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Showing 34,801-34,820 of 34,873 items.
The Effect Of Marketing Capability, Entrepreunial Orientation And Marketing Orientation On Product Competitive Advantage And Marketing Performance (Study On Culinary SMES …ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
The Influence Of Online Communities And Social Media E-Wom On Purchase Intention With Brand Trust As A Mediation Variable (Study Of Ion88 Food Stalls On Autobase Twitter …ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Business Development of Cardamom in Karanglewas VillageALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
The Power of Transformative Relational Marketing of Batik MSMEs in Banyumas and Purbalingga RegenciesALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Determinants Of Student’s Satisfaction On Higher Education Institution In PurwokertoALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Holistic Model Antesenden Orientasi Pasar dan Brand terhadap Kinerja Resort Pasca Pandemi Covid-19ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
The Impact Of Financial Literacy On Financial Well?Being Of Coffee Farmers In Central Java IndonesiaALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Digipreneurship Concept for Enhancing SMEs Performance on Post Pandemic Covid-19ALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Analisis Push-Pull Factor dalam Pengelolaan Objek Wisata PetualanganALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
The Effect of Financial Literacy, Monthly Income, Financial Behavior on The Financial Welfare of Coffee Farmers In Banjarnegara DistrictALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Pencapaian Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Melalui Strategi Pengembangan Soft Skill Di Universitas Jenderal SoedirmanALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Pengaruh Perceived Value Dan Kepuasan Pada Loyalitas Pengguna Kartu Seluler Di Kota Purwokerto Dengan Variabel Variety Seeking Sebagai Variabel ModerasiALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Behavioral Approach on Public Sector ManagementALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
Factors influencing brand switching behavior: Role of variety seeking need as moderator variableALISA TRI NAWARINI, MBADetil
The affinity of mangrove species using Association and Cluster Index in North Coast of Jakarta and Segara Anakan of Cilacap, Indonesia.SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.SiDetil
Tannins in mangrove plants in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java, Indonesia.SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.SiDetil
Analisis Kualitas Air Daerah Irigasi Pendil dan Watupala Desa Kutaliman, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Metode STORET dan NSF-WQISESILIA RANI SAMUDRA, S.Pi, M.SiDetil
Proyeksi Rancangan Undang-Undang Perampasan Aset Merespon Asset Recovery Bagi Korban Penipuan Investasi: Projection of Asset Forfeiture Draft Law in Response to Asset Recovery …DWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.HDetil
Penanganan Kejahatan Ekologis Sebagai Keadilan Terhadap Lingkungan Dalam Perspektif Green VictimologyDWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.HDetil
The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and ProsecutionDWIKI OKTOBRIAN, S.H., M.H, M.HDetil