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Title Author Journal Name Publish Year Citation
Biodiversitas Teritip Intertidal di Pantai Lampung Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. PROSIDING Seminar Nasional Biologi| Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi …, 2010 2010 2
Land Cover Changes and Impacts of Massive Siltation on the Mangrove Segara Anakan Lagoon System, Cilacap Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (7), 30-42, 2022 2022 1
Key Species of phytoplankton in eastern part of Segara Anakan Indonesia Based on Season Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Ecological Engineering 22 (3), 2021 2021 6
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of Ceriops zippeliana in Segara Anakan Cilacap (Indonesia) under heavy metal accumulation Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (12), 2021 2021 3
Ceriops tagal Biomass and Chlorophyll Analysis in Various Nursery Media Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Bioeksakta 3 (3), 156-162, 2021 2021
Development of A Simple Method for Detecting Mangrove Using Free Open Source Software Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Jurnal Segara 16 (2), 71-82, 2020 2020 8
Mangrove damage evaluation using two species of Acanthus as a biomonitoring agent, case study: Segara Anakan Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 550 (1), 012001, 2020 2020 4
Potensi Karbon Tersimpan pada Ekosistem Mangrove Alami Taman Nasional Karimun Jawa Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Biologica Samudra 2 (2), 121-127, 2020 2020 4
Kualitas Air dan Komunitas Zooplankton di Kawasan Segara Anakan Bagian Timur, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Bioeksakta 2 (3), 2020 2020 2
Study of Mangrove Forest Change towards the Diversity and Carbon Stock of Mangroves in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 550 (1), 012004, 2020 2020
Kerapatan dan Distribusi Genus Acanthus pada Area Kerusakan Mangrove di Segara Anakan Bagian Barat Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Bioeksakta 2 …, 2020 2020
Effect of Modification of Mangrove Seedling Media on the biomass and total chlorophyll of leaves of Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. The 3 rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for …, 2020 2020
The relationship between water quality and phytoplankton abundance at the eastern part of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Central Java Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. BioEksakta: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Unsoed 1 (2), 1-7, 2019 2019 7
Kajian pendugaan Biomassa dan Stok Karbon pada Nypa fruticans di Kawasan Segara Anakan Bagian Barat, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. BioEksakta, 156-162, 2019 2019 2
Study of Mangrove Forest Change Towards the Diversity and Carbon Stock of Mangroves in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. International Conference of Mangroves and Its Related Ecosystems 2019 2019
Community structure of Trepang at Namtabung, Selaru Island, Maluku, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. International Conference of Mangroves and Its Related Ecosystems 2019, 2019 2019
Potensi Penyimpanan Karbon pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Pantai Logending, Kebumen Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper Konservasi untuk Kesejahteraan …, 2019 2019
Evaluation of Mangrove Damage at the Western Part of Segara Anakan (Cilacap, Indonesia) using Derris and Acanthus as a Biomonitoring Agent Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018, 2018 2018
Fish Diversity in River Sapuregel of Segara Anakan, East Cilacap, Central Java Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018, 2018 2018
Quantification of Plastic Items in Sediment and Benthic Organisms of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018, 2018 2018
Bioprospektif Perairan Berdasarkan Produktivitas: Studi Kasus Estuari Sungai Serayu Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 34 (1), 15-21, 2017 2017 5
The monitoring of mangrove vegetation community structure in Segara Anakan Cilacap for the Period of 2009 and 2015 Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Scripta Biologica 4 (2), 113-118, 2017 2017 19
Vicariance and Oceanic Barriers Drive Contemporary Genetic Structure of Widespread Mangrove Species Sonneratia alba J. Sm in the Indo-West Pacific Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forests 8 (12), 483, 2017 2017 23
Genetic Structure and Population Demographic History of a Widespread Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) across the Indo-West Pacific Region Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forests 8 (12), 480 2017
Genetic Structure and Population Demographic History of a Widespread Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig across the Indo-West Pacific Region Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forests 8 (12), 480, 2017 2017 18
Analisis stok karbon hutan mangrove pada berbagai tingkat kerusakan di Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Jurnal Sains Natural 3 (2), 161-172, 2017 2017 6
Metodologi Penelitian Gizi dan Kesehatan Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, 2016 2016 80
Formulasi biskuit rendah indeks glikemik (Batik) dengan subtitusi tepung pisang klutuk (Musa Balbisiana Colla) dan tepung tempe Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 6 (1), 2016 2016 28
Akumulasi lipid hati dan profil lipid darah tikus Sprague dawley yang diintervensi minyak super olein dan olein Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 11 (1), 2016 2016 2
Kajian perubahan bioekologi pada restorasi ekosistem mangrove di Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 32 (1), 19-28, 2015 2015 13
Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of partially sympatric species complex Rhizophora mucronata Lam. and R. stylosa Griff. using SSR markers Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. 2015
Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of partially sympatric species complex Rhizophora mucronata Lam. and R. stylosa Griff. using SSR markers Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 (1), 57 2015 35
Studi morfometri dan tingkat herbivori daun mangrove di segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Scripta Biologica 1 (2), 137-140, 2014 2014 7
Arch ī um Ateneo Arch um Atene o Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Acta Cryst 70, 12-23, 2014 2014
Development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 5, 1159-1162, 2013 2013 2
