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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1611248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKMarshall test characteristics of asphalt concrete mixture with scrapped tire rubber as a fine aggregateQ3 Journal11Jurnal Teknologi20178
1621248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKRoad traffic accident cost using human capital method (Case study in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia)Q3 Journal12Jurnal Teknologi201717
1631248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKAirport classification based on freight ratio and Federal Aviation Administration (Case study in Indonesia)Q3 Journal14ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20172
1641248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Impact of congestion pricing scheme on the generalized cost and speed of motorcycle to the City of Yogyakarta, IndonesiaQ4 Journal11Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences201613
1651248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKHub and spoke airport networks in Indonesia based on Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI)Q4 Journal14Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20168
1661248198002152002121003GITO SUGIYANTO59754932FAKULTAS TEKNIKAnalysis of hub-and-spoke airport networks in Java Island, based on cargo volume and freight ratioQ2 Journal14Procedia Engineering201513
1671189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKIncreased reliability over current relay (ocr) as a transformer protection with non-cascade coordination patternsQ4 Journal14IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
1681189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKOvercurrent relays coordination : comparison characteristics standar inverse, very inverse and extremly inverseQ4 Journal12Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
1691189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesign of a single-phase radial flux permanent magnet generator with variation of the stator diameterQ3 Journal14Jurnal Teknologi20190
1701189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKSolar-wind hybrid power plant monitoring based on free libre open source software (FLOSS) internet of thingsno-Q Journal55Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20180
1711189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKAnalysis of average rainfall using Kagan-Roddano-Q Journal00Journal of Applied Sciences Research20111
1721189197308222000121001HARI PRASETIJO61146022FAKULTAS TEKNIKEvaluation of water price at Wonorejo dam, Indonesiano-Q Journal00Journal of Applied Sciences Research20110
1731403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKStudy of novel parallel H-bridge and common-emitter current-source inverters for photovoltaic power conversion systemQ2 Journal22International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems20220
1741403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKA performance comparison of transformer-less grid tied PV system using diode clamped and neutral point shorted invertersQ2 Journal22International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems20202
1751403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKThree-level modified sine wave inverter equipped with online temperature monitoring systemQ3 Journal44Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)20201
1761403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrefaceQ4 Journal11Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
1771403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKRipple reduction of DC current sources in three-level CE-CSI circuits using single core inductorsQ4 Journal23Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
1781403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKAutomated legal compliance checking by security policy analysisQ2 Journal22Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 201713
1791403197812242005011002HARI SISWANTORO61967682FAKULTAS TEKNIKSecurity analysis and legal compliance checking for the design of privacy-friendly information systemsno-Q Journal33Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, SACMAT201710
1801266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKInvestigating Mechanical Performance of Ravelling in Hot Mix Asphalt Containing Plastic WasteQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20220