Survival rate, growth and chemical content of dendronereis pinnaticirris (Polychaeta, Nereidae) in maintenance with different feeds and substrates | no-Q Journal | 3 | 4 | Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2020 | 1 |
Development of an environment-friendly feeding management for pond-reared fish species in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia | Q3 Journal | 2 | 2 | Regional Environmental Change | 2009 | 1 |
Genetics identification of sea holly (Acanthus dicifolius) through DNA barcoding from coastal Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia | Q3 Journal | 6 | 6 | Biotropia | 2020 | 0 |
Identification and expression of gonadotrophin hormones in Gouramy (Osphronemous gouramy, lacepède, 1801) under photoperiod manipulations | Q3 Journal | 3 | 4 | Biodiversitas | 2020 | 0 |
Spirulina platensis diet for milkfish, chanos chanos, larvae | Q3 Journal | 1 | 7 | Biotropia | 2019 | 1 |
Effects of photoperiods on the cloned gth genes in hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii) | Q3 Journal | 4 | 5 | Biotropia | 2019 | 0 |
Molecular cloning of vitellogenin gene in the hard-lipped barb (Osteochillus hasseltii C.V) and the effect of photoperiods on gene expression | Q3 Journal | 3 | 4 | Biotropia | 2018 | 3 |
A lipid-walled microcapsule diet as co-feed for early feeding the osphronemus gourami (Lacepede) larvae | Q3 Journal | 1 | 7 | Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences | 2018 | 5 |
The disruptive effect mercurychloride (HgCl) on gene expression of cGnRH-II, sGnRH, and estradiol level in silver sharkminnow (osteochillus hasseltii C.V.) | Q3 Journal | 3 | 3 | Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2016 | 13 |
Potential of using tropical brown macroalgae sargassum cristaefolium meal in the diets for juvenile white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) | Q4 Journal | 2 | 6 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018 | 6 |
Triple helix as an empowerment strategy for labor fishermen: A proposed model through action research study | Q4 Journal | 5 | 6 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2021 | 1 |
Tofu wastewater industry with urea fertilizer as a cultivation medium for the microalga Spirulina plantensis | Q4 Journal | 3 | 7 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2021 | 1 |
Identification and Expression of vitellogenin gene in the Gouramy (Osphronemous Gourammy) under photoperiods manipulation | Q4 Journal | 3 | 6 | E3S Web of Conferences | 2018 | 2 |
Nursery I: The effect of stocking density on the performance of glass eels, Anguilla bicolor in the biofloc system | Q4 Journal | 1 | 5 | E3S Web of Conferences | 2018 | 1 |
DNA Barcoding for mangrove identification | Q4 Journal | 4 | 5 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2019 | 1 |
Effect of eyestalk-ablation and differences salinity in rearing pond on molting speed of Scylla serrata | Q4 Journal | 1 | 4 | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2019 | 2 |
Coating Rate of Round Nucleus in Mantle Transplantation of Freshwater Pearl Mussel margaritifera Sp. to Anodonta woodiana | Q4 Journal | 1 | 5 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2019 | 0 |
Identification and expression of two types of chicken GnRH-II genes in mature hard-lipped barb, osteochilus hasselti | Q4 Journal | 4 | 4 | Biodiversitas | 2016 | 9 |