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Showing 23,701-23,720 of 30,028 items.
Analisis Pengaruh Corporate Governance dan Fraud terhadap Pemilihan AuditorDr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
The influence of profitability, leverage, firm size and capital intensity towards tax avoidanceDr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
Analysis of the Factors Influence Intellectual Capital Disclosure (Empirical Study on Property and Real Estate Company Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange on...Dr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
The Influence of Audit Opinion, Follow Up Audit Recommendations, and Corruption Perceptions Index Toward Financial Performance of Local Government (Empiric...Dr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
The Influence of Audit Opinion, Follow Up Audit Recommendations, and Corruption Perceptions Index Toward Financial Performance of Local Government (Empirical Study of the …Dr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
The Influence of Audit Opinion, Follow Up Audit Recommendations, and Corruption Perceptions Index Toward Financial Performance of Local Government (Empirical Study of the …Dr BAMBANG SETYOBUDI IRIANTO, S.E., M.SiDetil
PlasmaHub: Aplikasi Donor Plasma Konvalesen Berbasis Web Pengolah Informasi guna Memudahkan Pemetaan Pendonoran di Jawa TimurDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Pengembangan Sistem E-Lapor untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengelolaan Data Perumahan, Prasarana, Sarana dan Utilitas (PSU) di Kabupaten SidoarjoDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
A stance dataset with aspect-based sentiment information from Indonesian COVID-19 vaccination-related tweetsDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Jaringan Komunitas Berbasis Similaritas Topik Bahasan dan Emosi untuk Mengidentifikasi Perilaku Pengguna TwitterDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Asset Monitoring of Water Meters Using Integration of GIS and Low-Cost GNSSDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Integration of Android-Based Survey Application Using Low-Cost GNSS F9R And WebGIS for Real-Time Monitoring of Water Meter AssetDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
QR Code Edukatif sebagai Media Belajar Terintegrasi untuk Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati Bambu di Kawasan Ekowisata Boonpring, Kabupaten MalangDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Determinants of Batik Artisans’ IncomeDra DIJAN RAHAJUNI, M.SiDetil
Optimized One-Dimension Convolutional Neural Network for Seizure Classification from EEG Signal based on Whale Optimization AlgorithmDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Feature Extraction in Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification for Dangerous Speech Identification on Twitter TextsDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Legal Protection for the Victims of Religious Hate Speech on the InternetDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Spatiotemporal analysis for COVID-19 delta variant using GIS-based air parameter and spatial modelingDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil
Violence Culture by State and Peoples in Solving Indonesian Humanities IssuesDr AGUS RAHARJO, S.H., M.HumDetil