
Biodata SIHURA
Profil Peneliti
Sinta ID
GScholar ID
Scopus ID
SCORE Overall 360
SCORE Overall 3 Years 156
Affil Score 360
Affil Score 3 Years
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 1-8 of 8 items.
Artikel SCOPUS
JudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
Effect of organic fertilizer and application of charcoal on quality of potato tuber variety atlanticQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
Assessing saturated hydraulic conductivity from the dielectrically-predicted dry bulk densityQ3 Journal14Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal20200
Dynamics of soil physical and chemical properties within horizontal ridges-organic fertilizer applied potato landQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20194
Color-based analysis for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese orange (citrus nobilis) during storage in room and cold temperatureQ4 Journal37IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
Spatial distribution of soil water content in potato horizontal-ridge profile under various ridge dimensionsQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
Biomass Development in SRI Field under Unmaintained Alternate Wetting-Drying IrrigationQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20183
Nitrogen uptake of SRI paddy field compare to conventional fieldQ3 Journal33Jurnal Teknologi20164
Spatial variability of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in paddy field in accordance to subsurface percolationQ2 Journal14Paddy and Water Environment20105