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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
11011081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGIIntraseasonal oscillations of the zonal wind near the mesopause observed with medium-frequency and mQ1 Journal00Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres200422
11021081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGILong-term variations of atmospheric wave activity in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region ovQ2 Journal00Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics20028
11031081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGILong-period wind oscillations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at Yamagawa (32°N, 131°E),Q2 Journal00Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics200210
11041081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGISeasonal variation of aerosol over Bandung, Indonesiano-Q Journal00Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering20010
11051081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGICoordinated radar observations of atmospheric diurnal tides in equatorial regionsQ1 Journal00Earth, Planets and Space199923
11061081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGILongitudinal variations in planetary wave activity in the equatorial mesosphereQ1 Journal00Earth, Planets and Space199940
11071081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGIObservations of atmospheric waves in the tropical pacific with radars and radiosondesQ2 Journal00Advances in Space Research19991
11081081196908251997021001AGUS NURYANTO645433FAKULTAS BIOLOGILidar observations of the stratospheric aerosols at Bandung, Indonesiano-Q Journal00Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering19980
11092157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIGenetic characterization of iler (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) based on RAPD molecular markerQ4 Journal36IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
11102157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIAnti-inflammatory effects of functional milk drink enriched with soya bean sprout protein in breastfeeding mothersQ3 Journal23Malaysian Journal of Nutrition20201
11112157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIMolecular profiles of five salinity-resistant soybean {glycine max (L.) merr.} cultivarsQ4 Journal44Molekul20200
11122157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIScreening Anti-MRSA Activities of Indigenous Microbes and Prediction of the Biosynthetic Gene ClustersQ4 Journal33Journal of Physics: Conference Series20200
11132157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIAntioxidant Exploration in Cardamom Rhizome Potential as a Functional Food IngredientQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20194
11142157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIEx vitro rooting using a mini growth chamber increases root induction and accelerates acclimatization of Kopyor coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) embryo culture-derived seedlingsQ2 Journal57In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant201810
11152157196806151993022001ALICE YUNIATY602590133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIHypocholesterolemic and attenuated oxidized-LDL of epinephrine-induced atherosclerosis rats using cardamom rhizome ethanolic extract: Study of functional-food componentsQ3 Journal23International Food Research Journal20165
1116699196110311987032001ANI WIDYASTUTI602492533FAKULTAS BIOLOGIStudy of Mangrove Forest Change towards the Diversity and Carbon Stock of Mangroves in Segara Anakan, CilacapQ4 Journal35IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20202
1117699196110311987032001ANI WIDYASTUTI602492533FAKULTAS BIOLOGIContributing factor to incident of patient safety within implementing patient safety goal in inpatient depok city hospital IndonesiaQ4 Journal22Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20190
1118699196110311987032001ANI WIDYASTUTI602492533FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDiversity of mangrove vegetation and carbon sink estimation of segara anakan mangrove forest, Cilacap, central Java, IndonesiaQ3 Journal14Biodiversitas20188
1119699196110311987032001ANI WIDYASTUTI602492533FAKULTAS BIOLOGISoil bacteria and nematode functional diversity: A comparison across vegetation typesQ4 Journal23AIP Conference Proceedings20161
1120804196409121988032001ARDHINI RIN MAHARNING600234033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIGenetic diversity of pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) p. kumm. strains in java based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markersQ3 Journal55Biodiversitas20210