Comparison of tuberculosis disease classification using support vector machine and Naive Bayes algorithm |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
4 |
0094243X |
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Evaluation of the Universitas Jenderal Soedirman e-learning website (Eldiru) using the WebQual 4.0 method |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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0094243X |
Website design analysis for the management and promotion of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Covid-19 pandemic period |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
4 |
0094243X |
User Experience Evaluation Using Integration of Remote Usability Testing and Usability Evaluation Questionnaire Method |
Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence, Cybe |
2 |
Data Warehouse Analysis and Design based on Research and Service Standards |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
3 |
2158107X |
Query expansion in information retrieval using frequent pattern (FP) growth algorithm for frequent itemset search and association rules mining |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
4 |
2158107X |
5 |
Ontology model for tourism information in Banyumas |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
4 |
0094243X |
The ontology approach for information retrieval in learning documents |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology |
3 |
19928645 |
1 |
A study: Query expansion methods in information retrieval |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
4 |
17426588 |
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Analysis of shape features by applying gain ratio and machine learning for coffee bean classification |
Coffee Science |
3 |
18096875 |
Implementations of the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method in Song List Based on Emotional Mood |
Proceedings - International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences |
27677087 |
Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator between Clan Culture, Trust, and Resilience and Innovative Work Behavior in Indonesian Village-owned Enterprises |
Journal of Behavioral Science |
2 |
19064675 |
Information System for Orphan Data Management in Karangsari Village, Kalimanah District, Purbalingga Regency |
E3S Web of Conferences |
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25550403 |
Enhanced Fall Detection using Optimized Random Forest Classifier on Wearable Sensor Data |
Journal of Applied Data Sciences |
2 |
A comparative study of machine learning algorithms for fall detection in technology-based healthcare system: analyzing SVM, KNN, decision tree, random forest, LSTM, and CNN |
E3S Web of Conferences |
4 |
25550403 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Kampus Merdeka Program on Twitter Using Support Vector Machine and a Feature Extraction Comparison: TF-IDF vs. FastText |
Journal of Applied Data Sciences |
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The Model of Predicting Student Study Periods Using Neural Network Algorithms |
2nd International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation: Creative Trends in Sus |