Data Google Scholar
Showing 34,801-34,820 of 34,873 items.
Title | Nama | # |
The Effect Of Marketing Capability, Entrepreunial Orientation And Marketing Orientation On Product Competitive Advantage And Marketing Performance (Study On Culinary SMESÂ … | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
The Influence Of Online Communities And Social Media E-Wom On Purchase Intention With Brand Trust As A Mediation Variable (Study Of Ion88 Food Stalls On Autobase Twitter … | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Business Development of Cardamom in Karanglewas Village | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
The Power of Transformative Relational Marketing of Batik MSMEs in Banyumas and Purbalingga Regencies | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Determinants Of Student’s Satisfaction On Higher Education Institution In Purwokerto | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Holistic Model Antesenden Orientasi Pasar dan Brand terhadap Kinerja Resort Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
The Impact Of Financial Literacy On Financial Well?Being Of Coffee Farmers In Central Java Indonesia | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Digipreneurship Concept for Enhancing SMEs Performance on Post Pandemic Covid-19 | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Analisis Push-Pull Factor dalam Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Petualangan | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
The Effect of Financial Literacy, Monthly Income, Financial Behavior on The Financial Welfare of Coffee Farmers In Banjarnegara District | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Pencapaian Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Melalui Strategi Pengembangan Soft Skill Di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Pengaruh Perceived Value Dan Kepuasan Pada Loyalitas Pengguna Kartu Seluler Di Kota Purwokerto Dengan Variabel Variety Seeking Sebagai Variabel Moderasi | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Behavioral Approach on Public Sector Management | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
Factors influencing brand switching behavior: Role of variety seeking need as moderator variable | ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBA | Detil |
The affinity of mangrove species using Association and Cluster Index in North Coast of Jakarta and Segara Anakan of Cilacap, Indonesia. | SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.Si | Detil |
Tannins in mangrove plants in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java, Indonesia. | SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.Si | Detil |
Analisis Kualitas Air Daerah Irigasi Pendil dan Watupala Desa Kutaliman, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Metode STORET dan NSF-WQI | SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.Si | Detil |
Proyeksi Rancangan Undang-Undang Perampasan Aset Merespon Asset Recovery Bagi Korban Penipuan Investasi: Projection of Asset Forfeiture Draft Law in Response to Asset Recovery … | DWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.H | Detil |
Penanganan Kejahatan Ekologis Sebagai Keadilan Terhadap Lingkungan Dalam Perspektif Green Victimology | DWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.H | Detil |
The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution | DWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.H | Detil |