Fact Scopusartikel
Showing 121-140 of 3,799 items.
Fact Scopusartikel
# | Employee ID | Nip | Nama | Sinta ID | Department ID | Department Name | Judul | Jenis Jurnal | Penulis Ke | Dari | Kategori | Tahun | Jumlah Citasi |
121 | 1174 | 197502012000032005 | FARIDA ASRIANI | 5987088 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Sensitivity of Optical Fiber Sensors to Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beam | Q4 Journal | 1 | 3 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 1 |
122 | 1174 | 197502012000032005 | FARIDA ASRIANI | 5987088 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Fiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concrete | Q4 Journal | 1 | 3 | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2019 | 0 |
123 | 29763 | 199312222019031015 | FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO | 6691807 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Tsunami Hazard Zone and Multiple Scenarios of Tsunami Evacuation Route at Jetis Beach, Cilacap Regency, Indonesia | Q1 Journal | 1 | 5 | Sustainability (Switzerland) | 2022 | 0 |
124 | 29763 | 199312222019031015 | FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO | 6691807 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Karangkemiri Village Landslide Potential Risk Mapping Based on Integrating Litho-structure and Morphology | Q2 Journal | 1 | 4 | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology | 2022 | 0 |
125 | 29763 | 199312222019031015 | FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO | 6691807 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | The Sedimentological Record of Upper Holocene Tsunami Event in Fengbin, Taiwan | Q3 Journal | 1 | 3 | Geopersia | 2021 | 0 |
126 | 29763 | 199312222019031015 | FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO | 6691807 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Run-up Height and Flow Depth Simulation of the 2006 South Java Tsunami Using COMCOT on Widarapayung Beach | Q4 Journal | 1 | 4 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 1 |
127 | 29763 | 199312222019031015 | FX ANJAR TRI LAKSONO | 6691807 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | The Genesis of Gemstone based on Pillow Lava Primary Structure: A Case Study from Kumbang Formation, Limbasari | Q4 Journal | 7 | 7 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
128 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Sensitivity of Optical Fiber Sensors to Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beam | Q4 Journal | 3 | 3 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 1 |
129 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | The influence of river and volcanic sand as coatings on polypropylene waste coarse aggregate towards concrete compressive strength | Q3 Journal | 1 | 4 | Jurnal Teknologi | 2020 | 2 |
130 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Fiber optic as embedded sensors to failure detection of beam green concrete | Q4 Journal | 2 | 3 | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2019 | 0 |
131 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Nonlinear finite element analysis of traditional flexural strengthening using betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) on concrete beams | Q3 Journal | 6 | 6 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2019 | 8 |
132 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete with cubed waste tire rubbers as coarse aggregates | Q4 Journal | 3 | 4 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2017 | 3 |
133 | 1160 | 197204232000031003 | GANDJAR PAMUDJI | 5987094 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Influence of uncoated and coated plastic waste coarse aggregates to concrete compressive strength | Q4 Journal | 2 | 3 | MATEC Web of Conferences | 2017 | 18 |
134 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Flexural load and deflection behavior of structural Bamboo filled with cement mortar | Q3 Journal | 1 | 6 | Jurnal Teknologi | 2021 | 0 |
135 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Load-carrying capacity and failure mode of composite steel-concrete truss element under monotonic loading | Q4 Journal | 5 | 5 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 0 |
136 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Seismic performance of the inpatient building of Goeteng Hospital, Purbalingga, Indonesia | Q4 Journal | 3 | 4 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | 2 |
137 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Precast segmental bamboo reinforced concrete beams with bolted connections subjected to flexural loads: An experimental investigation | Q3 Journal | 5 | 7 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2019 | 4 |
138 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Usage of recycled tyre as reinforcement bars in precast beam-column joint | Q4 Journal | 3 | 4 | Malaysian Construction Research Journal | 2019 | 0 |
139 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | The connection model of segmental precast concrete beam reinforced with recycled tyre | Q4 Journal | 3 | 3 | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2019 | 1 |
140 | 1159 | 197202222000031001 | GATHOT HERI SUDIBYO | 6153365 | 2 | FAKULTAS TEKNIK | Experimental Study on the Properties of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Carpet Waste Fiber | Q3 Journal | 2 | 3 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2018 | 1 |