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SCORE Overall 1386
SCORE Overall 3 Years 337
Affil Score 1346
Affil Score 3 Years
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 1-20 of 35 items.
Artikel SCOPUS
JudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
Genetic population structures of the blue starfish Linckia laevigata and its gastropod ectoparasite Thyca crystallinaQ1 Journal78Marine Ecology Progress Series200938
Historical divergences associated with intermittent land bridges overshadow isolation by larval dispersal in co-distributed species of Tridacna giant clamsQ1 Journal711Journal of Biogeography20189
Genetically continuous populations of Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) in the Cingcingguling River fragmented by Sempor Reservoir, Central Java, IndonesiaQ3 Journal44Biodiversitas20221
Comparative genetic population structure of three endangered giant clams (Cardiidae: Tridacna species) throughout the Indo-West Pacific: Implications for divergence, connectivity and conservationQ2 Journal46Journal of Molluscan Studies201635
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhacophorus margaritifer (Schlegel, 1837) in Baturraden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia Revealed by Based on RAPD MarkerQ4 Journal33Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology20200
Dna barcoding of crustacean larvae in segara anakan, cilacap, central java, indonesia using cytochrome c oxidase geneQ3 Journal33Biodiversitas20203
Molecular characteristics and taxonomic status of morphologically similar barnacles (Amphibalanus) assessed using the cytochrome c oxidase 1 geneQ3 Journal33Biodiversitas20211
PrefaceQ4 Journal37IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
Morphological and molecular characterization of mole crab (Genus: Emerita) in the Cilacap coastlines of Indonesia, with particular focus on genetic diversity of Emerita sp. nov.Q3 Journal24Biodiversitas20220
Phylogeography of Aplocheilus panchax in Indonesia, with special focus on the Bangka Island populationQ3 Journal23Biodiversitas20220
Genetic differentiation of dengue vector Aedes aegypti in the small geographical scale of Banyumas district, Indonesia based on cytochrome oxidase IQ3 Journal23Biodiversitas20212
Distribution pattern of gastropods and physical chemical factors in the kebumen mangrove forest, indonesiaQ3 Journal26AACL Bioflux20210
First report of the parasitic crustacean rhizocephala on female albunea symmysta from indonesiaQ3 Journal23AACL Bioflux20210
The presence of blue panchax (Aplocheilus panchax) in the waters, contaminated by heavy metals, of the abandoned tin mining pits of different ageQ3 Journal23AACL Bioflux20201
Concordance of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers in detecting genetic population structure in the boring giant clam Tridacna crocea across the Indo-Malay ArchipelagoQ2 Journal23Marine Ecology201715
Strong genetic population structure in the boring giant clam, Tridacna crocea, across the Indo-Malay Archipelago: Implications related to evolutionary processes and connectivityQ1 Journal22Molecular Ecology200898
Ornamental marine fish from the southern coast of Cilacap Central JavaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
Molecular identification and phylogenetic relationship among local, Sangkuriang, and African catfish based on rapd markerQ4 Journal13Biotropia20121
Genetic variability of Polymesoda erosa population in the Segara Anakan CilacapQ3 Journal12Biotropia201010
Species diversity and conservation status of marine ornamental fish traded at three market spots in the southern coast of West JavaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210