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SCORE Overall 1281
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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 61-80 of 150 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
61Yield dan komposisi keju lunak (soft cheese) dari susu sapi yang dibuat dengan teknik direct acidification menggunakan ekstrak buah lokalJurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 1 (3), 2016 Authors: J Sumarmono, FM Suhartati201615
62FS (2012). Yield dan Komposisi Keju Lunak (Shoft Cheese) dari Susu Sapi yang dibuat dengan Tehnik Direct Acidification Menggunakan Ekstrak Buah LokalJurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 1 (2), 0 Authors: J Sumarmono00002
63Kualitas Karkas Domba Lokal yang Diberi Pakan Jerami Padi Fermentasi dengan Suplementasi Minyak KedelaiJurnal Agripet 10 (2), 54-58, 2010 Authors: P Patriani, J Sumarmono, W Suryapratama20100
64Front-matter (March 2021)Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 46 (1), 1-6, 0 Authors: E Kurnianto00000
65Front-matter (March 2020)Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 45 (1), 0 Authors: E Kurnianto00000
66Texture, hedonic test and fatty acid profile of goat cheese with L plantarum TW14 and L. rhamnosus TW2 isolates stored at different temperature conditionsJournal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 43 (3), 230-237, 2018 Authors: T Setyawardani, K Widayaka, J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo, SS Santoso, ...20180
67Front-matter (March 2018)Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 43 (1), 0 Authors: E Kurnianto00000
68Chemical and microbiological characteristics of goat milk kefir during storage under different temperaturesJournal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 40 (3), 183-188, 2015 Authors: T Setyawardani, J Sumarmono201524
69KADAR AIR DAN SUSUT BOBOT SOSIS DAGING ENTOK (Cairina moschata) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN PERSENTASE LEMAK SAPI YANG BERBEDAJournal of Livestock and Animal Production 1 (3), 6-11Authors: MZ Aksana, J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo20180
70SIFAT ORGANOLEPTIK DAN KEEMPUKAN SOSIS DAGING ENTOK (Cairina moschata) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN PERSENTASE LEMAK SAPI YANG BERBEDAJournal of Livestock and Animal Production 1 (1), 54-58Authors: M Angeline, AHD Rahardjo, J Sumarmono20180
71Indeks SubyekJournal of Animation and Games Studies 5 (2), 175-176, 2019 Authors: T Andito20190
72Pengaruh penambahan bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea) terhadap sineresis dan tingkat kesukaan yogurt susu kambingJournal of Animal Science and Technology 1 (2), 145-151, 2019 Authors: AP Dewi, T Setyawardani, J Sumarmono20199
73Ipteks buat Produk Eksport (IbPE): Industry of PE Goat Farming in Banyumas, Central JavaJenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 2009 Authors: A Sodiq, B Rustomo, NA Setianto, J Sumarmono20092
74Duck production for food securityIOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 372 (012070), 1755-1315, 2019 Authors: I Ismoyowati, J Sumarmono201912
75The effect of addition of whey protein concentrate and emulsifier on characteristics of cheddar cheese analogue from corn milkIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012127, 2021 Authors: J Sumarmono, B Sustriawan, N Aini, V Prihananto, A Widiastuti20213
76The quality of corn milk-based cheese analogue made with virgin coconut oil as a fat substitute and with various emulsifiersIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 443 (1), 012039, 2020 Authors: N Aini, J Sumarmono, B Sustriawan, V Prihananto, E Priscillia20207
77The effect of packaging type and storage temperature on the characteristics of cheese spread analogues from corn extractIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 406 (1), 012017, 2019 Authors: N Aini, B Sustriawan, J Sumarmono, V Prihananto, TP Atmajayanti20195
78Nutritional Manipulations and Its Effects on Yield and Quality of BeefIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 372 (1), 012066, 2019 Authors: ZA Jelan, J Sumarmono20190
79Yield and Processing Properties of Concentrated Yogurt Manufactured from Cow’s Milk: Effects of Enzyme and Thickening AgentsIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 372 (1), 012064, 2019 Authors: J Sumarmono, T Setyawardani, AHD Rahardjo20194
80Texture Profile and Sensory Characteristics of Kefir with Colostrum AdditionIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 372 (1), 012036, 2019 Authors: T Setyawardani, J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo, K Widayaka, ...20192