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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
8611129197401021999032001POPPY ARSIL598882022FAKULTAS PERTANIANA Means-End Chain Approach to Explaining the Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices Certification Schemes: The Case of Malaysian Vegetable FarmersQ1 Journal28Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics20155
8621129197401021999032001POPPY ARSIL598882022FAKULTAS PERTANIANExploring consumer motivations towards buying local fresh food products a means-end chain approachQ2 Journal14British Food Journal201443
8631129197401021999032001POPPY ARSIL598882022FAKULTAS PERTANIANPerspectives on Consumer Perceptions of Local Foods: A View From IndonesiaQ3 Journal13Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing201415
8641445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANGenetic analysis on grain physical characteristics and grain color from the crosses of black × white rice genotypesQ3 Journal44Biodiversitas20210
8651445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANIdentification of the ultisol land indigenus bacteria from Banyumas Regency based on the characteristics of morphology, physiology and biochemistryQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
8661445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANIsolation and Characterization of Buprofezin Tolerant Bacteria from Rhizosfer of Paddy at Marginal Land of Banyumas RegencyQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20192
8671445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANGenetic Similarity of Local Mandarin Accessions (Citrus reticulata) Resulted from Endosperm Culture According to ISSR and Microsatelite MarkersQ4 Journal55IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
8681445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANAnalysis of Stomata, Chloroplast, and Chromosome of Local Mandarin Citrus (Citrus reticulata) Plants Grown from Endosperm CultureQ4 Journal55IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
8691445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANEarly diagnosis of parthenocarpic seedlings within one year after pollination with grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.)Q1 Journal56Scientia Horticulturae20181
8701445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANSensory evaluation, antioxidant activity and total of microbial of tamarind-turmeric herbal drink during the storage of refrigerator temperature at various packagingQ4 Journal33Food Research20182
8711445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANGenotyping for male sterility (MS) and MS gene mapping with RAPD markers in Citrus, especially with precocious flowering seedlings from a cross of 'HY16' × grapefruitQ4 Journal16Acta Horticulturae20152
8721445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANPrecocious flowering of Citrus seedlings and its use for determination of cultivars generating male sterile progeniesQ1 Journal15Scientia Horticulturae20134
8731445198107302005012001PRITA SARI DEWI597550222FAKULTAS PERTANIANMorphology of sterile anthers and inheritance of cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility in zygotic seedlings of polyembryonic acid citrusno-Q Journal16Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science20133
874903196404261990021001PURWANDARU WIDYASUNU614312322FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe effect of organic fertilizer based on Azollamicrophylla biomass and plant spacing to n and p uptake, soil compaction and the yield of Pandanwangi riceQ4 Journal22IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20180
8751543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANNet assimilation rate, growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L cv Inpago Unsoed 1) with the application of PGPR in different rate of nitrogenQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
8761543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANTotal root dry weight per soil volume in maize by application of organic fertilizer reducing use of N, P and K fertilizer on terraced landQ4 Journal44IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
8771543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANEvaluation of in vitro activity of Ganoderma-antagonistic bacteria from peatland under acidic conditionQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
8781543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANEvaluation of in vitro antagonistic activity of fungi from peatlands against ganoderma species under acidic conditionQ3 Journal24Biodiversitas20203
8791543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe analysis of relatedness and interaction of impact on using house of quality for some cases as building, housing, and apartment in IndonesiaQ4 Journal22IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
8801543198001042006041002PURWANTO606876322FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe relationship of some characteristics of peat with oil palm basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma in peatlandsQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20205