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Title Author Journal Name Publish Year Citation
Molecular and morphological characterization of Vanilla and Pasak Bumi plants YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 2738 (1), 2023 2023
Analysis of heavy metals concentration from several waters in the region of Central Java and the use of Chlorella vulgaris as the potential bioremediatory agent YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 2738 (1), 2023 2023
Bacterial diversity and physicochemical profiles in Pekalongan waters, Indonesia YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si AIP Conference Proceedings 2738 (1), 2023 2023
Deteksi Molekuler Bakteri Patogen pada Makanan Fermentasi Tempe Dage berdasarkan marka gen 16S rRNA YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Agropross: National Conference Proceedings of Agriculture, 591-598, 2023 2023
The Ability of Secondary Metabolites from Actinomadura sp.as COVID-19 Protease Inhibitor: In Silico Method YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Biotropic : The Journal of Tropical Biology 7 (2023), 25-34, 2023 2023
Relationship Between Phylogenetic of Apium and Foeniculum Plants from Central Java, Indonesia, and Their Secondary Metabolites Potency against COVID-19 Protease YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (A), 1234-1241, 2022 2022
Identification and screening of enzymatic abilities of Ktedonobacteria from forest soil of Cisolok Geothermal Area, Indonesia YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (9), 2022 2022
Isolation, antibacterial activity, and molecular identification of endophytic fungi from Pogostemon cablin YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012066, 2021 2021 4
Isolation and identification of rare actinomycete-like bacteria from soil-based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524 (1), 012062, 2020 2020 1
Sertifikat Paten IDS000001765 Proses Identifikasi Respon Kekeringan Padi Rojolele dan Menthik Wangi YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si 2018
The characterization of Citrus sp. from Parang Island Karimunjawa based on morphological, DNA barcoding and nutritional analysis YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 10 (3), 26-38, 2018 2018 9
Proses Identifikasi Respon Kekeringan Padi Rojolele, Menthik Wangi, Jatiluhur, Singkarak Berdasarkan Tinggi Tanaman dan Viabilitas Gabah Menggunakan PEG YURIZA ESHANANDA, S.Si, M.Si Undip, 0