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Waktu Update : 05-03-2025 08:24:29 
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title publication_name Quartile issn citedby_count
A Green Chemistry Approach using Alternanthera brasiliana Extract for Urea Biosensor AIP Conference Proceedings 4 0094243X
Introducing Iron Analysis with Smartphone Camera for High School Students Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4 17426588
The effect of additive on cellulose acetate membrane from coconut sap in desalination application Malaysian Journal of Science 3 13943065 1
Urea biosensor development using immobilized urease and light dependent resistor AIP Conference Proceedings 4 0094243X 1
Natural reagent from Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) heartwood for urea biosensor IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 3 17578981 4
Green Chemistry Glucose Biosensor Development using Etlingera elatior Extract IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 3 17578981 1
Thermophilic amylase from Thermus sp. isolation and its potential application for bioethanol production Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 2 01253395 7