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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
17211101197108101998021001AGUS RAHARJO598071647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe correlation between gender, educational level & income rate level to taxpayers’ complianceno-Q Journal00Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on In20150
17221100197107021998022001ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH606869447FAKULTAS HUKUMIndonesian ocean policy: Paradigm shift in strengthening ocean governance<sup>?</sup>Q3 Journal25Journal of East Asia and International Law20200
17231100197107021998022001ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH606869447FAKULTAS HUKUMLaw and justice for the oceans: Study on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and related crimesQ4 Journal14E3S Web of Conferences20181
17241100197107021998022001ARYUNI YULIANTININGSIH606869447FAKULTAS HUKUMFrom illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing to transnational organised crime in fishery from an Indonesian perspectiveQ3 Journal14Journal of East Asia and International Law20183
1725905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMExtensive listening for teaching english to young EFL learners: The views of Asian EYL teachersQ1 Journal03Journal of Asia TEFL20210
1726905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe Role of Social Capital in Promoting Sustainable Rural Development Area in Banyumas RegencyQ4 Journal05IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
1727905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMTechnology for Extensive Listening Practice: EFL Teachers' Preferences and ViewsQ3 Journal02ACM International Conference Proceeding Series20203
1728905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMDemocratic state of law in a post-colonialism state: An analysis of the identity of Indonesian and Malaysian constitutionno-Q Journal06Journal of Critical Reviews20200
1729905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMEFL teachers’ experiences in developing L2 proficiency through extensive listeningQ4 Journal03Teflin Journal20193
1730905196411151990021001KADAR PAMUJI612872647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe Urgency of Inter-Village Cooperation in Developing Village Potentials to Support Tourism in Baturraden District, Banyumas Resident, IndonesiaQ4 Journal04IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
1731928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe vehicle type effect to the mixed traffic flow performance (case of study: Soleh Iskandar road, Bogor, Indonesia)Q4 Journal03IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
1732928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMServer Electricity and Temperature Monitoring by Using Access Point, Lm 35 Censor and Java Programming Language to Check Electricity ParameterQ4 Journal04Journal of Physics: Conference Series20210
1733928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe implementation of Copenhagen Accord in the greenhouse gas emission reduction in Indonesia: A case study of the province of South SulawesiQ4 Journal05IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
1734928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMReview of enzyme-induced calcite precipitation as a ground-improvement techniqueQ2 Journal05Infrastructures202017
1735928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMContruction of authority the constitutional court to dissolution of mass organization in IndonesiaQ4 Journal02International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology20200
1736928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMDemocratic state of law in a post-colonialism state: An analysis of the identity of Indonesian and Malaysian constitutionno-Q Journal06Journal of Critical Reviews20200
1737928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMConstitutionalism in a post-colonialism state: Socio-cultural and historical perspective of Indonesian constitution identityQ4 Journal03Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermeneutica e Teoria do Direito20191
1738928196505201990031003MUHAMMAD FAUZAN606876647FAKULTAS HUKUMDeveloping Automatic Water Table Control System for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Paddy FieldsQ4 Journal05IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20182
17392940198907112015042004NURANI AJENG TRI UTAMI615080647FAKULTAS HUKUMLaw Enforcement of Environmental Pollution and DamageQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
17401428198008122005011002RAHADI WASI BINTORO600719347FAKULTAS HUKUMHarmonization of regulation in water territorial management becoming a fair economic benefit distribution towards regional autonomyQ4 Journal34E3S Web of Conferences20188