
Biodata Peneliti
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NIDN : 0007036006
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Article 13 73 6
Citation 393 764 290
Cited Document 10 42 4
H-Index 10 11 4
i10-Index 10 13
G-Index 1 1
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books Research Service

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Data Scopus : 12
Waktu Update : 16-12-2023 18:03:43 
Next Update : 21-12-2023 18:03:43 

title publication_name Quartile issn citedby_count
Role of Natural Food in Enhancing the Productivity of Saline Nile Tilapia in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Segara Anakan Lagoon, Brackish Water Culture Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 3 08537291
Tannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesia Biodiversitas 3 1412033X 10
Heavy metal contamination in water, sediments and Planiliza subviridis tissue in the Donan River, Indonesia Journal of Water and Land Development 2 14297426 12
Sex Diversity Approach of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus spp) to Marine Oil Spill Pollution in Southern Waters of Java IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 17551307 3
A lipid-walled microcapsule diet as co-feed for early feeding the osphronemus gourami (Lacepede) larvae Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences 3 18062636 6
Potential of sustainable and biological aspect of sting ray (Dasyatis sp.) as catch fisheries status overview in Java Sea E3S Web of Conferences 4
Foreword E3S Web of Conferences 4
Beach macro-litter monitoring and floating microplastic in a coastal area of Indonesia Marine Pollution Bulletin 1 0025326X 138
Identification and expression of two types of chicken GnRH-II genes in mature hard-lipped barb, osteochilus hasselti Biodiversitas 4 1412033X 10
Induction of out-of-season spawning in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis: Effects of rates of cooling and cooling durations on female gametogenesis and spawning Aquaculture 1 00448486 67
Reproductive cycle and plasma levels of steroids in male Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis Aquatic Living Resources 2 09907440 52
Reproductive cycle and plasma levels of sex steroids in female Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis Aquatic Living Resources 2 09907440 61