
Biodata Peneliti
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NIDN : 0020077803
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Article 17 58 0
Citation 74 302 0
Cited Document 11 30 0
H-Index 4 10
i10-Index 1 10
G-Index 1 2
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books Research Service

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Data Scopus : 13
Waktu Update : 12-12-2023 12:53:40 
Next Update : 17-12-2023 12:53:40 

title publication_name Quartile issn citedby_count
Characterisation of Polishing Frequency for Three Varieties of Sorghum Grain in Java, Indonesia International Journal of Food Science 2 23567015
The effects of adding lysine to sap on chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of granulated coconut sugar Food Research 3
The effect of arginine addition on chemical and antioxidant properties of coconut sap during heating IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307
Effect of edible coating application by spraying method on the quality of red chili during storage IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307 4
Addition of selected ginger extract on total phenolic, antioxidant and sensory properties of the syrup coconut sap (Ginger – SCS) Food Research 3
Color and antibacterial activity of annatto extracts at various pH of distilled water solvent and extraction temperature Food Research 3 3
Regression analysis for determination of antioxidant activity of coconut sap under various heating temperature and concentration of lysine addition Food Research 4 4
Effect of starch-based edible coating application on potato chips characteristic from tubers and flour of potato variety Granola Food Research 4 7
The changes of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of coconut sap during heating process Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 2 09741496 3
The properties of edible film made of Tapioca, canna and arrowroot as affected by application of various concentration of plasticizer AIP Conference Proceedings 4 0094243X
Effect of sorbitol in application of edible coating on the quality of potato chips IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307 1
Effect of Blanching Method and Soaking Solution on the Properties of Potato Flour Produced from Variety Granola IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307 1
Effect of pH and temperature on browning intensity of coconut sugar and its antioxidant activity Food Research 4 35