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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
35611559198307202006042001DYAHRURI SANJAYASARI6118958280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANOptimising environmental conditions for nursery culture of juvenile Greenshellâ„¢ mussels (Perna canaliculus)Q1 Journal12Aquaculture201910
35621517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSignificance of Chronic Diseases and Smoking Behavior in the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in IndonesiaQ3 Journal26Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health20212
35631517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANRemuneration as a strategy to improve service quality, cost-effectiveness, and organizational performance of private hospitalsQ3 Journal33Enfermeria Clinica20201
35641517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANStatistical Approach of Knowledge Management for Improvement of Hospitalized ManagementQ4 Journal33Journal of Physics: Conference Series20200
35651517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSituation awareness of cough etiquettes of hospital security personnel and janitorsQ3 Journal22Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science20190
35661517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSublethal Toxicity Tests of Mercury (Hg) to Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) Gills Tissue DamageQ4 Journal00E3S Web of Conferences20181
35671517197705112006042001EMYLIANA LISTIOWATI6147509280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANGrowth performance of catfish (Clarias gariepenus) cultured of high density with biofloc systemQ4 Journal00E3S Web of Conferences20182
35681260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe structure communities of gastropods in the permanently inundated mangrove forest on the north coast of Jakarta, IndonesiaQ3 Journal00Biodiversitas20220
35691260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe potential of high tidal flooding disaster in North Jakarta using mapping and mangrove relationship approachQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20221
35701260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSurvival and growth rates of mangroves planted in vertical and horizontal aquaponic systems in North Jakarta, IndonesiaQ3 Journal16Biodiversitas20223
35711260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe Mangrove Landscape and Zonation following Soil Properties and Water Inundation Distribution in Segara Anakan CilacapQ3 Journal15Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika20212
35721260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe correlation between mangrove ecosystem with shoreline change in Indramayu coastQ4 Journal22IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
35731260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMangrove cluster as adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan LagoonQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20213
35741260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANTannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesiaQ3 Journal110Biodiversitas20211
35751260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe affinity of mangrove species using association and cluster index in north coast of jakarta and segara anakan of cilacap, indonesiaQ3 Journal16Biodiversitas20214
35761260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe mangrove landscaping based on Water Quality: (Case Study in Segara Anakan Lagoon and Meranti Island)Q4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20193
35771260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANCarbon sequestration of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Lagoon, IndonesiaQ3 Journal15Biotropia20196
35781260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe pattern of coastline change based on the characteristics of sediment and coastal slope in Pangenan coast of Cirebon, West JavaQ4 Journal33E3S Web of Conferences20188
35791260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMangrove landscaping using the modulus of elasticity and rupture properties to reduce coastal disaster riskQ1 Journal11Ocean and Coastal Management201812
35801260197202022003121002ENDANG HILMI6004865280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe carbon conservation of mangrove ecosystem applied REDD programQ3 Journal17Regional Studies in Marine Science201712