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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1011872197805182008121004EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA61598992FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Control of Geological Structure at Songgo River Dyke Intrusion in Nanggulan Formation, Western Part of Yogyakarta-Central JavaQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
1021872197805182008121004EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA61598992FAKULTAS TEKNIKResistivity and induced polarize (IP) approach for polymetallic vein distributions of Bukit Pondok mineralization (Ex-VOC mining in 1902), Tana Tidung, East KalimantanQ4 Journal36AIP Conference Proceedings20190
1031872197805182008121004EKO BAYU PURWASATRIYA61598992FAKULTAS TEKNIKNew paradigm to understanding turbidite sediment in Banyumas basinQ4 Journal13AIP Conference Proceedings20191
1041938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKA review of LoRa technology and its potential use for rural development in IndonesiaQ4 Journal15AIP Conference Proceedings201910
1051938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructureQ4 Journal16Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
1061938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKPioneering the automation of lnternal quality assurance system of higher education (IQAS-HE) using DevOps approachno-Q Journal44Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology, S20183
1071938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKHistogram equalization for improving quality of low-resolution ultrasonography imagesQ3 Journal34Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)20175
1081938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKCommodity cluster using single system image based on Linux/Kerrighed for high-performance computingno-Q Journal22Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical 20172
1091938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKBlood Pressure Mobile Monitoring for Pregnant Woman Based Android SystemQ4 Journal45IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20164
1101938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple screening for high-risk pregnancies in rural areas based on an expert systemQ3 Journal46Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)201510
1111938197805112009121002EKO MURDYANTORO AM61488442FAKULTAS TEKNIKComparing edge detection methods to localize uterus area on ultrasound imageno-Q Journal34Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technol., and Biomedica201310
1121554198205312006042002EVA WAHYU INDRIYATI59847252FAKULTAS TEKNIKRoad safety audit at black spot area: Case study in Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, PurbalinggaQ4 Journal45AIP Conference Proceedings20194
1131554198205312006042002EVA WAHYU INDRIYATI59847252FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe performance of a ten-story irregular apartment building model under seismic load in Purbalingga regency IndonesiaQ3 Journal44ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences201710
1142864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKTholeiitic Basalt in Banyumas Basin (Kebasen, Central Java): The Evidence of Sedimentary Recycling Input and the Contribution of Oceanic Slab on Fore-arc Active Continental Margin (ACM) MagmatismQ4 Journal05Indonesian Journal on Geoscience20211
1152864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKGeochemistry Study of Cross-castic Magma Alkalinity EvolutionQ4 Journal35Indonesian Journal on Geoscience20210
1162864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKKomatiitic Lamprophyre in West Sulawesi: First Evidence for >1350°C and 3.5 - 3.8 GPa Mantle MeltsQ4 Journal25Indonesian Journal on Geoscience20210
1172864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKResistivity and induced polarize (IP) approach for polymetallic vein distributions of Bukit Pondok mineralization (Ex-VOC mining in 1902), Tana Tidung, East KalimantanQ4 Journal00AIP Conference Proceedings20190
1182864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKPetrology and trace element study of igneous rock at Ayah, Karangbolong Dome, Kebumen, Central JavaQ4 Journal15AIP Conference Proceedings20190
1192864198204142014041001FADLIN61458922FAKULTAS TEKNIKGeochemical signatures of potassic to sodic Adang Volcanics, Western Sulawesi: Implications for their tectonic setting and originno-Q Journal23Indonesian Journal on Geoscience20167
1201174197502012000032005FARIDA ASRIANI59870882FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe flexural behavior of RC beams with sand-coated polypropylene waste coarse aggregate at different w/c ratiosQ2 Journal45Advances in Materials Research (South Korea)20210