contaminated Soil SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Utility of Saccharomyces cerevisiae As Probiotics to Induce Protease Production for Worms Feed Improvement SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Identification of the ultisol land indigenus bacteria from Banyumas Regency based on the characteristics of morphology, physiology and biochemistry SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Cloning of the endoglucanase gene from a Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PSM 3.1 in Escherichia coli revealed catalytic triad residues Thr-His-Glu SAPTO NUGROHO HADI, S.Si, M.Biotek. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 15533468 11
Land Cover Changes and Impacts of Massive Siltation on the Mangrove Segara Anakan Lagoon System, Cilacap Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Ecological Engineering 1
Key Species of Phytoplankton in Eastern Part of Segara Anakan Indonesia Based on Season Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Ecological Engineering 4
Study of Mangrove Forest Change towards the Diversity and Carbon Stock of Mangroves in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Mangrove Damage Evaluation using Two Species of Acanthus as a Biomonitoring Agent, Case Study: Segara Anakan Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Fish conservation status in eastern part of segara anakan Cilacap Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Vicariance and oceanic barriers drive contemporary genetic structure of widespread mangrove species Sonneratia alba J. Sm in the Indo-West Pacific Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forests 23
Genetic structure and population demographic history of a widespread mangrove plant Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) across the Indo-West Pacific region Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forests 17
Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of partially sympatric species complex Rhizophora mucronata Lam. and R. stylosa Griff. using SSR markers Phylogenetics and phylogeography Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. BMC Evolutionary Biology 45
Development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 18777252 2
Development and characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Sonneratia alba (Lythraceae) using next-generation sequencing Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 18777252 5
Isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite markers for Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) and their potential use in range-wide population studies Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 18777252 7
Land use and land cover change affecting habitat distribution in the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Regional Environmental Change 14363798 61
Coral recruitment and its relationship to hard coral cover in the Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Artisanal small-scale gold mining activities in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia and its mercury waste potency Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Decolorization of indigosol blue batik effluent using Lepiota sp. isolated from Baturraden Botanical Garden Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver N-Methyl Chitosan Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. Molekul 19079761
Antimicrobial Activity of N-Methyl Chitosan and Correlation with Their Degree Substitution Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Mechanisms of Indigosol Blue O4B batik dye wastewater degradation by Aspergillus sp. 3 and its product analysis Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. Research Journal of Biotechnology 09736263 1
Screening of microfungi from spent mushroom for decolorizing and removing heavy metals from batik effluent and its toxicity Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Batik Dye Decolorization by Immobilized Biomass of Aspergillus sp Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Optimization of the conditions for the decolorization of batik wastewater by Aspergillus sp. 3 Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Ligninolitic enzyme immobilization from Pleurotus ostreatus for dye and batik wastewater decolorization Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 23391286 6
Efficiency of Aspergillus sp. 3 to reduce chromium, sulfide, ammonia, phenol, and fat from batik wastewater Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 15
Phytotoxicity in Foxtail millet seed polluted batik wastewater and its reduction by ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Toxicity tests, antioxidant activity, and antimicrobial activity of chitosan Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 17
Carboxymethyl chitosan as an antifungal agent on gauze Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 01418130 63
Synthesis, characterization and antifungal activity of N-methyl chitosan and its application on the gauze Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. Current Bioactive Compounds 15734072 4
Decolorization and detoxification of batik dye effluent containing Indigosol Blue-04B using fungi isolated from contaminated dye effluent Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 08538654 15
The mechanism of phosphate bacteria in increasing the solubility of phosphorus in Indonesian Andisols Dr Ir TAMAD, M.Si Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426 2
The Effect of Electrolysis Voltage, Current, and Time against Reduction of COD and BOD of Tempe Industrial Wastewater in Banyumas Regency Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Morphological, physiological, and molecular identification and characterization of yeast isolated from Indonesian fruits and woods Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Antagonistic feature displayed by endophytic bacteria consortium for control rice pathogens Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525
Endophytic bacteria associated with rice roots from suboptimal land as plant growth promoters Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Endophytic bacteria: An emerging tool for biological control bacterial leaf blight of paddy Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Genetic Diversity of Sugar Palm Populations from Cianjur and Banten revealed by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Isolation and identification of bacteria in gastrointestinal of eel (Anguilla bicolor) that has potential as probiotic Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Molecular and morphological characterization of ems-induced chili pepper mutants resistant to chili veinal mottle virus Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Preface: The 1st International Conference on Genetic Resources and Agricultural Biotechnology: "information system and exchanges of genetic resources for effective crop improvement" Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Construction of DNA fingerprint for chili pepper varieties using SNAP markers Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Needs, opportunities and challenges for crop improvement in Indonesia Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Identification of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) mutants and improved varieties having diverse drought tolerance character using SSR marker Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Partial biochemical characterization of crude extract extracellular chitinase enzyme from Bacillus subtilis B 298 Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 12
Comparative evaluation of conventional versus rapid methods for amplifiable genomic DNA isolation of cultured Azospirillum sp. JG3 Dr PUJI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 6
Bureaucratic Neutrality Index in Direct Regional Head Elections: Optimism in Developing Professional Bureaucracy in Indonesia Dr DWIYANTO INDIAHONO, S.Sos, M.Si Public Policy and Administration 16482603
Shifting waste policy issues at the local level: A case study in Banyumas Dr DWIYANTO INDIAHONO, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Public issues in waste affairs in the pandemic era as a challenge for agile bureaucracy Dr DWIYANTO INDIAHONO, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Exploring the antenatal care challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas of Indonesia: a qualitative study Dr. Dr. Ners ENDANG TRIYANTO, S.Kep, M.Kep. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2
The Quality and Proportion of Spermatozoa X and Y in Sexed Frozen Semen Separated with Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation Method on Friesian Holstein Bull Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331 3
In vitro Gas Production of Sorghum-Indigofera Forage-Based Complete Feed for Ruminants Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Yield, nutrient and carrying capacity of aerial cassava as influenced by organic fertilizers and defoliation on drylands in lampung, Indonesia Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Livestock Research for Rural Development 01213784
Reproductive Performance of Garut Ewes Fed Sorghum-Indigofera after Stimulation with Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Tropical Animal Science Journal 2615787X
Nutrient digestibility, intake rate, and performance of Indonesian native cattle breeds fed rice straw ammoniation and concentrate Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
PMSG in ewes: A Practical and Efficient Step for Superovulation Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Identification and association of polymorphism in THOC5 gene with fatty acid composition in Indonesian sheep Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Metabolism Energy and Performance of Several Local Cattle Breeds Fed Rice Straw and Concentrate Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 08537380 1
The motility and ratio of x and y sperm filial ongole cattle using different sexed semen methods Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 15574555 9
Diversity of D-loop mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence in Bali and Sumba Ongole cattle breeds Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 3
Artificial Insemination using liquid sperm Filial Ongole Bull after sexed with different methods Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Evaluation of bioactive substances in Hibiscus tiliaceus and its potential as a ruminant feed additive Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Current Bioactive Compounds 15734072 7
Study of hibiscus tiliaceus leaf extract carrier as additive in the diets for fattening of local cattle (In vitro) Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 2
Degradation of keratin by keratinase and disulfide reductase from Bacillus sp. MTS of Indonesian origin Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 18788181 39
Study of thermostable chitinase enzymes from Indonesian Bacillus K29-14 Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10177825 11
Cd60 (GTG?>?GAG)/Hb Cagliari mutation was found in scanning of ?-thalassemia alleles from patients of East Kalimantan, Indonesia Dr Dr dr. VM WAHYU SISWANDARI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.Si.Med Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 6
Modifying effect of XmnI, BCL11A, and HBS1L-MYB on clinical appearances: A study on ?-thalassemia and hemoglobin E/?-thalassemia patients in Indonesia Dr Dr dr. VM WAHYU SISWANDARI, S.Ked, Sp.P.K, M.Si.Med Hematology/ Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy 16583876 32
Blood Sugar, Haemoglobin and Malondialdehyde Levels in Diabetic White Rats Fed a Diet of Corn Flour Cookies Dr ERVINA MELA, S.T, M.Si Foods 4
Potential productsof coconut shell wood vinegar Dr ERVINA MELA, S.T, M.Si Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 10
Short Communication: Impact of introduction of managed honey bee colony on wild bee diversity and abundance in an agroecosystem in Indonesia Dr Dra SUHESTRI SURYANINGSIH, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Sexual dimorphism in razorbelly scad (Alepes kleinii) based on morphology, meristic and truss-based morphometric characters Dr Dra SUHESTRI SURYANINGSIH, M.S AACL Bioflux 18448143
A Green Chemistry Approach using Alternanthera brasiliana Extract for Urea Biosensor ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Introducing Iron Analysis with Smartphone Camera for High School Students ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
The effect of additive on cellulose acetate membrane from coconut sap in desalination application ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si Malaysian Journal of Science 13943065 1
Urea biosensor development using immobilized urease and light dependent resistor ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Natural reagent from Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) heartwood for urea biosensor ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 4
Green Chemistry Glucose Biosensor Development using Etlingera elatior Extract ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Thermophilic amylase from Thermus sp. isolation and its potential application for bioethanol production ZUSFAHAIR, S.Si, M.Si Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 01253395 7
Culturable hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacterial isolates from Indonesian seawater in the Lombok Strait and Indian Ocean Dr LILIK KARTIKA SARI, S.Pi, M.Si Heliyon 24058440 13
Assessment of Students’ Creative Thinking Skill on the Implementation of Project-Based Learning EKA DYAH PUSPITA SARI, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Hum, M.Hum International Journal of Language Education 25488457
Contrastive approach study on second language acquisition as a method in teaching English for 2nd semester students of electronics engineering study program at kupang state polytechnic EKA DYAH PUSPITA SARI, S.Pd, S.Pd, M.Hum, M.Hum International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315
Genetic Parameters, Inter-relationship Among AgronomicTraits and Dehulled Rice Morpho-Biochemical Profile of Promising Black Rice x Mentik Wangi Lines Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019
Microsatellite Markers and Metabolite Profiles of Salt-Tolerant Rice: Inpari Unsoed 79 Agritan Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456 1
Marker validation for salt tolerance in Indica rice Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD Biodiversitas 1412033X
Marker identification and phylogenetic analysis of saline tolerant rice varieties Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Agronomic performance of F4 population of rice breeding lines derived from the cross of Black Rice and Mentik Wangi varieties Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Nitrogen remobilization and post-anthesis nitrogen uptake in relation to elevated grain protein concentration in durum wheat Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD Canadian Journal of Plant Science 00084220 22
Identification and validation of quantitative trait loci for grain protein concentration in adapted Canadian durum wheat populations Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD Theoretical and Applied Genetics 00405752 60
The Chemical Composition of Coconut Sap at Different Tapping Condition Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Evaluation of Colour and Physicochemical Properties of Annatto Seed Aquadest Extract in theVariation pH of Solvent Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Siam orange (Citrus nobilis L.) nectar characteristics with variations in stabilizer and sucrose level Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P Food Research
The effect of hydrocolloid on stability of Papaya-Pineapple jelly drink during storage Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Evaluation types of solvents on the extraction of Bixa orellana and application of extract on a chicken sausage product as natural colour and antioxidant sources Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Screening of lactic acid bacteria producing uricase and stability assessment in simulated gastrointestinal conditions Dr. ISTI HANDAYANI, S.T.P, M.P International Food Research Journal 19854668 8
The Potency of Ethanolic Extracts of Betel Leaves as An Antibiofilm against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Dr Dra HERNAYANTI, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Phytoremediation of liquid waste electroplating using Salvinia sp. Dr Dra HERNAYANTI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Detoxification of cadmium on the levels of urea and creatinine on Rattus norvegicus with tea mistletoe (Scurrula atropurpurea) Dr Dra HERNAYANTI, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Effect of Cadmium Exposure in Polymorphisms Gene NOS3, Blood Cadmium Level, Nitric Oxide Level, Blood Pressure and Antioxidant Enzymes Dr Dra HERNAYANTI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
Estimate the location of basaltic intrusion in Karanglewas village Jatilawang district Banyumas regency central Java based on the pseudogravity anomaly map SEHAH, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) infestation in cattle from Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Composition and abundance level of pest mites in jasmine gambier (Jasminum officinale) plantation of Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia affected by some abiotic factors Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Several ecological factors that determine the survival of temperature resistant Phytoseius amba Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) infestation of cuscuses from Maluku Province, Indonesia Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Veterinary World 09728988 2
Predatory capacity and feeding preference of pesticide-resistant amblyseius deleoni muma et Denmark (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Trends in Sciences
Species and prevalence of parasitic mites on tree geckos in Purwokerto, Central Java Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Predation capacity of phytoseius crinitus swirski et schebter on each stage of tetranychus urticae and alternative food for laboratory mass rearing Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Diversity and abundance of termites along altitudinal gradient and slopes in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X 9
The predation ability of temperature resistant Amblyseius sp. to Tetranychus urticae. Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 3
The reproduction ability of the predatory mite of Phytoseiidae family in some densities Tetranychus urticae and pollen of plant that grew around cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Dr Drs BAMBANG HERU BUDIANTO, M.S Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 2
Analysis of broiler farming business systems without Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGP) in traditional farms Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The dynamics of population and production of Native Chicken under extensive- And semi-intensive maintenance Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Harmony supply chain: A new construct towards company resilience Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 2
Ocean plastic crisis—Mental models of plastic pollution from remote Indonesian coastal communities Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc PLoS ONE 29
Adaptability and Productivity of Local Holstein - Frisien Cows in Banyumas Disrict Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Identifying Archetypes of an Enhanced System Dynamics Causal Loop Diagram in Pursuit of Strategies to Improve Smallholder Beef Farming in Java, Indonesia Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc Systems Research and Behavioral Science 10927026 22
Identifying archetypes of an enhanced system dynamic causal loop diagram in pursuit of strategies to improve smallholder beef farming in Java, Indonesia Dr Ir NOVIE ANDRI SETIANTO, MSc 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS 2013: Curating the C 1
Microclimate of broiler cage with rice husk absorbent Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Effect of the Nucleotide and Turmeric Extract Supplementation and different Cage Floors on the Blood Profile and Physiological Status of Broiler Chicken Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
Review: The role of heat shock proteins in chicken: Insights into stress adaptation and health Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Research in Veterinary Science 00345288
The effect of avocado seed powder (Persea americana Mill.) on the liver and kidney functions and meat quality of culled female quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Veterinary World 09728988 9
Effect of ?-tocopherol and ascorbic acids on performance and blood immunity profile of male native muscovy duck Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 5
Supplementation of Vitamin E and c in feed on meat quality, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (tbars) and myoglobin level of muscovy duck meat Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 3
Improving performance, meat quality and muscle fiber microstructure of native Indonesian muscovy duck through feed protein and metabolizable energy Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 7
Design and Performance Test of Portable Spectrometer Using AS7265x Multispectral Sensor for Detection of Adulterated Cane Sugar in Granulated Coconut Sugar ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Simple parallel probe as soil moisture sensor for sandy land in tropical-coastal areas ARIEF SUDARMAJI Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology 01287680 2
Time based automatic system of drip and sprinkler irrigation for horticulture cultivation on coastal area ARIEF SUDARMAJI IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
MOS gas sensor of meat freshness analysis on E-nose ARIEF SUDARMAJI Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 6
Translation and rotational target motion effect in NSCLC case with 3D-CRT, IMRT, and VMAT techniques using in-house dynamic thorax phantom ARIEF SUDARMAJI Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Diffusion coefficient measurement system based on laser beam deflection on liquid: Image and data processing ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Gray scale and edge detecting method to enhance image quality on liquid diffusivity measurement system ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Development of magnetic generator data acquisition system based on microcontroller for Faraday rotation instrumentation ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
4f imaging system method to determine optical properties of thin film magnetic material ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Noise Properties of the Faraday Effect Measurement Systems ARIEF SUDARMAJI IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Design and Data Acquisition of Faraday Rotation Instrumentation System Based on Microcontroller ARIEF SUDARMAJI Proceeding - 2018 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application, ISITIA 2018 1
Gray Scale and Edge Detecting Method to Extract Raw Data in the Diffusivity Measurement System ARIEF SUDARMAJI ISSIMM 2018 - 3rd International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology, Proc 2
Data acquisition instrument for EEG based on embedded system ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 4
Data acquisition system of 16-channel EEG based on ATSAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit microcontroller and ADS1299 ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 8
The use of polymer based gas sensor for detecting formalin in food using artificial neural network ARIEF SUDARMAJI Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16936930 1
An enhanced laser beam deflection measurement system for refractive index gradient and diffusivity ARIEF SUDARMAJI Proceedings - 2017 International Seminar on Sensor, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology: Inno 5
Simple liquid-liquid diffusion coefficient measurement system based on refractive index gradients ARIEF SUDARMAJI Proceedings - 2017 International Seminar on Sensor, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology: Inno 6
Application of Temperature Modulation-SDP on MOS Gas Sensors: Capturing Soil Gaseous Profile for Discrimination of Soil under Different Nutrient Addition ARIEF SUDARMAJI Journal of Sensors 1687725X 15
Influence of Ba/Fe mole ratios on magnetic properties, crystallite size and shifting of X-ray diffraction peaks of nanocrystalline BaFe12O19 powder, prepared by sol gel auto combustion ARIEF SUDARMAJI AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Adaptation of soybean varieties on teak shaded land in Grobogan Regency, Indonesia Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of sugarcane Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Analysis of income and expenditure of farmers' household in the rain-fed area of Boyolali district Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Improvement Production And Efficiency Of Upland Rice In Boyolali District Central, Java, Indonesia Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si Academy of Strategic Management Journal 15441458 1
Growth-yield performances and partial economic analysis of sugarcane under different planting methods Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si Notulae Scientia Biologicae
In vitro shoot growth performances and responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) 'muhzoto' under different treatments and explant types Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si Agraarteadus 10240845
The effects of baking on the quality attributes of dried beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Morpho-agronomic characteristics of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) derived from in-vitro culture Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Application of AMF (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi) and Organic Fertilizer to Increase the Growth, Biomass and Bioactive Content of Centella Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 11
Biotransformation of Host Plant Flavonoids by the Fungal Endophyte Epicoccum nigrum Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. ChemistrySelect 7
The Impact of the Omnibus Low Cipta Kerja on the Sustainability of MSMEs and Economic Growth by Applying the Canvas Model Business Method and the Use of Financial Technology, Especially Crowdfunding and Microfinance Dr ABDUL AZIZ AHMAD, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 17437601
Market Structure and Determinants of Firm Profitability on General Insurance Industry in Indonesia Dr ABDUL AZIZ AHMAD, S.E., M.Si Studies in Business and Economics 18424120 1
Community-based tourism village development strategies: A case of Borobudur tourism village area, Indonesia Dr ABDUL AZIZ AHMAD, S.E., M.Si Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 20650817 21
The knowledge, attitude, practice and predictors of complementary and alternative medicine use among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Indonesia Dr Dr EMAN SUTRISNA, S.Ked, M.Kes Journal of Integrative Medicine 20954964 10
Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of purified extract of Tinospora crispa stem for in vivo antihyperuricemic effect Dr Apt WARSINAH, M.Si Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences 23221232 3
Screening of volatile compounds of Brotowali (Tinospora crispa) and antifungal activity against Candida albicans Dr Apt WARSINAH, M.Si International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 7
A community resource for paired genomic and metabolomic data mining Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Nature Chemical Biology 15524450 10
Draft Genome Sequence of the Sattazolin-Producing Strain Pseudonocardia sp. C8, Isolated from a Mud Dauber Wasp Nest in Nepal Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Microbiology Resource Announcements
Mass spectrometry analysis revealed the production of siderophore from Klebsiella oxytoca strain STA01 isolated from sago palm field in Tulehu, Maluku, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Mining indonesian microbial biodiversity for novel natural compounds by a combined genome mining and molecular networking approach Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Marine Drugs 11
Nocathioamides, Uncovered by a Tunable Metabologenomic Approach, Define a Novel Class of Chimeric Lanthipeptides Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 14337851
Maculosin, a non-toxic antioxidant compound isolated from Streptomyces sp. KTM18 Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Pharmaceutical Biology 13880209
Draft genome sequence of the halophilic strain citrobacter braakii AN-PRR1, isolated from rhizospheric soil of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from Pakistan Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Microbiology Resource Announcements
