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Showing 1-20 of 69 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
2Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT): Kajian Analisis pada Atlet Renang Junior Usia Sekolah DasarTEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School 3 (2), 46-53Authors: DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Festiawan, N Widanita, D Anggraeni00004
3Healthy fitness zone: identifikasi body fat percentage, body mass index dan aerobic capacity pada mahasiswa Healthy fitness zone: identification of body fat percentage, body …Authors: AD Listiandi, DR Budi, T Suhartoyo, R Hidayat, RS Bakhri00000
4Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan, Kelentukan dan Keseimbangan Dengan Kemampuan Gerakan Senam Meroda The Correlation of Arm Muscle Strength, Flexibility and Balance With Cartwheel …Authors: ES Pertiwi, DR Budi, R Hidayat, N Widanita, I Jati00000
5Pengaruh metode latihan terhadap peningkatan hasil pukulan forehand dan backhand tenis lapangan The significance of exercise method on forehand and backhand groundstroke skills …Authors: DR Budi, M Syafei, M Nanang, H Kusuma, T Suhartoyo, R Hidayat, A Deri00000
6Analisis sport aerobik and anaerobik berbasis biomekanika Biomechanical based aerobic and anaerobic exercises analysis Topo Suhartoyo1, Mohammad Nanang Himawan Kusuma2, DidikAuthors: R Budi, AD Listiandi00000
7Authors: 20000
8Pengaruh Modifikasi Permainan Vobas dan Kebugaran Jasmani terhadap Peningkatan Kerjasama Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Penjas di SMPUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2015 Authors: DR Budi201530
9Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan VIIIAuthors: HJ Heritage20180
10Biomechanical Analysis of Snatch Technique in Conjunction to Kinematic Motion of Olympic WeightliftersInternational Seminar on Public Health and Education 2018 (ISPHE 2018), 132-137, 2018 Authors: MKN Himawan, D Rilastia, M Syafei, R Nugroho, B Budihardjo20184
11Effect of alkaline fluids to blood pH and lactic acid changes on sub maximal physical exerciseIOP conference series: earth and environmental science 197 (1), 012049, 2018 Authors: M Nanang, N Fuad, R Didik, S Topo, J Panuwun201819
12The Application of Tactical Approaches in Learning HandballsJUARA: Jurnal Olahraga 4 (2), 131-139, 2019 Authors: DR Budi, R Hidayat, AR Febriani201946
13Penerapan Pendekatan Taktis Dalam Pembelajaran Bola TanganJUARA: Jurnal Olahraga 4 (2), 131-139Authors: DR Budi, R Hidayat, AR Febriani201911
14Buku Ajar Tenis LapanganAuthors: M Syafei, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, R Hidayat20193
15The Dominant Throwing Technique (nagewaza) which Produces Ippon in Female Judo Match at the 18th National Sports Week (PON XVIII) in RiauAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 22 (11), 33-37, 2019 Authors: AD Listiandi, MN Kusuma, M Syafei, DR Budi, R Hidayat, T Suhartoyo, ...20194
16Buku PanduanTeknik Dasar Tenis LapanganAuthors: M Syafei, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, R Hidayat20190
17The Analysis of Fundamental Movement Skill in Primary School Student in Mountain Range. 11 (Icsshpe 2018), 195–198Authors: DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, M Syafei, MR Stephani20197
18The effectiveness of pilates training model towards BMI and muscle mass for overweight womenAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Health 22, 39-45, 2019 Authors: N Widanita, MNH Kusuma, DR Budi, T Suhartoyo, AD Listiandi, N Gitya201918
19Developing a Narae Chagi kicking exercise model for beginner taekwondoins in special region of YogyakartaAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 22 (11), 2019 Authors: D Anggraeni, MNH Kusuma, DR Budi, AD Listiandi, N Widanita, ...20191
20Identifikasi Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa SMP Di Daerah Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten BanyumasPhysical Activity Journal (PAJU) 1 (1), 8-17, 2019 Authors: T Suhartoyo, DR Budi, MNH Kusuma, M Syafei, AD Listiandi, R Hidayat201944