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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
3601508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSex Diversity Approach of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus spp) to Marine Oil Spill Pollution in Southern Waters of JavaQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20183
3602508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANForewordQ4 Journal11E3S Web of Conferences20180
3603508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANA lipid-walled microcapsule diet as co-feed for early feeding the osphronemus gourami (Lacepede) larvaeQ3 Journal47Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences20185
3604508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANBeach macro-litter monitoring and floating microplastic in a coastal area of IndonesiaQ1 Journal610Marine Pollution Bulletin2017109
3605508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANIdentification and expression of two types of chicken GnRH-II genes in mature hard-lipped barb, osteochilus hasseltiQ4 Journal34Biodiversitas20169
3606508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANInduction of out-of-season spawning in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis: Effects of rates of cooling and cooling durations on female gametogenesis and spawningQ1 Journal35Aquaculture200260
3607508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANReproductive cycle and plasma levels of steroids in male Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilisQ2 Journal17Aquatic Living Resources200041
3608508196003071986011003ISDY SULISTYO6010313280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANReproductive cycle and plasma levels of sex steroids in female Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilisQ2 Journal16Aquatic Living Resources199857
360931085199101032019031012JONI JOHANDA PUTRA6712659280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANDetection of p56 in grouper (Chromileptes alvitelis) by giving peridinin chlorophyll protein (PCP) using immunohistochemicalno-Q Journal33International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research20201
36101187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANTannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesiaQ3 Journal210Biodiversitas20211
36111187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMangrove cluster as adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan LagoonQ4 Journal25IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20213
36121187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe affinity of mangrove species using association and cluster index in north coast of jakarta and segara anakan of cilacap, indonesiaQ3 Journal26Biodiversitas20214
36131187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe Mangrove Landscape and Zonation following Soil Properties and Water Inundation Distribution in Segara Anakan CilacapQ3 Journal00Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika20212
36141187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANCulturable hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacterial isolates from Indonesian seawater in the Lombok Strait and Indian OceanQ2 Journal410Heliyon201911
36151187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANCarbon sequestration of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon, IndonesiaQ3 Journal25Biotropia20196
36161187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe mangrove landscaping based on Water Quality: (Case Study in Segara Anakan Lagoon and Meranti Island)Q4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20193
36171187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe carbon conservation of mangrove ecosystem applied REDD programQ3 Journal67Regional Studies in Marine Science201712
36181187197204222000122001LILIK KARTIKA SARI6191801280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSedimentation in lagoon waters (Case study on Segara Anakan Lagoon)Q4 Journal15AIP Conference Proceedings20164
36191291198005232003122001MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA5987042280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMultidisciplinary approaches to coping with neurodegenerative disorders amid COVID-19 pandemicQ3 Journal910Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics20220
36201291198005232003122001MARIA DYAH NUR MEINITA5987042280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe production of levulinic acid and formic acid from red macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii using methanesulfonic acidQ1 Journal15Bioresource Technology Reports20220