Isolation and selection of bacillus cereus specific phages from hospital wastewater Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Degenerated Primers for the KCS Enzyme Gene Encoding Erucic Acid Content in Winged Bean Seeds Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Draft genome sequence of Nonomuraea sp. Strain C10, a producer of brartemicin, isolated from a mud dauber wasp nest in Nepal Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Microbiology Resource Announcements 2
Draft genome sequence of the pristinamycin-producing strain Streptomyces sp. SW4, isolated from soil in nusa kambangan, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat SAEFUDDIN AZIZ, M.S.I Microbiology Resource Announcements 1
Cognitive impairment among older adults living in the community and in nursing home in Indonesia: a pilot study RAHMI SETIYANI, M.N Dementia e Neuropsychologia 19805764
Food consumption as a risk factor of anemia among indonesian pregnant women: A cross-sectional study among javanese ethnic group RAHMI SETIYANI, M.N Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Performance of shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum) derived from true seed under a dry condition area RAHMI SETIYANI, M.N IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
The Effect of Different Hydroponic Types and Nutrient Concentrations on the Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Capacity of Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan) Extract Dr ENI SUMARNI, S.TP, M.Si HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019
Effect of root zone cooling and evaporative cooling in greenhouse on the growth and yield of potato seed by aeroponics in tropical lowlands Dr ENI SUMARNI, S.TP, M.Si Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal
Seed potato production using aeroponics system with zone cooling in wet tropical lowlands Dr ENI SUMARNI, S.TP, M.Si Acta Horticulturae 05677572 5
Anti-cervical Cancer Test of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Terminalia catappa Linn Fruit Flesh against HeLa Cells Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Synthesis, characterization and adsorption study of C-4-Phenacyloxy-phenylcalix[4]resorcinarene for Pb(II), Cd(II) and Cr(III) ions Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Sains Malaysiana 01266039 3
Synthesis and characterization of 4-phenacyloxy benzaldehyde derivatives Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Oriental Journal of Chemistry 0970020X 2
Binary Response on Logistics Regression Model and Its Simulation Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Mathematics and Statistics 23322071
Physical Changes of Occupancy and Spatial of Bajo Tribe Settlement in Jayabakti Village, Pagimana District Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Development and Testing a Method for Retrieving Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness based on the Solar Intensity from the Sun-photometer Data Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Science and Technology Indonesia 25804405
Examining the Intersection Performance of the Post-Disaster Permanent Housing Assistance Impact: A Study of the Trip Generation/Attraction in Palu City Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Development of higher mathematical thinking of senior high school students through training of open-ended problems assisted by the teacher's scaffolding Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
CB-BL model (challenge based on blended learning) for mathematical creativity Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Mathematical creative thinking ability of students in treffinger and brain-based learning at junior high school Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Teaching Speaking with Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Enhancement of reasoning skills of 7th grade students using Malcolm's modeling based on KWL thinking strategy Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Mathematical communication ability in knisley mathematics learning model Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
The graphically analysis of the power of hypothesis parameters on discrete (Binomial) and continuous (gamma) distributions Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Making a Math Teaching Aids of Junior High School Based on Scientific Approach Through an Integrated and Sustainable Training Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Wave group evolution in kdv-type model Dr MASHURI, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Quantitative structure–activity relationship study to predict the antibacterial activity of gemini quaternary ammonium surfactants against Escherichia coli ELY SETIAWAN, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
QSAR modeling for predicting the antifungal activities of gemini imidazolium surfactants against Candida albicans using GA-MLR methods ELY SETIAWAN, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 4
Generic QSPR study for predicting critical micelle concentration of gemini cationic surfactants using the online chemical modeling environment (OCHEM) ELY SETIAWAN, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Application of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) Models for the Predictions of Critical Micelle Concentration of Gemini Imidazolium Surfactants ELY SETIAWAN, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Banana Bunchy Top Virus Molecular Confirmation and DNA-S Phylogenetic of some Banana Isolates from Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy RUTH FETI RAHAYUNIATI, S.P, M.P. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019
Symptom expression and resistance of some banana cultivars to banana bunchy top virus infection Doctor of Philosophy RUTH FETI RAHAYUNIATI, S.P, M.P. Agriculture and Natural Resources 24681458
Characterization of banana bunchy top virus on sumatra (Indonesia) wild banana Doctor of Philosophy RUTH FETI RAHAYUNIATI, S.P, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
RNA-seq data of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) viruliferous and non-viruliferous banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa) Doctor of Philosophy RUTH FETI RAHAYUNIATI, S.P, M.P. Data in Brief 4
Bioprospection of single and a consortium endophytic bacteria of suboptimal field rice isolates as biocontrol of rice bacterial leaf blight pathogens Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Potential of Bacillus subtilis potato isolate as biocontrol agent of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and candidate for nanosuspension formula Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X
Extracellular protease from bacillus subtilis b315 with antagonistic activity against bacterial wilt pathogen (Ralstonia solanacearum) of chili Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X 5
Shelf-life of Bacillus subtilis B298 inclusion in biopesticide microencapsule formula and its efficacy in suppressing anthracnose disease on chili Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Bio-management of anthracnose disease in chilli with microencapsulates containing Bacillus subtilis B298 Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Siderophore activity of Bacillus subtilis as plant growth promoters and biological control agent of eggplants pathogens. Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 9
Enzyme amylase as an antagonist component of Bacillus subtilis B315 against potato Ralstonia solanacearum Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 8
Identification of pathotype and genetic diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae on rice in Karesidenan Banyumas area. Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 9
Resistance of twentyone rice varieties to Bacterial Leaf Blight. Dr Ir HERU ADI DJATMIKO, M.P Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 9
Comfa, molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies on cycloguanil analogues as potent antimalarial agents Dr PONCO ISWANTO, S.Si, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420 4
Qualitative Structure Activity Relationship Analysis of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives as Anti-Inflamatory using Parameterized Model 3 Method Dr PONCO ISWANTO, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Interaction of mutant PBP2a and bioactive compounds from Streptomyces with anti-MRSA activities Dr PONCO ISWANTO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Novel anti-leukemia calanone compounds by quantitative structure-activity relationship AM1 semiempirical method Dr PONCO ISWANTO, S.Si, M.Si World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2010376X 1
Cyclic heptapeptides from the soil-derived fungus Clonostachys rosea Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 09680896 9
Local site effect of soil slope based on microtremor measurement in Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta URIP NURWIJAYANTO PRABOWO, S.Pd, M. Sc Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
The image quality analysis of neutron digital radiography through the variation of multiple image capturing URIP NURWIJAYANTO PRABOWO, S.Pd, M. Sc AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Mapping the fissure potential zones based on microtremor measurement in Denpasar City, Bali URIP NURWIJAYANTO PRABOWO, S.Pd, M. Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
As the world turns: Men left behind due to the international migration in Indonesia Dr TYAS RETNO WULAN, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315
Bond–Slip Relationship between Sand-Coated Polypropylene Coarse Aggregate Concrete and Plain Rebar Dr Ir GANDJAR PAMUDJI, M.T Materials 1
The influence of river and volcanic sand as coatings on polypropylene waste coarse aggregate towards concrete compressive strength Dr Ir GANDJAR PAMUDJI, M.T Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 2
Sensitivity of Optical Fiber Sensors to Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beam Dr Ir GANDJAR PAMUDJI, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 2
Influence of uncoated and coated plastic waste coarse aggregates to concrete compressive strength Dr Ir GANDJAR PAMUDJI, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 18
Technical and fumigation time effects on shallot storage quality Dr KARSENO, S.P, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Effect of medium and light quality on pink pigment production of cyanobacteria Oscillatoria sp. BTCC/A0004 Dr KARSENO, S.P, M.P E3S Web of Conferences 1
Extracellular phycoerythrin-like protein released by freshwater cyanobacteria Oscillatoria and Scytonema sp. Dr KARSENO, S.P, M.P Biotechnology Letters 01415492 8
Effect of salt concentration on intracellular accumulation of lipids and triacylglyceride in marine microalgae Dunaliella cells Dr KARSENO, S.P, M.P Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 13891723 516
Macroalgae diversity in the Pari Island Cluster, Seribu Islands District, Jakarta, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Rediscovery of Bombus rufipes Lepeletier 1835 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Bombidae) on Mount Slamet Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573
Short communication: Population structure and habitat characteristics of Goniothalamus macrophyllus in bukit pembarisan forest, West Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Diversity and distribution of figs (Ficus spp.) across altitudes in gunung tilu, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 7
Preliminary test of agri-environmental scheme implementation in farmland in northern slope of Mount Slamet Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Agrivita 01260537 1
Short communication: Endemics species of dung beetles (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on the southern slope of Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Insect pollinator diversity along a habitat quality gradient on Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 6
Diversity of butterflies in four different forest types in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat IMAM WIDHIONO MZ, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 24
Dithiodiketopiperazine derivatives from endophytic fungi Trichoderma harzianum and Epicoccum nigrum Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. Natural Product Research 14786419 20
Azacoccones F-H, new flavipin-derived alkaloids from an endophytic fungus Epicoccum nigrum MK214079 Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. Fitoterapia 0367326X 9
Total flavonoid content and in vivo hypotensive effect of chloroform insoluble fraction of Centella asiatica leaf extract Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. International Food Research Journal 19854668 5
Triterpenoid-rich fraction of centella asiatica leaves and in vivo antihypertensive activity Dr.rer.nat. apt HARWOKO, M.Sc. International Food Research Journal 19854668 21
On taylor series and chebyshev polynomial approximation in parameter estimation for the spatial autoregressive model Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
The Power of Weibull and Exponential Distributions on Testing Parameters Shape Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Performa Restricted Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Likelihood Estimators on Small Area Estimation Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
The noncentral F distribution Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
The Bivariate Central Normal Distribution Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Analysis of the W-AMOEBA getis and moran on spatial dynamic panel models Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Testing intercept with non-sample prior information for hypothesis maximum on the parallel regression model Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Comparing performances of WG, WGNEW and WC on dynamic spatial panel model by monte carlo simulations Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Testing intercept with non-sample prior information for one-side hypothesis (maximum) on a multivariate simple regression model Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
Asymptotic normality of modified local getis statistic Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871 2
Mathematical model of smoking time temperature effect on ribbed smoked sheets quality Dr JAJANG, S.Si, M.Si World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2010376X
Effect of Packaging and Storage Temperature to Quality and Shelf-life of Corn Egg-roll Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Effect of Packaging Type and Storage Temperature on the Chemical and Sensory Properties of Corn Getas Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Antioxidants and in vitro starch digestibility of coloured rice, and its effect on blood sugar and malonaldehyde in streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si International Food Research Journal 19854668
Development of breakfast food from black rice and porang supplemented with jackbean and red dragon fruit Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Characteristics of gluten-free cookies from konjac, jack beans and dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Antioxidant Properties of Coconut-Sugar Instant Coffee Beverages Produced using Red Palm Oil and Coffee Powder Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science 2347467X
Effect of feeding palm sugars enriched with CPO and RPO on liver retinol and IgG concentration of vitamin A depletion rats Dr Ir HIDAYAH DWIYANTI, M.Si Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 1
Survival rate, growth and chemical content of dendronereis pinnaticirris (Polychaeta, Nereidae) in maintenance with different feeds and substrates EKO SETIO WIBOWO, S.Si, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 3
Metabolism and Nutritional Content of Polychaeta Nereis sp. with Maintenance Salinity and Different Types of Feed EKO SETIO WIBOWO, S.Si, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 4
Oxygen Consumption Rate of Polychaeta Nereis sp. Different Sizes and Type of Feed EKO SETIO WIBOWO, S.Si, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Effect of various inductions of sleep deprivation stress on proinflammatory cytokine levels in gingival crevicular fluids of white male Wistar strain rats (Rattus novergicus) Dr Dr FITRANTO ARJADI, S.Ked, M.Kes Dental Journal 19783728
Capture-based aquaculture of glass eel nurseries, Anguilla bicolor in Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia Dr PURNAMA SUKARDI, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Triple helix as an empowerment strategy for labor fishermen: A proposed model through action research study Dr PURNAMA SUKARDI, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Potential of using tropical brown macroalgae sargassum cristaefolium meal in the diets for juvenile white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) Dr PURNAMA SUKARDI, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Development of an environment-friendly feeding management for pond-reared fish species in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia Dr PURNAMA SUKARDI, Ph.D Regional Environmental Change 14363798 1
Diversity and distribution pattern of bioactive compound potential seaweed in Menganti Beach, Central Java, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
Thallus variation of Sargassum polycystum from Central Java, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 13
Indonesian doctoral students’ negotiation of knowledge production in their doctoral research: A photovoice study RIRIN KURNIA TRISNAWATI, S.S. Issues in Educational Research 03137155
Noir sensibility and the mystical east in Amir Hafizi’s “The Unbeliever” of Amir Muhammad’s KL Noir: Red RIRIN KURNIA TRISNAWATI, S.S. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature 01285157 3
One place two stories: Unravelling Indonesian domestic workers’ migrant journey in Hong Kong TRI MURNIATI, M.Hum, PhD Crossings
Response of 16 Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) to High Temperature at Vegetative Stage PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Genetic variations of duku (Lansium domesticum Corr.) from Central Java based on RAPD markers PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Genetic analysis on grain physical characteristics and grain color from the crosses of black × white rice genotypes PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Effects of BAP and Lighting Duration on Banana (Musa paradisiaca cv. Raja Bulu) Micropropagation PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Biosaintifika 2085191X
Genetic Similarity of Local Mandarin Accessions (Citrus reticulata) Resulted from Endosperm Culture According to ISSR and Microsatelite Markers PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Analysis of Stomata, Chloroplast, and Chromosome of Local Mandarin Citrus (Citrus reticulata) Plants Grown from Endosperm Culture PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Early diagnosis of parthenocarpic seedlings within one year after pollination with grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Scientia Horticulturae 03044238 1
Sensory evaluation, antioxidant activity and total of microbial of tamarind-turmeric herbal drink during the storage of refrigerator temperature at various packaging PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Food Research 5
Genotyping for male sterility (MS) and MS gene mapping with RAPD markers in Citrus, especially with precocious flowering seedlings from a cross of 'HY16' × grapefruit PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Acta Horticulturae 05677572 3
Morphology of sterile anthers and inheritance of cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility in zygotic seedlings of polyembryonic acid citrus PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 18823351 7
Precocious flowering of Citrus seedlings and its use for determination of cultivars generating male sterile progenies PRITA SARI DEWI, S.P, M.Sc., Ph.D Scientia Horticulturae 03044238 5
Analysis of average rainfall using Kagan-Rodda HARI PRASETIJO, S.T, M.T Journal of Applied Sciences Research 1816157X 2
Evaluation of water price at Wonorejo dam, Indonesia HARI PRASETIJO, S.T, M.T Journal of Applied Sciences Research 1816157X
Application of N fertilizer and Mikania micrantha weed extract on weeds population, growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays zacharrata) OKTI HERLIANA, SP., MP, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Effect of Rhizobium and N Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Black Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merril) OKTI HERLIANA, SP., MP, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
The effect of motorized vehicle emission toward lead accumulation and rice productivity alongside the uphill of Paguyangan main road, Brebes Regency OKTI HERLIANA, SP., MP, M.P. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 2339076X 1
The Effect of Stable Manure and Seedling Number on Growth and Yield of Black Rice (Oryza sativa L. Indica) OKTI HERLIANA, SP., MP, M.P. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456 1
Fruit and vegetables intakes, physical activity and nutritional status in adolescent: Study in Banyumas-Indonesia IZKA SOFIYYA WAHYURIN, S.Gz, M.P.H Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Relationship between physical activity and concentration of study of teenagers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia IZKA SOFIYYA WAHYURIN, S.Gz, M.P.H Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194
Anatomical and Histological Characteristics of Gonad of Tropical Eel Anguilla bicolor McClelland, 1844 in Different Length Body Size Dra Dr FARIDA NUR RACHMAWATI, M.Si Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 25409573 1
Masculinization of tropical eel anguilla bicolor mcclelland in different population density Dra Dr FARIDA NUR RACHMAWATI, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Reproduction Characteristics of Tropical Eel Anguilla bicolor McClelland in Different Developmental Stage Dra Dr FARIDA NUR RACHMAWATI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Local Rice Production in Bangka Regency, Indonesia SUPRIYANTO, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Carbon emission reduction potential through sustainable forest management in forest concession of PT salaki summa sejahtera, Province of West Sumatera SUPRIYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 20870469 1
Increasing the Development of Environmental-Based Regional Economy: Build and Save the Nation's Future Dr ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Use of Information Technology among Journalists in Madura: WhatsApp applications Dr ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Guild Composition for Modelling Fish Community in Banjaran River, Purwokerto Dr.rer.nat. Dra W LESTARI, M.Sc. Biosaintifika 2085191X 2
Reservoir Characteristic of Triassic Sandstone, Eastern Seram, Maluku, Indonesia Ir AKHMAD KHAHLIL GIBRAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Isolation of bioactive compounds from two orchid species and preliminary test of their cytotoxicity against T47D breast cancer cells Dr SANTI NUR HANDAYANI, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 4
Antioxidant assay of C-2-Hydroxyphenylcalix[4] resorcinarene using DPPH method Dr SANTI NUR HANDAYANI, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of ChemTech Research 09744290 9
Synthesis and antioxidant assay of C-2-ethoxyphenylcalix[4]resorcinarene Dr SANTI NUR HANDAYANI, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of PharmTech Research 09744304 1
Association of infantile anorexia with sleep pattern and cognitive development of children at southern region of Central Java, Indonesia Dr dr. QODRI SANTOSA, S.Ked, Sp.A, M.Si.Med Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics 22518150
The effect of addition of whey protein concentrate and emulsifier on characteristics of cheddar cheese analogue from corn milk Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Estimation of the Shelf-Life of Corn Yoghurt Packaged in Polyethene Terephthalate Using the Accelerated Shelf-Life Method Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334 2
The quality of corn milk-based cheese analogue made with virgin coconut oil as a fat substitute and with various emulsifiers Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Formulation of low-fat cheese analogue from sweet corn extract using papain and lime extract as coagulant Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si Food Research 3
The formulation of cheese analogue from sweet corn extract Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si International Journal of Food Science 23567015 13
Characteristics of cheese analogue from corn extract added by papain and pineapple extract Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 8
The effect of packaging type and storage temperature on the characteristics of cheese spread analogues from corn extract Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Formulation and characterization of emergency food based on instan corn flour supplemented by instan tempeh (or soybean) flour Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si International Food Research Journal 19854668 8
Quality evaluation of polypropylene packaged corn yogurt during storage Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
Quality deterioration and shelf life estimation of corn yogurt was packaged by glass bottle Dr Ir V PRIHANANTO, M.Si Advanced Science Letters 19366612 7
The Evaluation of Frequencies of Cytogenetic Biomarkers in Lymphocyte of Residents from High Natural Radiation Area in West Sulawesi, Indonesia SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 20885334
Effect of Calcination Temperature on The Morphology and Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Oxide SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Association between genetic polymorphisms of p53 gene with CBMN in individual exposed workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Consumer Behavior Toward Adoption of Mobile Payment: A Case Study in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic* SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 22884637 15
Decision Support System with Multi Criteria Decision Making Technique SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
A cytogenetic study on the community members chronically exposed to elevated natural radiation in Mamuju: 8-shaped cells as an optional biomarker SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Correlation between ? -H2AX, micronucleus and annual occupational dose in medical radiation workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes International Journal of Radiation Research 23223243
Correlation between ?-H2AX, micronucleus and annual occupational dose in medical radiation workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes International Journal of Radiation Research 23223243 1
The analysis of path goal theory to the turnover intention with the organizational commitment as mediating role SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Molecular and in silico Study of TP53 Codon 72 Polymorphism (rs1042522) in a Population Exposed to High Background Radiation in Mamuju-West Sulawesi SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia
Assessment of Individual Radiosensitivity in Inhabitants of Takandeang Village - A High Background Radiation Area in Indonesia SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia 6
UNPAB Lecturer Assessment and Performance Model based on Indonesia Science and Technology Index SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Expression of ?-H2AX, 53BP1 and micronuclei as genome damage biomarker of population in Keang and Salumati Village, Mamuju West Sulawesi Province SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia
Lymphocyte proliferation kinetics in inhabitant of Takandeang Village, Mamuju: A high background radiation areas in Indonesia SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Indonesian Biomedical Journal 20853297 5
Polymorphism of XRCC1 gene exon 6 (Arg194Trp) in relation to micronucleus frequencies in hospital radiation workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia 6
Association between XRCC1 exon 10 (Arg399Gln) gene polymorphism and micronucleus as a predictor of DNA damage among radiation workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Micronucleus assay-based evaluation of radiosensitivity of lymphocytes among inhabitants living in high background radiation area of Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Indonesia SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Genome Integrity 7
Study of ?-H2AX as DNA double strand break biomarker in resident living in high natural radiation area of Mamuju, West Sulawesi SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 0265931X 15
Biological dosimetry using micronucleus assay in simulated partial-body exposure to ionizing radiation SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia 4
Assessment of DNA damage in lymphocytes of Mamuju (a high background radiation area) inhabitants using alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes International Journal of Low Radiation 14776545 5
In vitro infectivity study of cryopreserved irradiated intraerythrocytic form of Plasmodium falciparum SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia
Studying impact of different precipitating agents on crystal structure, morphology, and photocatalytic activity of bismuth oxide SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis 19782993 23
