Sequential acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of carrageenan solid waste for bioethanol production: a biorefinery approach |
Journal of Applied Phycology |
1 |
09218971 |
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Comparison of bioethanol production from cultivated versus wild Gracilaria verrucosa and Gracilaria gigas |
Journal of Applied Phycology |
1 |
09218971 |
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Foraminifera spatial analysis as bioindicator in Java Sea to Flores Sea |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
4 |
17551307 |
Seaweed species composition, abundance and diversity in drini and kondang merak beach, Java |
E3S Web of Conferences |
4 |
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Neurotrophic activity of the carrageenophyte kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated at different depths and for different growth periods in various areas of Indonesia |
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
1 |
1741427X |
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Enzymatic saccharification of agar waste from Gracilaria verrucosa and Gelidium latifolium for bioethanol production |
Journal of Applied Phycology |
1 |
09218971 |
24 |
Catalytic efficiency of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids for the hydrolysis of Gelidium latifolium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) in bioethanol production |
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry |
1 |
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Seaweed bioethanol production: Its potentials and challenges |
Marine Bioenergy: Trends and Developments |
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Comparison of agarophytes (Gelidium, Gracilaria, and Gracilariopsis) as potential resources for bioethanol production |
Journal of Applied Phycology |
1 |
09218971 |
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