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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
37612454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANCoating Rate of Round Nucleus in Mantle Transplantation of Freshwater Pearl Mussel margaritifera Sp. to Anodonta woodianaQ4 Journal45IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
37622454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANEffect of eyestalk-ablation and differences salinity in rearing pond on molting speed of Scylla serrataQ4 Journal34AIP Conference Proceedings20192
37632454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe accumulation of heavy metals kadmium (cd) in water, sediments and aquaculture biota which contaminated by batik waste in mulyorejo village pekalonganQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20192
37642454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANDNA Barcoding for mangrove identificationQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
37652454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe effect of endosulfan (insecticide) on expression of vitelogenin gene in female silver sharkminnow (Osteochilus hasseltii C. V.)Q4 Journal58IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
37662454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSpirulina platensis diet for milkfish, chanos chanos, larvaeQ3 Journal57Biotropia20191
37672454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANMolecular Identification and Genetic Diversity of Thalassia hemprichii Through DNA Barcoding Using Internal Transcribed Spacer gene (ITS) from Awur Bay Jepara, IndonesiaQ4 Journal24IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
37682454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANGenetic mutation in mangrove Acanthus ilifolicius base on DNA Barcode (rbcL and matK gen) in the different environment change in coastal Cilacap, Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal15E3S Web of Conferences20183
37692454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANNursery I: The effect of stocking density on the performance of glass eels, Anguilla bicolor in the biofloc systemQ4 Journal55E3S Web of Conferences20181
37702454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANGrowth performance of catfish (Clarias gariepenus) cultured of high density with biofloc systemQ4 Journal55E3S Web of Conferences20182
37712454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANA lipid-walled microcapsule diet as co-feed for early feeding the osphronemus gourami (Lacepede) larvaeQ3 Journal67Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences20185
37722454198510262019031004R. TAUFAN HARISAM5999648280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANBiodiversity of algae potentially HABS (Harmfull Algae Blooms) in reservoir Mrica, BanjarnegaraQ4 Journal77E3S Web of Conferences20183
377329699198709182019032013SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA6712651280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANPollution level of Banjaran River, Banyumas District, Indonesia: A study based on the Saprobic Index of periphytic microalgaeQ3 Journal14Biodiversitas20220
377429699198709182019032013SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA6712651280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANTannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesiaQ3 Journal910Biodiversitas20211
377529699198709182019032013SESILIA RANI SAMUDRA6712651280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANThe affinity of mangrove species using association and cluster index in north coast of jakarta and segara anakan of cilacap, indonesiaQ3 Journal66Biodiversitas20214
3776567196102051986032001SRI MARNANI6026477280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANTofu wastewater industry with urea fertilizer as a cultivation medium for the microalga Spirulina plantensisQ4 Journal57IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
3777567196102051986032001SRI MARNANI6026477280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANSpirulina platensis diet for milkfish, chanos chanos, larvaeQ3 Journal37Biotropia20191
3778567196102051986032001SRI MARNANI6026477280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANAcute effects of crude oilfor three common mangrove seedling in segara anakan nature reserve (sanr) cilacap, IndonesiaQ4 Journal57E3S Web of Conferences20181
37791230197509172002121003TAUFIK BUDHI PRAMONO6143078280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANGrowth performance of catfish (Clarias gariepenus) cultured of high density with biofloc systemQ4 Journal35E3S Web of Conferences20182
37801230197509172002121003TAUFIK BUDHI PRAMONO6143078280FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTANInteraction of oceanography patterns towards the abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in teluk penyu waters of CilacapQ4 Journal36E3S Web of Conferences20181