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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
22611185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) roots ethanol extract administration in subchronic doseQ4 Journal15Molekul20210
22621185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANHLA-Cw6 Allele Expression is Associated with Good Narrowband Ultraviolet B Response in Javanese-Indonesian Psoriasis SubjectsQ4 Journal45Indonesian Biomedical Journal20210
22631185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAssociation between HLA-CW6 allele expression and characteristics of javanese ethnic psoriasis patients in IndonesiaQ3 Journal46Medical Journal of Indonesia20191
22641185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANScanning SNPs of Diabetes Mellitus related genes; HNF4A, PTPN, KCNJ11, PPAR gamma; Among Thalassemia Patients: A Preliminary StudyQ4 Journal77IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
22651185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPurwoceng Roots Ethanol Extract Make no Improvement in Leydig Cells Activity to Male White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation (Psd) Stress ModelsQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
22661185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANNo acute toxicity tests of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) ethanolic extract on male albino rat by determined hepatorenal function test and histopathologyQ4 Journal15Molekul20191
22671185197111222000121001FITRANTO ARJADI610662850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAssociation between the second-to-fourth digit (2D: 4D) ratio and myopia in medical students of the Medical Faculty of the Jeneral Soedirman UniversityQ4 Journal25Asian Journal of Ophthalmology20170
22683198196704242010012002GITA NAWANGTANTRINI670792950FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANSalivary ki-67 and micronucleus assay as potential biomarker of OSCC in betel nut chewersQ4 Journal55Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology20210
22693198196704242010012002GITA NAWANGTANTRINI670792950FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAssociation between axillary lymph node involvement and clinicopathological features of breast cancer among Indonesian womenQ3 Journal25Medical Journal of Indonesia20200
22701273197602132003121002HERMAN SUMAWAN669784450FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANSustaining maternal and child health programs when donor funding ends: A case study of stakeholder involvement in IndonesiaQ2 Journal44International Journal of Health Planning and Management20220
22711273197602132003121002HERMAN SUMAWAN669784450FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANTotal atrioventricular block in pregnancy –Case reportQ3 Journal34Annals of Medicine and Surgery20220
22721273197602132003121002HERMAN SUMAWAN669784450FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANHospital with No-class Wards Policy: An Effort to Create the Right to Access to Quality Health Care for the PoorQ4 Journal22Journal of Health Management20191
22731499197406052006041025HIDAYAT SULISTYO669384250FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAssociation between axillary lymph node involvement and clinicopathological features of breast cancer among Indonesian womenQ3 Journal35Medical Journal of Indonesia20200
22741499197406052006041025HIDAYAT SULISTYO669384250FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANBiochemical and histopathological effects of green tea nanoparticles in ironized mouse modelQ1 Journal13Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences20175
2275871196308191989032002I DEWA SANG AJU PUTU PERAMIARTI669256150FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe protein content and protease activity of local green fly, Chloroprocta sp., maggot crude extractsQ4 Journal45AIP Conference Proceedings20190
2276871196308191989032002I DEWA SANG AJU PUTU PERAMIARTI669256150FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANProfile of Biofilm-Producing Staphylococcus epidermidis from intravenous catheter colonisation at Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital PurwokertoQ3 Journal33Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy20190
2277871196308191989032002I DEWA SANG AJU PUTU PERAMIARTI669256150FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAntibacterial activity of kecombrang fruit simplicia ekstract (nicolaia speciosa) against gram positive bacteria staphylococcus aureus fncc 0047 in vitroQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
22782171198306172010122001IKA MURTI HARINI665959850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) roots ethanol extract administration in subchronic doseQ4 Journal35Molekul20210
22792171198306172010122001IKA MURTI HARINI665959850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANMmas-8 score assessment of therapy adherence to glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, tanjung purwokerto, Java, Indonesia (October 2018)Q4 Journal24Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20210
22802171198306172010122001IKA MURTI HARINI665959850FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANSub-chronic hepatotoxicity test of plantago mayor L. ExtractQ4 Journal67Molekul20190