
Biodata SIHURA
Profil Peneliti
Sinta ID
GScholar ID
Scopus ID
SCORE Overall 811
SCORE Overall 3 Years 460
Affil Score 811
Affil Score 3 Years
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 21-31 of 31 items.
Artikel SCOPUS
JudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
Model of rice farm insurance to reduce losses due to harvest failureno-Q Journal13International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering20192
Solutions to non-linear diophantine equation (5<sup>k</sup>-1)<sup>x</sup> + (5<sup>k</sup>)<sup>y</sup> = z<sup>2</sup> with k is positive even integerno-Q Journal33International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering20190
On the Javanese Ethnoastronomy: Time Dimension on the Calendrical Inscriptions on Majapahit Era until NowQ4 Journal14Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
The Solution for the Non linear Diophantine Equation (7<sup>k</sup> -1)<sup>x</sup> +(7<sup>k</sup>)<sup>y</sup> = z <sup>2</sup> with k as the positive even whole numberQ4 Journal44Journal of Physics: Conference Series20191
Carrying Javanese Local Wisdom in Mathematical ModelQ4 Journal14Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
Solution to Non-Linear Exponential Diophantine Equation 13<sup>x</sup> + 31<sup>y</sup> = z <sup>2</sup>Q4 Journal33Journal of Physics: Conference Series20190
Nonlinear Diophantine equation 11<sup>x</sup> +13<sup>y</sup> = z <sup>2</sup>Q3 Journal34IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering20182
Mathematical model for determining of Wuku Name in Javanese culture in IndonesiaQ4 Journal14Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences20173
The bivariate central t distribution and its applicationsno-Q Journal34Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences20170
Suryasengkala lamba: The Indonesia-Javanese chronogramno-Q Journal13Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics20160
Applications of number bases in Javanese community life (Applicatons of tally system and number bases on trading, building constructions, and monetary/currency)Q3 Journal23Applied Mathematical Sciences20141