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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
9811442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANHandheld arduino-based near infrared spectrometer for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese orangesQ4 Journal19IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
9821442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANColor and antibacterial activity of annatto extracts at various pH of distilled water solvent and extraction temperatureQ3 Journal00Food Research20210
9831442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANMeasurement of patchouli oil vapor using array of MOS gas sensors in various adulteration substances and concentrationsQ4 Journal04Food Research20210
9841442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANRegression analysis for determination of antioxidant activity of coconut sap under various heating temperature and concentration of lysine additionQ4 Journal12Food Research20204
9851442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANPREFACEQ4 Journal11IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
9861442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANColor-based analysis for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese orange (citrus nobilis) during storage in room and cold temperatureQ4 Journal17IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
9871442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANBuilding a Globally Optimized Computational Intelligent Image Processing Algorithm for On-Site Inference of Nitrogen in PlantsQ1 Journal14IEEE Intelligent Systems201816
9881442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANComputational Deep Intelligence Vision Sensing for Nutrient Content Estimation in Agricultural AutomationQ1 Journal15IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering201823
9891442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANEnsemble Neural Networks and Image Analysis for On-Site Estimation of Nitrogen Content in PlantsQ4 Journal13Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems20180
9901442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANRegularized Neural Networks Fusion and Genetic Algorithm Based On-Field Nitrogen Status Estimation of Wheat PlantsQ1 Journal13IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics201741
9911442198105252005011001SUSANTO BUDI SULISTYO600102722FAKULTAS PERTANIANComputational intelligent color normalization for wheat plant images to support precision farmingno-Q Journal13Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 201620163
992511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANEmpowerment strategies for coffee farmers based on the soar analysis: A case study in the dieng mountainsQ3 Journal00Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science20210
993511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe success factor in developing an energy independent village in Klaten Central JavaQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
994511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANPotency legume cover crops as a source of organic material in situ and its effect on the growth and tuber yield of cassava (manihot esculenta)no-Q Journal13Plant Archives20201
995511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANAlley cropping in immature oil palmQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
996511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANGrowth and fruit panicle responses of shrub pepper (Piper nigrum L.) to bio-mulchQ4 Journal12IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
997511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANGrowth performance of green shallots from five different varieties in Indonesiano-Q Journal55Plant Archives20200
998511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANCollaboration between sociocultural values and digital startups: Applying Indonesian sociocultural theories to an accelerator programno-Q Journal45International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change20200
999511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANRoot growth dynamics and grain yield of ten new plant type of rice lines under aerobic and flooded conditionQ4 Journal14IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20192
1000511196005051986011002SUWARTO597481722FAKULTAS PERTANIANHigh yielding and blast resistant rice cultivars developed for tropical upland areaQ3 Journal514Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics20191