Synthesis of ?-Bismuth oxide using solution combustion method and its photocatalytic properties SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 60
Haemozoin Detection in Mouse Liver Histology Using Simple Polarized Light Microscope SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 2
Liver Histophatological Studies of Mice (Mus musculus sp.) Infected With Gamma Rays Irradiated Plasmodium berghei Strains Anka SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 1
Effectiveness of gamma rays in attenuating rodent malaria parasites of Plasmodium berghei in blood of mice SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia 2
The feasibility of gamma irradiation for developing malaria vaccine SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Atom Indonesia 13
The Effect of Carbohydrates in Teenage Biomotor Abilities NEVA WIDANITA, S.Pd, M.Or AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Investigation And Development Of Anti Polymicrobial Biofilm From Several Essential Oils: A Review apt. INDRA YUDHAWAN, S.Farm, M.Pharm.Sci. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 4
Clove oil has the activity to inhibit middle, maturation and degradation phase of candida tropicalis biofilm formation apt. INDRA YUDHAWAN, S.Farm, M.Pharm.Sci. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 5
Antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of Begonia multangula Blume. leaf extract against Candida albicans apt. INDRA YUDHAWAN, S.Farm, M.Pharm.Sci. Food Research 1
Antioxidant Soap Formula Based on Nyamplung Seed Oil (Calophyllum inopphyllum) with Bidara Leaves (Ziziphus mauritiana) and Ketapang Fruit (Temunalia catappa L) Additives MOCH.CHASANI, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Immunomodulatory effect of standardized polysaccharide fraction syrup from noni fruit (Morindacitrifolia) on cytokines level (il-2 and ifn-?) and its histological evaluation in rats vaccinated with hepatitis-b apt. INDRA YUDHAWAN, S.Farm, M.Pharm.Sci. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 09743618 3
Anatomical profile and genetic variability of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars in banyumas, central java, based on rapd markers Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Ability of Wayside Trees as Pb Absorbent on Jl Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Effect of Cobalt 60 Gamma Rays Irradiation on Anatomical Characters and Chlorophyll Content of Winged-Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Variation analysis of three banyumas local salak cultivars (Salacca zalacca) based on leaf anatomy and genetic diversity Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Barriers of public policy faced by SMEs of creative economy in Indonesia ELPENI FITRAH, M.A., Ph.D International Journal of Law and Management 1754243X 2
Xi Jinping's Ideology: A Hybrid between Marxism and Nationalism ELPENI FITRAH, M.A., Ph.D Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations
Utilization of network resources by smes in the creative economy sector in banyumas regency, central java, indonesia ELPENI FITRAH, M.A., Ph.D Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
Law and justice for the oceans: Study on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and related crimes Dr. ADE MAMAN SUHERMAN, S.H. E3S Web of Conferences 1
From illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing to transnational organised crime in fishery from an Indonesian perspective Dr. ADE MAMAN SUHERMAN, S.H. Journal of East Asia and International Law 19769229 4
The analysis of the landslide vulnerability sub watersheds arus in banyumas regency MAULANA RIZKI ADITAMA, S.Si, M.Sc. Geographia Technica 18425135 7
Structural framework and its compartmentalisation within the associated uncertainties: A case study from the Statfjord Reservoir, Northern North Sea MAULANA RIZKI ADITAMA, S.Si, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
A Model of Visual Intelligent System for Genus Identification of Fish in the Siluriformes Order Dr TAUFIK BUDHI PRAMONO, S.Pi, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 6
Sexual dimorphism in morphometric characters of Mystus singaringan from Klawing River in Central Java, Indonesia: Strategic instruction for conservation development Dr TAUFIK BUDHI PRAMONO, S.Pi, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Induce resistance of rice plants against bacterial leaf blight by using salicylic acid application WORO SRI SUHARTI, S.P, M.P, Doctor of Philo IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Canavanine involvement in the interaction of rice lines and Rhizoctonia solani WORO SRI SUHARTI, S.P, M.P, Doctor of Philo Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 01375881 2
Metabolite profiling of sheath blight disease resistance in rice: In the case of positive ion mode analysis by CE/TOF-MS WORO SRI SUHARTI, S.P, M.P, Doctor of Philo Plant Production Science 1343943X 20
Metabolomic study of two rice lines infected by Rhizoctonia solani in negative ion mode by CE/TOF-MS WORO SRI SUHARTI, S.P, M.P, Doctor of Philo Journal of Plant Physiology 01761617 18
Shelf life prediction of straw mushrooms (Volvariella volvacea) based food enhancer using accelerated shelf life testing method AKHYARUL ANAM, M.Kep IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Knowledge, use of complementary alternative medicine and health-related quality of life among cardiovascular disease patients AKHYARUL ANAM, M.Kep Food Research 8
Phosphorus loading from fish farming activities to wadaslintang reservoir waters Prof.Dr. AGATHA SIH PIRANTI, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 2
Export Opportunities Through Analysis of Trends and Consumer Interest of Araceae Ornamental Plants INDAH SETIAWATI, S.P, M.P. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Coconut Bonsai Decoration Plants with Batik Patterns in the Modern Era INDAH SETIAWATI, S.P, M.P. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Utilization of Bitter Melon for Hair Treatment INDAH SETIAWATI, S.P, M.P. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Physicochemical properties of particulate matter (PM2.5) from the steel industry in Indonesia INDAH SETIAWATI, S.P, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Learning on Organizational Performance on Embroidery Msmes in Tasikmalaya - Indonesia INDAH SETIAWATI, S.P, M.P. Review of International Geographical Education Online 1
Public acceptance of livestock biogas technology as an environmentally friendly alternative energy Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Root growth dynamics and grain yield of ten new plant type of rice lines under aerobic and flooded condition Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Performance of selected plants in F2 and F3 generation for yield and yield component characters of new plant type rice genotypes at aerobic rice Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 4
Analysis of genotype × environment interaction effect and yield stability on improved rice genotypes in central java using graphical GGE-biplot method Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Genotype × Environment Interaction for Iron Concentration of Rice in Central Java of Indonesia Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S Rice Science 16726308 35
Analysis of effect of genotype x environment interaction on rice grain's iron content in indonesia using graphical GGE-biplot method Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 3
Yield stability of aromatic upland rice with high yielding ability in Indonesia Dr Ir SUWARTO, M.S Plant Production Science 1343943X 23
Ameliorative effect of 50% ethanol extract of moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.) on lead-induced oxidative stress in the liver of male wistar rat model Dr Dr AGUNG SAPRASETYA DWI LAKSANA, M.Sc.PH Bali Medical Journal 20891180 4
Ameliorative Effects of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam.) Leaves Extract on Lead-Induced Oxidative Stress, Hepcidin and ?-Alad Levels in Rat's Blood Dr Dr AGUNG SAPRASETYA DWI LAKSANA, M.Sc.PH Pharmacognosy Journal
Bridging the Legal Gap between Open Selection and Internal Selection of State Civil Apparatus Promotion in Indonesia Dr SITI KUNARTI, S.H., M.Hum IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
The Difference between Knowledge and Attitude of Jenderal Soedirman University Students in Consuming Halal Food ATIKAH PROVERAWATI, S.K.M., MPH AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The effects of anti-atherogenic properties of beverage of the date seeds (Phoenix Dactilifera L.) in ATIKAH PROVERAWATI, S.K.M., MPH Transylvanian Review 12211249 2
Flexural strength of concrete-galvalume composite beam under elevated temperatures Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Computers and Concrete 15988198 1
The effect of compaction method on compressive strength of self compacting concrete (SCC) in laboratory Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Effect of Cold Formed Steel Column Arranged by Section C-81, C-75, and TH-35 on Compression Load Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Request expressions in Japanese language for educational purpose Dr ELY TRIASIH RAHAYU, S.S., M.Hum Universal Journal of Educational Research 23323205 2
Proposed concrete compaction method using an electrical internal vibrator: A review of compaction standard for concrete in laboratory according to SNI 2493:2011 Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences 2
Reduction of chloride ion ingress into reinforced concrete using a hydrophobic additive material Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 10
Resistance of Concrete with Calcium Stearate Due to Chloride Attack Tested by Accelerated Corrosion Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Procedia Engineering 22
Effect of prestressed force and size of reinforcement on corrosion crack width in concrete member Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 6
Experimental study on the use of steel-decks for prefabricated reinforced concrete beams Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Improving microstructures of concrete using Ca(C18H35O2)2 Dr AGUS MARYOTO, S.T, M.T Procedia Engineering 18
Increasing the flowering and fruiting of Citrus reticulata blanco by application of potassium nitrat and agrodyke Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Long Composting Period Effect of Leaf Shallots on the Compost Quality Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Application Paclobutrazol and Duration of Drought Stress to Flowering Induction in Chokun Orange Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 26139456
Effect of pruning intensity and doses of fertilization on content of macronutrients and hormones in leaves of rewatered citrus trees Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Soil properties and sulfur-oxidizing bacterial diversity in response to different planting patterns of shallot (Allium ascalonicum) Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Biodiversitas 1412033X
The influence of fruit thinning on fruit drop and quality of citrus Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Agronomic performances of aromatic and non-aromatic M1 rice under drought stress Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Open Agriculture 5
Peroxidase isozyme from rice in M1 generation under drought stress Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Bioscience Research 18119506 5
Effect of position of fruits in a tree and number of fruits per panicle on growth and quality of citrus Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Journal of Horticultural Research 23005009 3
Peroxidase isozyme identification of some rice genotypes in M1 generation under drought stress level of -0.03 MPa Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Agrivita 01260537 6
The effect of gamma irradiation and sodium azide on germination of some rice cultivars Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Agrivita 01260537 7
Effect of number and criteria of young fruits in loco on yield of mango Dr Ir SAKHIDIN, M.P Fruits 02481294 1
1,1,4,7-tetramethyldecahydro-1h-cyclopropa[e]azulen-7-ol from the stembark chisocheton pentandrus Dr MUHAMAD SALMAN FAREZA, M.Si MolBank 1
(2E,2?E)-3-(4-{[4-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)but- 2-en-1-yl]oxy}phenyl)-1-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one Dr MUHAMAD SALMAN FAREZA, M.Si MolBank 2
Antibacterial flavanones and dihydrochalcones from Macaranga trichocarpa Dr MUHAMAD SALMAN FAREZA, M.Si Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences 09395075 22
Application of the business incubation model to social entrepreneurship programs: a case study of extreme poverty in Brebes district RATNA SATRIANI, S.P, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Farmer satisfaction to dairy cattle cooperative business in Banyumas District, Central Java RATNA SATRIANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Effects of FIFA 11+ program on speed, body balance and leg muscle power to prevent injury among football club university player KUSNANDAR, M.Kes Fizjoterapia Polska 16420136
Effect of milling time on the microstructure and dielectric properties of chitosan nanopowder Dr KARTIKA SARI, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials 19855761 4
Effect of milling time on microstructures of nano-sized chitosan Dr KARTIKA SARI, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Microstructures and functional group properties of nano-sized chitosan prepared by ball milling Dr KARTIKA SARI, S.Si, M.Si Materials Science Forum 02555476 1
Rifting and Lifting Neogene Age in Biak-Yapen Basin Based on Structural Trajectory Analogy in Biak and Supiori Island HUZAELY LATIEF SUNAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Geopolitical analysis of Indonesian defense cooperation: Case studies KF-X/IF-X jets fighter Dr AGUS HARYANTO, M.Si Social Sciences (Pakistan) 18185800
Indonesia in the South China sea dispute: Balancing The US and China, workshop and zero draft Dr AGUS HARYANTO, M.Si Social Sciences (Pakistan) 18185800
Formulation of protection policy for sustainable cropland agriculture Dr MITE SETIANSAH, S.IP, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Corporate criminal liability towards the doer of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in Indonesia Dr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.Hum E3S Web of Conferences
The influence of technology determinism in forming criminal act of legislation Dr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.Hum E3S Web of Conferences 12
The correlation between gender, educational level & income rate level to taxpayers’ compliance Dr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.Hum Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on In
Spatial variability of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in paddy field in accordance to subsurface percolation KRISSANDI WIJAYA, S.TP, M.Agr, Ph.D Paddy and Water Environment 16112490 5
Strengthening the social security of the indonesian fishermen Dr Dr JOKO SETYONO, M.Sc. AACL Bioflux 18448143 3
Zingiber officinale Var. rubrum extract increases the cytotoxic activity of 5-fluorouracil in colon adenocarcinoma widr cells Dr Dr JOKO SETYONO, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 23389427 1
State revenue of the fishery sector after the prohibition policy on illegal unreported and unregulated fishing Dr Dr JOKO SETYONO, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Supplementation of curcuma domestica extract reduces cox-2 and inos expression on raw 264.7 cells Dr Dr JOKO SETYONO, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
A proposed management model of PNPM mandiri: Lesson learned from pnpm mandiri at banyumas regency postcompletion of pnpm program Dra DIJAN RAHAJUNI, M.Si International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
The cooperation institutional to strengthen the KSM PNPM mandiri rural community to improving economic independence (Case study in banyumas district) Dra DIJAN RAHAJUNI, M.Si International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
Antioxidant capacity of dry sea cucumber Holothuria edulis, Pearsonothuria graeffei, and Stichopus herrmanni from Boalemo waters, Gorontalo, Indonesia Dr TJAHJO WINANTO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Domestication of red seaweed (Gelidium latifolium) in different culture media Dr TJAHJO WINANTO, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 2
Screening of tyrosinase inhibitor, antioxidant and cytotoxicity of dried sea cucumber from Tomini Bay, Indonesia Dr TJAHJO WINANTO, M.Si Pharmacognosy Journal 8
Associated of coral reef with reef fish in northern and southern gili air island and gili trawangan Island Lombok Dr TJAHJO WINANTO, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
A Competitive Strategy Quality System of SME’s Handicraft Products in a Development Country (Study in Central Java Province, Indonesia) PRAMONO HARI ADI, M.S WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 17905079
Influence of trust on knowledge sharing mediated by transformational leadership PRAMONO HARI ADI, M.S International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
The importance of trust in knowledge sharing among micro, small, and medium enterprises PRAMONO HARI ADI, M.S International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Key successful indicators for small businesses' integrated marketing model PRAMONO HARI ADI, M.S International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
Nutrition Behaviors of Mothers and Preschool Teachers and Their Supporting and Inhibiting Factors: Qualitative Research Dr DYAH UMIYARNI PURNAMASARI, S.KM, M.Si Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 16758544
Pesticide exposure and thyroid function in elementary school children living in an agricultural area, Brebes District, Indonesia SURATMAN, S.KM, M.Kes, Ph.D International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 20086520 19
Goiter and hypothyroidism among elementary school children in lowland agricultural area, Brebes district Indonesia SURATMAN, S.KM, M.Kes, Ph.D Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 5
The effect of selenium supplementation on hemoglobin among farmers working as pesticide sprayers SURATMAN, S.KM, M.Kes, Ph.D Advanced Science Letters 19366612 1
The effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve knowledge and perceptions for reducing organophosphate pesticide exposure among indonesian and South Australian migrant farmworkers SURATMAN, S.KM, M.Kes, Ph.D Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 14
Organophosphate pesticides exposure among farmworkers: Pathways and risk of adverse health effects SURATMAN, S.KM, M.Kes, Ph.D Reviews on Environmental Health 00487554 64
Risk of Malignancy Index 3 (RMI3) Performance as a Predictor Advanced Stage Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma used for NACT Dr SUTRISNO, S.Ked, Sp.O.G Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 23386401
Carcass Production and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Adipocyte Fatty Acid Binding Protein (A-Fabp) Gene on Cairina moschata Ir IBNU HARI SULISTYAWAN, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Detection of p56 in grouper (Chromileptes alvitelis) by giving peridinin chlorophyll protein (PCP) using immunohistochemical RIMA OKTAVIA KUSUMA, S.Pi, M.P International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 1
The incidence of liver fibrosis based on non-invasive markers and hepatotoxic drug used in hepatitis b patients dr. MUSTOFA, S.Ked, M.Sc. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 09742441 1
Mothers’ experience in caregiving for stimulant and hallucinogen drug-abusing adolescent WAHYUDI MULYANINGRAT, M.Kep, M.Kep, M.Kep Enfermeria Clinica 11308621
Self-disclosure in the perspective of students' cultural background in the faculty of health sciences of Jenderal Soedirman University WAHYUDI MULYANINGRAT, M.Kep, M.Kep, M.Kep Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Forecasting Effect of Blade Numbers to Cross-Flow Hydro-Type Turbine with Runner Angle 30° Using CFD and FDA Approach DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 23690739
Effect of Blade Angle and Number on the Performance of Bánki Hydro-Turbines: Assessment using CFD and FDA Approaches DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Evergreen 21890420 2
The Blade's Angle Affects Banki-Turbine Performance as an Alternative Design for Clean Energy Generation DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 23690739 1
Simulation Study on Cross Flow Turbine Performance with an Angle of 20 °to the Variation of the Number of Blades DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 5
Effect of the Phase-Shift Angle on the vertical axis Savonius wind turbine performance as a renewable-energy harvesting instrument DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Energy Reports 10
Effect of Geometry Modification on Turbine Performance: Mini-Review of Savonius Rotor DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 4
Assessment of turbine stages and blade numbers on modified 3D Savonius hydrokinetic turbine performance using CFD analysis DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 15736105 19
Deformation of designed steel plates: An optimisation of the side hull structure using the finite element approach DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Open Engineering 6
Performance investigation of the savonius horizontal water turbine accounting for stage rotor design DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 21
Factorial design of the effect of reaction temperature and reaction time on biodiesel production DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 7
The effect of pressure and temperature on biodiesel production using castor oil DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 7
Experimental study on the effect of variation of blade arc angle to the performance of savonius water turbine flow in pipe DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 10
Performance Assessment of Water Turbine Subjected to Geometrical Alteration of Savonius Rotor DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 21954356 7
Investigation on Savonius turbine technology as harvesting instrument of non-fossil energy: Technical development and potential implementation DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 22
Analytical review of material criteria as supporting factors in horizontal axis wind turbines: Effect to structural responses DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Procedia Structural Integrity 14
The effect of multi-stage modification on the performance of Savonius water turbines under the horizontal axis condition DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Open Engineering 12
Performance of Savonius Horizontal Axis Water Turbine in free flow vertical pipe as effect of blade overlap DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 22897879 15
Risk factors and clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in pregnant women in Indonesia Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D British Journal of Midwifery 09694900
Low-cost and real-time color detector developments for glucose biosensor Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 17
Introducing Colorimetric Analysis with Document Scanner for High School Students Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
A causal model of breastfeeding duration among working muslim mothers in semarang city, central java province, indonesia Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 16863933 2
Easy and Low-cost Chitosan Cryogel-based Colorimetric Biosensor for Detection of Glucose Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D Journal of Analytical Chemistry 10619348 6
The relationship between level of knowledge about vulva hygiene and the restrictions during childbirth with the perineal wound healing among postpartum mothers page Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Non-invasive Self-Care Anemia Detection during Pregnancy Using a Smartphone Camera Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 23
Simple colorimetric glucose biosensor using chitosan cryogel supporting material Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 9
Student mental health character in covid-19 situation Dr ELY TRIASIH RAHAYU, S.S., M.Hum International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Learning from the face-threatening acts by tourist workers in bali: Impacts of cross-cultural misunderstanding Dr ELY TRIASIH RAHAYU, S.S., M.Hum Journal of Social Studies Education Research 3
Strategic planning to improve the competitiveness of educational institutions SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Geographical information system of fire incidents data monitoring SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Natural disaster topic selection using decision tree classification SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Design of human resource information system for micro small and medium enterprises SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
E-commerce based on the Marketplace in efforts to sell agricultural products using Xtreme programming approach SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 6
Revealing student satisfaction related to academic information services using the Kano model SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 2
Design of geographic information system for tracer study SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU, S.Kom, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Classification model for graduation on time study using data mining techniques with SVM algorithm Ir YOGI RAMADHANI, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 5
Evaluating Nature Tourism Destination Potentiality in Samosir Regency using Remote Sensing and GIS Ir YOGI RAMADHANI, S.T, M.Eng IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and Law No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Its Ecosystems in Law Enforcement Efforts and Guarantees of Environmental Rights in Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia MUHAMMAD IKHSAN LUBIS, S.H., M.H Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 25481584 3
The Relationship of International Human Rights Law with International Humanitarian Law in Situations of International Armed Conflicts MUHAMMAD IKHSAN LUBIS, S.H., M.H Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 25481584
Bancroftian filariasis transmission parameters after the fifth year of filiariasis mass drug administration in Pekalongan city Dr. Dr TUTIK IDA ROSANTI, M.Kes Kesmas 19077505 1
Integrated Information System to Revitalize the Cooperatives in Banyumas RISWAN IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Revitalization model for village unit cooperative in Indonesia RISWAN European Research Studies Journal 11082976 4
Toward a model of traditional retailers and sellers empowerment in improving competitiveness against modern markets in banyumas region, Indonesia RISWAN DLSU Business and Economics Review 01167111 4
Corporate diversification: Destroying or increasing firm value? an empirical evidence from indonesia RISWAN Corporate Ownership and Control 17279232
The characteristics of cookies from sorghum flour and almond flour with variations in the type of fat Ir BUDI SUSTRIAWAN IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Diversity and prevalence of endoparasites in domestic chickens across an elevation gradient Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
The Effectiveness of Begonia Multangula Blume Leaf Ethanol Extract as Polymicrobial Antibiofilm on Catheters Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 04492285 2
Practices of illegal fishing in pemalang region: A policy analysis Dr Dra WAHYUNINGRAT, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
HMG-CoA reductase and lipase enzyme inhibition from combination of Gynura procumbens and Curcuma xanthorrhiza aqueous extract Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si Food Research
Short communication: The diversity of termites along the altitudinal gradient in a karst area of southern gombong, central java, indonesia Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Antioxidant activity and lipase enzyme inhibition of gynura procumbens (Lour.) merr and curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb and their correlation with chemometric methods Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Preference of Termites to Habitat under the Trees along Altitudinal Gradient in Western Slope of Mount Slamet Central Java Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Antimalarial activity of microalgae extracts based on inhibition of PfMQO, a mitochondrial plasmodium falciparum enzyme Dr Dra ENDANG ARIYANI SETYOWATI, M.Si Pharmacognosy Journal 5
Analysis of Causality among Tax Revenue, State Expenditure, Inflation, and Economic Growth in Indonesia between 1973 and 2019 YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D Public Policy and Administration 16482603 1
Mapping innovation in Indonesian cooperative: Priorities, obstacles and challenges to survive YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 17520452 1
