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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
236130383199008192019031016TIRTA WARDANA669978350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANTranscriptome profile of next generation sequence data related to inflammation on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cases in IndonesiaQ2 Journal012Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention20204
236230383199008192019031016TIRTA WARDANA669978350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANUpregulation of circulating MiR-21 expression as a potential biomarker for therapeutic monitoring and clinical outcome in breast cancerQ2 Journal010Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention201916
236330383199008192019031016TIRTA WARDANA669978350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe expression of mir-21 and mir-29c in blood plasma of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient post-chemoradiotherapyno-Q Journal06Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development20192
236430383199008192019031016TIRTA WARDANA669978350FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANExpression of micro RNA-21 and 29c in blood plasma of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinomaQ3 Journal07Journal of Medical Sciences (Faisalabad)20171
23651214197708202001122001TUTIK IDA ROSANTI608603950FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANBancroftian filariasis transmission parameters after the fifth year of filiariasis mass drug administration in Pekalongan cityno-Q Journal13Kesmas20171
23661214197708202001122001TUTIK IDA ROSANTI608603950FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANBrightness and contrast modification in ultrasonography images using edge detection resultsQ3 Journal00Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)201614
23671214197708202001122001TUTIK IDA ROSANTI608603950FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANSeparability filter for localizing abnormal pupil: Identification of input imageQ3 Journal00Telkomnika20139
23681879198004032008122002VITASARI INDRIANI669268550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPotential of Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) for Detecting Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular CarcinomaQ2 Journal00Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention20220
23691879198004032008122002VITASARI INDRIANI669268550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANThe hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) roots ethanol extract administration in subchronic doseQ4 Journal45Molekul20210
23701879198004032008122002VITASARI INDRIANI669268550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANHaematological response of catfish mystus singaringan exposed to captive conditionQ4 Journal99Indian Veterinary Journal20200
23711879198004032008122002VITASARI INDRIANI669268550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANMentzer Index Diagnostic Value in Predicting Thalassemia DiagnosisQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
23721879198004032008122002VITASARI INDRIANI669268550FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANAssociation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and anemia parameters in elderly with anemia of inflammation and non-inflammationQ3 Journal13Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science20181
23732326198509262019032011VIVA RATIH BENING ATI669274050FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANProtective effect of ethanol extract of celery (Apium graveolens L) on kidney damage in ischemia/ reperfusion injury rats modelQ4 Journal36Molekul20191
23741115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPreliminary process in blast cell morphology identification based on image segmentation methodsQ2 Journal55International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering20201
23751115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANUnsupervised Method for Calculating Diameter and Number of Leukocyte CellsQ4 Journal44IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20201
23761115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANCd60 (GTG?>?GAG)/Hb Cagliari mutation was found in scanning of ?-thalassemia alleles from patients of East Kalimantan, IndonesiaQ3 Journal23Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports20202
23771115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANProfile of Biofilm-Producing Staphylococcus epidermidis from intravenous catheter colonisation at Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital PurwokertoQ3 Journal23Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy20190
23781115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANCharacteristics identification of myeloblast cell using K-means clustering for uncontrolled imagesno-Q Journal44International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing20194
23791115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPurwoceng Roots Ethanol Extract Make no Improvement in Leydig Cells Activity to Male White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation (Psd) Stress ModelsQ4 Journal25IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
23801115197101221999032001VM. WAHYU SISWANDARI614354650FAKULTAS KEDOKTERANNo acute toxicity tests of purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan molk.) ethanolic extract on male albino rat by determined hepatorenal function test and histopathologyQ4 Journal45Molekul20191