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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
48130193198803122019031010YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN59988072FAKULTAS TEKNIKInteractive educational animal identification game for primary schoolchildren with intellectual disabilityQ3 Journal03International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering20192
48230193198803122019031010YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN59988072FAKULTAS TEKNIKApplication for determining the modality preference of student learningQ4 Journal04Journal of Physics: Conference Series20193
48330193198803122019031010YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN59988072FAKULTAS TEKNIKMerging Pearson Correlation and TAN-ELR algorithm in recommender systemQ4 Journal03AIP Conference Proceedings20185
48430193198803122019031010YOGIEK INDRA KURNIAWAN59988072FAKULTAS TEKNIKDienes AEM as an alternative mathematics teaching aid to enhance Indonesian students' understanding of algebra conceptQ4 Journal04Journal of Physics: Conference Series20183
4851956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKMorphological characteristics of X-ray thorax images of COVID-19 patients using the Bradley thresholding segmentationQ3 Journal34Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20210
4861956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKCoronal slice segmentation using a watershed method for early identification of people with Alzheimer'sQ2 Journal34Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)20211
4871956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKUnsupervised Method for Calculating Diameter and Number of Leukocyte CellsQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
4881956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKSimple Classification of the Alzheimer's Severity in Supporting Strengthening the Diagnosis of Patients based on ROC DiagramQ4 Journal56IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
4891956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKPreliminary process in blast cell morphology identification based on image segmentation methodsQ2 Journal45International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering20201
4901956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKHippocampal area calculation based on the clinical dementia rating scale on sagittal MRI image sliceQ4 Journal34Technology Reports of Kansai University20200
4911956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKInfluence of camera types in histogram distribution on morphological identification of myeloblast cell based image segmentationQ4 Journal34Journal of Physics: Conference Series20192
4921956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKPrototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructureQ4 Journal66Journal of Physics: Conference Series20195
4931956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKCharacteristics identification of myeloblast cell using K-means clustering for uncontrolled imagesno-Q Journal34International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing20194
4941956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKTime based automatic system of drip and sprinkler irrigation for horticulture cultivation on coastal areaQ4 Journal44IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20194
4951956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKCoronal slices segmentation of mri images using active contour method on initial identification of alzheimer severity level based on clinical dementia rating (CDR)Q3 Journal34Journal of Engineering Science and Technology20193
4961956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKClassification model for graduation on time study using data mining techniques with SVM algorithmQ4 Journal33AIP Conference Proceedings20193
4971956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKComputer aided diagnosis for screening the shape and size of leukocyte cell nucleus based on morphological imageQ2 Journal34International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering201810
4981956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKMeasuring gestational age and uterine diameter based on image segmentationQ3 Journal34ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20182
4991956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKContour Detection of Leukocyte Cell Nucleus Using Morphological ImageQ4 Journal34Journal of Physics: Conference Series201710
5001956198207132009121002YOGI RAMADHANI61328092FAKULTAS TEKNIKBrightness and contrast modification in ultrasonography images using edge detection resultsQ3 Journal35Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)201614