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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
211491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKRice husk as an alternative energy for cement production and its effect on the chemical properties of cementno-Q Journal02MATEC Web of Conferences20181
221491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKOn the water absorption and corrosion rate of concrete using calcium stearateQ4 Journal04Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20173
231491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKProtection of corrosion attack in reinforced concrete due to chloride ion using calcium stearateQ4 Journal04Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20173
241491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKResistance of Concrete with Calcium Stearate Due to Chloride Attack Tested by Accelerated CorrosionQ2 Journal01Procedia Engineering201719
251491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKExperimental study on the use of steel-decks for prefabricated reinforced concrete beamsQ4 Journal04IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20173
261491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKMechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with soda can waste fibreQ4 Journal04MATEC Web of Conferences20174
271491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKWire rope flexural bonded strengthening system on RC-beams: A finite element simulationQ3 Journal03International Journal of Technology201713
281491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKImproving microstructures of concrete using Ca(C<inf>18</inf>H<inf>35</inf>O<inf>2</inf>)<inf>2</inf>Q2 Journal01Procedia Engineering201514
291491197109202006041001AGUS MARYOTO59845272FAKULTAS TEKNIKInfluence of prestressed force in the waste tire reinforced concreteQ2 Journal05Procedia Engineering201510
3030075199306302019032028AINI HANIFA66934772FAKULTAS TEKNIKArtificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognize HandwrittenQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
3130075199306302019032028AINI HANIFA66934772FAKULTAS TEKNIKApplication for determining the modality preference of student learningQ4 Journal44Journal of Physics: Conference Series20193
3230075199306302019032028AINI HANIFA66934772FAKULTAS TEKNIKDetection of unstable approaches in flight track with recurrent neural networkno-Q Journal122018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, ICOIACT 201820183
3330075199306302019032028AINI HANIFA66934772FAKULTAS TEKNIKEarly detection of type II Diabetes Mellitus with random forest and classification and regression tree (CART)no-Q Journal23Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concept, Theory and Application201420
3423954199012282019031014AKHMAD KHAHLIL GIBRAN66921452FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, LimbasariQ4 Journal37IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
3523954199012282019031014AKHMAD KHAHLIL GIBRAN66921452FAKULTAS TEKNIKReservoir Characteristic of Triassic Sandstone, Eastern Seram, Maluku, IndonesiaQ3 Journal16IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
3629886199203282019032029AMANDA SOFIANA66929962FAKULTAS TEKNIKDemand Model Development Considering Supply Chain DisruptionQ4 Journal22IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
3729886199203282019032029AMANDA SOFIANA66929962FAKULTAS TEKNIKProduct quality improvement model considering quality investment in rework policies and supply chain profit sharingQ2 Journal13Journal of Industrial Engineering International20196
3829886199203282019032029AMANDA SOFIANA66929962FAKULTAS TEKNIKIntegrated vendor-buyer inventory model considering imperfect quality and inspection errors with controllable lead timeno-Q Journal12IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management20182
3929886199203282019032029AMANDA SOFIANA66929962FAKULTAS TEKNIKAn integrated inventory model for supplier-manufacturer-retailer system with imperfect quality and inspection errorsQ2 Journal24International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management201622
402455198512242015041001ARIEF KELIK NUGROHO183472FAKULTAS TEKNIKMachine-learning algorithm for demand forecasting problemQ4 Journal04Journal of Physics: Conference Series20210