Fact Scopusartikel
Showing 21-40 of 3,799 items.
Fact Scopusartikel
# | Employee ID | Nip | Nama | Sinta ID | Department ID | Department Name | Judul | Jenis Jurnal | Penulis Ke | Dari | Kategori | Tahun | Jumlah Citasi |
21 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Rice husk as an alternative energy for cement production and its effect on the chemical properties of cement | no-Q Journal | 0 | 2 | MATEC Web of Conferences | 2018 | 1 |
22 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | On the water absorption and corrosion rate of concrete using calcium stearate | Q4 Journal | 0 | 4 | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2017 | 3 |
23 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Protection of corrosion attack in reinforced concrete due to chloride ion using calcium stearate | Q4 Journal | 0 | 4 | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2017 | 3 |
24 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Resistance of Concrete with Calcium Stearate Due to Chloride Attack Tested by Accelerated Corrosion | Q2 Journal | 0 | 1 | Procedia Engineering | 2017 | 19 |
25 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Experimental study on the use of steel-decks for prefabricated reinforced concrete beams | Q4 Journal | 0 | 4 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2017 | 3 |
26 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibre | Q4 Journal | 0 | 4 | MATEC Web of Conferences | 2017 | 4 |
27 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Wire rope flexural bonded strengthening system on RC-beams: A finite element simulation | Q3 Journal | 0 | 3 | International Journal of Technology | 2017 | 13 |
28 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Improving microstructures of concrete using Ca(C<inf>18</inf>H<inf>35</inf>O<inf>2</inf>)<inf>2</inf> | Q2 Journal | 0 | 1 | Procedia Engineering | 2015 | 14 |
29 | 1491 | 197109202006041001 | AGUS MARYOTO | 5984527 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Influence of prestressed force in the waste tire reinforced concrete | Q2 Journal | 0 | 5 | Procedia Engineering | 2015 | 10 |
30 | 30075 | 199306302019032028 | AINI HANIFA | 6693477 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognize Handwritten | Q4 Journal | 3 | 4 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
31 | 30075 | 199306302019032028 | AINI HANIFA | 6693477 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Application for determining the modality preference of student learning | Q4 Journal | 4 | 4 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | 3 |
32 | 30075 | 199306302019032028 | AINI HANIFA | 6693477 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Detection of unstable approaches in flight track with recurrent neural network | no-Q Journal | 1 | 2 | 2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, ICOIACT 2018 | 2018 | 3 |
33 | 30075 | 199306302019032028 | AINI HANIFA | 6693477 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Early detection of type II Diabetes Mellitus with random forest and classification and regression tree (CART) | no-Q Journal | 2 | 3 | Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concept, Theory and Application | 2014 | 20 |
34 | 23954 | 199012282019031014 | AKHMAD KHAHLIL GIBRAN | 6692145 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | The Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, Limbasari | Q4 Journal | 3 | 7 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
35 | 23954 | 199012282019031014 | AKHMAD KHAHLIL GIBRAN | 6692145 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Reservoir Characteristic of Triassic Sandstone, Eastern Seram, Maluku, Indonesia | Q3 Journal | 1 | 6 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
36 | 29886 | 199203282019032029 | AMANDA SOFIANA | 6692996 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Demand Model Development Considering Supply Chain Disruption | Q4 Journal | 2 | 2 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
37 | 29886 | 199203282019032029 | AMANDA SOFIANA | 6692996 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Product quality improvement model considering quality investment in rework policies and supply chain profit sharing | Q2 Journal | 1 | 3 | Journal of Industrial Engineering International | 2019 | 6 |
38 | 29886 | 199203282019032029 | AMANDA SOFIANA | 6692996 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Integrated vendor-buyer inventory model considering imperfect quality and inspection errors with controllable lead time | no-Q Journal | 1 | 2 | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management | 2018 | 2 |
39 | 29886 | 199203282019032029 | AMANDA SOFIANA | 6692996 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | An integrated inventory model for supplier-manufacturer-retailer system with imperfect quality and inspection errors | Q2 Journal | 2 | 4 | International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management | 2016 | 22 |
40 | 2455 | 198512242015041001 | ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO | 18347 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Machine-learning algorithm for demand forecasting problem | Q4 Journal | 0 | 4 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2021 | 0 |