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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
11157197112152000031001ACEP TARYANA61072762FAKULTAS TEKNIKWaterfall exploration in banyumas regency based on Ecotourism Environmental Protection (EEP) approach for water conservationQ4 Journal44IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
21157197112152000031001ACEP TARYANA61072762FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple Correlation between Weather and COVID-19 Pandemic Using Data Mining AlgorithmsQ4 Journal46IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20204
31157197112152000031001ACEP TARYANA61072762FAKULTAS TEKNIKAn attempt to adopt DevOps on embedded system development: Empirical evidenceQ4 Journal33Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
41157197112152000031001ACEP TARYANA61072762FAKULTAS TEKNIKA proposed class model for integrate of block and conventional structure curriculum for supporting quality assurance systemQ4 Journal16Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
51157197112152000031001ACEP TARYANA61072762FAKULTAS TEKNIKPioneering the automation of lnternal quality assurance system of higher education (IQAS-HE) using DevOps approachno-Q Journal14Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology, S20183
61878198003062008121002ADI CANDRA61593652FAKULTAS TEKNIKGeochemical of Volcanic Rock in Southern Part of Slamet Volcano, IndonesiaQ4 Journal14IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
71226197410062002121001AGUNG MUBYARTO61045732FAKULTAS TEKNIKTrend on Sedentary Behaviour Monitoring Research Purposes: A Reviewno-Q Journal132018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar, EECCIS 201820180
81226197410062002121001AGUNG MUBYARTO61045732FAKULTAS TEKNIKA different single-phase hybrid five-level voltage- source inverter using DC-voltage modulesQ3 Journal23Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)20147
91491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKFlexural strength of concrete-galvalume composite beam under elevated temperaturesQ1 Journal03Computers and Concrete20210
101491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKDrying Shrinkage of Concrete Containing Calcium Stearate, (Ca(C<inf>18</inf>H<inf>35</inf>O<inf>2</inf>)<inf>2</inf>), with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a Binder: Experimental and Modelling StudiesQ2 Journal04Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)20205
111491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKEffect of calcium stearate in the mechanical and physical properties of concrete with pcc and fly ash as bindersQ2 Journal04Materials20204
121491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKInfiltration of chloride ion in the self compacting concrete with calcium stearateQ3 Journal04IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20190
131491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKUsage of recycled tyre as reinforcement bars in precast beam-column jointQ4 Journal04Malaysian Construction Research Journal20190
141491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe connection model of segmental precast concrete beam reinforced with recycled tyreQ4 Journal03AIP Conference Proceedings20191
151491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe effect of compaction method on compressive strength of self compacting concrete (SCC) in laboratoryQ4 Journal01AIP Conference Proceedings20190
161491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKEffect of Cold Formed Steel Column Arranged by Section C-81, C-75, and TH-35 on Compression LoadQ4 Journal02Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
171491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe bond response of concrete brick with recycled tire chip as partial replacement of aggregate applied in the non-structural masonry wallQ2 Journal03International Review of Civil Engineering20198
181491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe live load capacity of rectangular precast reinforced concrete stick platesQ2 Journal03International Review of Civil Engineering20182
191491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKProposed concrete compaction method using an electrical internal vibrator: A review of compaction standard for concrete in laboratory according to SNI 2493:2011no-Q Journal01MATEC Web of Conferences20181
201491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKRice husk as an alternative energy for cement production and its effect on the chemical properties of cementno-Q Journal02MATEC Web of Conferences20181