Carbon emission disclosure: Does it matter YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 4
State ownership, agency conflict and effective tax rates: Evidence from China YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition 18108601 3
Political connections, state owned enterprises and tax avoidance: An evidence from Indonesia YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D Corporate Ownership and Control 17279232 11
Human rights disclosure practices. Does ownership matter? (evidence from Indonesia) YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition 18108601 1
Institutional theory for explaining corruption: An empirical study on public sector organizations in china and Indonesia YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO, Ph.D, Ph.D Corporate Ownership and Control 17279232 7
The impact of workplace learning groups on ethical behaviour in the Indonesian Tax Office Dr Drs ALI ROKHMAN, M.Si Taxation in ASEAN and China: Local Institutions, Regionalism, Global Systems and Economic Developmen
The impact of workplace learning groups on ethical behaviour in the Indonesian Tax Office Dr Drs ALI ROKHMAN, M.Si Taxation in ASEAN and China: Local Institutions, Regionalism, Global Systems and Economic Developmen
Model for e-commerce Diffusion - The Case of Indonesia Dr Drs ALI ROKHMAN, M.Si Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA
Trend on Sedentary Behaviour Monitoring Research Purposes: A Review AGUNG MUBYARTO, S.T, M.T 2018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar, EECCIS 2018
Silicon (Si) and salinity stress on the agronomic performances of bok choy (Brassica rappa L.) in an Entisols Ir Dr NUR PRIHATININGSIH Sains Tanah 14123606 1
Characterization of bacillus spp. From the rhizosphere of potato granola varietiy as an antibacterial against ralstonia solanacearum Ir Dr NUR PRIHATININGSIH Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Antibiosis mechanism of Bacillus subtilis B315 for controlling potato bacterial wilt disease Ir Dr NUR PRIHATININGSIH Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 3
Shelf life prediction of carica seeds powder using accelerated method Dr SRI LESTARI, S.E., M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Liquidity creation analysis on indonesian bank using panel Ardl approach Dr SRI LESTARI, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Integration of logistic regression and multicriteria land evaluation to simulation establishment of sustainable paddy field zone in Indramayu Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia Dr SRI LESTARI, S.E., M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Short communication: Population and stand structure of Cinnamomum sintoc in the Low Land Forest of Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java, Indonesia Dr Drs EMING SUDIANA, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Eulerian multi-fluid simulation of biomass gasification in circulating fluidized beds: Effects of equivalence ratio IMRON ROSYADI, S.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Hydrodynamic analysis of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Observation Class using CFD IMRON ROSYADI, S.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Numerical study of biomass gasification in 3D full-loop circulating fluidized beds using a Eulerian Multi-Fluid Model IMRON ROSYADI, S.T International Journal of Technology 20869614 4
Design and implementation of Real-time automatic censoring system on chip for radar detection IMRON ROSYADI, S.T World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2010376X 1
Raw Secondary Metabolites of Trichoderma harzianum T10 in Tapioca Flour Towards Cucumber Damping-off Dr ENDANG MUGIASTUTI, S.P, M.P Biosaintifika 2085191X 2
Development of convolutional neural network algorithm on ships detection in Natuna Islands-Indonesia using land look satellite imagery JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
The Projections of Climate Change using Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) in Bali - Indonesia JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
3D modelling using structure from motion technique for land observation in Kelok 9 flyover JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
An analogy of Molecule Rate Distribution in Statistical Thermodynamics Concept as a Deployment Approach Function of Covid-19 JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Estimation of Ideal Configuration and Dimension of Pico Hydropower using Euler-Lagrange Equation and Runge-Kutta Method JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Development of LED-DOAS system for observing aerosol optical properties in the lower troposphere JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Evaluation of Cloud Type Classification Based on Split Window Algorithm Using Himawari-8 Satellite Data JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 4
Comparison of aqua/terra MODIS and Himawari-8 satellite data on cloud mask and cloud type classification using split window algorithm JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Remote Sensing 10
Simultaneous observation of temporal and spatial distribution of atmospheric aerosol by means of slant-path and plan position indicator lidars JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 0277786X 2
Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Application for Flood Area Detection Observed by Sentinel 1A JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 15599450 9
Analysis of Polarimetric Decomposition, Backscattering Coefficient, and Sample Properties for Identification and Layer Thickness Estimation of Silica Sand Distribution Using L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 07038992 81
Effect of metabolites produced by Trichoderma harzianum biotypes and Agaricus bisporus on their respective growth radii in culture Drs ARIS MUMPUNI, M.Phil Applied and Environmental Microbiology 00992240 36
Improving Cached Data Offloading Optimization Based on Enhanced Hybrid Ant Colony Genetic Algorithm Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T IEEE Access 2
LRU-GENACO: A Hybrid Cached Data Optimization Based on the Least Used Method Improved Using Ant Colony and Genetic Algorithms Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T Electronics (Switzerland)
Collaborative and Content-Based Filtering Hybrid Method on Tourism Recommender System to Promote Less Explored Areas Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology (London) 1
Development of e-journal system in South Aceh Polytechnic using web based application Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Web Caching Strategy Optimization Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T Proceedings - 2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application: Intelligent
Performance Comparison of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Web Caching Strategy Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T 10th IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite, Comnetsat 2021 - Procee 2
GenACO a multi-objective cached data offloading optimization based on genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T PeerJ Computer Science 3
Utilization of Tofu Wastewater for the Growth of Red Spinach (Alternanteraamoenavoss) in Floating Raft Hydroponic Cultures Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 4
Caching strategy for Web application – a systematic literature review Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Web Information Systems 17440084 9
Analysis of air quality influenced by traffic density using web based geographic information system (Study case: Central Surabaya) Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Src kinase as a potential therapeutic target in non-alcoholic and alcoholic steatohepatitis Dr DHADHANG WAHYU KURNIAWAN, S.Si, M.Sc. Clinical and Translational Discovery 1
Role of spleen tyrosine kinase in liver diseases Dr DHADHANG WAHYU KURNIAWAN, S.Si, M.Sc. World Journal of Gastroenterology 10079327 14
Fibroblast growth factor 2 conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (FGF2-SPIONs) ameliorate hepatic stellate cells activation in vitro and acute liver injury in vivo Dr DHADHANG WAHYU KURNIAWAN, S.Si, M.Sc. Journal of Controlled Release 01683659 31
Therapeutic inhibition of spleen tyrosine kinase in inflammatory macrophages using PLGA nanoparticles for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Dr DHADHANG WAHYU KURNIAWAN, S.Si, M.Sc. Journal of Controlled Release 01683659 35
Surface modified nanoparticles and their applications for enantioselective detection, analysis, and separation of various chiral compounds DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D RSC Advances
Enantioseparation of selected imidazole drugs using dual cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Methods in Molecular Biology 10643745 1
Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography coupled with dispersive micro-solid phase extraction for determination of isoflavones in soybean products DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 13942506 1
Alginate cryogel based glucose biosensor DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 16
Analysis of fluconazole in human urine sample by high performance liquid chromatography method DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 8
Separation of selected imidazole enantiomers using dual cyclodextrin system in micellar electrokinetic chromatography DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Chirality 08990042 24
Cyclodextrin-modi fi ed micellar electrokinetic chromatography for enantioseparations DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Methods in Molecular Biology 10643745 3
Molecularly imprinted polymer solid-phase extraction for the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides in fruit samples DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 08891575 126
Comparison of HPLC and MEEKC for miconazole nitrate determination in pharmaceutical formulation DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Chromatographia 00095893 3
Chiral separation of vinpocetine using cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Chirality 08990042 15
Stacking and sweeping in cyclodextrin-modified MEKC for chiral separation of hexaconazole, penconazole and myclobutanil DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Chromatographia 00095893 28
Determination of partition coefficient and analysis of nitrophenols by three-phase liquid-phase microextraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Separation Science 16159306 25
Chiral separation of econazole using micellar electrokinetic chromatography with hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 07317085 29
A practical approach for linearity assessment of calibration curves under the international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) guidelines for an in-house validation of method of analysis DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of AOAC International 10603271 11
Cyclodextrin-modified MEKC for enantioseparation of hexaconazole, penconazole, and myclobutanil DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Separation Science 16159306 17
Simultaneous enantioseparation of cyproconazole, bromuconazole, and diniconazole enantiomers by CD-modified MEKC DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Electrophoresis 01730835 17
Comparison of signal-to-noise, blank determination, and linear regression methods for the estimation of detection and quantification limits for volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of AOAC International 10603271 101
Rapid estimation of octanol-water partition coefficient for triazole fungicides by MEKC with sodium deoxycholate as surfactant DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Chromatographia 00095893 9
On-line preconcentration and chiral separation of propiconazole by cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Journal of Chromatography A 00219673 43
Deep chemometrics for nondestructive photosynthetic pigments prediction using leaf reflectance spectra EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si Information Processing in Agriculture 22143173 7
Gastrointestinal development of male and female domestic canary (Serinus canaria) in the starter and grower periods EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Marine bacterium Seonamhaeicola algicola strain CC1 as a potential source for the antioxidant carotenoid, zeaxanthin EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 1
An Indonesian Marine Bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas rubra, Produces Antimicrobial Prodiginine Pigments EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si ACS Omega 31
Structures of Astaxanthin and Their Consequences for Therapeutic Application EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si International Journal of Food Science 23567015 74
Complete Genome Sequence of the Marine Bacterium Erythrobacter flavus Strain KJ5 EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si Microbiology Resource Announcements 4
Sulfur-Containing Carotenoids from A Marine Coral Symbiont Erythrobacter flavus Strain KJ5 EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si Marine Drugs 27
Analysis of ?-cryptoxanthin from yellow pigmented marine bacterium Erythrobacter sp. kj5 EKO SETIYONO, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Empowerment of women farmer groups to promote rural development in central Java, Indonesia ISTIQOMAH, S.E., M.Sc.Agr., Ph.D International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
The association of body image, percent body fat, nutrient intake, physical activity among adolescent TEGUH JATI PRASETYO, S.Gz, M.Si Nutrition and Food Science 00346659
Study of broiler farming integration system using CATWOE Analysis Dr Ir KRISMIWATI MUATIP, MSi IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Growth Response and Yield of Saline Tolerant Rice Varieties to Bio-fertilizer Application at Central Java North Coastal Saline Paddy Field Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Optimization of platelet-Type blood supply using integer programming method Ir AYU ANGGRAENI SIBARANI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
African Buffalo Optimization for Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Makespan Ir AYU ANGGRAENI SIBARANI, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
A mediating and moderating role on employee performance appraisal ARIS HARYADI, M.Si Management Research Review 20408269 5
Restorative justice-based criminal case resolution in Salatiga, Indonesia: Islamic law perspective and legal objectives Dr RIRIS ARDHANARISWARI, S.H., M.H Ijtihad: Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan 14119544 2
Genetic profiles of three cinchona species in junghuhn natural reserve, Indonesia Dr. sc. agr NURTJAHYO DWI SASONGKO, M.App.Sc Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics 10297073
Toward increasing erucic acid content in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) through the combination with genes for high oleic acid Dr. sc. agr NURTJAHYO DWI SASONGKO, M.App.Sc JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 0003021X 13
Redefining politeness: Power and status in the digital age Dr Dr ITA FITRIANA, S.S, M.A Cogent Arts and Humanities
Using the biochar produced from spend mushroom substrate to improve the environmental condition of aquaculture pond TOHAP SIMANGUNSONG, S.Pd, M.Sc. Aquaculture Research 1355557X 9
Probiotic, Lactobacillus pentosus BD6 boost the growth and health status of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei via oral administration TOHAP SIMANGUNSONG, S.Pd, M.Sc. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 10504648 18
Macrozoobenthos Diversity as a Bioindicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap District, Indonesia Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Water quality and sustainability of Merdada Lake, Dieng, Indonesia Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 3
Improvement of Batik Wastewater Quality Using Biosorption Process Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Effect of Batik Waste Water on Kali Wangan Water Quality in Different Seasons Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 4
Cr(VI) and Dye Biosorption in Batik Wastewater using Biosorbent in the Tea Bag Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 1
Lethal toxicity of Batik waste water bio-sorption results in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Dr SRI LESTARI, S.Si, M.Si Advanced Science Letters 19366612 2
Structured mathematical modeling of industrial boiler Dr ABDULLAH NUR AZIZ, M.Si Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 23375779 4
Improving the performance of industrial boiler using artificial neural network modeling and advanced combustion control Dr ABDULLAH NUR AZIZ, M.Si 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, ICCAS 2008 12
Improving performance of PID controller using artificial neural network for disturbance rejection of high pressure steam temperature control iiflndustrial boiler Dr ABDULLAH NUR AZIZ, M.Si 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, ICCAS 2008 7
Online purchase intention of halal cosmetics: S-O-R framework application CHANDRA SUPARNO, M.Si Journal of Islamic Marketing 17590833 7
Concentration of Estrogen and Progesterone during Estrus and the 14th Day of Mating in the Javanese Thin-Tailed Ewes Dr .Ir AGUSTINAH SETYANINGRUM, M.P., IPU IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Potential Breeding dans of Cattle at Different Age Based on Body Weight, Chest Circumference and Body Condition Score of Kebumen "peranakan Ongole" (Po) Cattle in "urut Sewu" Breeding Areas Dr .Ir AGUSTINAH SETYANINGRUM, M.P., IPU IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Nigella sativa’s protection against 7,12 dimethylbenz [a] anthracene-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats Dr.Phil HENY EKOWATI, S.Si, , M.Sc. Molekul 19079761
Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment building using rapid visual screening method: Case study at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of Islamic State Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri University Dr. Ir. NOR INTANG SETYO HERMANTO, S.T, M.T. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Bond of Steel Bar and Flexural Strength Capacity in Concrete Contained Calcium Stearate Dr. Ir. NOR INTANG SETYO HERMANTO, S.T, M.T. International Review of Civil Engineering 20369913
Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Young and Old Leaves of Nagasari (Mesua ferrea L.) Ethanol Extract Against Staphylococcus aureus Dr Apt TUTI SRI SUHESTI, S.Si, M.Sc. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Application of simplex lattice design for the optimization of the piroxicam nanosupensions formulation using evaporative antisolvent technique Dr Apt TUTI SRI SUHESTI, S.Si, M.Sc. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 1
Morphology Analysis, Production, and Quality of Gayo Shallot (Allium cepa L.) Doctor of Philosophy NUR AINI, S.TP, M.P. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 23322268
Gelatinization properties of white maize starch from three varieties of corn subject to oxidized and acetylated-oxidized modification Doctor of Philosophy NUR AINI, S.TP, M.P. International Food Research Journal 19854668 23
Amplitude modulations of seasonal variability in the Karimata Strait throughflow MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Frontiers in Marine Science
Distributions of Nutrients in Relation to Phytoplankton Community Heterogeneity in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Observed Water Exchange Between the South China Sea and Java Sea Through Karimata Strait MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 21699275 15
Satellite-observed multi-scale variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration along the south coast of the sumatra-java islands MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Remote Sensing 12
Seasonal variation of water transport through the Karimata Strait MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0253505X 15
Bleaching and necrosis of staghorn coral (Acropora formosa) in laboratory assays: Immediate impact of LDPE microplastics MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Chemosphere 00456535 58
Observations of intraseasonal variability in the Sunda Strait throughflow MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Journal of Oceanography 09168370 15
Oceanography surrounding Krakatau Volcano in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia MUKTI TRENGGONO, S.Kel, M.Si Oceanography 10428275 33
The Energy Demand Elasticity in Relation to Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia: Sectoral Approach Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Do Fishers Need Enough Insurance to Guarantee Their Business Continuity? Evidence from Vulnerable Small-Scale Fishers Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
The Effect of Trade Policy on the Position of Indonesian Coffee Market among the Major Importing Countries Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The travel cost approach for the demand natural tourism object of Cipendok Waterfall Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Estimating the conservation value of mangrove forests in marine protected areas: Special reference to karimunjawa waters, Indonesia Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143 8
Impact of the Implementation of Strategic Cultivars on Traditional Cultivars in the Technical Efficiency of Farmers and Welfare (The Case of Strawberry Crop Farming in Serang Village) Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Sustainable competitive advantage of smes through resource and institutional-based management: An empirical study of batik smes in central java, indonesia Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si Market-Trziste 5
Management of the traditional milkfish culture in indonesia: An approach using technical efficiency of the stochastic frontier production Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143 13
Typical analysis for fisheries management: The case for small-scaler of shrimp fishers Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si Advanced Science Letters 19366612 10
The fisheries management for small-scaler of shrimp fishers in cilacap using bionomics model Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 9
Android application for enhancing Japanese JLPT N5 kanji ability DIAN BAYU FIRMANSYAH, S.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 25
Development of automatic rice plant pest detection system based on convolutional neural network Ir ARI FADLI, S.T, M.Eng AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Brain signal recognition system based on One-Against-One Multiclass Support Vector Machines: A comparison with Multiclass Neural Network Ir ARI FADLI, S.T, M.Eng Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Senam Tanggamus Sehat (A public activity policy in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung) AJENG DIAN PURNAMASARI, S.Pd, M.Or Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 17556783
Vertical and Horizontal Integration in the Profitability of Malaysian Broiler Firms Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Tropical Animal Science Journal 2615787X
Motivation structures of blood donation: a means-end chain approach Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D International Journal of Health Economics and Management 21999023 10
Personal values underlying ethnic food choice: Means-end evidence for Japanese food Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Journal of Ethnic Foods 25
Personal values underlying halal food consumption: evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D British Food Journal 0007070X 33
Motivation-based segmentation of local food in urban cities: A decision segmentation analysis approach Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D British Food Journal 0007070X 12
Determinants of consumers preferences for local food: A comparison study from urban and rural areas Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 17518202 1
Motivations underlying consumers' preference for farmers' markets in klang valley: A means-end chain approach Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Sustainability (Switzerland) 12
Using means-end chain analysis to reveal consumers’ motivation for buying local foods: An exploratory study Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 14111128 16
A Means-End Chain Approach to Explaining the Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices Certification Schemes: The Case of Malaysian Vegetable Farmers Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11877863 8
Perspectives on Consumer Perceptions of Local Foods: A View From Indonesia Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 08974438 16
Exploring consumer motivations towards buying local fresh food products a means-end chain approach Prof. POPPY ARSIL, S.TP, M.T, Ph.D British Food Journal 0007070X 52
First record of red seabream, Pagrus major existence in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java, Indonesia revealed by DNA barcoding ASWI ANDRIASARI ROFIQOH, S.Si., M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X
Production of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Peptides from Germinated Jack Bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] Flour Dr FRISKA CITRA AGUSTIA, S.TP, M.Sc. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science 22871098 1
Formation of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.) sprout in simulated digestion Dr FRISKA CITRA AGUSTIA, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Science and Biotechnology 12267708
Germination of jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] and its impact on nutrient and anti-nutrient composition Dr FRISKA CITRA AGUSTIA, S.TP, M.Sc. Food Research
A Brief Overview of LacI-Family Transcriptional Regulators in Bacteria DINA ISTIQOMAH, S.P, M.Sc. Reviews in Agricultural Science
Mangrove Landscaping As An Adaptation Pattern To Reduce The Impact of Climate Change in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Regency Indonesia Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si Baghdad Science Journal 20788665
Geological, geophysical, and geotechnical approaches on the slip surface investigation on Cisumdawu Highway, West Java, Indonesia Dr IMAM SANTOSA, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Phytoplankton community structure in PB. Soedirman Reservoir, Banjarnegara District, Central Java, Indonesia SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Immobilization of Urease from Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. DC. using Natrium Alginate Supporting Matrix NIKEN ISTIKHARI MUSLIHAH, S.Pd, M.Sc. Molekul 19079761
Unlocking the sustainable livelihoods strategy for forest communities in the southern slope of Mount Slamet, Indonesia LUTFI ZULKIFLI, S.P, M.Si Sustainability in Debate 21777675
Factors that influence purchase decision of "tani Organik Merapi" consumers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta LUTFI ZULKIFLI, S.P, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Forecasting of Red Chilli Prices in Banyumas Regency: The ARIMA Approach LUTFI ZULKIFLI, S.P, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The hidden vulnerabilities behind financial sustainability: a case study of a sugarcane farm business in Pemalang City, Central Java, Indonesia LUTFI ZULKIFLI, S.P, M.Si Sustainability in Debate 21777675 1
Production, Testing, Modeling, Characterization, and Application of Composite Material from Melting Unsorted Plastic Waste Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2193567X
Instability of single polymer chain in an electroelastic problem Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 00207462
Workshop Location Selection using Best Worst Method (BWM) and Additive Ratio Assessment Dr.-Ing SUGENG WALUYO, S.T, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The Hybrid Learning System With Project Based Learning: Can It Increase Creative Thinking Skill and Learning Motivation in Physical Education Learning? RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726 2
Effectiveness of Motor Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom in Improving Fundamental Skills RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726 1
Effects of infrared sauna, traditional sauna, and warm water immersion on accelerated exercise recovery and prevention of cell damage: an experimental study RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Evaluation of E-Commerce Organic Coconut Sugar: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Model Dr. E. YANUAR E. RESTIANTO, M.Acc Quality - Access to Success 15822559 3
Metagenomic analysis of the microbial community in kefir grains from different milk sources Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Biodiversitas 1412033X
Current goat milk production, characteristics, and utilization in Indonesia Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 5
Nutritional Manipulations and Its Effects on Yield and Quality of Beef Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Duck Production for Food Security Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 15
