
Biodata Peneliti
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NIDN : 0014118203
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Article 20 103 0
Citation 48 888 0
Cited Document 10 45 0
H-Index 5 7
i10-Index 1 7
G-Index 1 1
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books Research Service

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Data Scopus : 11
Waktu Update : 13-12-2023 09:53:46 
Next Update : 18-12-2023 09:53:46 

title publication_name Quartile issn citedby_count
Financial Literacy, Risk Aversion, Financial Performance, and Innovative Behavior in Indonesian SMEs Journal of Behavioral Science 3 19064675
Influence of Work-Life Balance on Job Contentment and Organizational Loyalty in Manufacturing Companies WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 3 11099526
Financial Reforms and Technical Efficiency: A Case Study of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia* Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 22884637 1
The Moderation Role of Religiosity on the Relationship Between Risk Tolerance and Financial Behavior of Small Businesses’ Owners Quality - Access to Success 3 15822559 1
Model of disorientation and disqualification of peripheral services in public services on local government device work units in Central Java, Indonesia WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 3 11099526 2
The determinants of corporate hedging policy: A case study from Indonesia International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 2 22414754 9
Assessing the contagion effect on herding behaviour under segmented and integrated stock markets circumstances in the USA, China, and ASEAN-5 Economic Annals-XXI 2 17286220 8
Liquidity characteristics of government bond markets: A comparative study with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308
Corporate social responsibility on SKI KEHATI index corporate performance: A case study International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 4 22414754 3
The new decomposition asset growth effect. An empirical evidence of Indonesia Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 3 18436110 7
Does economic value added influence the shareholder value in Indonesia? International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 4 09727302 5