Kajian degradasi ekosistem mangrove terhadap populasi polymesoda erosa di segara anakan, cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. UMS, 2013 2013 8
Assessment of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation to the Population of Polymesoda erosa in Segara Anakan, Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Forum Geografi 27 (1), 1-10, 2013 2013 3
Analisis stok karbon hutan mangrove pada berbagai tingkat kerusakan di Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Jurnal Sains Natural 3 (2), 161-172, 2013 2013 6
Ekosistem Mangrove Segara Anakan Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Laporan Penelitian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (belum dipublikasikan), 2013 2013 3
Development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 5 (4), 1159-1162 2013 2
Development and characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Sonneratia alba (Lythraceae) using next-generation sequencing Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 4, 811-814, 2012 2012 6
Isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite markers for Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) and their potential use in range-wide population studies Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 4, 951-954, 2012 2012 9
Phylogeography of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Meeting on Mangrove ecology, functioning and Management (MMM3) 2-6 July 2012 …, 2012 2012
Development of SSR markers for five mangrove species using next-eneration sequencing with preliminary results of analyses of genetic diversity Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. VLIZ Special Publication, 2012 2012
Phylogeography of Xylocarpus granatum Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Proceedings of the International Conference: meeting on Mangrove ecology …, 2012 2012 2
Judul Assessment of potential CO2 absorption in mangrove ecosystem and mangrove buffer zone community empowerment (concept paper) Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. 2012
Kolaborasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya perairan: kasus aksi kolektif antara industri dan nelayan tradisional di sungai Donan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Prosiding 3 (1), 2012 2012 3
Biologi Ikan Uceng (Nemachilus fasciatus CV) di Sungai Banjaran Kabupaten Banyumas Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 29 (1), 51-58, 2012 2012 8
Development and characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Sonneratia alba (Lythraceae) using next-generation sequencing Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 4 (3), 811-814 2012 6
Isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite markers for Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) and their potential use in range-wide population studies Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Conservation Genetics Resources 4 (4), 951-954 2012 6
Meeting on Mangrove ecology, functioning and Management (MMM3) 2-6 July 2012, Galle, Sri Lanka Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. 2012
Biodiversitas Teritip Intertidal (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) di Pantai-Pantai Propinsi Lampung, Bengkulu, dan Sumatra Barat Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Prosiding Seminar Nasional I Masyarakat Taksonomi Kelautan Indonesia …, 2011 2011 2
Potensi asam amino pada tempe untuk memperbaiki profil lipid dan diabetes mellitus Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal …, 2011 2011 38
Density and spatial distribution of Derris trifoliata Lour and Acanthus ilicifolius as a biomonitoring agent of mangrove damages at the Segara Anakan lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. The 2nd International Workshop for Conservation Genetics of Mangroves’ on, 19-20, 2011 2011 17
Density and Spatial Distribution of Derris trifoliata and Acanthus ilicifolius as a Biomonitoring Agent of Mangrove Damages at the Segara Anakan lagoon (Cilacap, In... Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. 2nd International Workshop for Conservation Genetics of Mangroves 2011 3
Density and spatial distribution of Derris trifoliata and Acanthus ilicifolius as a biomonitoring agent of mangrove damages at the Segara Anakan lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. 2nd International Workshop for Conservation Genetics of Mangroves, 2011 2011 8
Peran Hutan Mangrove dalam Penyimpanan Karbon Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Nat. Geosci. http://doi. org/10.1038/ngeo1123, 274-281, 2011 2011
Distribusi spasial dan dinamika populasi Polymesoda erosa di ekosistem mangrove Segara Anakan Cilacap, sebagai acuan restocking dan konservasi Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Laporan Penelitian. Fakultas Biologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, 2010 2010 3
Distribusi Spasial Derris TrifoliataLOUR Di Segara Anakan Cilacap Sebagai Agen Biomonitoring Kerusakan Mangrove Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi Sumberdaya Akuatik …, 2010 2010 11
Distribusi Spasial Derris trifoliata Lour si Segara Anakan Cilacap sebagai Agen Biomonitoring Kerusakan Mangrove Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi Sumberdaya Akuatik. Fakultas …, 2010 2010 8
Distribusi spasial dan dinamika populasi Polymesova erosa di ekosistem mangrove Segara Anakan Cilacap sebagai aliran restocking dan konservasi Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Purwokerto. Fakultas Biologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, 2010 2010 3
Land use and land cover change affecting habitat distribution in the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Regional Environmental Change 9, 235-243, 2009 2009 119
Kajian Zonasi Vegetasi Mangrove di Area Tanah Timbul Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Seminar Nasional Peran Biosistematika dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hayati …, 2009 2009 1
Spatial and temporal dynamics of mangrove conversion at the Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. A trophic flow model of the Segara Anakan lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia, 12 2008 13
A trophic flow model of the Segara Anakan lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Universität Bremen, 2008 2008 11
A trophic flow model of the Segara Anakan lagoon Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Cilacap, Indonesia (Bremen: Universität Bremen) p 5, 2008 2008 2
Land use and land cover change affecting habitat distribution in the Segara Anakan lagoon Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. A trophic flow model of the Segara Anakan lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia, 45, 2008 2008
