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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
17011257197012292003122001WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH600101144FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISThe role of social media browsing intention for behavioral outcomes of young consumersQ4 Journal33Market-Trziste201711
17021257197012292003122001WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH600101144FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISCo-opetition to promote growth of batik small and medium enterprisesQ3 Journal22International Journal of Business and Society20169
17031257197012292003122001WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH600101144FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISGreen supply chain management and its impact on construction sector Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) performance: A case of IndonesiaQ4 Journal14International Business Management201510
17041257197012292003122001WIWIEK RABIATUL ADAWIYAH600101144FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISImpression management tactics, work related behavior and perceived individual performance of sales clerks: A case of IndonesiaQ4 Journal11International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research20157
17051960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISMapping innovation in Indonesian cooperative: Priorities, obstacles and challenges to surviveQ3 Journal22International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies20210
17061960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISCarbon emission disclosure: Does it matterQ4 Journal00IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20182
17071960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISState ownership, agency conflict and effective tax rates: Evidence from Chinano-Q Journal22Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition20160
17081960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISPolitical connections, state owned enterprises and tax avoidance: An evidence from Indonesiano-Q Journal12Corporate Ownership and Control20161
17091960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISInstitutional theory for explaining corruption: An empirical study on public sector organizations in china and IndonesiaQ4 Journal12Corporate Ownership and Control20152
17101960198304142009121004YUDHA ARYO SUDIBYO599885244FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNISHuman rights disclosure practices. Does ownership matter? (evidence from Indonesia)Q4 Journal24Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition20151
1711509196003251986011001ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN606877047FAKULTAS HUKUMIncreasing the Development of Environmental-Based Regional Economy: Build and Save the Nation's FutureQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
1712509196003251986011001ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN606877047FAKULTAS HUKUMThe Use of Information Technology among Journalists in Madura: WhatsApp applicationsQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
1713509196003251986011001ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN606877047FAKULTAS HUKUMThe Urgency of Inter-Village Cooperation in Developing Village Potentials to Support Tourism in Baturraden District, Banyumas Resident, IndonesiaQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
17141059196707111995121001ADE MAMAN SUHERMAN606872647FAKULTAS HUKUMIndonesian ocean policy: Paradigm shift in strengthening ocean governance<sup>?</sup>Q3 Journal05Journal of East Asia and International Law20200
17151059196707111995121001ADE MAMAN SUHERMAN606872647FAKULTAS HUKUMLaw and justice for the oceans: Study on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and related crimesQ4 Journal04E3S Web of Conferences20181
17161059196707111995121001ADE MAMAN SUHERMAN606872647FAKULTAS HUKUMFrom illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing to transnational organised crime in fishery from an Indonesian perspectiveQ3 Journal04Journal of East Asia and International Law20183
17171101197108101998021001AGUS RAHARJO598071647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe influence of technology determinism in forming criminal act of legislationQ4 Journal13E3S Web of Conferences201811
17181101197108101998021001AGUS RAHARJO598071647FAKULTAS HUKUMThe sinking ship policy to the perpetrator of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in criminal law perspectiveQ4 Journal14E3S Web of Conferences201814
17191101197108101998021001AGUS RAHARJO598071647FAKULTAS HUKUMHarmonization of regulation in water territorial management becoming a fair economic benefit distribution towards regional autonomyQ4 Journal24E3S Web of Conferences20188
17201101197108101998021001AGUS RAHARJO598071647FAKULTAS HUKUMCorporate criminal liability towards the doer of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in IndonesiaQ4 Journal23E3S Web of Conferences20180