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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
4011734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKE-commerce based on the Marketplace in efforts to sell agricultural products using Xtreme programming approachQ4 Journal00Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
4021734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesign of human resource information system for micro small and medium enterprisesQ4 Journal00Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
4031734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKRevealing student satisfaction related to academic information services using the Kano modelQ4 Journal00Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
4041734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKNatural disaster topic selection using decision tree classificationQ4 Journal00Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
4051734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKMeasuring usability scale and factors that influence the implementation of internship information system in engineering faculty of Jenderal Soedirman UniversityQ4 Journal13AIP Conference Proceedings20190
4061734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKCattle feed concentrate automatization system based on internet of thingsQ4 Journal23AIP Conference Proceedings20191
4071734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe development of REST API-based android application for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Purbalingga RegencyQ4 Journal34Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
4081734198107052008012024SWAHESTI PUSPITA RAHAYU61486492FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesign of geographic information system for tracer studyQ3 Journal00IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20182
4091723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesign model of linear generator on marine current power plant based on pneumatic systemQ4 Journal66IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
4101723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKDesign and Development of Web based E-Commerce Application for Logo Sales “Tokologo” Using Codeigniterno-Q Journal13Webology20210
4111723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKPreprocessing Using Correlation Based Features Selection on Naive Bayes ClassificationQ4 Journal26IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20202
4121723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe role of 3D-CFD simulation in optimizing pre-emergency responsesQ3 Journal22Journal of Emergency Management20200
4131723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimulation of Natural Gas Dispersion and Explosion in Vented Enclosure using 3D CFD FLACS SoftwareQ4 Journal39IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
4141723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKEvaluation of Hydrocarbon Gas Dispersion and Explosion in a Gas Processing PlantQ4 Journal45IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
4151723197412102008011007TEGUH CAHYONO61559482FAKULTAS TEKNIKThe optimization of CMC concentration as graphite binder on the anode of LiFePO<inf>4</inf> batteryQ4 Journal26IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering201710
41615715199004292018032001TIGAR PUTRI ADHIANA61476832FAKULTAS TEKNIKDemand Model Development Considering Supply Chain DisruptionQ4 Journal12IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
4171505197506052006041029WAHYU WIDIYANTO61154662FAKULTAS TEKNIKPotential tsunami hazard in Ujung Kulon National ParkQ3 Journal12IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20200
4181505197506052006041029WAHYU WIDIYANTO61154662FAKULTAS TEKNIKRun-up, inundation, and sediment characteristics of the 22 December 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, IndonesiaQ1 Journal16Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences20202
4191505197506052006041029WAHYU WIDIYANTO61154662FAKULTAS TEKNIKPost-event field survey of 28 September 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunamiQ1 Journal14Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences201916
4201505197506052006041029WAHYU WIDIYANTO61154662FAKULTAS TEKNIKA new computation method of bottom shear stress under Tsunami wavesQ2 Journal44Journal of Coastal Research20165