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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1811266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKPerformance Evaluation of Geogrid in Flexible Pavement Using Mechanical-Empirical Design ApproachQ2 Journal13International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology20220
1821266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKEffect of Viscoelastic Material in Hot Mix Asphalt Rutting Performance Correlation Using Different Wheel-Tracking TestQ2 Journal14International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology20221
1831266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKComparison between Viscoelastic Mechanical and Chemical Kinetic Aging Model of Asphalt ConcreteQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
1841266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKMechanical properties of thin surface treatment for pavement maintenanceQ3 Journal13Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering20194
1851266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKEffect of moisture in aggregate on adhesive properties of warm-mix asphaltQ1 Journal33Construction and Building Materials201818
1861266197404152003121001HERY AWAN SUSANTO67089622FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe development of the scaled accelerated loading simulator facility and transfer functions to the full-scale pavement using theory of similitude by finite element analysisQ3 Journal44International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology20182
1871170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKFiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concreteQ4 Journal33AIP Conference Proceedings20190
1881170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesigning web-based and android application to monitoring and estimating price of the use of water dischargeQ4 Journal15Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
1891170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKInformation of parking place availability through the use of proximity inductive sensor based on IoTQ4 Journal15Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
1901170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKProtecting and Monitoring System for Three Phase Induction Motorno-Q Journal14Proceeding of 2019 5th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 201920190
1911170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe prototype of automatic garbage carrier from a small scale drain using Arduino UnoQ4 Journal23Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
1921170197405072000032001HESTI SUSILAWATI60206332FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructureQ4 Journal56Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
19323943198907042019031011HUZAELY LATIEF SUNAN66931602FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, LimbasariQ4 Journal17IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
19423943198907042019031011HUZAELY LATIEF SUNAN66931602FAKULTAS TEKNIKRifting and Lifting Neogene Age in Biak-Yapen Basin Based on Structural Trajectory Analogy in Biak and Supiori IslandQ4 Journal35IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
19523943198907042019031011HUZAELY LATIEF SUNAN66931602FAKULTAS TEKNIKReservoir Characteristic of Triassic Sandstone, Eastern Seram, Maluku, IndonesiaQ3 Journal46IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
1961288197909242003121003IMRON ROSYADI59814582FAKULTAS TEKNIKHydrodynamic analysis of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Observation Class using CFDQ3 Journal00IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20190
1971288197909242003121003IMRON ROSYADI59814582FAKULTAS TEKNIKAn attempt to adopt DevOps on embedded system development: Empirical evidenceQ4 Journal23Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
1981288197909242003121003IMRON ROSYADI59814582FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructureQ4 Journal36Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
1991288197909242003121003IMRON ROSYADI59814582FAKULTAS TEKNIKEulerian multi-fluid simulation of biomass gasification in circulating fluidized beds: Effects of equivalence ratioQ3 Journal00IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20192
2001288197909242003121003IMRON ROSYADI59814582FAKULTAS TEKNIKSolar-wind hybrid power plant monitoring based on free libre open source software (FLOSS) internet of thingsno-Q Journal35Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20180