Spatial and temporal dynamics of mangrove conversion at the Segara Anakan Cilacap, Java, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Synopsis of Ecological and Socio-Economic Aspects of Tropical Coastal …, 2007 2007 20
Quantifying habitat and resource use changes in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) over the past 25 years (1978-2004) Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 5 (4), 59-67, 2007 2007 45
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mangrove Conversion at the Segara Anakan Cilacap, Java, Indonesia. Synopsis of Ecological and Socio-economic Aspects of Tr... Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Research Institute University of Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Indonesia 2007 3
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mangrove Conversion at the Segara Anakan Cilacap, Java, Indonesia. Synopsis of Ecological and Socio-economic Aspects of Tropical Coastal … Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Research Institute University of Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Indonesia 2007 3
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mangrove conversion at the Segara Anakan Cilcap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Proceeding of Indonesian Student‘s Scientific Meeting, Paris, 30-31 2005 5
Spatial and temporal dynamics of mangrove conversions at Segara Anakan Cilacap, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Proceeding of Indonesian Student‘s Scientific Meeting, Paris, 30-31, 2005 2005 5
Application of NDVI analysis from Landsat TM and SPOT images for monitoring and detection of mangrove damages at Segara Anakan Cilacap Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Central Java, DUE-like project Unsoed, Purwokerto Indonesia 2001 12
Application of NDVI analysis from Landsat TM and SPOT images for monitoring and detection of mangrove damages at Segara Anakan Cilacap, Central Java Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Bahasa Indonesia). DUE-like project Unsoed, Purwokerto Indonesia, 2001 2001 13
Formation of a research network for conservation of genetic diversity of mangroves: knowledge gaps, studies, and future directions Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Quantifying Habitat and Resource Use Changes in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) over the Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Assessment of fisheries resources utilisation at the Segara Anakan mangrove ecosystem using trophic flows model Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Density and spatial distribution of Derris trifoliata Lour and Acanthus ilicifolius as a biomonitoring agent of mangrove damages at the Segara Anakan lagoon (Cilaca... Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Land Suitability Analysis for Brackish-Water Culture Ponds Using Remotely-Sensed Data, GIS and Expert System Case Study: Cilacap District, Central Java Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Wolff. M. 2008 Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Land Use and Land Cover Change Affecting Habitat Distribution in the Segara … 3
Market Success in Addressing Policy Failures in the Utilization of River Resource: Conflicts among Industry, Local Government and Traditional Fisherman and Collective Action in … Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Wolff. M. 2008 Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Land Use and Land Cover Change Affecting Habitat Distribution in the Segara …, 0 3
Market Success in Addressing Policy Failures in the Utilization of River Resource: Conflicts among Industry, Local Government and Traditional Fisherman and Collective Action in … Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Arch ī um Ateneo Arch um Atene o Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Quantifying Habitat and Resource Use Changes in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (Cilacap, Indonesia) over the Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Land Suitability Analysis for Brackish-Water Culture Ponds Using Remotely-Sensed Data, GIS and Expert System Case Study: Cilacap District, Central Java Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Formation of a research network for conservation of genetic diversity of mangroves: knowledge gaps, studies, and future directions Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Assessment of fisheries resources utilisation at the Segara Anakan mangrove ecosystem using trophic flows model Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Land Cover Changes and Impacts of Massive Siltation on the Mangrove Segara Anakan Lagoon System, Cilacap Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 0
Morphological and Genetic Diversity of Mangrove Species Ceriops tagal (Perr.) CB Rob. Around Java Island Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 28 (4), 334-350, 0
Morphological and Genetic Diversity of Mangrove Species Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Rob. Around Java Island Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 28 (4), 334-350, 2023 2023
Improving the accuracy of mangrove forest mapping using sentinel image and developed classification algorithm based on machine learning Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Journal of Spatial Science, 1-27, 2024 2024
Episodic sediment mixing from the tidal flat to the mangrove forest: a disturbance gradient for seedling survival Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. International Conference: Meeting on Mangrove ecology, functioning and …, 2012 2012 1
Development of SSR markers for five mangrove species using next-generation sequencing with preliminary results of analyses of genetic diversity Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc.
Current biodiversity status, distribution, and prospects of seaweed in Indonesia: A systematic review Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Heliyon, 2024 2024 2
Mangrove plants using deoxyribonucleic acid barcodes for enhancing biodiversity and conservation Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 10 (3), 1391-1410, 2024 2024
Effect of Planting Media Modification on Seed Growth and Development of Three Mangroves Species from Jakarta and Kebumen, Indonesia Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Indonesian Journal of Marine Science 29 (2), 285-292, 2024 2024
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of Ceriops zippeliana in Segara Anakan Cilacap (Indonesia) under heavy metal accumulation. Dr.rer.nat. ERWIN RIYANTO ARDLI, M.Sc. Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (12), 2021 2021 5