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Showing 30,121-30,140 of 30,240 items.
Secondary metabolites of the granular form of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 and its applications to control tomato bacterial wilt.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Application of secondary metabolites from three isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens to control anthracnose on cocoa leaves.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Aplikasi Metabolit Sekunder Trichoderma harzianum T10 dalam Formula Tablet Larut-air terhadap Penyakit Rebah Semai MentimunIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Effect of pre-and postharvest treatments with salicylic acid on physicochemical properties of pineapple cv. MD2.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
The effect of light distance on aeroponic potato seed production in the tropical high land.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Remediation of chlorpyrifos-contaminated soils by crude secondary metabolites of Trichoderma harzianum T213 and its effect on maize growth.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
The use of alternative liquid media for propagation of pathogenic fungi and their effect on weeds.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Histopathology of red chilli fruit (Capsicum annuum) infected with Colletotrichum acutatum of Java, Indonesia isolates.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Vegetable waste decomposition using four Trichoderma harzianum isolates and its effect on in planta cucumber growth.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Eksplorasi dan Uji Virulensi Jamur Patogen Gulma Daun Sempit di Pertanaman Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum L.)Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Phytobioremediation of cadmium-contaminated soil using combination of Ipomoea reptans Poir and Trichoderma sp. and its effect on spinach growth and yield.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Perkembangan penyakit diplodia pada tiga isolat Botryodiplodia theobromae Path dan peran toksin dalam menekan penyakit pada jeruk (Citrus spp.)Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Pemanfaatan empat isolat Trichoderma sp. untuk mengendalikan penyakit akar gada pada tanaman caisin The utilization of four Trichoderma sp. isolates for controlling clubroot …Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Biopesticides: Impact to the environment and farmer's incomeIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Application of liquid formula Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 to suppress red chili Virus diseaseIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Perakitan Biopestisida Trichoderma sebagai Agensia Hayati Penyakit Tanaman untuk Meningkatkan Produksi TanamanIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Kajian Beberapa Medium Penyerap KMnO 4 dan Suhu Terhadap Penyakit Antraknosa pada Pisang Kultivar Susu Lepas Panen Kemasan Plastik PolietilenIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Induced resistance of banana seedlings to Fusarium wilt with antagonistic bacterial extract.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Commercial potential of biofertilizers and biofungicides (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture in Asia and the scope of Asian PGPR Society.Ir LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil
Antagonistic mechanisms study of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in VivoIr LOEKAS SOESANTO, M.S, Ph. DDetil