Fat and cholesterol contents of local duck (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos) meat fed mash, paste and crumble feeds Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Asian Journal of Poultry Science 18193609 10
Physical traits of goat meat: A comparison between meat from castrated and entire Boer bucks Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 09647058
Growth of goats for meat production: Effect of breed and castration Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 09647058 3
Carcass composition of entire and castrated full blood improved Boer bucks Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 09647058
Alkylphenol (AP) Contamination in the Different Characterized Environmental Matrices in Water Treatment Effluent Outlets of the Marseille Coastal Area, France Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Soil and Sediment Contamination 15320383
Ecological risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in surface sediments from aquaculture system Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Chemosphere 00456535 20
Emerging contaminants detected in aquaculture sites in Java, Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Science of the Total Environment 00489697 17
Impact of marine protected areas on economical important coral reef fish communities: An evaluation of the biological monitoring of coral reef fish in anambas islands, indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
Assessment of the ecological and human health risks from metals in shrimp aquaculture environments in Central Java, Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Environmental Science and Pollution Research 09441344 16
The evaluation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassiper) control program in Rawapening Lake, Central Java Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 11
Simultaneous grading of microplastic size sampling in the Small Islands of Bintan water, Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025326X 63
Heavy metal concentrations in natural and human-impacted sediments of Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 01676369 22
The Communal Democracy of Yogyakarta Special Region’s Government on the Islamic Law Eclecticism Perspective Dr TEDI SUDRAJAT, S.H., M.H, M.H Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial 1907591X
Preservation and utilization of culture reserves in Banyumas regency, Indonesia Dr TEDI SUDRAJAT, S.H., M.H, M.H International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
Harmonization of Regulation Based on Pancasila Values Through the Constitutional Court of Indonesia Dr TEDI SUDRAJAT, S.H., M.H, M.H Constitutional Review 24600016 7
The effect of safflower oil (Carthamus Tinctorius L.) and inositol supplementation on egg production Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Egg Production, Egg Quality, and Fatty Acid Profile of Indonesian Local Ducks Fed with Turmeric, Curcuma, and Probiotic Supplementation Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. Tropical Animal Science Journal 2615787X 5
Performative and economic analysis on local duck farming in Central Java - Indonesia Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 2
Effect of Beet Molasses as A Source of Energy on Performance of Broiler Chickens Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Livestock and Animal Specialities Company in ASEAN: Intellectual Capitals and Performances Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Preface Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Acceleration of tegal duck molting period and re-laying using cattle reticulum meal in feed Dr Ir ISMOYOWATI, S.Pt, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273
Single-Channel Informed Spontaneous Speech Separation by NNMF on a Uniform Filterbank SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD AICCIT 2023 - Al-Sadiq International Conference on Communication and Information Technology
PREFACE SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Computational Deep Intelligence Vision Sensing for Nutrient Content Estimation in Agricultural Automation SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15455955 35
Building a Globally Optimized Computational Intelligent Image Processing Algorithm for On-Site Inference of Nitrogen in Plants SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD IEEE Intelligent Systems 15411672 18
Ensemble Neural Networks and Image Analysis for On-Site Estimation of Nitrogen Content in Plants SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 23673370 1
Regularized Neural Networks Fusion and Genetic Algorithm Based On-Field Nitrogen Status Estimation of Wheat Plants SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15513203 56
Computational intelligent color normalization for wheat plant images to support precision farming SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2016 3
Development of Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) on six varieties of brown and milled rice MUTALA'LIAH, S.P, M.Sc. Journal of Entomological Research 03789519
Population growth and development of Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) on cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) in the storage MUTALA'LIAH, S.P, M.Sc. Journal of Entomological Research 03789519
Preference and development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst, 1797) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in whole grain and flour form of five corn varieties MUTALA'LIAH, S.P, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 7
Short communication: The prevalence and species of root-knot nematode which infect on potato seed in Central Java, Indonesia MUTALA'LIAH, S.P, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 10
Abundance and diversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with BP 308 and BP 42 clones of robusta coffee in Java, Indonesia MUTALA'LIAH, S.P, M.Sc. Biodiversitas 1412033X 5
Perinatal and background risk factors for children with autism spectrum disorder in Indonesia Dr Doctor of Philosophy DESIYANI NANI, M.Sc. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 1
Local Wisdom Approach to Develop Counter- Radicalization Strategy KUNTARTO, S.Ag, M.Pd.I IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 7
Do instabilities in national macroeconomic factors contribute to channeling volatility spillover from the global to the Islamic equity market? Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si Comparative Economic Research 15082008
Herding behavior: Evidence from southeast asian stock markets Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics 15710386 1
Funds manager and mutual funds characteristics on mutual funds performance: Empirical evidence of equity mutual funds in Indonesia Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Financial Research 19234023 2
Volatility spillovers under difference in the degree of market integration: Evidence from the selected asian and eastern European stock markets Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si Journal of International Studies 20718330 14
Interaction of islamic and conventional stock markets and the economic connectivity Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 3
Applying an international CAPM to herding behaviour model for integrated stock markets Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si Journal of International Studies 20718330 12
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
PREFACE AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Cryogel based sensor for sodium hydrosulfite determination AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Preface: 1st International Conference on Material Science and Engineering for Sustainable Rural Development (ICMSE-SURE) AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Preface AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Welcome Message from Chairman of Conference AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
A Conductive Porous Structured Chitosan-grafted Polyaniline Cryogel for use as a Sialic Acid Biosensor AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Electrochimica Acta 00134686 38
A novel molecularly imprinted chitosan–acrylamide, graphene, ferrocene composite cryogel biosensor used to detect microalbumin AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Analyst 00032654 63
A highly stable oxygen-independent glucose biosensor based on a chitosan-albumin cryogel incorporated with carbon nanotubes and ferrocene AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 09254005 85
Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Produced by Trigona spp. Against Campylobacter spp. AMIN FATONI, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 7
How do negative workplace gossip and toxic workplace environment fuel the fire of knowledge hiding? The moderating role of workplace spirituality Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 20507003
Transformational Leadership, Digital Literacy, Propensity to Trust, and Creativity of MSMEs: Mediating Effects of Knowledge Sharing Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675
The impact of transformational leadership on innovative capability: Mediating role of employee optim Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Management Science Letters 19239335
Parsing religiosity and intention to use Islamic mobile banking in Indonesia Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Banks and Bank Systems 18167403
Organizational communication, organizational learning, and attitude toward change: Mediating effect of organizational commitment of public sector employees Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Organizational communication, organizational learning, and attitude toward change: Mediating effect of organizational commitment of public sector employees Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Journal of General Management 03063070
Bioremediation of Cadmium (Cd) in Batik Wastewater Using Different Carrier Media Containing Rhizobacteria Dra DYAH FITRI KUSHARYATI, M.P. Biosaintifika 2085191X
Organizational communication, organizational learning, and attitude toward change: Mediating effect of organizational commitment of public sector employees Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Journal of General Management 03063070
The role of creativity in forming innovative behaviours of creative industrial workers Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315 3
The effect of psychological contract, perceived organizational support, and value congruence on organizational citizenship behavior: Social exchange theory perspectives Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 7
Exploring the role of psychological contract to increase the level of employee participation: A study on indonesian regional-owned micro banking Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 2
Millennial and psychological contract: Social constructivist approach Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Psychology of Retention: Theory, Research and Practice 1
The role of psychological contract on employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour: A study of indonesian young entrepreneurs in management action Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 02585200 17
Analysis of antecedent and consequence of employee engagement in small and medium-sized enterprises in Central Java, Indonesia Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si European Research Studies Journal 11082976 8
Nurturing green product into globalization: Challenges and opportunities over Indonesian smes Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 5
Creating good citizen through company ethical values Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Jurnal Pengurusan 01272713 6
Rain Water Harvesting Technology: Drinking water fulfillment and water conservation nearby landfill area AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Transpiration on the rebound in lowland Sumatra AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 01681923 25
Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Neurology 14744422 24
Oil palm and rubber tree water use patterns: Effects of topography and flooding AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Frontiers in Plant Science 30
Tree soil water uptake and transpiration in mono-cultural and jungle rubber stands of Sumatra AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Forest Ecology and Management 03781127 30
Oil palm water use: Calibration of a sap flux method and a field measurement scheme AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Tree Physiology 0829318X 34
Transpiration in an oil palm landscape: Effects of palm age AFIK HARDANTO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Biogeosciences 17264170 42
Arachidonic acid-induced acrosomal loss in the spermatozoa of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Reproduction, Fertility and Development 10313613 2
Electron-microscopic localisation of thiol and disulphide groups by direct monomaleimido-nanogold labelling in the spermatozoa of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Cell & Tissue Research 0302766X 13
Induction of the marsupial sperm acrosome reaction in vitro by treatment with diacylglycerols Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 00224251 16
The unique stability of the marsupial sperm acrosomal membranes examined by unprotected freeze-thawi Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Reproduction, Fertility and Development 10313613 25
Lysophosphatidylcholine disrupts the acrosome of tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) spermatozoa Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Molecular Reproduction and Development 1040452X 9
The unique stability of the marsupial sperm Dra YULIA SISTINA, P.h D Reproduction, Fertility and Development 10313613 27
Amylase Activity in Various Digestive Organs and Blood Urea Levels of Osphronemus gouramy with Chlorella vulgaris Feed Supplementation and Reared in Different System Dra ELLY TUTI WINARNI, M.Si Journal of Tropical Life Science 20875517
Morphological Differences between Chaetodon auriga and Chaetodon vagabundus based on Truss Morphometric Characters Dra ELLY TUTI WINARNI, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 1
Molecular Barcoding Reveal the Existence of Mole Crabs Emerita emeritus in North Coast of Central Java Dra ELLY TUTI WINARNI, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 6
Genomic insights into rapid speciation within the world’s largest tree genus Syzygium Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Nature Communications 7
Activity of valerian catalase in Ultisol growing media by adding humic acid Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Chlorophyll Contents of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. In Cilacap Coastal Areas in Relation to Habitats Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Distribution and Characteristics of Nypa Palm (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) in Southern Part of Cilacap Regency Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Placement of Syzygium boerlagei (Merr.) govaerts (Myrtaceae) confirmed with ATPB-RBCL intergenic spacer Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Biotropia 02156334 4
Two new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from North and West Sumatra Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Kew Bulletin 00755974 1
SIX NEW SPECIES OF SYZYGIUM (MYRTACEAE) FROM SUMATRA Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 09604286 2
Screening genetic resources of local accessions of Capsicum originated from East Java Ir SANIDHYA NIKA PURNOMO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in Semarang City, Indonesia Ir SANIDHYA NIKA PURNOMO, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Talent Identification Predicting in Athletics: A Case Study in Indonesia RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Annals of Applied Sport Science 24764981
Developing the Value of Peace in Sport, Health, and Physical Education Lecture through Traditional Games RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 23814381 2
The FIFA 11+ for kids warm-up program improved balance and leg muscle strength in children (9–12 years old) RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22478051 2
Overtourism in Indonesia after the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Psychology Perspective Dr SLAMET ROSYADI, S.Sos, M.Si Sociologia y Tecnociencia
Creating political capital to promote devolution in the forestry sector - A case study of the forest communities in Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia Dr SLAMET ROSYADI, S.Sos, M.Si Forest Policy and Economics 13899341 25
Inhibition of Multi Drug-Resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by bacteriocin bifidobacteria and the viability of selected bifidobacteria encapsulated with tapioca Dra DYAH FITRI KUSHARYATI, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X
Bifidobacterium longum, a Predominant Bifidobacterium in Early-life Infant Potentially Used as Probiotic Dra DYAH FITRI KUSHARYATI, M.P. Biosaintifika 2085191X
Formulation, Characterization, and Sunscreen Potential Evaluation of Nutmeg Leaf Essential Oil Nanoemulsions (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Potential of lacto-N-biose I as prebiotic for infant health: A review Doctor of Philosophy SANTI DWI ASTUTI, M.Si Communications in Science and Technology 25029258 3
Multi-Class Support Vector Machine for Arabica Coffee Bean Roasting Grade Classification Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom ICOIACT 2022 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology: A New Way 1
Numerical solution of Saint-Venant equation using Runge-Kutta fourth-order method Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Enhanced performance of the automatic learning style detection model using a combination of modified K-means algorithm and Naive Bayesian Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2158107X 5
Smart Development of Big Data App for Determining the Modelling of Covid-19 Medicinal Compounds Using Deep AI Core Engine System Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 3
Prediction of hypertention drug therapy response using K-NN imputation and SVM algorithm Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 25024752 6
Drug usage duration classification using Extreme Learning Machine based on personality features Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technolo 2
Features Reduction Using Deep Miden Algorithm for Classification of Cancer Based on Itemset Sequent of Protein TP53 Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technolo
Educational Data Mining (EDM) as a model for students' evaluation in learning environment Doctor of Philosophy NURUL HIDAYAT, M.Kom Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2018 5
Finding correlated bicluster from gene expression data of Alzheimer disease using FABIA biclustering method Dr Dra NUNING SETYANINGRUM, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Archive management information system design for higher education accreditation instruments in Indonesia Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Development of a Forest Village Agriculture Farmer Dependence Model on Forest Resources for the Creation of Sustainable Economic Prosperity in the Banyumas Forest Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Monitoring permethrin and imidacloprid resistance in indonesian house fly musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) Dr Dra TRISNOWATI BUDI AMBARNINGRUM, M.Si Journal of Entomology 18125670 5
Feasibility and production of soybean cultivation in Banyumas Regency, Central Java Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Comparative Feasibility of Potato Farming by APKP Member and Non-Member Farmers in Purbalingga Regency Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Alternatives for circular bioeconomy in organic farming under excessive nutrients (Goat manure and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi): A case study in Indonesia NUR KHOLIDA WULANSARI, S.P, M.P Sustainability (Switzerland) 4
Growth and yield of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) Lokananta in various doses of nitrogen fertilizers and number of plant per hole in coastal sandy land Dr SAPARSO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Assessing the relationship between corporate reputation, customer satisfaction, behavioural intentions and customer loyalty Dr SAPARSO International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315 3
Quality of life in patients with recurrent diabetic foot ulcers Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 23363517
Plasma jet–treated Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera) influences proliferative-phase wound healing Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Plasma Medicine 19475764 2
Comparative study on Manuka and Indonesian honeys to support the application of plasma jet during proliferative phase on wound healing Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Clinical Plasma Medicine 22128166 11
Establishment of a novel rat model for deep tissue injury deterioration Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D International Wound Journal 17424801 11
Vibration inhibits deterioration in rat deep-tissue injury through HIF1-MMP axis Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Wound Repair and Regeneration 10671927 18
A machine learning-based intrinsic method for cross-topic and cross-genre authorship verification notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015 Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D CEUR Workshop Proceedings 16130073
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing signal molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl) homoserine lactone enhances keratinocyte migration and induces Mmp13 gene expression in vitro Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 0006291X 12
Evaluation of the usefulness of skin blood flow measurements by laser speckle flowgraphy in pressure-induced ischemic wounds in rats Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Annals of Plastic Surgery 01487043 17
Hypoxia is involved in deep tissue injury formation in a rat model Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Wounds 10447946 9
Candidate biomarkers for deep tissue damage from molecular biological and biochemical aspects Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Journal of Tissue Viability 0965206X 8
Rule-based pattern extractor and Named Entity Recognition: A hybrid approach Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - Engineering Technology, ITSim'1 13
A hybrid approach to semi-supervised named entity recognition in health, safety and environment reports Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2009 5
Creating extraction pattern by combining part of speech tagger and grammatical parser Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D ICCTD 2009 - 2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development 3
Clinical and Molecular Perspectives of Deep Tissue Injury: Changes in Molecular Markers in a Rat Model Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials 18682006 5
Quantitative evaluation of elderly skin based on digital image analysis Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D Skin Research and Technology 0909752X 29
Changes in serum and exudate creatine phosphokinase concentrations as an indicator of deep tissue injury: A pilot study Prof. YUNITA SARI, S.Kep., Ns., MHS., Ph.D International Wound Journal 17424801 21
The moderating effect of competitive intensity on foresight capability and product innovation of SMEs in Indonesia Dr. REFIUS PRADIPTA SETYANTO, S.E., M.Si Problems and Perspectives in Management 17277051
Implementation of autoregressive integrated moving average model to predict total electron content from GPS satellite receiver in Bandung AGUS SUGANDHA, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Forecasting of air temperature in cilacap regency with triple exponential smoothing (Holt-winter) method AGUS SUGANDHA, S.Pd, M.Si Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
New eremophilane and dichlororesorcinol derivatives produced by endophytes isolated from Ficus ampelas NIKEN ISTIKHARI MUSLIHAH, S.Pd, M.Sc. Journal of Antibiotics 00218820 5
The Evaluation of Favipiravir Utilization and Clinical Outcome of Inpatients Covid-19 in Secondary Care Hospital, Central Java Apt MASITA WULANDARI SURYOPUTRI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 23389427
Mechanical properties characterization of Ti6Al4V for artificial hip joint materials prepared by investment casting REZA AZIZUL NASA AL HAKIM, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Simulation load parameter on bipolar artificial hip joint using finite element method (FEM) REZA AZIZUL NASA AL HAKIM, S.T, M.T Materials Today: Proceedings 1
The Contact Simulation Comparison of UHMWPE to the Crosslink Intensity Effect REZA AZIZUL NASA AL HAKIM, S.T, M.T E3S Web of Conferences
Enhanced Microwave Absorption Quality of Bio-Silica-Barium-Ferrite Composites: Interplay of Fe3+ and Si4+ Dr R WAHYU WIDANARTO, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizer on soybean plants in the coastal sands soil Dr. KHAVID FAOZI, S.P, M.P IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Waste Final Processing Site Based on Environment and Education in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia TRIANA AHDIATI, S.Pd, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Can spiritual power reduce online cheating behavior among university students? The fraud triangle theory perspective WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of International Education in Business 2046469X
Does workplace spirituality predict turnover intention in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH, M.Sc., Ph.D Evidence-based HRM 20493983
Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit Through Integrative Learning Method: The Role of Entrepreneurial Inspiration and Mindset Drs BAMBANG AGUS PRAMUKA, Ph.D Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675
Optimal financial leverage determinants for smes capital structure decision making: Empirical evidence from Indonesia Drs BAMBANG AGUS PRAMUKA, Ph.D International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 4
Draft Genome Sequence of Sinomicrobium sp. Strain PAP.21, Isolated from a Coast Sample of Papua, Indonesia Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Microbiology Resource Announcements
The Edible Seaweed Gelidium amansii Promotes Structural Plasticity of Hippocampal Neurons and Improves Scopolamine-induced Learning and Memory Impairment in Mice Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 18715273
Multidisciplinary approaches to coping with neurodegenerative disorders amid COVID-19 pandemic Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics
Seaweed Exhibits Therapeutic Properties against Chronic Diseases: An Overview Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 12
Evaluation of Toxicity of Crude Phlorotannins and Phloroglucinol Using Different Model Organisms Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Toxins 5
A concise review of the bioactivity and pharmacological properties of the genus Codium (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 4
Hizikia fusiformis: Pharmacological and nutritional properties Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Foods 16
Molecular identification of gracilaria species (Gracilariales, rhodophyta) obtained from the South Coast of Java Island, Indonesia Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Neuritogenic activities of various kappaphycus alvarezii extracts in hippocampal neurons Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 20895690 1
Fucosterol of marine macroalgae: Bioactivity, safety and toxicity on organism Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Marine Drugs 18
The complete plastid genome and phylogenetic analysis of Gracilaria chilensis Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 3
The complete plastid genomes of Betaphycus gelatinus, Eucheuma denticulatum, and Kappaphycus striatus (Solieriaceae: Rhodophyta) and their phylogenetic analysis Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 2
Antibacterial Activity from Seaweeds Turbinaria ornata and Chaetomorpha antennina Against Fouling Bacteria Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Complete plastid genome of Kappaphycus alvarezii: insights of large-scale rearrangements among Florideophyceae plastid genomes Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 9
Correction to: Complete plastid genome of Kappaphycus alvarezii: insights of large-scale rearrangements among Florideophyceae plastid genomes (Journal of Applied Phycology, (2019), 31, 6, (3997-4005), 10.1007/s10811-019-01815-8) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971
Spinogenesis and synaptogenesis effects of the red seaweed kappaphycus alvarezii and its isolated cholesterol on hippocampal neuron cultures Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Preventive Nutrition and Food Science 22871098 6
Complete sequences of the mitochondrial DNA of the Grateloupia filicina (Rhodophyta) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 3
The tropical carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii extract promotes axodendritic maturation of hippocampal neurons in primary culture Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 11
