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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
811283197811022003121002AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA59745202FAKULTAS TEKNIKA review of LoRa technology and its potential use for rural development in IndonesiaQ4 Journal25AIP Conference Proceedings201910
821283197811022003121002AZIS WISNU WIDHI NUGRAHA59745202FAKULTAS TEKNIKSolar-wind hybrid power plant monitoring based on free libre open source software (FLOSS) internet of thingsno-Q Journal25Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20180
831317197006092005011001BAGYO MULYONO61572952FAKULTAS TEKNIKFlexural load and deflection behavior of structural Bamboo filled with cement mortarQ3 Journal66Jurnal Teknologi20210
841558198306182006041002BANGUN WIJAYANTO61328632FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe development of REST API-based android application for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Purbalingga RegencyQ4 Journal14Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
851558198306182006041002BANGUN WIJAYANTO61328632FAKULTAS TEKNIKCattle feed concentrate automatization system based on internet of thingsQ4 Journal13AIP Conference Proceedings20191
861558198306182006041002BANGUN WIJAYANTO61328632FAKULTAS TEKNIKMeasuring usability scale and factors that influence the implementation of internship information system in engineering faculty of Jenderal Soedirman UniversityQ4 Journal23AIP Conference Proceedings20190
871866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKParallel operation of current-source inverter for low-voltage high-current grid-connected photovoltaic systemQ2 Journal24International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering20196
881866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKPower loss analysis of current-modules based multilevel current-source power invertersQ3 Journal34Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)20190
891866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimplified five-level voltage source inverter with level-phase-shifted carriers based modulation techniqueQ3 Journal24Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science201910
901866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKA different voltage-source power inverter with carrier based SPWM for open-end connection loadsQ1 Journal23Energies20192
911866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKA nine-level hybrid current source inverter using commonemitter topology and inductor-cellQ2 Journal23International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems20194
921866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKStepper motor control with DRV 8825 driver based on square wave signal from AVR microcontroller timerQ4 Journal22AIP Conference Proceedings20191
931866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKOvercurrent relays coordination : comparison characteristics standar inverse, very inverse and extremly inverseQ4 Journal22Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
941866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKSolar-wind hybrid power plant monitoring based on free libre open source software (FLOSS) internet of thingsno-Q Journal45Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20180
951866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKThree-level common-emitter current-source power inverter with simplified DC current-source generationQ3 Journal23Journal of Engineering Science and Technology20187
961866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKNew dead-time compensation method of power inverter using carrier based sinusoidal pulse-width modulationQ2 Journal23International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering20186
971866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKA three-level common-emitter current source inverter with reduced device countno-Q Journal23Proceedings - 2017 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical 20177
981866196909232008121002DARU TRI NUGROHO61068472FAKULTAS TEKNIKH-bridge based five-level current-source inverter for grid connected photovoltaic power conditionerQ3 Journal23Telkomnika20138
991002196711101993031025EDDY MARYANTO61487032FAKULTAS TEKNIKPreprocessing Using Correlation Based Features Selection on Naive Bayes ClassificationQ4 Journal46IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20202
1001002196711101993031025EDDY MARYANTO61487032FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe development of REST API-based android application for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Purbalingga RegencyQ4 Journal24Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191