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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
22411275197609172003122002DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI612294550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe protein content and protease activity of local green fly, Chloroprocta sp., maggot crude extractsQ4 Journal15AIP Conference Proceedings20190
22421275197609172003122002DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI612294550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANProfile of Biofilm-Producing Staphylococcus epidermidis from intravenous catheter colonisation at Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital PurwokertoQ3 Journal13Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy20190
22431275197609172003122002DWI UTAMI ANJARWATI612294550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANEffects of Chloroprocta sp. maggot filtrates on extracellular matrix reduction and embedded Staphylococcus epidermidis viabilityQ4 Journal14Malaysian Journal of Microbiology20172
22441227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe cultural beliefs and practices of diabetes self-management in Javanese diabetic patients: An ethnographic studyQ1 Journal67Heliyon20220
22451227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAntioxidant potential ingredient of kecombrang plants (Etlingera elatior)Q4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
22461227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe knowledge, attitude, practice and predictors of complementary and alternative medicine use among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in IndonesiaQ1 Journal44Journal of Integrative Medicine20212
22471227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANA comparison of the effectiveness banana stem sap and virgin coconut oil on diabetic wound healingQ4 Journal66IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20212
22481227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANFoot self-care behavior and its predictors in diabetic patients in IndonesiaQ3 Journal77BMC Research Notes202011
22491227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe effect of short duration of electrical stimulation on wound healing in acute wound in a rat modelQ2 Journal34Wound Medicine20197
22501227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANA low-frequency of electrical stimulation improves wound healingQ4 Journal67IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
22511227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANSub-chronic hepatotoxicity test of plantago mayor L. ExtractQ4 Journal17Molekul20190
22521227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANEvaluation of the effect of different concentrations of aloe vera on inflammation and reepithelialization in diabetic ulcers in a rat modelno-Q Journal35Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research20181
22531227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANGel aloe vera reduces MMP-9 in diabetic woundsQ4 Journal44E3S Web of Conferences20181
22541227197502272002121003EMAN SUTRISNA614384350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANA comparative study of the effects of nigella sativa oil gel and aloe Vera gel on wound healing in diabetic ratsQ1 Journal44Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine201815
22551421198004132005012001EVY SULISTYONINGRUM600388750FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAnti-aging effects of Muntingia calabura leaves extract in D-galactose-induced skin aging mouse modelQ3 Journal14Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science20192
22561421198004132005012001EVY SULISTYONINGRUM600388750FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANProtective effect of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl extract on the testicular damage of streptozotocin and nicotinamide-induced type 2 diabetic ratsQ3 Journal15Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science20183
22571421198004132005012001EVY SULISTYONINGRUM600388750FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAnnona muricata leaves extract reduce proliferative indexes and improve histological changes in Rat's breast cancerQ3 Journal14Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science201710
22581421198004132005012001EVY SULISTYONINGRUM600388750FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN12-weeks programmed aerobics dance reduced body mass index and waist circumference of young womenQ3 Journal12Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science20161
22591426198007192005011001FAJAR WAHYU PRIBADI675509050FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANCost analysis inpatient days a year of combination diuretic therapy with ace-inhibitors to diuretic therapy without ace-inhibitors in heart failure patients askes participantsQ3 Journal13Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science20161
22601883198103212008122001FANNI KUSUMA DJATI669257750FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANReview of epigenetics and its relationship to dental anthropology and forensic odontologyQ4 Journal34AIP Conference Proceedings20190