Comparative genomics and systematics of Betaphycus, Eucheuma, and Kappaphycus (Solieriaceae: Rhodophyta) based on mitochondrial genome Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 12
The complete mitochondrial genome of the economic red alga, Gracilaria chilensis Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 3
The ethanol extract of the rhodophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii promotes neurite outgrowth in hippocampa Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 9218971
The ethanol extract of the rhodophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii promotes neurite outgrowth in hippocampa Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 9218971
The ethanol extract of the rhodophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii promotes neurite outgrowth in hippocampal neurons Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 18
Detoxification of acidic catalyzed hydrolysate of Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 16157591 51
Comparison of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids as catalysts in hydrolysis of Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 16157591 82
Bioethanol production from the acid hydrolysate of the carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii) Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 126
Isolation of the agarolytic bacterium Vibrio cyclotrophicus DAG-130 from abalone gut Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology 12269204 1
Job involvement as a reinforcement of the relationship between good corporate governance on managerial performance Dr Dra DEWI SUSILOWATI, M.Si Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
Preventing corruption with blockchain technology (case study of Indonesian public procurement) Dr Dra DEWI SUSILOWATI, M.Si International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 11
Tea Fungus Beverages from Torch Ginger (Etlingera elatior): Total microbial, Physicochemical, and Antioxidant Activity Dr Dra NUNIEK INA RATNANINGTYAS, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X
Flood modelling due to climate change impact in the Logawa watershed Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Detection of landslide events using logistic regression and support vector machine Dr.-Ing SUROSO, S.T, M.Sc. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
A Correlation Study: Levels of Butyrylcholinesterase and Paraoxonase 1 Activity amongst Shallot Farmworkers in Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia AGNES FITRIA WIDIYANTO, S.KM, M.Sc. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan 18297285
Household Food Security and Stunting Toddlers in Lowland Ecosystems MUHAMAD SOLEKAN, S.P, M.P. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 23322268
Degradation ability of indigenous bacteria from pesticide-contaminated water and soil in Brebes Regency, Indonesia DINA ISTIQOMAH, S.P, M.Sc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 1
Uncovering hidden determinants of millennial farmers' intentions in running conservation agriculture: An application of the Norm Activation Model Dr. AKHMAD RIZQUL KARIM, S.P, M.Sc. Open Agriculture
Factors Affecting the Digital Financial Product Adoption on Batik Smes Dr ADE IRMA ANGGRAENI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559
Geographic Information System Mapping of Public Works Infrastructure of Kebumen Regency TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Design model of linear generator on marine current power plant based on pneumatic system TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The role of 3D-CFD simulation in optimizing pre-emergency responses TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom Journal of Emergency Management 15435865
Simulation of Natural Gas Dispersion and Explosion in Vented Enclosure using 3D CFD FLACS Software TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 4
Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Gas Dispersion and Explosion in a Gas Processing Plant TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
The optimization of CMC concentration as graphite binder on the anode of LiFePO4 battery TEGUH CAHYONO, S.T, M.Kom IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 11
Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 7
Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 25
Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet 01406736 19
Community social capital in managing the simanuk-manuk village forest in forest management unit region iv balige, toba regency Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Mangrove density and delta formation in Segara Anakan Lagoon as an impact of the riverine sedimentation rate Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Mangrove Chocolate Food be Observed from the Nutritional Values Found in the Coast of South West Aceh Dr ENDANG HILMI, S.Hut, M.Si E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Application of Bio P60 and Bio T10 alone or in combination to control Fusarium wilt of Hydroponic Melon Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. D Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525
Unveiling the Global Corporate Governance Landscape in Family Firms: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis Dr CHRISTINA TRI SETYORINI, S.E., M.Si European Journal of Family Business 24448788
Felicity conditions of the speech acts in banyumasan daily conversation Dr CHUSNI HADIATI, M.Hum, M.Hum Theory and Practice in Language Studies 17992591 2
Effect of Ganoderma lucidum extract on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and prostaglandin E2 levels in periodontitis model Sprague Dawley rats Dr dr. DODY NOVRIAL, S.Ked, Sp.P.A, M.Si.Med Dental Journal 19783728
Protective effect of ipomoea batatas l leaves extract on histology of pancreatic langerhans islet and beta cell insulin expression of rats induced by streptozotocin Dr dr. DODY NOVRIAL, S.Ked, Sp.P.A, M.Si.Med Molekul 19079761 5
Factors Consumers Considered In Buying Microfloriculture Souvenirs Dr. E. YANUAR E. RESTIANTO, M.Acc Quality - Access to Success 15822559
The realization of intensifiers in banyumas dialect Dr CHUSNI HADIATI, M.Hum, M.Hum Journal of Language Teaching and Research 17984769 3
Bacilysocin Encoding Gene (YtpA) Detection from Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis STTG 14 and Antifungal Compound Analysis using GC-MS and FTIR Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
IAA-producing and phosphate solubilizer of rhizosphere actinobacteria consortium to promote plant growth in soybean (Glycine max L.) Dr SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, S.P, S.P, M.Si Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology 10
Moving with the Soul: Cipari Peasant Movements for Land Rights in Indonesia Dr. ARIZAL MUTAHIR, S.Sos, M.A. Forest and Society 25494724
The Importance of Participatory Communication in Development Planning Deliberations for Agritourism Village Enhancement Dr SLAMET ROSYADI, S.Sos, M.Si Journal of Intercultural Communication 1
Does Rural Development Enable Community Empowerment? Evidence from Village Fund in Indonesia Dr SLAMET ROSYADI, S.Sos, M.Si Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences 17274915
Analysis of Village Government Institutional Capacity in Strengthening Environmental Resilience Dr SLAMET ROSYADI, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The Comparison of Tannin Fractions in Calliandra calothyrsus Leaves Utilizing Butanol-HCl4 and Protein-Precipitation Methods Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Identification of CSN1S1 Gene Variations Between Dairy Goat Breeds and its Influence on Milk Protein Fractions in Indonesia Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331 1
The Exploration of Bioactive Peptides that Docked to SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein from Goats Milk Beta-Casein by In Silico Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Financial Literacy of Economics and Non-Economics Students ASCARYAN RAFINDA, S.E., Ak, M.Sc., PhD International Review of Management and Marketing 1
Predictive Power of Situational Factor and Individual Factor on Misreporting Behaviour ASCARYAN RAFINDA, S.E., Ak, M.Sc., PhD International Review of Management and Marketing
Characteristics of Egg Production of Kampung Chickens, Red Kedu Chickens and Their Crossbred (Unsoed Chickens) Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Survivability of Kedu Rooster Sperm at Different Storage Times and Diluent Supplemented with Vitamin E and Fertilizing Ability on Kampung Chicken Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2251628X
Phenotypic characteristics of Sakub sheep as local livestock genetic resources ARI DWI NURASIH, S.Si, M.Biotech Biodiversitas 1412033X
Identification of Environmental Factors Determining the Diversity and Abundance of Phytoplankton in Menjer Lake, Wonosobo, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology
Assess the level of damage to the coral reef ecosystem based on substrate coverage on Bira Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Effect of Planting Media Modification on Seed Growth and Development of Three Mangroves Species from Jakarta and Kebumen, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Macroalgae diversity and its relationship with environmental conditions in polluted waters of Seribu Islands, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 2
The Lipid Content of The Culture Microalgae Using Media of Tapioca Liquid Waste Dr. Dra DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 4
Improving the accuracy of mangrove forest mapping using sentinel image and developed classification algorithm based on machine learning Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Spatial Science 14498596
Current biodiversity status, distribution, and prospects of seaweed in Indonesia: A systematic review Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Heliyon 24058440 3
Mangrove plants using deoxyribonucleic acid barcodes for enhancing biodiversity and conservation Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 23833572
Determination of different spice powder levels for soft cheese based on milk Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Quality of yogurt produced from various types of milk as raw materials Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Comparative analysis of physical properties and fatty acid composition of set-yogurt manufactured from different milk types Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal 1
Population structure and exploitation rate of striped snakehead (Channa striata) in Kawunganten Swamp, Cilacap, Indonesia: Important for fisheries management Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Rice field eels (Monopterus albus Zuiew) captured in the natural habitat: Model for observation of conservation and environmental reproduction aspects Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Antioxidant Effect of Clorella vulgaris on Wistar Rat Kidney Induced by CCl4: A Histopathological Review Drs Drs PRIYO SUSATYO, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 5
Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding Through Drinking “Uyup-Uyup” Herbal Dr ERNA KUSUMA WATI, S.KM, M.Si Kemas 18581196
Determinants of chronic energy deficiency (CED) incidence in pregnant women: A cross-sectional study in Banyumas, Indonesia Dr ERNA KUSUMA WATI, S.KM, M.Si Narra J
Comparison of high and low stunting reduction groups using IFE-EFE matrix analysis in Central Java Province, Indonesia Dr ERNA KUSUMA WATI, S.KM, M.Si Frontiers in Public Health
Effects of Humic Acid and Planting Media on Antioxidant Production in the Medicinal Plant Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 13317768
Syzygium setosum (Myrtaceae), a rare and endangered peat swamp tree in Southeast Asia: lectotypification, conservation status and a new record in Sumatra Drs. Pudji Widodo, M.Si, M.Sc. Candollea 03732967
The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Motivation on Performance with Work Method Variety as a Mediation Variable Dr ADI INDRAYANTO, S.E., M.Sc. Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
A case study of transformational leadership and para-police performance in Indonesia Dr ADI INDRAYANTO, S.E., M.Sc. Policing 1363951X 9
Transformational Leadership in Indonesian Diversified-Cultural SME Sector: An Investigation of the Settlement Criteria of Job Performance Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Economics Series 15842339
Village Unit Cooperatives on Dynamic Capability and Creative Capability Adaptation to Innovation Performance: The Role of Competitive Advantage Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Qubahan Academic Journal 1
Promoting Entrepreneurial Intentions and Competencies Through Business Simulation Games BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Journal of Educational Computing Research 07356331
Empowering Students to Thrive: The Role of CT and Self-Efficacy in Building Academic Resilience BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Journal of Educational Computing Research 07356331 1
Engaging stakeholders in policy decision-making for food security governance: Identification, perception, and contribution BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review 25211870 1
Optimizing the role of rice central market in Java, Indonesia: The effect of toll roads construction to the rice market integration BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Socioeconomic and technical feasibility of cajuput oil ( Melaleuca cajuput Powell) distillation business BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Asymmetric power relations in multistakeholder initiatives: Insights from the government-instituted Indonesian National Forestry Council BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Trees, Forests and People 2
Understanding the role of scientific knowledge transfer in the women's participation and farmer activities in Central Java BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 20864639
Stakeholder Salience in a Multistakeholder Initiative of the National Forestry Council of Indonesia BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 20870469
Problematics of Inter-Regional Cooperation in Indonesia Dr DWIYANTO INDIAHONO, S.Sos, M.Si Sriwijaya Law Review 25415298 1
Investigating the Noise Barrier Impact on Aerodynamics Noise: Case Study at Jakarta MRT SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 21945357 2
The Motivation of Young Chili Farmers in Sandy Land of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 1
Corporate social responsibility, earnings management, and firm performance: Are the companies really ethical? SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Implementation of non-pharmaceutical intervention of covid-19 in mrt through engineering controlled queue line using participatory ergonomics approach SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. EUREKA, Physics and Engineering 24614254 1
Impact of elevated outdoor MRT station towards passenger thermal comfort: A case study in Jakarta MRT SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences 17329353 4
Identification scenario of dedicated lane for Suroboyo Bus Purabaya - Rajawali route by Rapid Demand Assessment Method SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The school bus route development using supply-demand competition based accessibility: Surabaya case study SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Qualitative comparative assessment by fsQCA for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area comparison SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Exploring distance decay pattern of public transport-induced agglomeration and its impacts on train ridership attraction SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
An example of transport policy assessment in TRESIS 1.4 to reduce greenhouse gas emission in Sydney, Australia SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
An application of Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) on tourist destination choices SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Modelling toll traffic pattern: The Jagorawi toll case study SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Growth rate and molecular identification of two Chlorella sp. from Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Environmental legacy of aquaculture and industrial activities in mangrove ecosystems YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Sea Research 13851101 4
Assessment of hOGG1 Genetic Polymorphism (rs1052133) and DNA Damage in Radiation-Exposed Workers SITI NURHAYATI, S.Pt, M.Kes Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15137368 3
Household employment of potato farmers with allocation of working time and gender theory Dr ALTRI MULYANI, S.P, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Suitable reference gene for silencing methods using microRNA encapsulated nanoparticles chitosan for the ovarian cancer cell line TIRTA WARDANA, S.Si, M.Biotech Gene Reports 24520144
Feeding ecology study of Asian redtail catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus (Teleostei: Bagridae), post-sediment flushing in Jenderal Soedirman Reservoir Central Java, Indonesia Dr Drs DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO, M.S Biodiversitas 1412033X
Postpartum depression: Combining a mobile application with recititations from the Holy Quran in Indonesia LUTFATUL LATIFAH, M.Kep British Journal of Midwifery 09694900
Bird diversity in three Ficus species in the Kuningan Lowland Forest, West Java, Indonesia Dr Drs EMING SUDIANA, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 4
Adaptations of Three Cash Crops to Climate Change Dr Drs EMING SUDIANA, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 1
Effect of organic acids amendment on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max) in ultisol Dr Dra ELLY PROKLAMASININGSIH, M.P. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530 6
Enteric pathogen among children under five years old with diarrheal diseases in Indonesia DIAN ANANDARI, S.K.M., M.K.M. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Feasibility Study Area and Dissolved Oxygen Carrying Capacity of Silvofishery Pond on the Coastal Area Dr Ir PETRUS HARY TJAHJA SOEDIBYA, M.S Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Nutrient utilization and milk yield of dairy goats fed with diet containing garlic meal (Allium sativum) and organic minerals at a transition period Dr Ir MUNASIK, M.P. Technological Innovations in Tropical Livestock Development for Environmental Sustainability and Foo
The Shift in the Use of Keigo by Migrant Care workers on TikTok Social Media Dr ELY TRIASIH RAHAYU, S.S., M.Hum Studies in Media and Communication 23258071
Code-Switching Used in Indonesian-Japanese Interpersonal Communication: A Sociolinguistics Study Dr ELY TRIASIH RAHAYU, S.S., M.Hum Forum for Linguistic Studies 27050610
The Power and Its Graph Simulations on Discrete and Continuous Distributions BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Mathematics and Statistics 23322071
The power of hypothesis parameters testing on geometric distributions and its simulation BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
The power of the tests on the multiple regression model BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238
The decision case on gaussian binary data BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
The bivariate regression model and its application BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588
Testing equality of two intercepts for the parallel regression model with non sample prior information BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 03610926
The Correlated Bivariate Noncentral F Distribution and Its Application BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 03610918 10
Testing base load with non-sample prior information on process load BUDI PRATIKNO, Ph.D Statistical Papers 09325026 11
Revealing University Students’ Attitudes toward English Language Learning in Indonesian Contexts MUSTASYFA THABIB KARIADI, M.Pd Journal of Asia TEFL 17383102 3
Innovation of curriculum content proportion in the khilafah and jihad theme to minimize students’ exposure toward radicalism MUSTASYFA THABIB KARIADI, M.Pd Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Activity of Amilolytic Bacteria Isolated from Rice-Fish Farming System Pond Sediments REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Exploration and Molecular Identification of Potential Amylolytic Bacterial Probiotics, Environmental Biodegradation of Rice-fish Farming REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Isolation and Screening of Proteolytic Bacteria from Rice-Fish Farming System Sediments REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics 17557437
Characteristics of Hydrolytic Exoenzyme Bacteria Isolated from the Intestines of Caught Jerbung Shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Male Betta Fish Reproduction under different Routine Photoperiods REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Effect of Microencapsulator Speed on Composite Microcapsule Diameter Tailored to Fish Larvae Mouth Openings REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Antibacterial activity of Proteus spp. isolated from the rice-fish farming system cultivation area against A. hydrophila REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 16073894 1
Isolation and Characteristics of Bioflocculant Producing Bacteria from Vannamei Shrimp Ponds REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P Journal of Advanced Zoology 02537214
Index of Proteolytic Bacterial Activity in Rice-Fish Farming System REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P Journal of Advanced Zoology 02537214
Presence of striped flying barb esomus metallicus (Teleostei, cyprinidae) from west Sumatra, Indonesia REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P Ecology, Environment and Conservation 0971765X 12
Evaluation of work posture in sohun noodles workers using OWAS and WERA method REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 1
Postural evaluation and hand activity level at batik cap process using LUBA and ACGIH HAL methods REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 3
Human error analysis using sherpa and heart method in Batik Cap production process REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
Determination of lot size orders of furniture raw materials using dynamic lot sizing method REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Species composition of the Mangrove in Lambur Luar Village, East Sabak, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Indonesia REN FITRIADI, S.S.T, M.P International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 2
The effect of moderate and low­intensity aerobic exercise on lowering blood sugar GALIH YOGA SANTIKO, S.Or, M.Or Fizjoterapia Polska 16420136
DNA barcoding reveals possible misidentification of selected barb species (Cypriniformes) from Klawing River, Central Java, Indonesia Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143
First Record Sparus aurata Larvae in Teluk Penyu Beach Cilacap, Indonesia, revealed by DNA Barcoding Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291 2
Morphological Variation of Blue Panchax (Aplocheilus panchax) Lives in Different Habitat Assessed Using Truss Morphometric Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 5
High Connectivity Among Synedrella nodiflora Populations in Java Island Based on Intergenic Spacer atpB-rbcL Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 8
Barcoding of Fin Clip Samples Revealed High Exploitation of Plectropomus leopardus in Spermonde Archipelago Dr AGUS NURYANTO, S.Si, M.Si Biosaintifika 2085191X 8
Malaria Prevention Behavior among Community Figures in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia Prof. Dr. DWI SARWANI SRI REJEKI, S.KM, M.Kes(Epid) Universal Journal of Public Health 23318880
Synthesis and performance analysis of a polysulfone braid-supported hollow fiber membrane for natural gas purification Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Materials Science 00222461 1
Uncovering the potential of yttrium doped zinc oxide nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for photodegradation of recalcitrant pollutant and a contributor antibacterial property Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Water Process Engineering 22147144 3
Dual layer hollow fiber photocatalytic membrane based on TiO2-WO3@GO composite with catalytic memory and enhanced anti-fouling and self-cleaning properties for oilfield-produced water treatment Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Chemical Engineering Journal 13858947 3
Visible light-driven TiO2-WO3@GO photocatalyst with catalytic memory for round-the-clock photocatalytic degradation of oilfield-produced water Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Ceramics International 02728842 1
Enhancing CO2 adsorption selectivity of MOF-199: Investigating the synergistic effect of Mg metal doping and polyethyleneimine impregnation Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Separation and Purification Technology 13835866 1
Future research perspectives in hemodialysis membrane technology Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1226086X
Removal of bisphenol A from synthetic and treated sewage wastewater using magnetron sputtered CuxO/PVDF thin film photocatalytic hollow fiber membrane Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Water Process Engineering 22147144 12
Visible-light-driven photocatalytic dual-layer hollow fibre membrane ameliorates the changes of bisphenol A exposure in gastrointestinal tract Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Environmental Science and Pollution Research 09441344 2
A critical review in recent progress of hollow fiber membrane contactors for efficient CO2 separations Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Chemosphere 00456535 21
Photodegradation of Bisphenol a in Water via Round-the-Clock Visible Light Driven Dual Layer Hollow Fiber Membrane Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Catalysts 4
Photocatalytic degradation of recalcitrant aromatic hydrocarbon compounds in oilfield-produced water: A critical review Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Cleaner Production 09596526 16
ZIF-8-based dual layer hollow fiber mixed matrix membrane for natural gas purification Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Fuel 00162361 4
The Impact of Bisphenol A Exposure during Pregnancy on the Heart of Mother and Fetal Rats Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Sains Malaysiana 01266039
Biomaterial-based waste for membranes and energy applications Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Valorization of Wastes for Sustainable Development: Waste to Wealth
WO3–based photocatalysts: A review on synthesis, performance enhancement and photocatalytic memory for environmental applications Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Ceramics International 02728842 68
Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) Hollow Fiber Membrane Incorporated with Antibacterial and Anti-Fouling by Zinc Oxide for Water and Wastewater Treatment Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Membranes 19
Braid-reinforced PVDF hollow fiber membranes for high-efficiency separation of oily wastewater Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12
Oilfield-produced water treatment using conventional and membrane-based technologies for beneficial reuse: A critical review Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Environmental Management 03014797 47
The Effect of BPA?Treated Water on the Small Intestine via an In Vivo Study Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Toxics 3
Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions of Membrane Technology for Natural Gas Purification: A Critical Review Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Membranes 13
Treatment of oily wastewater using photocatalytic membrane reactors: A critical review Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 34
ZIF-filler incorporated mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) for efficient gas separation: A review Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 40
The use of PVDF membrane for wastewater treatment Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Emerging Techniques for Treatment of Toxic Metals from Wastewater
Advanced Membrane Technology for Textile Wastewater Treatment Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation 25228714 10
Immobilization techniques of a photocatalyst into and onto a polymer membrane for photocatalytic activity Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep RSC Advances 81
High flux polysulfone braided hollow fiber membrane for wastewater treatment role of zinc oxide as hydrophilic enhancer Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 13
Effect of bisphenol-a on the morphology of small intestine in pregnant rats Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep International Medical Journal 13412051
Fabrication of high performance pvdf hollow fiber membrane using less toxic solvent at different additive loading and air gap Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Membranes 9
