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Showing 24,981-25,000 of 30,024 items.
Millenarianism and Islamic ResurgenceDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
ISLAMIC PIETY AND RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE: Religion and Politics in an Indonesian Provincial TownDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Kajian Implementasi Undang-Undang Desa di Kabupaten PurbalinggaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
EKONOMI POLITIK INTERNASIONAL: Analisis Struktural tentang Asal-usul dan Perkembangan Struktur KeuanganDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
THE POLITICS OF CONTENDING PIETY: Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Movement and the Struggle for Islamic Activism in Contemporary IndonesiaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Spirituality and Global E-Sufism in the Contemporary EraDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Islam and the Making of Economic Habitus: Sufism, Market Culture and the Muslim Business Community in Banyumas, Central JavaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
IDENTITY, RELIGIOUS PIETY AND POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT: Understanding Transnational Sufi Order as a New Social MovementDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
VERSI KECIL DARI KISAH SEBUAH KOTA: Purwokerto, Dulu dan KiniDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Jilbab dan Dekonstruksi Kemolekan Tubuh: Asketisme, Disiplin Diri dan Perlawanan Perempuan SufiDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Structural Power: Gagasan Susan Strange tentang Ekonomi Politik InternasionalDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
The Role of State and Capital in Economic Development: The Changes in Economic Policy and Decline of the New Order RegimeDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
AGAMA DAN BUDAYA POLITIK: Sufisme dan Habitus Politik Masyarakat BanyumasDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
SOKARAJA HAS MANY SANTRI: Sufism, Market Culture, and the Muslim Business Community in Banyumas, Central JavaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
[Re]-Interpreting Javanese Society: Cultural Determinism and Political EconomyDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Koalisi Parpol dalam Pilkada Banyumas 2008: Dari Ideologi ke Pragmatisme PolitikDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
The Political Economy of Local Shariah-isation: Analysing the Changing Relationship between State and Capital in Post-New Order IndonesiaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Bisnis dan Politik: Analisis Ekonomi Politik Peran Pemda dalam Pengembangan Koperasi Batik Banyumas (PERBAIN)Doctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Gerakan Politik Penegakan Syariat Islam: Studi tentang Pemikiran dan Perjuangan Politik Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Wilayah BanyumasDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil
Globalisasi dan Demokratisasi: Dominasi Modal Internasional, Konflik Komunal and Agenda Pelembagaan Politik di IndonesiaDoctor of Philosophy LUTHFI MAKHASIN, S.IP, Ph DDetil