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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1161704196205271987032001DIAN BHAGAWATI607446633FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDna barcoding of crustacean larvae in segara anakan, cilacap, central java, indonesia using cytochrome c oxidase geneQ3 Journal23Biodiversitas20203
1162704196205271987032001DIAN BHAGAWATI607446633FAKULTAS BIOLOGIMolecular characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and SumatraQ3 Journal55Biodiversitas20189
1163704196205271987032001DIAN BHAGAWATI607446633FAKULTAS BIOLOGIIchtyofauna at Cijalu River, Cilacap regency central Java Province, IndonesiaQ3 Journal24Biotropia20162
11642876198506082019032012DIAN PALUPI614187233FAKULTAS BIOLOGILeaf Morphological Variation of Acanthus in Some Estuarine Areas of CilacapQ4 Journal44IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
11652876198506082019032012DIAN PALUPI614187233FAKULTAS BIOLOGIVariability of catharanthus roseus based on morphological and anatomical characters, and chlorophyll contentsQ3 Journal33Biodiversitas20195
11662876198506082019032012DIAN PALUPI614187233FAKULTAS BIOLOGIGenetic diversity in jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lam.) based on molecular characters in IndonesiaQ3 Journal13Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics20191
1167566196012051986032001DINI RYANDINI602163033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDiversity of cellulolytic bacteria isolated from coastal mangrove sediment in Logending beach, Kebumen, IndonesiaQ3 Journal34Biodiversitas20211
1168566196012051986032001DINI RYANDINI602163033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIBifidobacterium from infant stool: The diversity and potential screeningQ3 Journal37Biodiversitas20203
1169566196012051986032001DINI RYANDINI602163033FAKULTAS BIOLOGICharacterization of bifidobacteria from infant feces with different mode of birth at Purwokerto, IndonesiaQ4 Journal34Biodiversitas20174
1170566196012051986032001DINI RYANDINI602163033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIScreening of Marine Actinomycetes from Segara Anakan for Natural Pigment and Hydrolytic ActivitiesQ4 Journal00IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20165
1171529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIFeeding ecology of Neoarius leptaspis in the Rawa Biru Lake, Merauke, IndonesiaQ3 Journal14Biodiversitas20220
1172529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGINutrient Determinant Factor of Causing Algal Bloom in Tropical Lake (Case Study in Telaga Menjer Wonosobo Indonesia)Q2 Journal23Journal of Ecological Engineering20212
1173529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIAntioxidant activities, physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of kecombrang tea (Etlingera elatior) as functional drinkQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
1174529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIMolecular Barcoding Reveals Possible Existence of Sympatric Species of Emerita emeritus in South Coast of Cilacap Central JavaQ4 Journal55IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20201
1175529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIThe use of phytoplankton communities for assessment of water quality in the Wadaslintang Reservoir in IndonesiaQ2 Journal22Journal of Water and Land Development20202
1176529196111251986011001DWI NUGROHO WIBOWO602471133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIShort communication: Benthic macroinvertebrate diversity as biomonitoring of organic pollutions of river ecosystems in central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13Biodiversitas20175
1177876196405231989032001DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI602507133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIKey Species of Phytoplankton in Eastern Part of Segara Anakan Indonesia Based on SeasonQ2 Journal34Journal of Ecological Engineering20212
1178876196405231989032001DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI602507133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIComposition and diversity of macroalgae community in the coast of Karang Bolong, Nusakambangan IslandQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
1179876196405231989032001DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI602507133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIThe Plankton Composition from the Lagoon to the Marine Entrance at the West Part of Segara Anakan Mangrove Ecosystem in CilacapQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20202
1180876196405231989032001DWI SUNU WIDYARTINI602507133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIThallus variation of Sargassum polycystum from Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13Biodiversitas201711