Visible-light active photocatalytic dual layer hollow fiber (DLHF) membrane and its potential in mitigating the detrimental effects of bisphenol A in water Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Membranes 19
The impacts of intrauterine Bisphenol A exposure on pregnancy and expression of miRNAs related to heart development and diseases in animal model Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Scientific Reports 30
Incorporation of N-doped TiO2 into dual layer hollow fiber (DLHF) membrane for visible light-driven photocatalytic removal of reactive black 5 Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Polymer Testing 01429418 41
Characterization of Bauxite as a Potential Natural Photocatalyst for Photodegradation of Textile Dye Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2193567X 10
Low concentration of bisphenol a induces proliferation of gastric cancer cells, HGC-27 Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 2
P53 and cyclin B1 mediate apoptotic effects of apigenin and rutin in ER?+-breast cancer MCF-7 cells Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 21
Effects of bisphenol a on neonatal cardiomyocytes beating rate and morphology Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Jurnal Teknologi 01279696 4
Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic N-Doped TiO2 for Degradation of Bisphenol A (BPA) and Reactive Black 5 (RB5) Dye Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 00496979 19
The morphological properties study of photocatalytic TiO2/PVDF dual layer hollow fiber membrane for endocrine disrupting compounds degradation Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 13942506 11
Aloe emodin induces apoptosis in ER+-breast cancer cells; MCF-7 through IGF-1R signalling pathway Dr. Ners RIDLWAN KAMALUDDIN, M.Kep Sains Malaysiana 01266039 6
Surface engineering of Ag3PO4 using lithium iodide for enhanced photocatalytic activity WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Surfaces and Interfaces 24680230 1
Oxygen-induced SO2formation and desorption on NiMoS (1 ¯ 010) edge surface on NiMoS2catalyst WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Microwave irradiation-induced yield enhancement of coconut shell biomass-derived graphene-like material WAHYU TRI CAHYANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Physica Scripta 00318949 1
Type and size of pollen collected by Tetragonula laeviceps at various altitudes Drs SUKARSA, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X 1
How do accounting records affect corporate financial performance? Empirical evidence from the Indonesian public listed companies Dr ICUK RANGGA BAWONO, S.E., M.Si Heliyon 24058440 2
The influence of demographic matters and interest on passenger’s switching intention: Evidence of travelers in the developing country indonesia Dr ICUK RANGGA BAWONO, S.E., M.Si Open Transportation Journal
The optimization of local tax revenues for local government within the framework of regional autonomy Dr ICUK RANGGA BAWONO, S.E., M.Si Public Policy and Administration 16482603 2
The impact of competing accountability requirements on ngo work performance in Indonesia Dr ICUK RANGGA BAWONO, S.E., M.Si International Journal of Business and Society 15116670
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Dr BUDI AJI, S.KM, M.Sc. The Lancet Neurology 14744422 1
The trend of research on oral hygiene in intubated patient based on bibliometric analysis Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran 23385324
The effectiveness of case-based concept map to improve pathophysiology knowledge and critical thinking among first-year nursing students: a quasi-experimental study Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Jurnal Ners 18583598
Antioxidant and Antiatherogenic Responses of Black Solo Garlic in Alloxan-Induced White Rats Dr SARYONO, S.Kp, M.Kes Molekul 19079761
Associations of Fast-Food Consumption Patterns, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, and Fibre Intake with Blood Cholesterol in Young Adult AFINA RACHMA SULISTYANING, S.Gz, M.Sc. Amerta Nutrition 25801163
Genetic Variation of Hampala Fish (Hampala macrolepidota) Population in PB. Soedirman Reservoir and Serayu River Dr Dra SUHESTRI SURYANINGSIH, M.S Biosaintifika 2085191X
Ecological risks assessment of fishery commodities from heavy metal in The East Java Province, Indonesia Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426
Environmental Sample Stability for Pharmaceutical Compound Analysis: Handling and Preservation Recommendations Dr NUNING VITA HIDAYATI, M.Si Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 20908865 1
The effect of Phyllanthus niruri and Catharanthus roseus on Macrophage Polarization in Breast Cancer Mice Model Dra Dr FARIDA NUR RACHMAWATI, M.Si Journal of Tropical Life Science 20875517
Comparison of Reproductive Aspects of the Tropical Eel Anguilla bicolor (McClelland 1884) in Freshwater and Estuarine Habitats Dra Dr FARIDA NUR RACHMAWATI, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Risk Factors and Prediction Nomogram of Cognitive Frailty with Diabetes in the Elderly [Letter] Dr Drs EDY SUYANTO, M.Si Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity 1
Smart Soil Moisture Control Based on IoT ESP-32 for Horticulture Cultivation in Coastal Area ARIEF SUDARMAJI BIO Web of Conferences 22731709 1
Using a Mix of Finite Difference Methods and Fractional Differential Transformations to Solve Modified Black–Scholes Fractional Equations AGUS SUGANDHA, S.Pd, M.Si Mathematics
A New Solution to the Fractional Black–Scholes Equation Using the Daftardar-Gejji Method AGUS SUGANDHA, S.Pd, M.Si Mathematics 1
Perspective of Employment Relations and Wages in Labor Law and Islamic Law Dr. SRI WAHYU HANDAYANI, S.H, M.H Samarah 25493132
Countering Radicalism of The Government Officials in Indonesia: An Insider’s Look Into Government Efforts Dr TEDI SUDRAJAT, S.H., M.H, M.H Krytyka Prawa 20801084
Questioning Indonesia’s Role in Addressing Rohingya Refugees: A Legal, Humanitarian, and State Responsibility Perspective Dr TEDI SUDRAJAT, S.H., M.H, M.H Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi 2615174X 1
Legal Aspect in the Financial Service Industry’s Default in Indonesia MUHAMMAD IKHSAN LUBIS, S.H., M.H Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences 17274915
Upholding Judicial Independence through the Practice of Judicial Activism in Constitutional Review: A Study by Constitutional Judges SYARAFINA DYAH AMALIA, S.H., M.H Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi 2615174X 6
Initiating the Reform of Principle Norms in the Formation of Laws in Indonesia Dr ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan 23033827
Fulfilling Communal Rights through the Implementation of the Second Principle of Pancasila towards the Regulation on Agrarian Reform Dr ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi 2615174X 12
Internalization of Islamic Values in Indonesian Legislation and Their Implementation in The Life of The Nation and State Dr ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 09735089
Nexus between Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction and Extended Continental Shelf: The Need for Sui Generis Status in Overlapping Jurisdiction Dr. KARTONO, S.H., M.H Journal of East Asia and International Law 19769229
Nexus Between Illegal Wildlife Trade and Financial Crime: How to Counter It? A Case Study in Southeast Asia Dr. ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH, S.H., M.H Financial Crimes: A Guide to Financial Exploitation in a Digital Age
Rethinking the urgency of Geo stationary orbit for Indonesia (the case of privatization of Indosat in space law perspective) Dr. ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH, S.H., M.H AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
From Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing to Transnational Organised Crime in Fishery from an Indonesian Perspective Dr. ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH, S.H., M.H ASEAN International Law 1
The effect of incentive types and organizational value statements on corporate social responsibility decisions Dr HIJROH ROKHAYATI, S.E., M.Si Cogent Business and Management 1
The Legal Politics of Outsourcing and Its Implication for the Protection of Workers in Indonesia Dr SITI KUNARTI, S.H., M.Hum Sriwijaya Law Review 25415298 2
Local Government Efforts in Realizing Gender Responsive Regional Policies in Banyumas District Dr SITI KUNARTI, S.H., M.Hum Jambe Law Journal 25987925
Quality of edible bird’s nest treated by keratinolytic enzymes-based cleaning solution Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Food Research
Hepatic Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Genes, Polymorphisms, and Molecules Related to Lamb Tenderness Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Animals 10
Association study and expression analysis of olfactomedin like 3 gene related to meat quality, carcass characteristics, retail meat cut, and fatty acid composition in sheep Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Animal Bioscience 27650189 3
Growth performance and physiological responses of garut lambs fed diets mung bean sprout waste at different times Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 1
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of lipoprotein lipase gene and its association with marbling quality in local sheeps Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273 4
Identification of morphometry and carcass composition of local sheep at different growth rate Dr Ir SRI RAHAYU, Master of Science Media Peternakan 01260472 1
Telepharmacy knowledge, attitude, and experience among pharmacy students in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study Apt DEWI LATIFATUL ILMA, S.Farm, M.Clin.Pharm Pharmacy Education 15602214
Determination of business development strategy using SWOT analysis and quantitative strategic planning (QSPM) to increase sales turnover Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Finished good warehouse layout redesign using shared storage method (Case study of PT. ABC Purbalingga) Ir RANI AULIA IMRAN, S.T, M.T. AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Development of a Restitution Model Based on Justice and Legal Certainty for Crime Victims in Indonesia Dr SETYA WAHYUDI, S.H., M.H Pakistan Journal of Criminology 20742738
Identification the effective group size to enhance social capital in beef cattle farmers group in Indonesia MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Bibliometric and visualized analysis of social network analysis research on Scopus databases and VOSviewer MOCHAMAD SUGIARTO Cogent Business and Management
Multi-order fractional nonlinear evolution equations system BAMBANG HENDRIYA GUSWANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 1
From Continuous Time Random Walks to Multidimensional Conformable Diffusion Equation BAMBANG HENDRIYA GUSWANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 19929978
Existence and uniqueness of mild solutions for fractional semilinear differential equations BAMBANG HENDRIYA GUSWANTO, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 10
Composition and abundance of cockroaches in traditional markets of Purwokerto City, Indonesia Dr Dra TRISNOWATI BUDI AMBARNINGRUM, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Collembola community structure in two habitat types in Serang Agrotourism, Purbalingga, Central Java,Indonesia Dr Dra TRISNOWATI BUDI AMBARNINGRUM, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Composition and abundance of soil surface collembola in Serang Agrotourism, Purbalingga Dr Dra TRISNOWATI BUDI AMBARNINGRUM, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Nutrition indices and survivorship of Spodoptera Litura F. larvae is fed nutrition including jengkol bark extract (Pithecellobium Lobatum Benth) Dr Dra TRISNOWATI BUDI AMBARNINGRUM, M.Si Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 14117525 2
Effect of Spice Powder on Physicochemical Characteristics, Functional Properties and Microbiological Quality in Soft Cheese Ir JUNI SUMARMONO, S.Pt, Master of Science, Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 09714456
Bathymetry Changed Mapping in Pagai Island Using Remote Sensing JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2524342X
The LST and NDVI Before and After Earthquake of West Celebes 2021 Using Terra/Aqua MODIS Satellite Image JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2524342X
Derivation of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness by Concurrent Observation of Sunphotometer and Himawari-8 Satellite JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2524342X
Additional of the Light Filter to the Telescope for Monitoring of the New Moon of the Hijri Calendar JAMRUD AMINUDDIN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2524342X
Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Rice Length and Shape of F2 Population SUGIYONO, S.Si, Ph.D Agrivita 01260537 1
Precooked Jack Bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC] Sprout: Generation of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Peptides during Simulated Digestion Dr FRISKA CITRA AGUSTIA, S.TP, M.Sc. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science 22871098
Criticality of preparation and equipment in hiking and trekking activities: a systematic review RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Designing an innovative learning model for fundamental throwing and catching skills using the teaching games for understanding (tgfu) approach in elementary education RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Development of an endurance training model in athletic performance: a case study on long distance running in Indonesia RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
The effect of tele-nutrition education on fat percentages, cholesterol, and physical activity in adults with overweight RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Soccer training load research mapping and trends: a bibliometric analysis RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
The effectiveness of effriction and frirage massage therapy in reducing pain in knee injuries: a comprehensive review of 1-month and 2-month injuries duration RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Factors influencing capital stucture on F&B company which implementing sustainable environmental green practise in Indonesia Dr. E. NAJMUDIN, S.E., M.Si BIO Web of Conferences 22731709
The problem on the Fractional Black-Scholes Equation's Solution Existence and Uniqueness AGUS SUGANDHA, S.Pd, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Optimization of use case point through the use of metaheuristic algorithm in estimating software effort Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 24426571
Application-Level Caching Approach Based on Enhanced Aging Factor and Pearson Correlation Coefficient Dr Ir MULKI INDANA ZULFA, S.T, M.T International Journal on Informatics Visualization
Enhanced Recovery After Caesarean Surgery (ERACS) versus Non-ERACS Delivery: A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Exclusive and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Iranian Journal of Pediatrics 20082142
Differences in merlin and p53 expression as a predisposing factor in orbital meningioma Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 09763147
Profiling circulating microRNA and regulatory pathways in transfusion-dependent thalassemia and thalassemia trait compared to healthy controls: a preliminary study Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med ExRNA
Awareness of Non-Health Students about Premarital Genetic Screening; A Study in Indonesia Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Health Education and Health Promotion 25885715 1
Exploring Antibiotic Susceptibility in Otomycosis: Uncovering Mixed Infections of Fungal and Bacterial Origin in Indonesia Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Infection, Epidemiology and Microbiology 25884107
Prevalence of Common Mental Disorders in Indonesian Pregnant Women on Pandemic Situation and its Influencing Factors Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Health Education and Health Promotion 25885715
Status of Superoxide Dismutase in transfusion dependent thalassaemia Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med North American Journal of Medical Sciences 22501541
Molecular Scanning of ?-Thalassemia in the Southern Region of Central Java, Indonesia; a Step Towards a Local Prevention Program Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Hemoglobin 03630269 14
Nomenclature confusion in deletion mutations involving repetitive nucleotides: A lesson from HBB gene codon 35 (-C) vs. Codon 36 (-C) Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Hemoglobin 03630269
Status of Superoxide dismutase in transfusion dependent thalassaemia Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med North American Journal of Medical Sciences 22501541 10
Empowering Former Women Migrant Workers: Enhancing SocioEconomic Opportunities and Inclusion for Sustainable Development Dr.Sos. ADHI IMAN SULAIMAN, S.IP, M.Si Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22813993 3
Important Factors in the Development of Young Entrepreneurial Groups in Forest Honeybee Cultivation and Products Dr.Sos. ADHI IMAN SULAIMAN, S.IP, M.Si Journal of Ecohumanism 27526798 1
Meaningful Participation in Legislative Drafting as a Manifestation of a Democratic Rule of Law Dr RIRIS ARDHANARISWARI, S.H., M.H Jambe Law Journal 25987925
Analysis of the quality of life of tuberculosis patients based on the SF-36 form (case study in Banyumas Regency) SRI NURLAELA, S.KM, M.Epid. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 00195707
Effect of natural silica to alleviate salinity stress of tomatoes (Lycopersicum escullentum Mill.) on entisol KHARISUN, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Composition of planting media and biological agents to improve physical and chemical properties of soil KHARISUN, Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Improving quality of higher education; lesson learned from Quality of Undergraduate Education project KHARISUN, Ph.D Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement 16138422
The crystal chemistry of duftite, PbCuAsO4(OH) and the ?-duftite problem KHARISUN, Ph.D Mineralogical Magazine 0026461X 17
The crystal structure of kintoreite, PbFe3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 KHARISUN, Ph.D Mineralogical Magazine 0026461X 28
The crystal structure of mawbyite, PbFe2(AsO4)2(OH)2 KHARISUN, Ph.D Mineralogical Magazine 0026461X 26
The crystal structure of carminite: Refinement and bond valence calculations KHARISUN, Ph.D Mineralogical Magazine 0026461X 13
Wycheproofite: a new hydrated sodium aluminium zirconium phosphate from Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia, and a new occurrence of kosnarite KHARISUN, Ph.D Mineralogical Magazine 0026461X 7
Potential Regeneration and Spatial Distribution model of Saurauia pendula Blume in Mount Slamet, Central Java NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Species-specific and landscape carbon storage analysis of mangrove forest in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia NABELA FIKRIYYA, S.Pd, M.Si Biodiversitas 1412033X
Image dermoscopy skin lesion classification using deep learning method: systematic literature review ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 20893191 4
Thresholding segmentation of skin lesions with modified ant colony optimization algorithm ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications 20935374
Implementation of Deep Learning With Resnet50 Modification for Clove classification ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO, S.Kom, M.Cs Proceeding - IEEE 9th Information Technology International Seminar, ITIS 2023
Exploring heterogenous TiO2 nanocrystals from natural ilmenite mineral extraction for energy application Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1
Mapping the research on healthcare students’ empathy: Insights from a bibliometric analysis Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Pharmacia 04280296
Optimization of the Use of Artificial Neural Network Models for Accuracy Data Measurement Palm Oil Production Prediction Rate Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T ICCoSITE 2023 - International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering
Environmental study of the potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in talaga bodas geothermal field, Indonesia Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Effect of Technological Parameters on the Electrowinning of Cobalt from Cobalt(II) Chloride Solutions Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrochemical Science
Improving Efficiency on BFV-based Encrypted Watermarking using Hadamard Product Decomposition Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems and Security: Env 2
Artificial intelligence, blockchain framework, cyberthreat defenses of resilient digital ecosystems Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management in Asia's Digital Economy 2
Implementation of fuzzy logic method for automation of decision making of boeing aircraft landing Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 20894872 6
Copper dissolution into the aqueous sulfuric acid solutions from printed circuit board waste sludge Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Nickel dissolution from nickel matte into the aqueous sulfuric acid solutions Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Carbothermic selective reduction of laterite nickel ore by addition of sulfur and sodium hydroxide to produce ferronickel Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 3
Effect of Leaching Temperature on Lithium Recovery fromLi-Montmorillonite (Bledug Kuwu's Mud) Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 4
The effect of iron content on the reduction of nickel laterite by direct reduction method Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 6
Investigations on mineralogical characteristics of Indonesian nickel laterite ores during the roasting process Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 3
The Effect of Slow Evaporation on Ca, Na, K, and Mg Concentration in Natural Brine from Ciseeng, West Java Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1
Design of Auto-tuning Relay Feedback controller for Shell Heavy Oil Fractionator Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T MATEC Web of Conferences
Low-Temperature Carbothermic Reduction of Indonesia Nickel Lateritic Ore with Sub-Bituminous Coal Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 7
One cycle controlled buck inverter with a current limiter Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Elec 2
Controller design for active suspension system based on skyhook reference model Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering 6
Mathematical modeling and simulation of temperature control system for artificial catfish spawning Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Ele 1
Extraction of mental task in recorded EEG signal using ICA-JADE algorithm Ir IWAN SETIAWAN, S.T, M.T Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering 3
Antibacterial Test of The Essential Oil Fractions of Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L.) Against Escherichia coli and Application as Hand Sanitizer Formulation Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Molekul 19079761
Toxicity Test of Nanoemulsions of Nutmeg Fruits and Leaves Essential Oil against Artemia salina Leach and Its Cytotoxicity Test against Breast Cancer Cells T47D Dr. UNDRI RASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14119420
Characterization of melon (var Sky Rocket) peel pectin using microwave-assisted extraction at different powers and extraction times Doctor of Philosophy NUR AINI, S.TP, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X
Modification of the physical and chemical properties of Inpago-Protani rice flour via fermentation with Bimo-CF starter Doctor of Philosophy NUR AINI, S.TP, M.P. Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal
Search for Z? radiating from the dark matter at the LHC AKMAL FERDIYAN, S.Si, M.Sc European Physical Journal C 14346044
Quaternary Deposit Response to Earthquakes in Pemalang City Based on Peak Ground Acceleration, Earthquake Intensity, and Microtremor Method AKMAL FERDIYAN, S.Si, M.Sc Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 23559314
Analysis of shape features by applying gain ratio and machine learning for coffee bean classification Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Coffee Science 18096875
Implementations of the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method in Song List Based on Emotional Mood Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Proceedings - International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences 27677087
Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator between Clan Culture, Trust, and Resilience and Innovative Work Behavior in Indonesian Village-owned Enterprises Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs Journal of Behavioral Science 19064675
Information System for Orphan Data Management in Karangsari Village, Kalimanah District, Purbalingga Regency Dr LASMEDI AFUAN, S.T, M.Cs E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
The effect of a holistic approach training model on increasing the speed and agility of tennis athletes RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
The role of sport psychology in improving the performance of badminton athletes: a systematic review RIFQI FESTIAWAN, S.Pd, M.Pd Retos 15791726
Validation of molecular markers associated with amylose content of F8 and F9 lines resulting from a crossing of Black Rice and Mentik Wangi Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Rice Growth and Physiological Response in the Salibu Cultivation System Dr AGUS RIYANTO, S.P, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Computational Fluid Dynamics Method for Predicting Savonius Water Turbine Performance with Fin-Blade DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 23690739
CFD Analysis of The Stage-Ratio Factor on Savonius Wind Turbine Performance to Optimize Clean-Energy Conversion DANDUN MAHESA PRABOWOPUTRA, S.T, M.T E3S Web of Conferences 25550403 2
R-Bounded Operator Families Arising from a Compressible Fluid Model of Korteweg Type with Surface Tension in the Half-Space Dr SRI MARYANI, S.Si, M.Si Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 16618254
Proline Content, Physiological and Agronomic Characters of Rice (Oryza sativa cv. Inpari Unsoed 79 Agritan) under Treated with PGPR in Saline Medium Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Isolation and molecular identification of halotolerant diazotrophic bacteria from the Northern Coastal of Pemalang, Central Java, Indonesia Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc Biodiversitas 1412033X
Net assimilation rate, growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L cv Inpago Unsoed 1) with the application of PGPR in different rate of nitrogen Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 2
Nutrient Uptake, Chlorophyll Content, and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa) Under the Application of PGPR Consortium Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc Biosaintifika 2085191X 3
Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) Producing Bacteria from Saline Paddy Soil in Kebumen Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The Effect of Plant Growth Promotion Rhizobacteria Inoculation to Agronomic Traits of Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa CV. Inpago Unsoed 1) Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 3
Nitrogenase activity and IAA production of indigenous diazotroph and its effect on rice seedling growth Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc Agrivita 01260537 14
Application of Bioameliorant and Biofertilizers to Increase the Soil Health and Rice Productivity Dr PURWANTO, S.P, M.Sc HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19783019 80
Calliandra Calothyrsus as a Concentrate Substitution by Regarding its Phytochemicals and Productivity of Indonesian Peranakan Etawa Goats Dr HERMAWAN SETYO WIDODO, S.Pt, M.Si Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23093331
Weekly Forecast Indonesian Currency During Ramadan SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Competitiveness analysis of fresh tomatoes in Indonesia: Turning comparative advantage into competitive advantage SYAHRUL GANDA SUKMAYA, S.E, M.Si PLoS ONE 4
Harmonization of social capital and philanthropic culture: A catalyst for smooth household supply chains and successful economic development Dr ALIZAR ISNA, S.Sos, M.Si Uncertain Supply Chain Management 22916822 6
Challenges in Islamic Education Curriculum Development: A Comparative Study of Indonesia, Pakistan, and India Dr ALIZAR ISNA, S.Sos, M.Si International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Enhancement of Women’s Representation and Evolving Political Myths on the North Coast of Java Dr SOFA MARWAH, S.IP, M.Si Interdisciplinary Political Studies
Risk management implementation design with ISO 21001: 2018 to ensure University quality (Case study faculty of engineering Unsoed) Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Analysis of raw material supplier selection using step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis and combined compromised solution methods (A case study) Ir INDRO PRAKOSO, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
