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SCORE Overall 1281
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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 41-60 of 150 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
41Yield and carcass characteristics of improved boer and Australian Feral goats slaughtered at 30 kg live weightAnimal Production in Australia 24, 233-236, 2002 Authors: J Sumarmono, NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, DG Taylor20023
42The effect of addition of whey protein concentrate and emulsifier on characteristics of cheddar cheese analogue from corn milkIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012127, 2021 Authors: J Sumarmono, B Sustriawan, N Aini, V Prihananto, A Widiastuti20213
43FORMULASI ROTI BEBAS GLUTEN BERBASIS TEPUNG SORGUM DENGAN PENAMBHAAN PATI GARUT DAN GUM ARABJurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian 16 (2), 90-98, 2019 Authors: Z Maulida, N Aini, B Sustriawan, J Sumarmono20193
44Effects of decontamination using organic acids on total microbial number and qualities of poultry carcassesAnimal Production 10 (2), 2008 Authors: J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo20083
45Blood Biochemical Profile, Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Mallard and Muscovy Ducks Fed Diet Supplemented with Bay Leaves (...International Journal of Poultry Science 15 (1), 21-26Authors: Ismoyowati, D Indrasanti, J Sumarmono20163
46Mustaufik. 2006Kajian Pola Pembiayaan Ternak Kambing PE dan Pengolahan Susu Kambing PE di …, 0 Authors: A Sodiq, NA Setianto, J Sumarmono, S Utami00003
47Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Dried Kefir Culture to Manufacture Fermented SausagesThe First International Conference on Biodiversity, Food Security, and …, 2017 Authors: J Sumarmono, M Sulistyowati, K Widayaka, AHD Djoko20172
48Usaha Pemanfaatan" Susu LebihSusu yang Ditolak KUD) di Kabupalcn Dati II Banyumas. I. embaga Pengabdian …, 1996 Authors: D Ningsih, M Sulistyowati, J Sumarmono, T Setyawardani19962
49S. Wasito. 2012. Composition and Processability of PE goat milNJurnal Pascapanen PeternaNan 1 (1), 2012 Authors: JM Sumarmono, KW Sulistyowati20122
50Preview of Estrogen, Progesterone and an Electrolite Plasma and the Act of Kidney on Sodium, Kalium, and Chorin of Bligon Goat’s Estrous CycleAnimal Production 15 (3), 2013 Authors: I Widiyono, PP Putro, S Sarmin, P Astuti, CM Airin20132
51Kadar Air Kemasiran dan Tekstur Ayam Niaga yang Dimasak dengan Cara yang BerbedaFakultas Peternakan Universitas Jendral Soedirman. Purwokerto, 2013 Authors: Y Nurhidayat, J Sumarmono, S Warsito20132
52Peningkatan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Lokal di Pedesaan Melalui Strategi Pemberian Pakan dan Total Mixed Ration Berbasis Limbah Pertanian dan AgroindustriLaporan Hasil Penelitian Fakultas Peternakan Unsoed, Purwokerto, 2010 Authors: M Bata, B Rustomo, J Sumarmono20102
53FS (2012). Yield dan Komposisi Keju Lunak (Shoft Cheese) dari Susu Sapi yang dibuat dengan Tehnik Direct Acidification Menggunakan Ekstrak Buah LokalJurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 1 (2), 0 Authors: J Sumarmono00002
54Texture Profile and Sensory Characteristics of Kefir with Colostrum AdditionIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 372 (1), 012036, 2019 Authors: T Setyawardani, J Sumarmono, AHD Rahardjo, K Widayaka, ...20192
56The effect of packaging type and storage temperature on the characteristics of cheese spread analogues from corn extract. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science …Authors: N Aini, B Sustriawan, J Sumarmono, V Prihananto, TP Atmajayanti20192
57The Effect of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Addition on Syneresis and Levels of Pleasure of Goat Milk YoghurtANGON: Journal of Animal Science and Technology 1 (2), 145-151, 2019 Authors: AP Dewi, T Setyawardani, J Sumarmono20192
58Tingkat Kemasiran, Kadar Garam, dan Kadar Air Telur Asin yang Dibuat dengan Menambahkan Tepung Jahe dan Bawang Putih pada AdonanProsiding Seminar Teknologi dan Agribisnis Peternakan, 24-25, 2021 Authors: I Fadhlurrohman, J Sumarmono, T Setyawardani20212
59Ipteks buat Produk Eksport (IbPE): Industry of PE Goat Farming in Banyumas, Central JavaJenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 2009 Authors: A Sodiq, B Rustomo, NA Setianto, J Sumarmono20092
60Chemical composition of goat meat: the effect of breed and CastrationAnimal Production Science 24, 342, 2002 Authors: NMW Pratiwi, PJ Murray, J Sumarmono, DG Taylor20022