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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 21-40 of 69 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
21Olympic Movement: Its Impact on the Development of Sports in Universities in IndonesiaAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 24, 243-39, 2021 Authors: BAR Yudha, H Subarjah, A Mamun, W Qohhar, DR Budi20210
22Olahraga Dayung: Bagaimanakah Profil Kondisi Fisik Atlet Kabupaten?SPRINTER: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga 3 (1), 31-38, 2022 Authors: GB Prakoso, DR Budi, I jati Kusuma, FN Heiza20220
23Modifikasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan JasmaniOSF Preprints, 2021 Authors: DR Budi20216
24Model Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Jasmani AbstrakBudi, DR (2021, February 1). Supplemental Materials for Preprint: Model …, 2021 Authors: DR Budi, AD Listiandi20214
25Model Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Jasmanidoi: https://doi. org/10.31219/osf. io/xzh3g, 2021 Authors: DR Budi, AD Listiandi202118
26MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS KARYA ILMIAH BAGI GURU DI SMK 1 PURWOKERTOProsiding 11 (1), 2021 Authors: L Melasarianti, E Pujihastuti, UH Yulianti20210
27Mengolahragakan Masyarakat Berbasis Kearifan LokalJurnal of Community Health Development 2 (2), 22-26, 2021 Authors: AR Febriani, R Hidayat, N Widanita, DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Festiawan, ...20210
28Mambangun Prestasi Atlet Tenis Lapangan Melalui Pendekatan PsikologisOSF Preprints, 2021 Authors: DR Budi20213
29Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary SchoolAuthors: D Dinangsit, MN Alif, E Sudirjo20210
30Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT): Kajian Analisis pada Atlet Renang Junior Usia Sekolah DasarTEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School 3 (2), 46-53, 2020 Authors: DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Festiawan, N Widanita, D Anggraeni202021
31Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT): Kajian Analisis pada Atlet Renang Junior Usia Sekolah DasarTEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School 3 (2), 46-53Authors: DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Festiawan, N Widanita, D Anggraeni00004
32Improving Leadership and Teamwork through Outdoor Education Camping ProgramJUARA: Jurnal Olahraga 5 (1), 31-39, 2020 Authors: RS Bakhri, AD Listiandi, MNH Kusuma, DR Budi, T Suhartoyo, R Hidayat20203
33Improving Knowledge of Sports Games Training Programs for Junior High School Physical Education Teachers in the Purwokerto RegionGANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (1), 73-82, 2021 Authors: DR Budi, T Suhartoyo20213
34Improving Instrument Test Passing and Controlling based Digital Futsal Athletes: Quantitative StudyWebology 19 (1), 916-926, 2022 Authors: R Irawan, S Albi, A Komaini, DR Budi20220
35Identifikasi Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa SMP Di Daerah Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten BanyumasPhysical Activity Journal (PAJU) 1 (1), 8-17, 2019 Authors: T Suhartoyo, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, M Syafei, AD Listiandi, R Hidayat201944
36Identifikasi Keberbakatan Olahraga Metode Australian Sport Search Pada Anak Sekolah DasarPhys. Act. J 1 (2), 99-106, 2020 Authors: M Syafei, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, AD Listiandi20206
37Identifikasi Keberbakatan Menggunakan Metode Australian Sport Search Terhadap Kesesuaian Cabang Olahraga Pada Anak Sekolah DasarPhysical Activity Journal (PAJU) 1 (2), 99-106, 2020 Authors: M Syafei, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, AD Listiandi202019
38Identifikasi Body Composition (Healthy Fitness Zone) dan Resiko Cedera pada Pemain Bola Basket SMAPhysical Activity Journal (PAJU) 3 (2), 203-218, 2022 Authors: AD Listiandi, DR Budi, R Hidayat, AR Febriani, AD Purnamasari, FN Heza, ...20220
39Identification of Overweight and Obesity Causative Factors in StudentsAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 24, 243-16, 2021 Authors: M Syafei, DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Hidayat, A Setiawan, S Oktirani, ...20210
40Identification of Non-Locomotor Basic Motion in Primary School StudentsAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 24, 243-50, 2021 Authors: A Asnaldi, H Syampurma, R Sepriani, R Irawan, DR Budi, R Festiawan, ...20210