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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
412455198512242015041001ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO183472FAKULTAS TEKNIKArtificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognize HandwrittenQ4 Journal04IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
422455198512242015041001ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO183472FAKULTAS TEKNIKComposite Image with a Geographic Information System ApproachQ4 Journal02IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
431336197212302005011003ARIEF WISNU WARDHANA61088232FAKULTAS TEKNIKStepper motor control with DRV 8825 driver based on square wave signal from AVR microcontroller timerQ4 Journal12AIP Conference Proceedings20191
441336197212302005011003ARIEF WISNU WARDHANA61088232FAKULTAS TEKNIKA review of LoRa technology and its potential use for rural development in IndonesiaQ4 Journal35AIP Conference Proceedings201910
452225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKIncreased reliability over current relay (ocr) as a transformer protection with non-cascade coordination patternsQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
462225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple Correlation between Weather and COVID-19 Pandemic Using Data Mining AlgorithmsQ4 Journal16IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20204
472225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKPreprocessing Using Correlation Based Features Selection on Naive Bayes ClassificationQ4 Journal56IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20202
482225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKRoad safety audit at black spot area: Case study in Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, PurbalinggaQ4 Journal25AIP Conference Proceedings20194
492225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKA review of LoRa technology and its potential use for rural development in IndonesiaQ4 Journal45AIP Conference Proceedings201910
502225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKA proposed class model for integrate of block and conventional structure curriculum for supporting quality assurance systemQ4 Journal26Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
512225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKBrain signal recognition system based on One-Against-One Multiclass Support Vector Machines: A comparison with Multiclass Neural NetworkQ4 Journal24Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
522225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKClassification model for graduation on time study using data mining techniques with SVM algorithmQ4 Journal23AIP Conference Proceedings20193
532225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKEvaluation of hub-spoke airport networks in Sumatra island, Indonesia to increase efficiency of air transportationno-Q Journal45MATEC Web of Conferences20184
542225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKPioneering the automation of lnternal quality assurance system of higher education (IQAS-HE) using DevOps approachno-Q Journal34Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology, S20183
552225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKOn the performance of steel wire rope as the external strengthening of RC beams with different end-anchor typesQ3 Journal55Jurnal Teknologi20186
562225198407312019031007ARI FADLI73392FAKULTAS TEKNIKIdentification of black spot and equivalent accident number using Upper Control Limit methodQ3 Journal23ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences201714
573132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKEnhancement of flexural performance of RC beams with steel wire rope by external strengthening techniqueQ2 Journal66Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Se20212
583132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKDrying Shrinkage of Concrete Containing Calcium Stearate, (Ca(C<inf>18</inf>H<inf>35</inf>O<inf>2</inf>)<inf>2</inf>), with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a Binder: Experimental and Modelling StudiesQ2 Journal34Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)20205
593132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKFEMA 310 Tier 1 seismic evaluation of existing building: A case study of a 7-story academic RC building of Jenderal Soedirman University, IndonesiaQ4 Journal35IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
603132198408242015042001ARNIE WIDYANINGRUM59846842FAKULTAS TEKNIKSeismic performance of the inpatient building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, IndonesiaQ4 Journal14Journal of Physics: Conference Series20192