
Biodata SIHURA
Profil Peneliti
Sinta ID
GScholar ID
Scopus ID
SCORE Overall 360
SCORE Overall 3 Years 156
Affil Score 360
Affil Score 3 Years
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 1-8 of 8 items.
Artikel SCOPUS
JudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
Color-based analysis for non-destructive quality evaluation of siamese orange (citrus nobilis) during storage in room and cold temperatureQ4 Journal37IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
Spatial distribution of soil water content in potato horizontal-ridge profile under various ridge dimensionsQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20190
Spatial variability of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in paddy field in accordance to subsurface percolationQ2 Journal14Paddy and Water Environment20105
Assessing saturated hydraulic conductivity from the dielectrically-predicted dry bulk densityQ3 Journal14Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal20200
Biomass Development in SRI Field under Unmaintained Alternate Wetting-Drying IrrigationQ4 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20183
Effect of organic fertilizer and application of charcoal on quality of potato tuber variety atlanticQ4 Journal23IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20211
Nitrogen uptake of SRI paddy field compare to conventional fieldQ3 Journal33Jurnal Teknologi20164
Dynamics of soil physical and chemical properties within horizontal ridges-organic fertilizer applied potato landQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20194