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Citation 124 338 57
Cited Document 20 51 6
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title publication_name Quartile issn citedby_count
BSG - A Serious Game Tool to Improve Student’s Self-efficacy, Motivation, and Engagement in Entrepreneurship Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 3 03029743 1
New product development in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise-based agriculture products: a valuation technology approach E3S Web of Conferences 3 25550403
Assessing the emerging agribusiness entrepreneurs by using brainwave technology IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307 4
Poor science meets political neglect: Land use changes of high conservation value forests in Indonesia Forest and Society 2 25494724 2
Failure of science-based win-win solution in fishery management: Learnings from Segara Anakan waters, Central Java, Indonesia Ocean and Coastal Management 1 09645691 10
Endangered Mangroves in Segara Anakan, Indonesia: Effective and Failed Problem-Solving Policy Advice Environmental Management 1 0364152X 13
A leukocyte detection system using scale invariant feature transform method Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 3 18761100
The failure of the mangrove conservation plan in Indonesia: Weak research and an ignorance of grassroots politics Ocean and Coastal Management 1 09645691 33
Promoting Entrepreneurial Intentions and Competencies Through Business Simulation Games Journal of Educational Computing Research 1 07356331
Empowering Students to Thrive: The Role of CT and Self-Efficacy in Building Academic Resilience Journal of Educational Computing Research 1 07356331 1
Engaging stakeholders in policy decision-making for food security governance: Identification, perception, and contribution Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review 3 25211870 1
Optimizing the role of rice central market in Java, Indonesia: The effect of toll roads construction to the rice market integration IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 17551307
Socioeconomic and technical feasibility of cajuput oil ( Melaleuca cajuput Powell) distillation business IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 3 17551307
Asymmetric power relations in multistakeholder initiatives: Insights from the government-instituted Indonesian National Forestry Council Trees, Forests and People 1 2
Understanding the role of scientific knowledge transfer in the women's participation and farmer activities in Central Java Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 4 20864639
Stakeholder Salience in a Multistakeholder Initiative of the National Forestry Council of Indonesia Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 2 20870469
Collaborative Problem-Solving on Learning Performance in Simulation-Based Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Study Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and 3 03029743