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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
3521493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe affinity of mangrove species using association and cluster index in north coast of jakarta and segara anakan of cilacap, indonesiaQ3 Journal56Biodiversitas20214
3522493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANTannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesiaQ3 Journal510Biodiversitas20211
3523493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANInstitutional and management analysis of the auction fish place (AFP) for improving fishermen's welfare in tegalsari AFP, Tegal City, Central JavaQ4 Journal33E3S Web of Conferences20182
3524493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANBiodiversity of algae potentially HABS (Harmfull Algae Blooms) in reservoir Mrica, BanjarnegaraQ4 Journal27E3S Web of Conferences20183
3525493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANPotential of sustainable and biological aspect of sting ray (Dasyatis sp.) as catch fisheries status overview in Java SeaQ4 Journal13E3S Web of Conferences20180
3526493195901261986011001ARIF MAHDIANA6026459280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe effect in the wastewater treatment at soybean curd of contact time modification of artificial wetland using ssf by using schoenoplectus corymbosus to improve water qualityQ4 Journal14E3S Web of Conferences20180
3527763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANHeavy metal contamination in water, sediments and Planiliza subviridis tissue in the Donan River, IndonesiaQ2 Journal13Journal of Water and Land Development20201
3528763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe effect of endosulfan in gnrh and gth genes expression of male hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus vittatus c.v.)Q4 Journal14Molekul20200
3529763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANIdentification and expression of gonadotrophin hormones in Gouramy (Osphronemous gouramy, lacepède, 1801) under photoperiod manipulationsQ3 Journal24Biodiversitas20200
3530763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANWater Quality Monitoring Using Wqi Method in Cemara Sewu Shrimp Farm Jetis Cilacap RegencyQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20192
3531763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe effect of endosulfan (insecticide) on expression of vitelogenin gene in female silver sharkminnow (Osteochilus hasseltii C. V.)Q4 Journal38IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
3532763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe accumulation of heavy metals kadmium (cd) in water, sediments and aquaculture biota which contaminated by batik waste in mulyorejo village pekalonganQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20192
3533763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANDNA Barcoding for mangrove identificationQ4 Journal25IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
3534763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANEffects of photoperiods on the cloned gth genes in hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii)Q3 Journal35Biotropia20190
3535763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANBiodiversity of algae potentially HABS (Harmfull Algae Blooms) in reservoir Mrica, BanjarnegaraQ4 Journal57E3S Web of Conferences20183
3536763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSublethal Toxicity Tests of Mercury (Hg) to Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) Gills Tissue DamageQ4 Journal16E3S Web of Conferences20181
3537763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANNursery I: The effect of stocking density on the performance of glass eels, Anguilla bicolor in the biofloc systemQ4 Journal45E3S Web of Conferences20181
3538763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMolecular cloning of vitellogenin gene in the hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii C.V) and the effect of photoperiods on gene expressionQ3 Journal24Biotropia20183
3539763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANIdentification and Expression of vitellogenin gene in the Gouramy (Osphronemous Gourammy) under photoperiods manipulationQ4 Journal26E3S Web of Conferences20182
3540763196011081988031001ASRUL SAHRI6023599280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe effect in the wastewater treatment at soybean curd of contact time modification of artificial wetland using ssf by using schoenoplectus corymbosus to improve water qualityQ4 Journal24E3S Web of Conferences20180