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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
613132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKSeismic performance of the inpatient building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, IndonesiaQ4 Journal14Journal of Physics: Conference Series20192
623132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKIdentification of novel variation in introns three and four of the iduronate-2-sulfatase gene in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type IIQ4 Journal00Journal of Physics: Conference Series20180
633132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKOn the performance of steel wire rope as the external strengthening of RC beams with different end-anchor typesQ3 Journal35Jurnal Teknologi20186
643132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKA structural performance evaluation of vertical housing model due to the increased seismic loads in Semarang, Indonesia using a pushover analysisno-Q Journal13MATEC Web of Conferences20183
653132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKNear surface mounted bamboo reinforcement for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beamsQ3 Journal34Jurnal Teknologi201710
663132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKMechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibreQ4 Journal24MATEC Web of Conferences20174
671456198204262005011003ARWAN APRIYONO59845862FAKULTAS TEKNIKInverse distance weighting interpolated soil properties and their related landslide occurrencesno-Q Journal34MATEC Web of Conferences20183
681456198204262005011003ARWAN APRIYONO59845862FAKULTAS TEKNIKSoil classification based on cone penetration test (CPT) data in Western Central JavaQ4 Journal14AIP Conference Proceedings20182
691456198204262005011003ARWAN APRIYONO59845862FAKULTAS TEKNIKApplication of woven waste tires gabion wall as slope reinforcement for preventing landslide in laboratoryno-Q Journal14MATEC Web of Conferences20180
701456198204262005011003ARWAN APRIYONO59845862FAKULTAS TEKNIKApplication of woven tires waste as soft clay subgrade reinforcement for preventing highway structural failureQ4 Journal13AIP Conference Proceedings20171
711727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKOptimal design of the Sermo Fault deformation monitoring network using sensitivity criteria based on geological informationQ2 Journal44Arabian Journal of Geosciences20210
721727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKLimestone Facies Change of Jonggrangan to Sentolo Formation in the Western Part of Yogyakarta-Central Java BasinQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
731727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Control of Geological Structure at Songgo River Dyke Intrusion in Nanggulan Formation, Western Part of Yogyakarta-Central JavaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
741727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKRelation of lineaments and volcano-stratigraphy of tertiary volcanic rocks in Kulon Progo Mountains Area, Yogyakarta-IndonesiaQ4 Journal13E3S Web of Conferences20190
751727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKMorphotectono-volcanic of Tertiary volcanic rock in Kulon Progo mountains area, Yogyakarta-IndonesiaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20182
761727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKTectonostratigraphy-volcanic of Gajah-Ijo-Menoreh Tertiary volcanic formations in Kulon Progo mountain area, Yogyakarta-IndonesiaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20182
771727197608272008011009ASMORO WIDAGDO66970092FAKULTAS TEKNIKFault lineaments control on disaster potentials in Kulon Progo Mountain Area-Central Java-Indonesiano-Q Journal14MATEC Web of Conferences20182
781283197811022003121002AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA59745202FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple Correlation between Weather and COVID-19 Pandemic Using Data Mining AlgorithmsQ4 Journal26IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20204
791283197811022003121002AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA59745202FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructureQ4 Journal46Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
801283197811022003121002AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA59745202FAKULTAS TEKNIKA proposed class model for integrate of block and conventional structure curriculum for supporting quality assurance systemQ4 Journal56Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190