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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
5011956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKCalculating Contrast Stretching Variables in Order to Improve Dental Radiology Image QualityQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20161
5021956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKBrightness and contrast modification in ultrasonography images using edge detection resultsQ3 Journal35Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)201614
5031956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple screening for high-risk pregnancies in rural areas based on an expert systemQ3 Journal56Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)201510
5041956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKSeparability filter for localizing abnormal pupil: Identification of input imageQ3 Journal34Telkomnika20139
505906196501111990021001ABDUL MANAN606910222FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe use of alternative liquid media for propagation of pathogenic fungi and their effect on weedsQ3 Journal33Biodiversitas20210
506906196501111990021001ABDUL MANAN606910222FAKULTAS PERTANIANOrganic control of bemisia tabaci genn. On capsicum annuum with entomopathogenic fungi raw secondary metabolitesQ3 Journal35Biodiversitas20202
507906196501111990021001ABDUL MANAN606910222FAKULTAS PERTANIANCompatibility test of four trichoderma spp. Isolates on several synthetic pesticidesQ3 Journal45Agrivita20181
508906196501111990021001ABDUL MANAN606910222FAKULTAS PERTANIANAbility test of several antagonists to control potato bacterial wilt in the fieldQ4 Journal34Agrivita20134
509604195803311987021001ACHMAD IQBAL613793622FAKULTAS PERTANIANThe Utilization of Mushroom Waste Substrate in Producing Vermicompost: The Decomposer Capacity of Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniaeQ2 Journal34Acta Technologica Agriculturae20202
510604195803311987021001ACHMAD IQBAL613793622FAKULTAS PERTANIANA pro-conservation adaptation power model for cococraft craftsmen using coconut waste in Purbalingga, Central Java, IndonesiaQ1 Journal35International Journal of Conservation Science20204
511604195803311987021001ACHMAD IQBAL613793622FAKULTAS PERTANIANDevelopment of production creativity among craftsmen by identifying techniques for characterizing coconut wasteQ2 Journal35International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology20195
5121545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANCrop stage classification using supervised algorithm based on UAV and Landsat 8 imageQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
5131545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANEffect of root zone cooling and evaporative cooling in greenhouse on the growth and yield of potato seed by aeroponics in tropical lowlandsQ3 Journal23Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal20210
5141545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANDeterminants of consumers' motivation towards ethnic food: evidence from IndonesiaQ1 Journal44British Food Journal20210
5151545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANWaterfall exploration in banyumas regency based on Ecotourism Environmental Protection (EEP) approach for water conservationQ4 Journal14IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
5161545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANBiomass growth of red spinach in plant-factory system under three kinds of LED light sourcesQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20212
5171545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANPerformance of SRI rice growth on soil accustomed to conventional cultivation methodsQ3 Journal35Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal20201
5181545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANTranspiration on the rebound in lowland SumatraQ1 Journal822Agricultural and Forest Meteorology201921
5191545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANTree soil water uptake and transpiration in mono-cultural and jungle rubber stands of SumatraQ1 Journal14Forest Ecology and Management201720
5201545198010192006041002AFIK HARDANTO598704822FAKULTAS PERTANIANOil palm and rubber tree water use patterns: Effects of topography and floodingQ1 Journal16Frontiers in Plant Science201723