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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 101-120 of 150 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
102Fat and cholesterol contents of local duck (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos) meat fed mash, paste and crumble feeds.Asian Journal of Poultry Science 5 (4), 150-154, 2011 Authors: J Sumarmono20118
103Sifat fungsional keju lunak yang dibuat dari susu sapi dengan metode direct acidificationProsiding Semnas FP Universitas Jendral Soedirman 1 (3), 592-598, 2011 Authors: J Sumarmono, FM Suhartati20111
104Sifat Fungsional Keju Lunak Yang Dibuat Dengan Teknik Direct Acidification Dari Susu Sapi Dengan Metode Pasteurisasi Yang BerbedaPROSIDING SEMINAR TEKNOLOGI AGRIBISNIS PETERNAKAN (STAP) FAKULTAS PETERNAKAN …, 2011 Authors: J Sumarmono, FM Suhartati20110
105Kualitas telur ayam lokal-arab dengan berbagai imbangan minyak ikan lemuru dan minyak kelapa sawit dalam ransumProsiding Seminar Nasional, 2011 Authors: N IRIYANTI, SJA JUNI SUMARMONO20111
106Functional characteristics of spent duck meat for use in emulsion-type meat productsAnimal Production 12 (1), 2010 Authors: J Sumarmono, S Wasito20109
107Kualitas Karkas Domba Lokal yang Diberi Pakan Jerami Padi Fermentasi dengan Suplementasi Minyak KedelaiJurnal Agripet 10 (2), 54-58, 2010 Authors: P Patriani, J Sumarmono, W Suryapratama20100
108Peningkatan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Lokal di Pedesaan Melalui Strategi Pemberian Pakan dan Total Mixed Ration Berbasis Limbah Pertanian dan AgroindustriLaporan Hasil Penelitian Fakultas Peternakan Unsoed, Purwokerto, 2010 Authors: M Bata, B Rustomo, J Sumarmono20102
109Ipteks buat Produk Eksport (IbPE): Industry of PE Goat Farming in Banyumas, Central JavaJenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 2009 Authors: A Sodiq, B Rustomo, NA Setianto, J Sumarmono20092
110Persimmon tannin composition and function.International Journal of Poultry Science 15 (1), 1-10Authors: D Indrasanti, J Sumarmono, AA Adeneye, JA Olagunju, F Adzitey, ...20090
111Effects of decontamination using organic acids on total microbial number and qualities of poultry carcassesAnimal Production 10 (2), 2008 Authors: J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo20083
112Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Diterjemahkan Oleh Bambang Sumantri.Asian Journal of Poultry Science 5 (4), 1640-1647Authors: J Sumarmono, N Amornthewaphat, S Lerdsuwan, S Attamangkune, ...20050
113Growth and carcass composition of male goatsAuthors: J Sumarmono20041
114Changes in carcass conformation and muscularity of improved Boer bucks during growthNew Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming: Proceedings …, 2004 Authors: J Sumarmono, W Pratiwi, P Murray20040
115Growth and partitioning of fat depots in male goats.Animal Production Australia Queensland Branch, 2003 Authors: J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, D Taylor20030
116Boer goats under the microscope. Part 2. Are Boer bucks best?Boer Briefs, 18, 19, 20, 24, 2002 Authors: PJ Murray, J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi20020
117Growth, distribution and partitioning of fats in improved Boer goatsIndian Association of Animal Production, 2002 Authors: J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, D Taylor20020
118Chemical composition of goat meat: the effect of breed and CastrationAnimal Production Science 24, 342, 2002 Authors: NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, J Sumarmono, DG Taylor20022
119Yield and carcass characteristics of improved boer and Australian Feral goats slaughtered at 30 kg live weightAnimal Production in Australia 24, 233-236, 2002 Authors: J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, DG Taylor20023
120Boer goats under the microscope. Are Boer bucks best? Part 3. Boer carcasses out perform feralsBoer Briefs, 9-11, 2002 Authors: PJ Murray, J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi20020