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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1211174197502012000032005FARIDA ASRIANI59870882FAKULTAS TEKNIKSensitivity of Optical Fiber Sensors to Deflection of Reinforced Concrete BeamQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
1221174197502012000032005FARIDA ASRIANI59870882FAKULTAS TEKNIKFiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concreteQ4 Journal13AIP Conference Proceedings20190
12329763199312222019031015FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO66918072FAKULTAS TEKNIKTsunami Hazard Zone and Multiple Scenarios of Tsunami Evacuation Route at Jetis Beach, Cilacap Regency, IndonesiaQ1 Journal15Sustainability (Switzerland)20220
12429763199312222019031015FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO66918072FAKULTAS TEKNIKKarangkemiri Village Landslide Potential Risk Mapping Based on Integrating Litho-structure and MorphologyQ2 Journal14International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology20220
12529763199312222019031015FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO66918072FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Sedimentological Record of Upper Holocene Tsunami Event in Fengbin, TaiwanQ3 Journal13Geopersia20210
12629763199312222019031015FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO66918072FAKULTAS TEKNIKRun-up Height and Flow Depth Simulation of the 2006 South Java Tsunami Using COMCOT on Widarapayung BeachQ4 Journal14IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
12729763199312222019031015FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO66918072FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, LimbasariQ4 Journal77IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
1281160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKSensitivity of Optical Fiber Sensors to Deflection of Reinforced Concrete BeamQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
1291160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe influence of river and volcanic sand as coatings on polypropylene waste coarse aggregate towards concrete compressive strengthQ3 Journal14Jurnal Teknologi20202
1301160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKFiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concreteQ4 Journal23AIP Conference Proceedings20190
1311160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKNonlinear finite element analysis of traditional flexural strengthening using betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on concrete beamsQ3 Journal66IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20198
1321160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKCompressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregatesQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20173
1331160197204232000031003GANDJAR PAMUDJI59870942FAKULTAS TEKNIKInfluence of uncoated and coated plastic waste coarse aggregates to concrete compressive strengthQ4 Journal23MATEC Web of Conferences201718
1341159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKFlexural load and deflection behavior of structural Bamboo filled with cement mortarQ3 Journal16Jurnal Teknologi20210
1351159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKLoad-carrying capacity and failure mode of composite steel-concrete truss element under monotonic loadingQ4 Journal55IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
1361159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKSeismic performance of the inpatient building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, IndonesiaQ4 Journal34Journal of Physics: Conference Series20192
1371159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrecast segmental bamboo reinforced concrete beams with bolted connections subjected to flexural loads: An experimental investigationQ3 Journal57IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20194
1381159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKUsage of recycled tyre as reinforcement bars in precast beam-column jointQ4 Journal34Malaysian Construction Research Journal20190
1391159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe connection model of segmental precast concrete beam reinforced with recycled tyreQ4 Journal33AIP Conference Proceedings20191
1401159197202222000031001GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO61533652FAKULTAS TEKNIKExperimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste FiberQ3 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20181