Preface |
Molekul |
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Preface |
Molekul |
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Molekul |
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Preface |
Molekul |
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19079761 |
Preface |
Molekul |
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19079761 |
Preface |
Molekul |
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19079761 |
Cryogel based sensor for sodium hydrosulfite determination |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
4 |
0094243X |
Preface: 1st International Conference on Material Science and Engineering for Sustainable Rural Development (ICMSE-SURE) |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
4 |
0094243X |
Preface |
Molekul |
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19079761 |
Welcome Message from Chairman of Conference |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
4 |
17578981 |
A Conductive Porous Structured Chitosan-grafted Polyaniline Cryogel for use as a Sialic Acid Biosensor |
Electrochimica Acta |
1 |
00134686 |
38 |
A novel molecularly imprinted chitosanâacrylamide, graphene, ferrocene composite cryogel biosensor used to detect microalbumin |
Analyst |
1 |
00032654 |
63 |
A highly stable oxygen-independent glucose biosensor based on a chitosan-albumin cryogel incorporated with carbon nanotubes and ferrocene |
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical |
1 |
09254005 |
85 |
Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Produced by Trigona spp. Against Campylobacter spp. |
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences |
19783019 |
7 |
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry |
2 |
09741496 |
Usability test of the âDenia-ISâ mobile application for sustainability high-risk pregnancy early detection in rural areas |
E3S Web of Conferences |
4 |
25550403 |
Improving Goat Meat (Longissimus Muscle) Tenderization by Using Moringa Oleifera Leaves |
E3S Web of Conferences |
4 |
25550403 |
A Sustainable Approach to Glucose Biosensors: Utilizing Coconut Shell Activated Carbon and NiCaFe2O4 Nanoparticles |
E3S Web of Conferences |
4 |
25550403 |