The Effectiveness of Low-Carb Diet vs Low-Fat Diet on Body Composition in People with Obesity: A Literature Review IZKA SOFIYYA WAHYURIN, S.Gz, M.P.H Amerta Nutrition 25801163
Knowledge, perceptions, and readiness of telepharmacy (KPR-TP) questionnaire among pharmacists: Development and psychometric evaluation Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 1357633X 3
Navigating the asthma network on Twitter: Insights from social network and sentiment analysis Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Digital Health 3
A Systematic Review of Compensation and Technology-Mediated Strategies to Maintain Older Adults’ Medication Adherence Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16617827 8
The assessment of Twitter discourse on the new COVID-19 variant, XBB.1.5, through social network analysis Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Vaccine: X 4
Five years of antibiotic consumption for urinary tract infection patients in Indonesia’s Provincial Public Hospital Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Pharmacia 04280296
Development and Validation of Questionnaire to Measure Parents’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice on Self-Medication of Children with Antibiotics in Bandung, Indonesia Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Infection and Drug Resistance
Development and validation of assessment instrument for the perception and attitude toward tuberculosis among the general population in Indonesia: a Rasch analysis of psychometric properties Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Frontiers in Public Health 1
Educational Interventions to Improve the Empathy of Pharmacy Students Toward Geriatrics: A Systematic Review Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 23389427 4
Role of Pharmacists in Antimicrobial Stewardship During COVID-19 Outbreak: A Scoping Review Apt HENING PRATIWI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 8
The Role of Parents in Preventing Teenage Pregnancy in Rural Areas of Banyumas District ARIF KURNIAWAN, M.Kes Public Health of Indonesia 25281542
Searching of new gene donors for high Fe and Zn content from Indonesian rice varieties Ir SUPRAYOGI, M.Sc., PhD IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Preparation, characterization, and in-vitro evaluation of liposome-coated chitosan nanoparticle as immune adjuvant candidate in RAW 264.7 cells Dr DHADHANG WAHYU KURNIAWAN, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Investigation of Composites Reinforced with Salacca Zalacca Midrib Fiber and Microcrystalline Cellulose as Prosthetic Sockets Materials REZA AZIZUL NASA AL HAKIM, S.T, M.T EnvironmentAsia 19061714
The Nature-based Tourism Sustainability: Cultural Measures and Personality Trait Dr. NUR CHOIRUL AFIF, S.E., M.Si, M.M. Qubahan Academic Journal
Different Modes of Mechanism of Gamma-Mangostin and Alpha-Mangostin to Inhibit Cell Migration of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Concerning CXCR4 Downregulation and ROS Generation Dr MUHAMAD SALMAN FAREZA, M.Si Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 17350328 3
Bioinformatic study of the Active Compound of Morin in Mulberry (Morus alba) as Breast Anticancer Dr MUHAMAD SALMAN FAREZA, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Assessing inequalities in the hypertension management under national health insurance: Evidence from Southern Central Java, Indonesia RR DIYAH WORO DWI LESTARI, S.Psi, M.A, M.A Journal of Public Health and Development 26730774
The impact of biochar amendment on soil water infiltration and evaporation under climate change scenarios ARWAN APRIYONO, S.T, M.Eng Acta Geophysica 18956572 3
The impact of tree transpiration on the safety and serviceability of pavement under seasonal variations ARWAN APRIYONO, S.T, M.Eng International Journal of Pavement Engineering 10298436
Alternating Current-Electric Field Inducing Chorio Allantoic Membrane (CAM) Angiogenesis through Exogenous Growth Factor Intervention Dr ENDAH SRI PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. Current Applied Science and Technology
The effect of non?contact electro capacitive cancer therapy on DMBA-induced rat breast tumor angiogenesis Dr ENDAH SRI PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 08538654
The Specificity and Efficacy of Alternating Electric Fields as a Prospective Cancer Treatment Dr ENDAH SRI PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. ASM Science Journal 18236782
Support vector machine method for classifying severity of Alzheimer's based on hippocampus object using magnetic resonance imaging modalities Ir MUHAMMAD SYAIFUL ALIIM, S.T, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708
Black Garlic Supplementation and Glomerular Protection in Hyperuricemic Rats: A Study on Kidney Health Prevention Dr Doktor WAHYUDIN, M.Kes Journal of Public Health and Pharmacy
Power converter for battery charger of electric vehicle with controllable charging current Ir HARI SISWANTORO, S.T, M.T, Ph.D International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 20888694
Two Sesquiterpenes from n-Hexane Fraction of Curcuma soloensis Rhizomes and Their Antimicrobial Activities Dr HARTIWI DIASTUTI, S.Si, M.Si Jurnal Kimia Valensi 24606065
Collaborative Problem-Solving on Learning Performance in Simulation-Based Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Study BUDI DHARMAWAN, S.P, M.Si, Ph. D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 03029743
mHealth interventions to improve self efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding: a scoping review Ners MEKAR DWI ANGGRAENI, M.Kep, Ph.D British Journal of Midwifery 09694900 1
State Officials Asset Disclosure: Evidence from China Dr HIBNU NUGROHO, S.H. Journal of Human Rights, Culture and Legal System 28072979 1
DNA Barcoding of Ornamental Crab Geosesarma in South-Slope Mount Slamet Central Java, Indonesia ASWI ANDRIASARI ROFIQOH, S.Si., M.Sc. Biosaintifika 2085191X
Antecedent of Archipelago Social Media Use and Consequence On Msmes Performance in Islands Area: Indonesia Context Dr SULIYANTO, S.E., M.M. Quality - Access to Success 15822559
HIV and AIDS prevention behavior among housewives in South Purwokerto sub-district, Indonesia ELVIERA GAMELIA, S.KM, M.Kes, M.Kes HIV and AIDS Review 17301270
The VECM implementation for measuring the impact of monetary variables on Indonesia Property Prices Index Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18104967
How Creative Economy Development Plays a Role as a Driving Force in Community-Based Tourism Village Development? An Empirical Study in Central Java Province Dr Dr Dr. E. SUHARNO, S.E., M.Si Journal of Ecohumanism 27526798
Determinant Factors of Diabetes Prevention Behavior in Students with Diabetes Mellitus Risk Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 20877811 1
Perspectives of Indonesian Caregivers and Health Practitioners on Community-Based Mental Health Services Dr ARIF SETYO UPOYO, M.Kep Health and Social Care in the Community 09660410 1
Decreasing malondialdehyde levels and body mass index of type II diabetes mellitus with obesity using cowpea sprout (Vigna unguiculata) yogurt Dr Ir HERY WINARSI, M.S Food Research
Endophytic bacterial isolate diversity in suboptimal field rice and their potential in sheath blight control Ir Dr NUR PRIHATININGSIH Biodiversitas 1412033X
Diversity of bacterial isolates as biocontrol agents against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ir Dr NUR PRIHATININGSIH Biodiversitas 1412033X
Potential Drug-drug Interactions in COVID-19 patients treated with Azithromycin Dr.Phil HENY EKOWATI, S.Si, , M.Sc. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 09743618
Biohydrogen production from DEPOME (dark fermented effluent palm oil mill effluent) via photo-fermentation utilizing indigenous bacteria FURQON, S.TP, M.Si International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 03603199 3
Evaluation of several fungicides on mycelial growth and conidial germination of Alternaria species causing leaf spots in sunflowers under in vitro conditions ARIF RAHMAN HIKAM, S.Pd, M.Si Asian Journal of Agriculture
Effectiveness of halotolerant diazotrophic bacteria in increasing nitrogen and potassium uptake of rice in high salinity medium EKA OKTAVIANI, S.Si, M.Biotech Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 13100351
Unraveling the Gestures: Indonesian Sign Language Classification via Faster Region-CNN EKA OKTAVIANI, S.Si, M.Biotech ICSIMA 2023 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applicatio
A novel approach for detection of granulated coconut sugar adulteration using LED-based spectrometer and machine learning SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD Information Processing in Agriculture 20970153
Power threshold for single-channel hybrid audio compression algorithm SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO, S.TP, M.Si, PhD AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Natural pigments and antioxidants properties of annatto extract at various pH of distilled water solvent and extraction times Ir BUDI SUSTRIAWAN Food Research
Design of defective silver phosphate photocatalyst using Nigella sativa seed aqueous extract for enhanced photocatalytic activity DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Inorganic Chemistry Communications 13877003
Analysis of Aceclofenac, Ketorolac, and Sulindac in Human Urine Using the Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography Method DADAN HERMAWAN, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D Analytica
Characteristics of injury to weightlifting athletes in Indonesia YUDHI TEGUH PAMBUDI, S.Pd, M.Or Retos 15791726
Developments in research on monitoring training loads in athletes: bibliometric analysis YUDHI TEGUH PAMBUDI, S.Pd, M.Or Retos 15791726
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on The Microbiological Properties, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Activity of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) Flesh During Storage Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X 1
Paclobutrazol Improves The Agronomic Performance and Micromorphological Profile of Five Local Black Rice (Oryza sativa) Varieties in Central Java Indonesia Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH Biosaintifika 2085191X
Selection of Soybean (Glycine max) Germplasm Against Biotrophic Fungi Disease Based on Anatomical Resistance Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH Biosaintifika 2085191X 3
The Structural Resistance’s Anatomy of Sweet Potato Leaves to Fungal Pathogen Sphaceloma batatas Dra SITI SAMIYARSIH Biosaintifika 2085191X 10
Impact of Liquid Fermeherbafit as Feed Additive to the Blood Hematological Profile and Lymphoid Organ of Broiler Chickens Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
Performance and intestinal profiles of tegal duck fed ration supplemented with prebiotics Dr Ir BAMBANG HARTOYO, M.Si Tropical Animal Science Journal 2615787X 8
Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method for the determination of amikacin in human plasma and its application in adult hospitalized patients in Yogyakarta Indonesia Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
Impact of duration of infusion on estimated blood amikacin levels: A study at the Central General Hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Dr Apt ESTI DYAH UTAMI, S.Farm, M.Sc. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
Factor analysis and location selection comparison of XYZ new branch using Best-Worst Method and AHP-ARAS method Ir AYU ANGGRAENI SIBARANI, S.T, M.T AIP Conference Proceedings 0094243X
Exploring the non-genetic factors that affect reproductive traits of Saanen goats in Indonesia Dr Ir AGUS SUSANTO, M.Agr.Sc Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 16129830
Insights into Mobile Government Adoption Factors: A Comprehensive Analysis of Peduli Lindungi Application in Indonesia Dr DENOK KURNIASIH, S.Sos, M.Si CommIT Journal 19792484 1
Biodiversity management policy in indonesia Dr DENOK KURNIASIH, S.Sos, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
How Well Has Local Government Human Resource Management Been Discussed? Looking at the Global Practice Dr DENOK KURNIASIH, S.Sos, M.Si Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 15094995
Groundwater Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI) of Purwokerto Area, Indonesia Dr SACHRUL ISWAHYUDI, S.T, M.T Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 12301485
Assessing the air salinity on agro-physiological response of Brassica oleracea var. capitata and Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Dr SAPARSO Journal of Applied and Natural Science 09749411
Flood disaster mitigation measure recommendations based on flood hazard and risk assessment: a case study in Brebes Regency, North Coast of Java Ir SANIDHYA NIKA PURNOMO, S.T, M.T E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Tsunami debris analysis to support blue economy development in Tasikmalaya, West Java Ir SANIDHYA NIKA PURNOMO, S.T, M.T E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Timed concurrent system modeling and verification of home care plan ACEP TARYANA, M.T International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20888708
LTL Model Checking for Verification of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Design ACEP TARYANA, M.T Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 21941009
Evaluation of the efficiency of selection of pearl millet in Japan and Indonesia TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Japanese Journal of Crop Science 00111848
Genetic Variability and Characteristic Associations Analysis in Grain Sorghum TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 5
Responses to Early Spring Planting in Several Genotypes of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoideum Rich) TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 1
Variation and Distribution and Saikosaponin in Bupleurum falcatum L. TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 10
Variation of Chromosome Number in Plants and Regenerated Plantlets of Bupleurum falcatum L. TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 2
Dry matter production and utilization of solar energy in one year old Bupleurum falcatum TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 7
Selection for low temperature germination of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoideum Rich.) TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 5
Performance and Interrelationship among Several Characters of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoideum Rich.) Population TOTOK AGUNG DWI HARYANTO Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 4
Potential Use of MicroRNA Technology in Thalassemia Therapy Dr Dr LANTIP RUJITO, M.Si.Med Journal of Clinical Medicine Research 19183003
To reveal the unseen low-hanging fruit: A multi-method study of Indonesian hospital pharmacist perception regarding the implementation of injection-to-oral conversion activity TUNGGUL ADI PURWONUGROHO, M.Sc. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13561294
Preliminary study of the ability of indigenous fungi from river as an alternative to degrade pesticides and their effect on insect larvae Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. BIO Web of Conferences 22731709
Mercury Reduction using Isolates of Indigenous Fungi with Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The effectiveness of combination of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and compost ameliorant on sengon growth in former coal mine soil Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307
The removal of mercury using Penicillium sp. strain A4 and its toxic effects on fish Dr RATNA STIA DEWI, S.Si, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The impact of selenium yeast and vitamin E in blood profile and egg production of laying hens at the end of egg production period NUNUNG NOOR HIDAYAT, M.P. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 20878273
Assessment of Abiotic Factors for Sea Turtle Nesting Suitability in Coastal Bays Dr.rer.nat. Drs. MOH HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA Advance Sustainable Science, Engineering and Technology
Assessment of genetic parameters and heritability of Dendrobium species section Spatulata native to Indonesia Dr ETIK WUKIR TINI, S.P, M.P. Advances in Horticultural Science 03946169
The Existence of Pesantren Based Technology: Digitalization of Learning in Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Kudus MUHAMAD RIZA CHAMADI, S.Pd.I, M.Pd I Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam 18295746
Analysis of potential, attraction, and tourist perception of Limpakuwus Pine Forest Natural Tourism, Banyumas City Dr. RAHAB, S.E., M.Sc. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 20864639
Potential relative quantities of miR-122 and miR-150 to differentiate hepatocellular carcinoma from liver cirrhosis Dr dr NUR SIGNA AINI GUMILAS, S.Ked, M.Biotek. Non-coding RNA Research 24680540 5
Density and composition of macro-and meso-plastic in Teluk Penyu coast, Cilacap RIZQI RIZALDI HIDAYAT, S.Kel, M.Si AACL Bioflux 18448143
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Potential Sources in Sediments of Plawangan Timur, Segara Anakan, Cilacap: Occurrence and Distribution RIZQI RIZALDI HIDAYAT, S.Kel, M.Si Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 08537291
Ecological status of threatened mangroves Ceriops decandra and Merope angulata in mangrove ecosystem Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java, Indonesia RIZQI RIZALDI HIDAYAT, S.Kel, M.Si BIO Web of Conferences 22731709 1
Studies on microplastic contamination in seagrass beds at Spermonde Archipelago of Makassar Strait, Indonesia RIZQI RIZALDI HIDAYAT, S.Kel, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17426588 33
Systematic literature review: Agricultural digitalization, technological transformation towards efficient and sustainable agriculture MALINDA APTIKA RACHMAH, S.P, M.Sc Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University 10188851
Advanced biopolymer-based edible coating technologies for food preservation and packaging CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 8
Studying the impact of foliar fertilization with calcium and silicon close to harvest on pineapple physico-chemical characteristics CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 13100351
Improvement of the color of potato chips from cold-stored tubers by pretreatment with ultrasonication CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 00225142
The Effect of Different in Liquid Egg Yolk Storage Temperature on Physical, Chemical, Microbiological and Functional Properties CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
The nutritional and functional properties of noodles prepared from sorghum, mung bean and sago flours CONDRO WIBOWO, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D Food Research 8
Nutritional and health promoting perspectives of Monostroma spp. (Chlorophyta): A systematic review Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Journal of Applied Phycology 09218971 1
Draft genome sequence of Galbibacter sp. PAP.153, isolated from a marine sponge in Papua, Indonesia Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Microbiology Resource Announcements
Morpho-anatomical characteristics, phytochemical and antibacterial potential of Sargassum polycystum collected along the southern coast of Java, Indonesia Dr MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA, S.Pi Biodiversitas 1412033X
Development of a Transformative Relational Management Model to Improve Batik MSME Marketing Performance Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
Determining performance with accountability policy as a mediating factor in agricultural public service organizations Dr INTAN SHAFERI, M.Si BIO Web of Conferences 22731709
Effect of incubation temperature, time and skimmed milk ratio on the quality of peanut kefir Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P Food Research
Study on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of peanut yoghurt Dr RIFDA NAUFALIN, S.P Food Research
Genetic Difference between Two Phenotypically Similar Members of Asteraceae By the Use of Intergenic Spacer atpB – rbcL Dr Dra MURNI DWIATI, MSi Biosaintifika 2085191X 3
The Role of VUCA Intelligence in Padang Restaurant Entrepreneurs: Improving Resilience to Maintain Performance During Crisis Dr RATNO PURNOMO, S.E., M.Si Quality - Access to Success 15822559 1
How Psychological Ownership Increases Subordinate Commitment in Islamic Spirituality Workplace? A Case of Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Dr RATNO PURNOMO, S.E., M.Si Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal 26855909 1
Exploring Islamic Spiritual Well-Being: Conceptualization and Validation of a Measurement Scale Dr RATNO PURNOMO, S.E., M.Si Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal 26855909
Transformational leadership and energizing organizational learning: Empirical model for improving community-based eco-tourism performance in Indonesia Dr RATNO PURNOMO, S.E., M.Si Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 20650817 4
Elevational Impact on Konjac Price Amidst Export Restrictions to China WAHYU ADHI SAPUTRO, S.P, M.Sc BIO Web of Conferences 22731709 2
Solid-phase extraction of amoxicillin in aqueous system by using Mg-Al-oxalate ldh as a stationary phase Dr Dr DIAN WINDY DWIASI, S.Si, M.Sc. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 09741496 2
Ion Exchange of Benzoate in Ni-Al-Benzoate Layered Double Hydroxide by Amoxicillin Dr Dr DIAN WINDY DWIASI, S.Si, M.Sc. Open Chemistry 11
Addressing Prison Education and the Obstacles in Ensuring the Right to Education in Indonesian Juvenile Correctional Facilities DWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.H Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights 1
Pedagogic Competence of Lecturers with Non-Educational Backgrounds in the Challenges of 21st Century Learning VIVIANA MAYASARI, S.E., M.Sc. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia - Serie de Conferencias 1
The diversity and traditional use of home garden plants near Kerinci Seblat National Park, Indonesia HERI IRAWAN, S.T, M.T Biodiversitas 1412033X
Genetic diversity of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) provenances based on morphological parameters DIAN PALUPI, S.Si, M.Sc. Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics 10297073 2
Barnacle analysis as a microplastic pollution bioindicator on the East Coast of Surabaya ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D PeerJ 1
Microplastic-contamination in the flesh and gastrointestinal tract of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in floating net cages at lake Ranu Grati, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Environmental Advances 26667657
Formula optimization of functional beverage made from Carica seeds Doctor of Philosophy SANTI DWI ASTUTI, M.Si IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 17551307 1
Evaluation of Flower Diversity of Selected Phalaenopsis Orchids Mutant Irradiated by Gamma Ray Dr Ir NOOR FARID, M.Si International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15608530
Application of root zone cooling in various hydroponic methods for potato seed production in lowland wet tropics of Indonesia Dr Ir NOOR FARID, M.Si Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal
The effect of product knowledge and influence of society on investment intention of stock investors with perceived risk as mediation Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc Estudios de Economia Aplicada 11333197 2
Loyalty formation and its impact on financial performance of Islamic banks – evidence from Indonesia Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc Journal of Islamic Marketing 17590833 41
The effects of financial literacy and subjective norms on saving behavior Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc Management Science Letters 19239335 13
Increasing Regional Original Income (PAD) Using Cloud Computing Information Communication Technology Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981
Influence factors toward financial satisfaction with financial behavior as intervening variable on Jakarta area workforce Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc European Research Studies Journal 11082976 22
Exploring the link between supply chain agility, supply chain cost, supply chain responsiveness, global supply chain risk management, and contribution in global manufacturing: An Indonesian perspective Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 4
The influence of financial knowledge, control and income on individual financial behavior Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc European Research Studies Journal 11082976 21
Interactions between capital structure and profitability: Evidence from Indonesia stock exchange Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc International Journal of Economic Perspectives 2
Analysis of cash position, debt to equity ratio, return on assets, growth potential, and total assets turn over effect to dividend pay out ratio on companies listed at Indonesia stock exchange 2009-2011 Dr AGUS ARIFIN, S.E., MSc International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302 1
Correlation between Birth Length, Growth, and Development among Children in Rempoah Village Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia Dr dr. QODRI SANTOSA, S.Ked, Sp.A, M.Si.Med Althea Medical Journal 2
The effect of features combination on coloscopy images of cervical cancer using the support vector machine method MOHAMMAD IRHAM AKBAR, S.Kom, M.Cs IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 20894872
The Effect of Online Group Education on Promoting Knowledge, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Self-Care Behaviors and Preventing Uncontrolled Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients: A Quasi-Experiment Study AKHYARUL ANAM, M.Kep SAGE Open Nursing
Glycan Stability and Flexibility: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characterization of Nonconventional Hydrogen Bonding in Lewis Antigens ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of the American Chemical Society 00027863 16
The Production of Streptomyces W-5B Extract for Antibiofilm against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 09737510 2
Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of Bacterial Strain P-6B from Segara Anakan Against MRSA 2983 ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Molekul 19079761
Recognition of dimeric lewis X by anti-dimeric LEx antibody sh2 ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Vaccines 4
Synthesis of a BSA-Lex glycoconjugate and recognition of Le x analogues by the anti-Lex monoclonal antibody SH1: The identification of a non-cross reactive analogue ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 09680896 20
Synthesis of Lewis X and three Lewis X trisaccharide analogues in which glucose and rhamnose replace N-acetylglucosamine and fucose, respectively ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Carbohydrate Research 00086215 12
Synthesis of Lewis X trisaccharide analogues in which glucose and rhamnose replace N-acetylglucosamine and fucose, respectively ARI ASNANI, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D Carbohydrate Research 00086215 13
The impact of disclosure of green accounting information on company performance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Drs BAMBANG AGUS PRAMUKA, Ph.D Contaduria y Administracion 01861042 1
Modified multicarrier sinusoidal pulse-width modulation for three-phase open-load five-level inverter Dr SUROSO, S.T Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 20893191
Women's Digital Literacy in Village Information System Use KILAU RIKSANING AYU, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom International Journal of Media and Information Literacy
Excess Alumina of Plagioclase Related to Copper-Gold Enrichment: Study Case at the Humpa Leu East (HLE) Porphyry CU-AU Prospect in HU’U District, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia FADLIN, S.T, M.Eng, D.Sc Iraqi Geological Journal 24146064
Genetic variability of IGF1 and IGF2 and correlation to body weight in Kedu chicken of Indonesia Dr Ir ELLY TUGIYANTI, M.P. Biodiversitas 1412033X
The role of professional culture; Enhancing engagement and organizational performance in islamic social entrepreneurship Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B Contaduria y Administracion 01861042
Enhancing Performance Management through Prosocial Behavior Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Motivating Factors in Islamic Boarding Schools: A Study on the Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Environmental Factors, and Creative Thinking on Student Motivation Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B E3S Web of Conferences 25550403
Exploring individual and organizational contributors to workplace deviant behavior Dr DARYONO, S.E., M.A.B International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management 24764698
Sintren Dance, Women, and Power Contestation on the North Coast of Java Dr SOFA MARWAH, S.IP, M.Si Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 10263721